The Roll Call. —Each week the names of a boy and girl are taken from the rolls or the Peter Pan Club. If the persons whose names appear cut out the design and send it, together with their addresses, 2/6 will then be forwarded by return post. Our Club Badge.— Badges can be obtained by sending 1/3 in stamps or postal notes to this ofllce. The Motto Competition.—This competition is conducted weekly, and more than one entry may be contributed at the one time. Last Year's Points. Certificates of merit, Issued before the beginning; of this year, are still valid, and may be included in the 25 points for a book. Certificates of Merit. — Certificates of merit, or "points," as they are more commonly, known, are awarded for good competition entries that are not,quite up to prize-winning standard, for published entries in "Our New Corner," and for other minor'- rewards. . The Price of Badges.—Badges are 1/3 each.
JUNE 30. Aehley, Thomas. Kinross, Jean. Castle, Winifred. Middleton, Melville. Corringham, June. Nordstrand, Pearl. Fleet, Norma. tilney, Coralie. Grant,.Lillian. Oman, Noreen. Hutter, Zitii. Reed. Liola. Henning, Moira. Scoullar, Keith. Harris, Ina. Wheeler, Christopher, Jennings, Beatrice. JULY 1. Adamson, Ronald. Mackie, Agnes. Blake, Margaret. - McCarthy, Freda. Beaver, Esther. McCllntock, Douglas. Blok, Bruce. ■ Over, Freda. Deuxberry, Kathleen. Petersen, Joyce. Fogerty, Jeanne. Penman, Allan. Lapwood, Cyril. Simpson, Irene. Markwick, Colleen. JULY l>. Ashley, Joyce. Smith, Boyce. Burnley, Beatrice. Stewart, Lewis. Marmont, Joyce. Thomas, Josephine. Mays, Joan. Wilson, Joyce. Morris, Earl. Wilson, William. Rau, Arthur. JULY 3. Alexander, Jack. Langton, Gladys. Cashmore, Margaret., Lelghton, Evelyn. Ouiniiiing, Jean.- Maxwell, Sydney. Dorrington, Nelson. Morris, Walter. Elliott, Murray. Olson, Olive. FGasey, Lorna. Pluniley, Jean. (Treen, May. Turner, William. .Tfickson, Alice. Thessmnn, Walter. Llley, Zola. Wylie, Alan. JULY 4. Airey, Dove. Moore, Marjorie. Beazley, Stella. Marsh, Ronald. Bancroft, Laurie. Munce, Alice. Cannell, Max. Perrett, Rosemary. Fletcher, lan. Potter, Cecil. Eurber, Pat. Rogers, Rene. Hogvrood, Maurice. Stone, Ronald. Hughes, Nola. Taylor, Esther. Hines, Vera. Thomas, Doreen. Katka, Jessie. Thomas, Florence. Lewis, Edna. Wright, Joan. Micliie, Phyllis. JULY 5. Benge, Shirley! Mulvihill, Betty. Baker,, Ronald. Morris, Harold. ' Coultas, Grade. McTavish. Jack. Collie, Linda. Spinley, Rona. Crisp, Ronald-. Stokes, Wallace. Foley, Edward. Stevenson, Vera. Grant, Margery. Stevens, Ruby. Houison, Oswald. Stottv James. Krause, Evelyn. White, Jean. Lowe, Malmie. JULY 6. Allingham, Wilfred. McLaren, Joyce. Aberhart, Eric. Xorgrove, Iris. Brown, Douglas. Ongley, Sylvia. Bell, Rodney. Shaw, Olga. Copeland, John. Solomon, Christine. Forward, Nancy. Seabrook, Marion. Hewson, Gwen. Thompson, Kenneth. Ives, Victor. Wilkinson, Harry, Mowday, William, Wxen, Aleryl,