Did you ever ■ wonder why you call the cat "pussy?" Well> thousands of years ago the people of Egypt, who made idols, worshipped the eat. They thought she was like the moon, because she was more bright at night, and because her eyes changed as the moon changes, being sometimes full and. sdmetiraes only a bright crescent. Did you ever notice your pussy's eyes to eee hdfr they changed? So the ,people made an idol with the cat's head, and flamed it Paeht —the word they gave the moon, for the word meane the face of the moon. The word has been changed to "p as " and "puss," the name which almost everyone now .gives to the cat. Puss and pussy cat ave pet names everywhere. But nobody ever thought of it ae having been given thousands of years ago, when \«?»9 towed down and prayed to her!
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 158, 6 July 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 158, 6 July 1929, Page 2 (Supplement)
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