To make a pretty jug cover for mother, all yon require is a circlo of net, a reel of cotton, sixpennyworth of beads, a crochet hoolc.
Crochet once round the net, just the same as you would do for the ordinary jug-cover. Now, instead of crocheting an edging, buy three-pennyworth of white beads and threcpennyworth of red beacb, or any othor colour to match the jug or tea-set. When you have completed the one round of crocheting, lehve a thread about 18
inches, long. Thread your fine needle with this thread, and thread a red bead on. Now thread three white beads, one red bead, and three white beads, till you have four or six red beads, and nine or fifteen white beads on your first down-row. Thread two white beads, 0116 red bead, and again two white beads, and pass your needle through the nest red bead, thus making a loop with the four white and one oi' the red beads. Now thread three white, one red, three white beads, and pass your needle through a red bead, always skipping one red bead (see Fig. 1).
When the second red bead is reached, thread three white beads and one red bead and secure this second line to the net, about three-tenths of an inch away from the other top red bead, by catching the net only, about twice with the
thread.* Do not' pull your thread too tight, or your e'6ver will not lie perfectly flat. On the other hand, the thread mast not be too loose, or the thread will show.
When starting your third line down, pass your needle through the red bead first and then repeat from ♦ to • till you have nearly completed thd cover
and have Only throe-tenths of an iucli between your first and last lines. After having made the last loop, thread three white beads and catch the secon.d red bead oil the first line (see Fig. 2). Put throe whito beads again on your needle and catch the red bead on the opposite side. (No red beads are used in ending.) Thread three white beads again and pass your needle through the top red bead on the first line and end by stitching for about one and a-half inches round the net. This must bo well done or the beads will pull tho throad loose.
Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 218, 14 September 1929, Page 3 (Supplement)
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