Gordon Morris says that he is going to be a salesman. —That should be interesting work, Gordon. ' t Kura Harrison would like particulars for a penrriend.—ir you want a penTriend write me another letter stating your age and any other particulars that you think will prove helpful in allotting you a correspondent. I R. Purdy sends in an enrolment rorm.— 1 Welcome to the club, Ronald. . Fay —, would like-to go in for the competitions.—There's no harm in trying. Fay, so enter Tor any competition that j you can work out. Write again and tell me your 'surname. Ivan Breckon has Tour pigeons and a pet cat. —You are well supplied with pets, [van. I'll be pleased to receive another letter from you. >j Peter Hanon wants to join the club.— I'm sorry,. Peter, but you did not send the date of your birth, so if you fill in a form I will enrol you. Lloyd Noakes also wishes to become a member or the club.—No, Lloyd, you do not have to pay anything to become a member. Just nil in a rorm that appears in the Budget'and I will enrol you-on receipt of it. Sheila Quinn was pleased that Eden , Coombes was made an 0.5.8. —I'm sure that Eden deserves the honour, Sheila. K. IMcKonzie sent in some competition entries, but in ignorance broke some or the competition rules. —I quite understand, and your entries have been received. Audrey Mason was eight years old last Sunday and had a birthday parly the day berore.—l'm glad that you had a happy birthday, Audrey. Elsie Arkle wants a badge.—Your badge will be sent as soon as our new stock comes in, Elsie. H. L. Heatley asks us a favour.—Your wish will be carried out. Beverley Stone notifies me of her change of address. —Your new address lias been recorded, Beverley. •, .
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 176, 27 July 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 176, 27 July 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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