The departure of the Somerset this morning for New York, Halifax and London'leaves in port seven overseas vessels, of which five are discharging and two loading. The latter are the which sails for Sydney this afternoon, and the'Maui Poniare, which to be dispatched for Nine and Samoa on Tuesday next. Two overseas vessels are due this evening, the Golden Coast from Los Angeles, and the Tasmania from Liverpool. A radio from the Port Napier, en route from New York, states that she expects to arrive here on Sunday. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAJ. Claymore, for Whangarei. 0.40 p.m. Kanna, for Westport, 11.15 p.m. • ' THIS DAY. Somerset, for New York, 7.40 a.m. ARRIVALS.—THIS DAY. Pono.'from Coast, 1.05 a.m.' Herekino, from Portland, 2.25 p.m. , Mahurangi, from'- Portland, 7 a.m. Konaki, from Tauranga, 7 a.m. , t Clansman, from Russell, 10.33 a.m. Toa, from Wliakataue, 1.55 p.m.. VESSELS IN POUT. r H.M.s. Dunedin, in clock (Naval Dept). H.M.s. Philomel,, Devouport iNaval-'lfept.); Iris, in stream (Pacific Cable Board.). Kurow, Prince's Wharf (Union S.S. Co.). City of Lincoln, Queen's Wharf (N.Z.S. Co.). ! Kangitiki, Prince's Wharf (N.Z.S. sCo.). , Karepo, Prince's Wharf '(Union S.S. Co.). Southern Cross, Queens Wharf (Melauesian ' Mission): Maunganui, Queen's Wharf (Union,S.S. Co.) Westmoor, Central Wharf (N.Z:S. Co.). Huia, North Wall (Mr. C. B. Campbell). Coronation, King's Wharf (A. (i. Frank-- • ham). Maul Pomare, King's Wharf (Spcdding, Ltd.). Roseric, King's Wharf (Henderson and Macfarlane). Simiington Court, King's Wharf (N.Z.S. Co.). Piri, in Stream (Mr. C. E. Campbell). Korna, Western Wharf (Watldn an'd Wallis).. Kaponga, in Stream (Union S.S. Co.). WaitOUlO, in stream (Union S.S. ■Co.;. Mako, in stream (Watkin and Willis). Karnwa, in stream (Northern 5.&.C0.). Rewa (barque). In stream. ~ VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Golden Coast, Los Angeles, to-day. Tasmania, Liverpool, to-night. • Port Napier, New York, March 30. . . June, Weutport (loads), March lift,,. Kalingo, Port Stephens, March ijjj,, . Weirbank, Makatua, March 81. V;. Ruapehu, Antwerp, March 31. ' , Port Victor, Opua (loads), April I. ■!""• Plume, San Francisco, April 1. Feriicuu". New Orieuiis, April Z. „ Canadian Explorer, South (loads), April 2. Kia Ora, Antwerp, April S. ElvcriCi Cuba, April 5. Port Fairy, South (loads), April" 7. Taii'oa, Liverpool, April 7., > Port Hardy. London, April 7. •' Maimoa, London. April S. Canadian Transporter, Halifax, April 8.Canadian Commander, Halifax, Ainil 10. Pakelia, South (loads). April 10." City of Winnipeg. New Y.irk. April 14. Nucula San Francisco, April 15. " U'aioiapu. Los'Angeli i>, <ni Papeete, April 2(J Ruahiue, London, April 22. Maimoa, Cardiff, April 22. Huntiiindon: Liveriiuol. .April 22. Golden Cross., Los Angeles, April 27 Port Hobart, South (loads), April 28. City of Christiania, New York, .April 27. Mania, South (loads), May 4. 5 , XlHtaroa, London, via Wellington, May 4. Canadian TransporteV, South iloads). May G. Cambridge. Liverpool, May C. Hertford, South (loads), May :%' Buton. is'ew York, May 10. , ■ > ■■ Tasmania, South (loads), May 14. fort Huon, Liverijool, May 10. Devon, South (loads). May. Wnikawa, Los Augeles; May 20. fiangiiata, London, via Wellington.'May 2C oolden Cloud, Los Angples, M'rfy 27. i'ainui, London , , Mny 20. Connvall, Liverpool, June .'!. ~.- . Hangitane, London, June 11. Norfolk, Australia (loads), June. flnnraki, Los Augeles, June iiA Turakina, Liverpool, July 1. iiotorua, London, July 1-. Westmoreland, .Liverpool,- Jul;, 4 14. Wairuua, Los Angeles, July lty Corintliic, London, via Wellington, Aug. 4 Middlesex, Liverpool, August 15. Waiotapu, Los Angeles, August 19. lonic London, August 2b. , Hertford, Liverpool, August 2G. Waikawa, Los Angeles, September 8. Kuahine, London via Wellington, Sep. 10.
SOMERSET SAILED. The Federal steamer Somerset sailed this morning for New York, . .Halifax and London. i v ItEMUERA DELAYED. The departure oi' the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Kemuera fvom Wellington for Southampton and Lonjlon, lias been postponed to daybroak on April 'J.., PORT VICTOR LOADS. The Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Victor, kit Wangariui at 11 p.m. yesterday ior Upua and /Auckland to continue Homeward loading, fc She is due here next Tuesday. AORANGI AT VANCOUVER. From Syduey, via Auckland', Suva and Honolulu, the Union Company's R.M.m.s. Aorangi is due at Vancouver this morning. She leaves there again next Wednesday, arriving at Auckland on April 20, and at Sydney on April 25. f RUAPEHU FROM ANTWERP. According to her wireless repoVt, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruapehu, with basic slag from Antwerp, will arrive at Auckland at noon on Monday. TASMANIA DUE 7 P.M. A further radio from the ' N.Z. Shipping Co.'s steamer Tasmania Myites that she expects to arrive at Auekland from Liverpool at T-p.m. to-(iay. She will'discharge locaL cargo at the uuecitfs wharf. TOKVA'S MOVEMENTS. In continual .i of her voyage from Auckland, the ' Ln.on Company's v passenger steamer Tofua i» to leave Suva at 4 p.m. to-day for Tonga and Samoa. Thence she , is due back at Auekland, via Suva, on April 14. " PORT NAPIER REPORTS. , The Farmers' Auctioneering. Co. have received a radio from the C. and D. Line steamer Port Napier stating that she expects to arrive at Auckland l from New I'ork at C p.m. on Sunday. v. She has general cargo fdr discharge h(?re and at Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin. WITHIN WIRELESS RiNGE, The following vessels are expected to be within range of the Aueklan'd wireless station to-night:— Blveric, Golden Coast, •Tune Kalingo, Kin. Ora, Largo Law, Maunga- ■ nul, 'Niagara. Plume, Port Napier, Port Victor, Port Wellington, Rio Dorado, Ruiipehu. Somerset, Tasmania, Titanian, Tofua, Tutanekai, Weirbank, WMscox. ROSEEIC DISCHARGING. Arriving from Nauru last evening, :the motor ship Roseric berthed at the King's wharf to discharge the local psiiion of her cargo of phosphate to the agjricy of Henderson and Micfarhuie, i'.id. The remainder is for Wanganui: Tho Iloscric brought the following .passengers from Ocean Island :—Mr. and Mrs. , 11. ti. Maynard, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, aba Mi , . A. Armstrong. GOLDEN COAST ARRIVES. Up to 1 p.m. Tiri hurt not sighted the 0. and 0. Line steamer Golden CY/ast, which is due at Auckland from Los Afigeles this afternoon'. -She has lumber, case oil and general cargo, of which the local portion will be discharged at the Primes wharf, to the agpney of Henderson and Macfarlane, Ltd. ■. The remainder is for Wellington. Lyttelton and Dunedin. . ; ;. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Projected departures. ! Today.—Hauitf, for Surf'dale. Qstend and Omiha. C.30 p.m.; Rangitoto, for; Thames, midnight. ' '■ •' ':*. '•-, Expected Arrivals. , : .. To-day. — Apanui, from Cori'omandcl, 10.30 p.m.: OiiMna, from Waiwfcfa, Mahurangi and Warkworth, 10 p'.m. it from Siiffdale, Ostend and Omiha, 5.45 a.m.; Taniwha, from Paeroa, 1.30 a.m.; Claymore, from Whangarei, 3.30 a.m. '. ! •
UNION CO.'S STEAMERS. The Kamona was to'leave Grcymouthat 0 a.m. to-day for Westnort to fill up toi New Plymouth and Auckland. " The Kaimiro loads at Picton ■■to-momm for Auckland via Lyttelton and WclUnfet0 The Karepo shlfted.from Chelsea to the Prince's wharf last evening to >JffifcW Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedm and JMmaru in place of the ,Kurow. bhe is to san hf aSer port at 3 p.m. to-day for Auckland, Where she is* due on Sunday. Tie Wiiplata Is to leave Bluff to-mor-row afteno P onfor Auckland via Duncclm, Oarnaru, Tinyiru, Lyttelton and W elling-. • 9 The Wincatui left Lyttelton at 4.30 p.m yesterday for Wellington and Auckland. , . '■• .
SIVUNGANUI FOR SYDNEY. v Vlison W M. Taylor, F. G. A. V Smith,' W.- J Roberts, W Kendall Mis. J. Koberts, Mrs. U. Kendal, Cat. 11. C. rind Mrs. Corrance, Messrs. l<. E W. Kalnw, C. J. Donohoc, A^. G.. ae Gruchy J. U. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gl" Miss.M. L. Bilkey, Mrs Miss A. M. Forth, Mrs. A. I Roberts Mr. and Jirs J N L. Uraham, Messrs. H, VV Sharplel" ICOr/G. Shaw, Mrs. A. Salon Miss P D?'ianolon,'Mrs. Bongard, Mr. and Vrs. W N. Asmuss and 2 chiidreu, Mr and \lrs l< , E Levy and child, Misses T. M. Harrison, E. I] Uculze, M. U. Kaw[, K Rolling F. V. Boorman, Mrs. A ■ M.■ bankin, Mrs L(. C. Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. U Coll, Messrs. G. 11. Masfen, Arnott, .Mr..and Mrs K S: Dove, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Bryant, Mr and Mrs. !•'. Hall, Miss A. M. Cullane, lurk E. M, Scheele, Missus J. Henry, W.-E. Blytkman, L. E. Armstrong, C. Giiiord, Mrs. EL. Blekfei-d, Mr. J. "W. L| Warren, Mr. F E. Bryant, Dr. H. Bertram, lather i. Mullins, Mr. E. P. Hall Dr. J P. De \ilhits Mr. S. H. Brierly, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Warren, Mr. R. F. Rose, Mr. F. E. Traynor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Birdsall, Mrs. h. J. McLean Mi£S C. L. Cearon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pome'roy, Misses J. H. and M. A. Thomson Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Perkins, Mrs. M. V. D. Campbell, Mrs. E. S. Keice, Mr., and Mrs. ■G A. Shierlaw, Mrs. E. and Miss, h. Hogarth, Mrs.' M. Barton, Miss H. E. Jones, Mrs. I. Hardwood, Mr. VV. Yahman, Misses J N and E. V. Birdsall, Miss L r F. Manning, Mrs. V. Eon, Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams, Mrs. M. J. and MisS R. A. M. Elliott, Misses G. D. Burlinson, S. I\eenan, jirs Montague Cohen, Mrs. I. Mitchell, Mrs. A. M. Coneland, Misses A. M. Goodwin, 11. K. and R. A. Windeyer.D. M. and K, P. Anscombe, E. B. Mackenzie, IV Hall, M. T. Targett, A. Cubit, C. A. Bryant,. Mesdcames G. H. Koss, '/>. Nixon, E. L. Kobertson, M.- I. Nieleoiij R. M. Anscombe, E. M. Wilson, A. M. Coury, &. A. Wright, J. Godber, D. L. Brittbn, Miss I. Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Caldwell, Mr. E. E. Forth, Mr.' and Mrs. Bertram Cooke, Mr. R. L. Dolbey, Mr. O. C. Reid, Mr. W. A. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. A. [-1. Caughlan and child, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Casey, Xiesdames" F. K.-Ivey, Loekner, E: E. Miller and child, M. C. Guise, A. F. Collier, V. Williams and child," F. Bunkalland cliild, , Messrs. AV. W. Nelson, L. L. Russell, C. O. Barker, R. E. S. Twentyman, C.. B. I'lurnmer, W. Seccombe, J. R. Gray, H. M. Wositer, T. Waddell, R. C. MeMichan, R. Rankin, J. S. Rankin, Misses M. T. Cook, Caldwell, P. McKenzie, M. C. Guise, T. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. E. Si Wheeler and 2 children. Second saloon —Messrs. T. Wilson, T. Casey, F. R. S. Halls, H. W. Gilman, n. Thompson, H. Gee, K.. V. Stewart, W. Garrett, C. Clark, H. A. Penkeyrnan, E. N. Miller. E. L. Wrigley, G. C. Sills, Mr. and IBi'S. A. H. Jeffries and 3 ! children. Miss A. T.' Wrigley.: Mrs. A. E. Wrigley, Miss E. J. Wrigley, Mr. A. Jeffries, Mr. A. P. Cowie, Mr. A. Kirk, Mr. C. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. 11. 11. Bach, Mr. D. D. .Stewart. Mr. W. Pearce, Mr. R. Gow, Mr. R. F. Hartley, Mrs. C. Moody, Miss M. G. Moody, Miss.iß. Shearer, Mrs. E; M. Gearson and child, Mrs.-F. C. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wylie, Miss M. G. Matthews, Miss C. M. A. Matthews, Mrs. 1.. H. Matthews, Miss B. I. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. A. C'apham, Mrs. H. Kirk, Mrs. A. L. Dew, Miss C. L. Lemon, Miss A. T.Butler, Mr. .and Mrs. W. Buckle, Miss M. I. Lake, Miss Gallagher, Mrs. 'E. Pollock, Mis-i L. Whitfleld. Miss.M;. l< Cook, Mrs. A. T. Lockner.Mrs. D. Kkeels, Miss E. Howard/ Mrs. K. Casey,-Mrs:-I. E. Gill, Rev-, and-Mrs P. S. Smallfield,. Misses R. H. Smalliield, J. .Taekson, S: McConceil, M. .lackson, W:; Bach Mrs. V. H. Penkeyman, Mrs. A. M Brown', Mrs. R. "M. Foster, Mrs. F. A. McEachan, Miss R. Isaacs, Mrs. M. E. Corrigan, Mrs C. UpHou, Mrs. M. A. Emmens, Mrs. S. B liicksoi), Mrs. 11. J. Wykes. Miss J. Wyjces Mrs.. C. -Spence, Mrs. J. Sirl, Mrs. E. M Brain, Misses J. and Ei-.M. Brain, Mrs II J. Skeel.s, Messrs. B. -Skeels, A. J. Lemon! S. F. Perkins, H. Glover, S. McConnell, A. , L. Collie, J. F. Glover, 0, C, Mifldleton, Mrs. 9; V . el, r ancl dlilfl; ' Mi?ses F. Morlay, h:- Titshall, L. R. Pearson, S. E S McRoberts, L. Cape?, Mrs. F. E. Collie,' Mrs i:. Carpenter, Mr: and Mrs. P. Farrell Mrs E. Lodge and 2 children, Mrs. L. M MiddleK'3^d4s W00ClS; aDd 3 ° f e^e,-in C lud-
rg&SSg iS flne *VS3-dney .next
TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Lyttelton , March . 2S—Arriv'eVl • 7 0 , landic, from Duhedin, 'no am • fi *~ Wellington. March 2S.—Arrived • W-ii iwhi, from Gisbbi-ne, 0.20 a.m. %: Gls-oorao. March 28.—Arrived: Awahon Auckland, 6 a.m. March 2S.—Arrived : Kos'lV from Ross Sea. C.55 a.m.: Pakeha.-.fVon; New, Plymouth. 7 a.m.; Ohiki. from Nelson. 730 ain' ,: s voldeiy for Melbourne, .yeliiiiSton," March 2S.—Arrived: Wingatui. 11.35 .aan., from Lytfelton. • Wellington, March i'S —Sailed: Makur'a. at noon, for Sydney. ' •
When tfco front of the eye feels itself becoming or a little , dusty, it tells the brain,..which sends a message to the eyelid to come down for a second, bringing a tear with it to wash the eye. We wash the front of the'eye every time wo wink; it is a ' wise "provision of Nature. ,'.'•'■■
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Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 74, 28 March 1930, Page 4
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2,126SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 74, 28 March 1930, Page 4
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