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PARNELL MEET UNIVERSITY. j STUDENTS' NAEKOW WIN. ;,;: LOWER CONTESTS. "Another round of inter-club competitions was staged by the Auckland Lawa ■Tennis Association on Saturday afterDinGll. The second A Grade contest of the season, between Parnell and University, was played at Stanley Street, the students ■winning by only two matches. With only a ladies* - and a combined doubles uiiplayccl tho result was still in doubt. Misses Potter and Fitzgerald (Parnell) brat Misses -Robert on and Whitelaw, but dropped one set, leaving University in an unbeatable position. Even if Parnell had won the combined doubles in straight sets, they would have lost the contest by one set. Each of the four men's singles was wqu by tho University players, but the Parnell leading ladies did better, capturing three of the four matches. •■' 'A.. C. Stedman's recent win over Bartleet made him a. formidable opponent, ..awl although ho dropped a set from a 4—l lead, lie was never likely to be ■tyinten by A. S. Lamb. Lamb made a gfr'eat rally in the second set, but could "not keep up the effort. Stedriian played with greater steadiness and it was lamb who made most of the mistakes. t> Careful covering of the court gave A. ]VL • Nicholson a victory over Chalmers. As usual, the University man played a jfailio which was by no means forceful in , appearance but which was really very effective. His shots were delivered with care and'placed with accuracy. vßoardman was not at his beat against Entwhistle, but the University man played with accuracy that would have done credit to any player. Boavdman whs not beaten so easily as the scores ■would suggest, for although he took only two games in the match, each of ilia 14 games -went to deuce. • Both Chisholm and Coates played steadily and accurately, and provided ajv interesting display. 'Coates played a brilliant game in his dOitblcs with Chalmers against Dr. Qhisliolm and Entwistle. He lobbed splendidly, giving Chalmers plenty of opportunities foe finishing shots, and slashed accurately, occasionally varying Jiis-attack with flashing forehand drives. Turner and Hubble played well together to.beat.StaU\;thy and Williams. Both 'Varsity men were sure at the net, and with accurate placements frequently passed their opponents. ■;gtcdman and Nicholson scored an easy ■vyln over Boardman and Lamb. The Parlie/li pair were- patchy, while the men of tjhe students' team combined well and let very little-past.. •Details" of results are as follows (Parnell vnames first).: — '" ■Mcn'suboublos.—' Stalhvorthy and Williams Ml to Turner and Hubble, &— o! a. |r niul Stevens beat Hardy and Macdoinld G~4, I—c>, G—3; Lamb and Board- •>— e-.Chalmei's and Contes beat Dr. Clnsholm'nnd.Entwistle. 6—l, Roliertsoh-iost to Aldred and J. btedman, Sf:lS.i;itiicrland and Buabill lost to Andrews nna N. W. Bowden, G—S, 3—l>. 'Ladles' Doubles.-Miss Fernlcy and MM. Pone beat Misses, Knell and E. Potter gpO G—l'; Misses Gill and Miller beatMisses Graham and Lloyd. 4—G, G—o, 6—o ; Miss Bushill- and Mrs. Smith beat Misses AV-nlker and Fotherinphara, 10—1>, u—- , Mesdames Leys and Herriclc beat Misses Taylor and Wann, G —l, G—4. '^Misses'■'■•■'•Erankhnin and Sanderson beat jjlsses Maglntosh and Adams, 5—G, 6—5, 6V2-: MiVses Potter and Fitzgerald beat MlsseS Boberton and Whitelaw, G —3, 4—b, 6—l. /.Men's Singles.—A. S. Xamb lost to A. α-steamafti I—G, o—4, I—6; Chalmers Inst ttf.A.-MY Nicholson,- 1—«, 1—0: Coates lost to Dr. Chisholm, 3—6, 3—G , K.. J?oardman lost to Entwhistle, I—o,1 —0, I^-0. '■Ladies' Singles.—Miss Potter beat Miss Roberton, 6—4. G—2; Miss Fitzgerald lost to'' Miss Whltelnw, 2 —G, 4—G ; Miss Frankhnm beat Miss Macintosh, 7—5, 0^0; Misa Sanderson beat Miss Adams, 7—?. ■' r;: EjCombin.«;a Doubles.—H. Clay and Mrs.Herriclc beat Hardy and Miss Knell, G—">, e^ —2 ; Stevens and Mrs. Pope lost to Macdoh'ald and Miss Potter, 4—G, 3 —G; Robertson and Miss Gill beat .T. Stedman and Miss Walker, 6 —l, G —s ; Williams and Mrs toys lost to Turner and Miss TayJor, 4 —6, 3^-G; Stnlhvortbv and Miss Fernley lost €*)■' Hubble and Miss Wann, 3-—G, G—2, 4—C. ['Brown and Miss Miller lost to Aldred and Miss Graham, G—4, 1—«, 4—G; Litherland ailtl Mrs. Smith lost to Andre\ys and Mrs. Jfatlirringhnin, o—6, 4—G; Bushill and Miss Bushill lost to Bowden and' Miss Lloyd, jj-jm;, G—s, 9—7. ('University.won by 15 matches to 13. lL LOWER GRADE CONTESTS. ii i: ———- in 'the B, C and D grades were plhyed at several of the club courts In the suburbs. J Details of results are as follows: — . B GRADE.

jpOiMrBELL PARK V. BIRKENHEAD iaj, AND NORTIICOTE. ,fi (Campbell Park names first.) --Men's Singles.—Porter beat Roberts, CIZ-(\ o—2, G —o ; Rosrgard beat Taylor, $£-5, 6—4. fiLadies' Singles.—Miss Eukutnl bent Mrs. $ffc y , 2—G, G—s. o—3; Miss Bull bent Ml ss Newman. O—Q, B—4. j. Men's Doubles.—Rostgard and Porter bent Roberts and Taylor, G—3, l> —4; Rukuffij and Winger beat Catluess and Court, > Indies' Doubles. —Misses Riikutni and Bull beat Mrs. Gray and Miss Newman, ("> —1; Mrs. Worsop and Miss Leilg bout Misses Clictwlnd and Wrlghtson, G—2, PouWes.—Kukutai and Miss Lejic beat Cadness and Miss Cbetwind. (j_r,, 0—1: Winger and Mrs. Worsop beat CoMrt and Miss Wriglitson. G—2 G—2. .Campbell Park won by 10 matches to 0. C. GRADE. :,;. AItATOXGA T. AIICKLAKD. ■"■ (Arn tonga names iirst.) Men's Singles.—George lost to Sbneklo. ;{_!(!, (■,_:>. *;!—(>; Coldliam lost to Elder, -1~ 11, H—o. I -idles , .Singles.—Mrs. Coldham beat Miss Hfti-vli-t", (I :>. li—3: Mrs. Fowler beat Miss \i>wi.m', (i 'J, (5-J-2. Mt'li'H Doubles. —(ieorgo and Coldlinjn liM l<. SliiicKlo anil Klilcr. It—<">, 2—G l : <'Hii- Mini l!ii!«> lust lo Williams and ijLlmr.lH, 'c, 11, 1 It. 'T.inli.r.' DniililoH, Mrs. CoUllinni and M.i'i-.. n'liwk-r in-ill Mrs. Survlcn niul Miss Nftwigii, <i 11, U :i; mims DnrlliiK and Atlfcrt Holiim Ijiwil Mre, aiul Miss Av'lullii, (I -.', il (I. iM»oiiililiiinl iiuiibli-H,- Miss piirUng nnd <!(iv.i Ihiii j\u«(t Kini-i'iiy nnd Wllltnma, »!,><•, ii ,2; MisH notion nnd «080 lost, to !wUn Aliiliilln mid JtU-liiii'dif. !{— (i, o—2, ■Aniloniiu won by 12 wls to 10. CAMI-itKia, PAUK V. KU-KHSUE IyAIUSH.I y AIUSH. (<'i»iiiuUeU I'lvrk nivuios first.) rtlwi -H HliiKlo*. (H,..,>1 1,,,,t 1,,, W1 ,',. ,v-1, tWi»', I'.lllluul IllMtt Sl.llUH-lll'ld, 0- 1 0 -1 >J,mlW Hliiklhh, MlftH M, OoilKlua lost IttJfll Minn I! I II In, li - \> t (1 ;; «■«<*" ilim'n liOiililKii. McMhoy itiui wuii,, beal Ifcor nnd I'luyroii, d a, n-i; <:iuml nnd JJiu'foot belli 4»t>\Mir nnd Somcvllold, 0 '2, I.tulies , V»-" llil,, 8- -Miss Itublnticiu and Mfes B, Douglas lost to Miss Peek and

Combined Doubles. —JlcElroy and Miss B. Douglas brat Year and Miss reek, 0— «>, 5_G, (s—i ; White and Mrs. Robinson beat Clayton and Mrs. Siinson, (5 —">, (i—l ; Mrs. Kobinson and Miss B. Douglas lost to Mrs. Jsimson and Miss Peek, G —s. (i—4. Campbell l'nrk won by 7 matches to o. PRINCE OF WALES V. OTAHUHU. Prince of Wales names first. Men's Singles.—Carston beat Latta,tto,> —o, G_3; onusby lost to Russell, I—o,1 —0, 2—o. Ladies' Sinelcs.—Miss Clark boat Miss Walker, 0—."., li—,"i; Miss Farley beat Miss Byburn, o—3, U —i>. Men's Doubles.—Carston and Ormsby boa Latta and Russell, I—o. 0-4, V~\I Steii" .-.lid Greensmith lost to Coclmin and White, ° Ln'aics' Doubles.—Misses Clark and Farlev beat Misses Walker and Rybrmi. 4—<>. (il_s, o—2; Misses Calkin and Mays ben 1 Misses PinliVy and A) ken, 5—G, p—s. 6—4. Combined Doubles.—Stead and Miss Cnlkln lost to Cochrnn and Miss Pin hey, -—.. ■>_r,; Greensmitli and Miss Mays Heal White and Miss Alken, o—l.0 —1. f>—-■ Prince of Wales won by seven matches to three. D GRADE. TI3 PAPAPA V. OTAHUHU. (To Papapn names first.) Men's Singles.—Pnrkes lost: to Strickott, 5 g, (5 —.",3—o; Leese lost to Pearce, s—(!.' s—li.5 —li. Ladies' Singles.—Mrs. Sturgeon lost to .Miss Preston, 3—o, -I—o. s—lSj Miss lloskliiK beat Miss Parton, (i—2, .">—G, G— i. Men's Doubles. —Parkes and Leese beat Slrk'kctt and Peai-ce, (i— X, 2—G, (i —~>; Hentley and Sturgeon lost to Cruiekshank and Senton, G —s, I—r>. - —G. Combined Doubles. —Miss Whitehead and Ren Hoy lost to Miss Todd and Cruickshank,' o—(i, 5—C, 0—0; Miss lnglis and Sturgeon won by default from Miss Wain and Senton. ■ ■ Ladies' Doubles. —Misses Whitehead and Inglls won by default; Mrs. Sturgeon and Miss Hosking lost to Misses Preston and Todd. 5-rO, .'!—o. Otahuhu won by 0 matches to 4.

XGATARIXG.V V. VAOXHALL. (Xgatarlnpi names lirst.) Men's Singles.—Pollard lost to Robins, i)—li, 2 —l>; Mawhiney lost to Spence, ;!—O, Ladles' Singles.—Miss Dance lost to Miss Wallace, G—o. I—G. ."">—G; Miss Wyatt lost to Miss Alson, 2—b. i— o. Men's Doubles. —Pollard and Mawhiney lost to Robins and Kpcncc, ;> —li, -t —c>: Lewis and Ua spa rich boat Walls and Stewart. G—2, (I—2. Lndies' Doubles. —Misses Dance and Wyatt beat Misses Wallace and Alison, (•,_L-, t o—4; Misses Dawson and Ross boat Misses Penman and Henderson, (!—l, (J —0. Combined Doubles. —Miss Dawson and Lewis beat. Miss Penman and- Stewart. C, 2, C< —s; Miss Ross and (ias)iarieh beat Miss Henderson and Walls. G —3, G—2. Ngataringa won by 11 sets to 10.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 303, 23 December 1929, Page 18

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INTER-CLUB TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 303, 23 December 1929, Page 18

INTER-CLUB TENNIS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 303, 23 December 1929, Page 18


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