(Conducted by TINKER BELL.)
Dear Girls,—
Very little sewing is required tf» make this delightful "chair" pin cushion." Good strong paste plays the most important part in its construction. The materials required are not expensive, three-quarters of a yard of narrow gold ribbon being the only thing that you need to buy. Scraps of orange cloth and a'piece of calico will also be required as -well as a very tiny cream carton, which can be obtained from almost any dairy.
To make the back of the chair obtain a piece of stiff cardboard three inches square, and, having marked out the design upon it, cut it out and cover it with orange silk, pasting the cloth into position. Some of the fancy gold
ribbon can'be sewn round the edges of the chair back, and will give it quite an ornamental finish.
Next make a bag , , just large enough to fit tightly into the carton, from a piece of calico, and, having stuffed it with bran, fit it into the carton, and cover the top with another piece of yellow silk. Cut a strip of silk large enough to cover the outside of the carton, then paste it into position.
The final stages in the making of the pin cushion is the sewing on of the two strips of gold ribbon which gives the "chair" its artistic appearance. Girls will find that mother and aunty will appreciate such a dainty pin cushion, so that one would make an idsal gift for a birthday present.
Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 188, 10 August 1929, Page 3 (Supplement)
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