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A host of pithy mottoes were submitted this week, tlie best one being contributed by Patrick . Ford, 20, Melrose Street, Newmarket. The work of Moya Grady (Onehunga), Joan Chappell (Auckland), and T. Gates (Parnell), is highly commended. A person who is always wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel.
Bertio Boswell says that he Is painting some coloured supplements for some sick children.—That's very good of you, Bertie. Olive Durham went to the Winter Show;. I'm sure that you enjoyed yourself, Olive. Kathleen Pririoe wishes to become a member of the Peter Pan Club.—Your form lias been received, Kathleen. Zelda Mercer is making preparations for the school ball.—l hope that you have a good time on the 20lh,..Zelda. Lillian Lawrie, Suva: I was so glad to hear from a Fiji reader, and am delighted to enrol you. Your Information will be passed on to "Indian," although it was the North American Indian language that was required. "
Tony Batistich has a gramophone.—One can have lots of fun listening to the gramophone, Tony. Willie Cunningham wonders if I .will enrol his two brothers.—lf your brothers send in enrolment forms I'll have them made members of the club, Willie. Kitty Fenton sends in some entries Tor the competitions.—Your entries have been received. Sadie Steele, in a letter to Tinker Bell, says that she would like to join her Busy Mees.—l'm very pleased to hear from you, Sadie, and hope that you find my column useful. Are you a member or the Peter Pan Club. Eden Coombes, 0.5.8., was surprised and pleased because she was made an 0.5.8.— I'm sure that you-deserve the distinction, Eden. Douglas Stock sends in a suggestion,— Thanks, Douglas.
Audrey Cox inquires aijter the Budget staff.—All of us except the Croc, are quite well, Audrey, and be is ill through eating too much birthday cake. Anona de Rose sends in some competition entries.—Your entries have been received, Anona. Doris Brown tells me about her visit to the Stratford show.—You must have had a good time, Doris. Willi? Combs has his first-class Scout badge and has only two more badges to get in order to become a King's Scout.—lt won't take you long to earn two badges, Willis. Eileen Neban, who is a Londoner, has seen Peter Pan's statue in Kensington Gardens.—lt is a very pretty sight, Eileen. Phyllis Pateman wishes to Budget many happy returns of July 10. —Thanks for the good wishes, Phyllis. Jack Parkinson thanks me Tor the book which 1 sent him.—l'm so glad that you liked your book, Jack. Bert Canham says that he has tilled in an enrolment form.—l'm pleased to have you in the club, Bert.
Thelma Griffin visited the show. —Did you like it? Dick Taylor is going to join the club.— I'll be pleased to have you In the club, Dick. » IWarJorie McPike won some prizes in the Te Puke winter show.—You were lucky, Marjorie. Stanley Perkins tells me about the show. It was a very nice show, Stanley. Hazel Cranford is taking part in a concert ou July 17.—I'm sure that your concert is going to be a success, Hazel. Dorothy Perkins is eight years old and is in Standard II. —You are clever, Dorothy. Joan Coles forgot, to stamp her competition envelope, so sends postage under separate cover.—-It is easy to rorget to stamp a letter, Joan. Your competitions were received all right.
Isabella McLean's two sisters and brother want to join the club. —I'll be very pleased to enrol your sisters and brothers, Isabella. Raymond Aberhart sends me a piece of poetry.—Thanks, Ray. flnona de Rose wonders ir marks are given for good and neat writing.—Although we do not give points Tor good writing, we always expect you to do your best. Phyllis Johnson has a tortoiseshellcoloured Persian kitten. —You are lucky to own a Persian, kitten, Phyllis. Cyril 4 Larser> explains that his rabbit's name is Fluffy.—Fluffy is a good name for a .rabbit, Cyril. Doris Brown sends us birthday greetings.—Thank you, Doris.
Molly Balderston tells me about the Kaiwaka basketball team. —Your team must want more practice, Molly. Kathleen Balderston saw a kauri tree relied.—lt must Save been very impressive to see the forest giant 'felled. Mary Evans made some cocoanut Ice. — You seem to be quite a good sweetmaker, Mary. Walter Kent-John3ton wrote a play.— You . must be clever, Walter. Joan Barclay notifies me of her change of address. —Your new address lias been recorded, Joan.
Thora Harwood tells me about her cat, Nigger.—Nigger seems a very good worker, Thora. Maud Fleury says that the Aorangi looks very pretty when she is sailing out of Auckland at night.—The Aorangi is a pretty vessel, Maud. Charlie Dare wonders if his name will be put in the paper when his birthday comes round. —Yes, Charlie, your name will appear. Edward Hancox tells me or a mistake that appeared in the Budget.—The mistake has now been rectified, Edward. Elsie Todd has certillcates amounting to 21 points.—Not long now before you get u book, Elsie. Jack Ward had a very good time at the Winter Show. —The Winter Show was very enjoyable, Jack. % Phyllis Oliver tried her hand at sketching Ginger Sieggs.— There's nothing like trying, Phyllis. Mervyn Blake sends in some entries for the competitions.—Your entries have been received, Mervyn. Trevor Blake wishes the- club a happy birthday.—Thanks for the good wishes, Trevor. J. Dick enters for the "Simple puzzle" competition.—Your entry has been received.
Rata Houghton sends in a painting competition.—Your entry has been received, Rata. Leslie Harris sends in an enrolment form. —Welcome to the club, Leslie. Kathleen McWiiliams sends in an allibear, half alligator and half bear. —Your sketch is quite good, Kathleen. J. Alexander sends in plans for a model train—Thanks for the plans. Kathleen Neely sends congratulations to the Budget.—Thanks, Katli. Thelma Perry will be 14 years old next Saturday.—l wish you a very happy birthday, Thelma. Dorothy Gough has good times jn the Brownies.—All Brownies have good times, Dorothy. I'm pleased to hear that you've got your badge.
Connie Haite describes some wallpaper which has little Dutch boys and girls on it.—The wallpaper must be very pretty, Connie. Rona Spinley writes to one of her old school teachers.—l'm sure that you find correspondence with your old teacher very interesting, Rona. Eva Tucker's brother wants to join the club.—Your brother has been enrolled, Eva. Iris Clune plays centrc in the senior basketball team.—l should think that you would have fine fun playing in the senior team, Iris. Owen WcNichol thanks me for his birthday greetings certificate.—l'm glad that it arrived safely, Owen. The Witch Doctor has answered your query. Marie Acton writes in pencil so that .she will not make blots. —It's all right your writing in pencil, Marie, but surely you can use ink without making blots. Nancy Dixon got two thirds for her drawings in the Te Puke Show.—You must be very good at drawing, Nancy. Lola Coleman Is very happy because she received her membership certificate.—l'm glad that you liked your certificate, Lola. Edward Taylor is in Standard VI., and hopes that lie gets iiis proficiency at the end of the year.—l, too, hope that you get your proficiency certificate, Edward.
Mary Duncan feeds the seagulls which come in their backyard.—That is a very interesting pastime, Mary. I, too, thinkthat Spot is jealous. Jsan Duncan sends in an enrolment l'orm. Welcome to the club, Jean. Edna McKenzie hopes that I do not ravour children.—l do not ravour anybody, Edna, and all competitions have the same chance or winning prizes. Margaret Luxford trod on a rusty nail.— i hop-3 that the wound was properly cleansed, Margaret,
Yvonno sends Peter Pan lier first letter.—Write and tell me your surname, Yvonne. I'm very pleased to hear from you, Colin Rowd thanks me for bis certificate ot'. merit. —You must have a total or 25 points before you can gret a book, Colin. |, Pearl Sutton says that she wrote me a letter a month ago and received no reply.—l don't think I could have overlooked the letter, Pearl. Thanks for the good wishes lo the new 0.5.8.'5. Sheila Evans wonders if I am Peter Pan of IYA. —Yes, I broadcast, Sheila. IWorboy Greenstreet has been ill lately, You have had a bad time, Morby. I hope you are cmite well now. Tui Wylie sends in her first letter.—l'm •so pleased to hear from you, Tui.
JULY 21. Bridges, Beatrice. Maud, Nancy. Cornish, .Toyce. Molesworth, Betty. Henley, James. Poland, Justina. Hodgson, Katherine. Rossiter, Peter. Mollard, Jack. Rowe, Allan. Mollard, Jean. Taylor, Royston. JULY 22. Bowling, Winifred. Kirkness, Muriel. Boyd, Veneta. Lennarct Audrey. Butland, Marie. Lewis, Douglas. Catran, Valerie. Morrin, Vincent. Cbristini, Edward. McNeil, Verna. Ditnery, Herbert. Oliver, Nancy. Elloui'n, Harold. Samey, Leonard. Flaxman, Clifford. Sheehan, Magdalene. Hall, Ethel. Sckofield, Edith. Harvey, Herbert. Whitbread, Doris. Kelly, Rona. ,IULY 23. Angus, Jean. Hogan, Denis. Blewden, Sylvia. Lovegrove, Joyce. Cole, Reginald. O'Sullivan. Eily. Davies, Gertie. Rielly, Maida. FnrneTl. Gwen. Shearman, Esma. Hanl'ord, Ivy. Tart, Nancy. JULY 21. Barr, Catriona. Hooper. Sylvia. Burr, Jean. King, Ethel. Bush, Ruth. Parker, John. Balniain, Sidney. Ramsey, Mildred. Dickey, Rona. Taylor, Charles. Giles, Isobel. Wilson, Leonard. Hartnoll, Ailsa. JULY 25. Callaghan, May. Ivil, Gladys. Cozens, Amy. Jenkins, Alex. Dando, Lilian. Mclvain, Mary. Dick, Evelyn. Oliphant, Bertha. Franks, Aileen. Palmer, Annie. Goflin, Rosina. Rowe, Nancy. Gray, Kena. Scallen, Mary. Hamilton, Gordon. Snowdon, Annie. Hill, Dorothy. Wallace, Murray. Heath, Thomas. JULY 26. Batty, Brncey. McDowell. Edna. .Bates, Lottie. ... Norrie, Edith, i- Billingsley, M. " Pender, Peggy. Cantwell, June. Penhaligon, John. Clapliam, Ellis. Pomeroy, Donald. Carson, ' Gwenneth. Parkinson, Gerald. Elliott, Bertie. Quinn, Sheila. Featherstone, S. Ross, Iris. Hamilton, Lilian. Shannon. Rodney. Jones, Leonard. Soppet. Jean, .Tones, Joyce. Todd, Edith. Kellett, Ted. Wood, Frederick. JULY 27. , Augur, Vera. Morton, Loraine. Cole, Doreen. Nutting, Nina. Dorrington, Ailsa. Potter, Betty. Hill, Olga. Slinn, Donald. Ilutton, Marjorie. Shroff, Frank. Hunt, Doris. Tucker, Stephen. Marbeck, Jean, Urwin, Henry. Marshall, .Nancy, Wilson, Aorere.
{ Jean Barclay sends in an entry for the weekly competitions.—Your entry has been I received. I Kathleen Terry wonders what the Roll I Call Ms.—Two names taken from the rolls lof the Peter Pan Club are published in ! the Roll Call design, and if the persons I whose names appear cut out the design 1 and post it, together with name and /address, so as to reach this office before Wednesday following publication, 2/6 will be forwarded by return post. Si I lie Bullough informs that he contributed a packet of cigarette cards. — Your contributions were received safely, Billie. Diana Hill now lives in Auckland. —I hope that you like your new home, Diana. Joyce Davidson would like to have her name in the birthday greeting column. — Your name will appear, Joyce. Ron Smith notiiles me of his change of address.—Your new address has been recorded, Ron. Harold Brennan received his badge safely.—l'm glad that you liked the badge, Harold. • Archie Bowman wonders if his name has yet appeared in the Roll Call.—Your name has not yet appeared. Archie. Margery Toticb says that she has not yet received the prize which she carried oit for the motto competition.—Your prize has been sent,. Margery, and you should ; lave received it by now.
Bernice Richardson wants the Witch Doctor's address. — The Witch Doctor's address is c/o "Star" Office, Auckland. 4 Thelma Bollard sends me some "spatter" work. —It is very well done, Thelma. I wish you best of luck with the exams. Wi; Gollan sends in a letter to Peter Pan. —I'm very pleased to receive your letter, and hope you have a very good time on your birthday. Margaret IVloyes wonders what club members must do before they are made 0.5.8.'s. —We choose 0.5.8.'s from those members of the club who work hardest for the Budget. s
lYlollie Wright wonders how she can earn more points towards a book. —Certificates are awarded for competition entries that are well done, yet not quite up to prize-winning- standard, and for published entries for Our New Corner. Finey Sigley says that the lamp glass broke just before she began to write to me, and a piece of glass went down her brother's neck. —I hope that Cliff wasn't cut by the glass. Beatrice Sims has a little kitten named Flurry.—l'm sure that Fluffy plays a lot, Beatrice. Joan Curtis has a cold. —I hope that the cold soon leaves you, Joan. Jean Osborne thinks that she made a mistake in cutting out the picture to be painted.—You made no mistake, Jean.
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 176, 27 July 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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2,081OUR WEEKLY MOTTO Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 176, 27 July 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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OUR WEEKLY MOTTO Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 176, 27 July 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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