LATEST LONDON REPORTS. CO-.'NTT Y sAL.-.S STILL GOOD. Horn®, w '1 : • r.'-'l-d :: ea:.. bw'er= are trrr.d w-l-i : r: •'•= '> jrr.wa-d---->r,T~ r. d*cr« " r nr.-rat'on of this d:s* .-•;':r.» at r r'-.<-'-nt cr. the L'.ndon market ;Vr ?-—r- of e-;: rr.f-.*t important product". The re-.'t« of the Sr..ithf:e!d market m Jar.u-.: -' have a'reauy been ouct'-d. A !>.t«r. namely, February Messrs. We :del and Co. reported as u r der: — "F-'-'oruarv h :.= l-'-en en abnormally rod month, even : r r the winf-r &eison, with m'i'h snow ar:d i"-. D'-spif- th.s there seems to have beer: r.o increased demand f-ven {■■ r bc-f. Sm:thneld market riandled about 700 tor.s more frozen and chilled meat for the month, but this was onset ov a fihortag® bv almost tne same quantity of borr.e-ki"ed. The supplies to be slightly in excess of requirements. The reasonable asked for rhi'led hinds durmz most of the pjeriod neemed to have a depressing effect upon mutton, the h®avy-weizhts in particular weaker. Ihe heavy amvals oi new season's New Zealand lambs brought about a steady decline throughout the month."
Makii:? detailed reference to lamb?, the report says: —"N'o-.v reason's North Island lambs have been offerin? very freely during th® month, and importers have been ansious to clear ship by ship. Inability to do this has probably accounted for the rteady writing down of prices. The drop haa approximately Hd per week, so that th® month end* with the price fully to %d lower than the closing price of January."'
About this time botb butter and cheese values also commenced to slump and the wool market weakened. Latest cable advices are certainly more encouraging, but the significance of these market changes must not be under-estimated. The local market continue* to exhibit a healthy tone, and at various country sales during the week there have been satisf?ctow- clearances in all classes of stock. At Westfleld. There was a very good yarding of fat bullocks at WestSeld. and there were many pens of really choice quality, including lines from Te Kuiti, Waiuku and the Walkato. Competition was brisk with valnes a shade easier. Some very nice quality "cows were included in the yarding, and these sold at about late Tates. There was an average yarding of fat sheep, a good proportion coming forward in thoroughly prime condition. Bidding
was keen and wethers were very firm at about late rates, with ewes showing an advance of from 1/ to 1/6 a head. A very nice line came to hand from the prison farm at Hautu. An average yarding of fat lambs gold at about late rates. There -was a small entry of calves, and values were very firm for all good quality beasts. A moderate yarding of pigs met with a good demand, recent values being fully maintained. The range of price*, together with those ruling a week ago, wag as follows:— This week. Last week. BEEF (per 1001b>— Extra eboice ox 38/ 39/ Choice &nd prime ox 34/ to 37.15 s?'/ to 3?/ Choice an«l prime cow and heifer 30/6 to 34/ 21/ to 34/ SHEEP (per headt— Prime wetbers .. 31' to 3fi 6 31' to 37/ Prime ewes .... 2.V to 32 0 20/ to 81" Prime lambs ... 22/ to 31/ 21/6 to 33/6 CALVES (per head)— Runners ........ B.V to 1.12/ 85/ tol4oß Vealers 4e/ to 112/ 4J/ to 109/ PIGS (per head; — Baeoners ........ 00/ to *4' 54/ to WV Porkers 40/ to 74' 37/ to 68' Weaners H .,, M to 9' 3/ to 9/ Slips «... 8/ to 17/ ?>/ to 17/ Large stores .... 20/ to 28/ 18/ to 27/
Dalgety and Company, Limited, report: Beef: At our •weekly Westfield fat stock «ale held to-day ox beef was penned in more than average numbers. In consequence the market Tea* easier than last week- A consignment of three trucks of ox from Mr. J. C. Kolleeton, Ko«paki, King Country, realised £13 to £16 10/, the line of 22 averaging £14. Heavy prime ox realised £14 to £16 10/, the latter pen being: purchased by Messrs. Smith and Smith, of Grey Lynn. Medium bullocks made £13 to £13 15/; lighter bullocks, £10 2'6 to £12. A heavy yarding or cow and heifer beef also resulted in an easing in prices. Prime heavy cows realised £9 to £10 2 6, the latter pen, on account oi a Whakatane fattener, being purchased by Messrs. Cooper and Parkes, of Parneil; medium cown, £7 17 ; 6 to £8 1-V; lighter, £6 5/ to £7 15/. One truck of cows on account oi Mr. R. H. Reed, of Waerenga, realised £6 15/, £9, £9 17/6. Extra choice ox sold to 38/ per 1001b; choice and prime, 35/ to 36/; just killable, 31/ to 33/; prime young cow and heifer beef, 32/; just killable, 26;' to 29 '. Sheep: An average yarding of fat sheep was penned. Competition was good, and prices realised wtaje well up to last week's quotations. A line <ri wethers on account of Mr. Wilfrid Johnstone, Puketutu station, King Country, averaged £1 15/. One truck of prime heavy wethers on account of Mr. Gerakl Bull, Xgaruawahia, aver- ; aged £1 15/6, and wethers on account of the Guardian Trust, in the estate of the late Mr. Alexander Bell, averaged £1 14, 6. Ewes on account of the estate of the late Mr. D. Cameron, Onewhero, realised £1 8/6 to £1 9/3. Extra prime heavywethers realised £1 15/ to £1 16/9, the last pen, on account of Mr. Wilfrid .Johnstone, being purchased by Mr. A. W. Scotting, of St. Helier's; prime heavy wethers, £1 13/ to £1 14,9; medium wethers, £1 11/6 to £1 12/9; light and unfinished, £1 9'; prime heavy ewe*», £1 fl/fl to £1 9/3; lighter prime, £1 B'6. An iverage yarding of fat lambs sold at late rates. Heavy prime lamb made 29 3medium, 27/9; light, 24/. Calves: An avHia4?e yarding of calves sold brisklv O..<W ke ? „ competition. Bight good Veait-Itf ~|J J(l | „f lyf,. q Bayly 4. ..-I fa,* 4 i-A J«}', a»i<l '23 from Mr. Frank I.u'. c j/K/jjwrty averaged £5 c ' 3 ■'■"Is A" ■-** 'it fc'l 11/ iind £fl 9/ " Ul V""' ■t'Shii H/fWe, New...V M. iWowi. fJi,li,,|,. ij.aAe tit) 10/ • • i-V v, an r,/; .w ' /.■ 1 ft Hi/ \ \J'' ir/; *;;*•;| '/'I i "L<.>/.<.! . r J. .3 0/ J,., ,tj jv t , ' £2 W/' i.,. /a 0/; .Jjidvv /i _ Vv? wedauml ''! IH*'- j 2 'f'° '' porkers,
LOAN AND MERCANTILE. Tr.i N~r Z-alar.i L jiz ar.i Mer:ar.r.:<! ~ _ I':'.:.-* zr.U-f :/.-<* Mr. 7 :y K. a:.-: V. . He.l4.ojr, Lie,!.;—i. - 5 :a a.-:*:*;* ruaabeK. rr.£l 12 6 v> i 1 13 6: snail a:d, ti * £1 1! 6; extra heavy pr.n •- ; to £1 3 for ewe« iat-.-•»«.vy - .-.rr.-. £ 1 !> :£1 10 6: medium rc.-t. £1 to £1 » 9; i.-ght pr.m=, £1 4 • '■> ~1 Lirr-Oc were penned .n fc-i.-i £t Ji.-s rites. p x ~t i c wry pr.rr.«? t*-?..:•t.z - £ 1 14 for t"*"> t: u-ks of lama fatten-d at Hair: "r■'• rill.. Heavy tr.xa mad-': £ 1 & 6 £1 :: ; prim?, £1 7.' to £1 03: :.L-,-.t pr.m*. £1 3 to £1 65; un-b-'»t. £1 to £1 2 6: otner*. 16. to Ird o. 1 was an average "■ ard.rz 0" p:gg. rr .■ .. go.'i ur. uer keen c.* r.p-e:.-t.on. \a. :=*, porkers improved, and rr.ed: um ba/.~;<ners. £3 :6 to £4 ] :" light bacon ers ar.d >i-.iv.v r.' £3 to £3 14 ; »«•. ;; n ? '-■ r~er.= and kght t2 1? £2 i> *2 8 . A - yard.rig oi'ezozi t & - j 1 -ivt&tlCrQ£. £t-OT€tj made £1 to £ 1 & ; slips, 10 to 16 ; weanere, 3 to 5 . Calves penned averaze .numbers. \ alues were Srm a". *ate ojuo tat; one. Runners made £4 5 to £5 15 ; heavy ve.a.ers. £4 10' to £5 4 ; medium, £3 to £4 % ; l.ght. £2 is to £3 8 ; #ma'.:er. £2 6/ to £2 16 ; umali and fresh dropped. 7/ to £2 4, ; rough calves, £1 to £2 s'. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. A.rrei Buck land and Sons. Limited, report:—Our supply of fat cattle totalled 445 head, as against 314 head at las; Wet-r'f*'-a> b mar&'-t. compr 270 eteere arid lis cot's a rid fteirere. The entry included many r.nes of heavy prime catt.e, and values tor tneee were easier. Lizht to medium prime quakty sold at late"rates. ' v Pee: was a«o easier in price. Extra choice ox fcj.d to £1 18 per 100'b: choice and pr:me, £l 14. to £1 17, ; second irv
and plain. £1 12 to £ 1 13 : Tirime voung cow and he:fer beef. £1 11/ to £1 14 • ord.nary cow rx-e:, £1 -5 to £1 10 '. Extra heayy_ prime steers ranged from £16 to price for stee-« r:om the Waikato. bougnt by M:. A. W. Scotting, butcher, ,->t. Hel.e:'.* Bar. The hiz&tfGX. :or £ $» trom the Waikato, ~£ 16 6 5; 14 from M- L one 1 R. W. Re.d. Te Ho-. £! 4 4 8: 15 -Mr. C. R. Morgan, Matamata. £15 o'4; 15 from Mr. H. £. Reel. Wa-ienga. £u i irom Mr. W. \ >er, Cambridge £14 18/10: 40 from the estate of the iat-e i Mrs. A. Muir, Onewheio. £13 12 8: 18 rrcrm Me»»r*. Ring Brothers H w-i £13 10 5; '23 from' Mr. A. Rime,, Tiu* marunu:, £13 14 6. Heavy prime steers . rc>ade 5.14 10 to £15 17,6; 1.-ghter pr:m° £13 to £14 76; light prime. £11 in t> ±.12 17 6j «ma . and unfinished, £$ 10' to £11 7-6. Extra heavy pnme young cowg and he::err made £10 sto £11 76, the ast-narneo ngure :or cow® from Mr. D. Donovan. Te I'uke, bought by M«**rs. Fearon Brothers, buteheTs. Heaw prime cow.? and he>ierr made £9 to £10 2 6lighter pr.nie. £7 to £8 17,6; other ki 11abie co*v\«. x.-j .j, to i.6 1* # 6. s>neeo were aga,n penned short o: lequ.t'emente. Compet.tion keen and last week's advance* f.i«:.y sustained. Extra heavy prime wethers m ado £1 15' to £1 16 6; heavy prime, £1 13,6 to £1 14.9; medium to heavy prime. £1 12/ to £1 13,3; light to medium prime, £1 11/ to £1 11 9: unfinished £1 9 to £1 10,9; extra heavy prime ewee made £1 11/ to £1 12 9, the Latter price tor <?wes from r - J-,P- K.;dd,_ Karaka, bought by Mr. - Knight, heavy prime e-wes, 7} '' J lighter prime, £1 5/ to ±.1 6 9; kiiiable ewe®, £1 2/ to £1 4,6 f/il sheep sold). Lambs penned to the number of 419. Finished lambs sold at ruling values; plain and unfinished were lower. Heavy prime lambs made £1 7/ 4o £1 9, ; lighter prime. £1 5' to £1 6/9light prime, £1 2/ to £1 4,9; plain, 17'6 to £1 1, ; store lambs, 14/ to 16/6. We aver .number of fat calves. Bidding was brisk, and prices verv firm. Runners made £4 12' to £6 12/ for two choice heiters from the north, purchased oy Mr. A. W. Scotting, St. Helier's Bav: heavy prime vealers, £4 13/ to £5 12/medium £3 12/ to £4 7'; 'light, £2 18/ 10 8 .',; good bucket-fed calves, £2 8;' to £3 4,'; rough and unfinished, £1 9/ )?' 6raa '' an< i freeh-dropped, 3/ to £1 4, . (181 calves sold.) Our sup<ply 01 iat pigs was insufficient for requirements. The demand was keen for all classes, with an improvement in value -No heavy choppers were offered; heavy pnme baeoners, £.3 19/ to £4 4'. the ktter price being paid by Mr. E. Stansheld, KarangaJiape Road, and Mr. W. Roskill; medium baeoners, £3 13/ to £3 16, ; light. £3 3/ to £3 10/; h /r B y , P ° r^ r f' £2 to £2 18'; medium. £2 8. to £2 12 ; hght, £2 to £2 5 ; small and unfinished, £1 12/ to £1 17'. No I store* ere penn( Weaners and slips I made 8/ to 17,'. (29? aoid.)
IN THE COUNTRY. Alfred Buckland and Sons. Limited report:— String the week w e held sales at PukeKohe (cattle and pigs,), Westfield, Waiuku, Xumeu, HelensviUe, Tuakau (catt e and pigs), and Wellsford, also two clearing sales. There were full vardings of cattle for the time of year, and practically a total clearance was effected at ail centres. There were average entries of pigs at both Pukekohe and Tuakau, and values realised were similar to those ruling at west field Best dairy cows and heifers 10/ to fll iri ' t0 !<? 10 ii Becond « rade ' £ 8 10/ to £11 10/; others, £4 to £8 5/; emptv young cows and heifers, £3 10/ to £5 boner and store cows, £2 to £5; eighteen'months to two-year-old in-calf dairv heifers, £5 to £9 10/; according to quality; cows with calves, £7 to £9 10/st ® ers forward condition, £9 10/ £8 t io : - « Ce t0 four -year-old steers. * r . ,/6: two t0 three-vear-old B I" to £8: Y p arling to eighteen-! month-old steers. £4 10/ to £6 10/; well-l bred heifer calves. £3 10/ to £5 5/steer calves, £2 10/ to £4- mixed sex to £l'lf 2 1° £^ 0 „ : Pmall " to £1 1,, : heavy bulls. £6 10/ to £8 15/sound young herd bulls, £4 10/ to £9 q '' other bulls, £3 to £4 5/; sound mouth ewes, in lamb. £1 6/ to £1 10/- Bt o r e worm"' I 1 Wto 10 ' /6: store'lamb. wooll\ and shorn. 1// to £1; fat steers £10 10/ to £13 15/; heavy prime fatZ and heifers £8 10/ to £10 10/; lighter tat cows and heifers. £5 5/ to £8 7/6. Dalgety and Company, Limited, report , a% sales during the past week at the following centres: Westfield fat and store sales, clearing sale at Hobsonville. and usual monthly fixtures at Paparoa and Coromandel. At the clearing sale held at Hobsonville on account of Messrs. Quinlau and Bates we disposed of the whole of the herd of 30 Fnesian cows. Competition was good. Prices were as follows:—Cowg close •«» profit, £10 to £14 10/; July calvers £8 11/ to £i) 15/- ] a ter calvers, £6 10/ to' £8 , ru ' '" f ,ho nt,lpr centres stock came v/ttMi in average numbers, competition itnj.j/iiiiii/ '*" "i"' prices very firm at '"'•"P i "irf At. <oromnndel we sold "" "I Mr. H. A! Hull, of WhangaH iißi it) itlni ly nice line of forward t.jfldiiion two lfour and six-tooth wethers. Tin. l ln # ot 700 was drafted into two lot*. and realiied 29/2 and 27/6.
I Zei!aci Loan and M^rta-f.:-i seid'. XsateaV *W>.-ttord"" Vzt • ' 1 . C• i 5-5 € 5 CI C 5. s;eer=. £7 to i* o : r «':• | "xhe: 1 a y<r-*i:r.; c:'.e rer.r.e^. ; £•> "■ to £6 1 : store roTj. £3 to £ ♦ 115 : k*2-^-vi". £7 7 t"» £S '2 : "J- ---| £5 '5 to £6 2: Shorthor : | heifers. Ivmcntr.s to 2-jear. r; - ;tr. | hull, £"> to £6 3 : ar.d Jers o '-' cross Ivrr.onth? and 2-vear, £'j 'to £7 6 : Friecan heifer... £4's ; bull, potter. £4 5 to £5 10 : da:rv cows, close to pront., £7 32 to £12; heifer?, in miik. £7 10 ; shorthorn steer calve*. £- 14 £4 7 ; .Terse- heifer calve?. £2 10' t" £3 15': Hoistem heifer £2 11 to £2 1" : bull calves, £1 to £1 10 . The New Zealan-1 Loa:. and Mercantile A?---ncy Company. Ltd.. Hamt't—. report that at the Ohir.ewai ?a;e on Monday . ge-c-d yarding ratt> i.arr.e forward, ar. . most of the ottering hand? at a . • t;on or afterw?rd = . Pr:. e.« were: —Fat cows. £7 6 to £S 2 6; Kiiiacie cow? £5 19 to £6 12 : borer cows, £2 10' to £2 1?'; wearer Fr-.esian cross steers. £3 1" ; .Jersev cross wea:.«=r he::er=. £3 o t • £3 15': sprir.gics he:fers. £1 15 to £> bulls. £-5 to £7. The grown steers ADDINGTON MARKET. STORE SHEEP IN DEMAND. ißy Telegraph.—Pr®s« Association.) CHRISTCHURCH. Wedr.eseday. At the Addmztoa market to-cay entries were again neavy. Store ewes ar.-: iamL;s •vrere well up to recent >ard:riZ=. :at cattle 50 oer cent more norma.. Tne market throughout was steadv. Store Sheep. — Lambs and ewe? were | forward from "widely scattered quarie;s. j The lower rates runns this last fortnight { were maintained, there be:r.i a su'ostan- j buying element. -V.- iambs except the best sorts were ba/k by ! to 10 a head. Extra good hait'bred ewe lambs made to 27. 6; good, 6 to 2-" 4; ordinary, to 23': good m.s. lamb*. 2°/ to 23 : ordinary. 16 to 19 ; medium wether lambs. 16 9 to IST: inferior. 15' to 16 6; cull. 12 9 to 14 9; good two-tooth halfbred ewe?. 36 3; ordinary, 31 to 33 6; ordinary to gO'.'d two-tooth three-quarterbred ewes. 29 6 to 34 ': zood four. six and eight-tooth halfbred ewes. 28 6 to 33 6: ordinary :V>ur. ,-:i and eight-tooth halfbred ewes. 24 6 to 26 6: inferior, 21 6 to 24 : s.m. «.rossbred ewes, 24/ to 28 3: inferior, 20 to 23 ; f.m. ewes, 16' to 17 6 aged, 14 to 15 9: two-tooth crossbred ewes, to 32 ; four and six-tooth Romney-cross ewes, to 29 : s.m. Romncy-f rofß ewes. 24' to U* ; two-tooth halfbred wethers, to 23 6: *:x and cighttooth halfbred wether.-, to 28 3. Fat Lambs. —There was a ke-'-n sa>. at full schedule rates. Extra prime brought to 34 7: prim®. 28 6 to 31 6; medium, 26'3 to 28 3; light, 24/ to 26 . Fat Sheep.—Ten raoes wpr» present, the heaviest entry for some week*. B:z sr.eo-, were inclined to be a shade easier, but
export fnrtg maintained freezing va'"« Extra prime wethc-rs made to 36'10; prime. 32' to 34 6, medium, 29 to 31 6: light, 26' to 28 6; extra prime e-.ves. to 33 10; prime ewes. 26 to 29 6: med-/::n ewes, 22 to 25 6; 1 izht ewes, 19 6 to 111 6: aged ewp«, 1.5 ■' to 19
Fat Cattle.—There was a very heavy entry o? 660 head, a big proportion hnnz cows. Value? receded on the bi2 prices or last week bv 30. per head. B & = » )>--e r made 43' to 46' per 1001b; extra, shehtlv more heavy, 4*.'' to 43 ; medium qualitv, 41/ to 42 6; best cow and medium heifer' 39, to 42, 6; and rough, down to 30'. \ eater?.—A keen sale was experienced. Twelve to 18-month calve®. £§ t 0 3 g. best vealerg. £6 to £7 10'.
Pat piss realised from M to 6rl per lb tor baeoners and 7d to 7V*d for porker?.
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 85, 11 April 1929, Page 4
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3,039LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 85, 11 April 1929, Page 4
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