A further 21-3 overseas passengers arrived by the Maunganui from Svdne; this morning, while the R.M.rti-s. Aorangi, which sailed for Sydney last night, took a large number of passengers from New Zealand. The port promises to grow busier this week. Two vessels are due from the Pacific Coast to-morrow, tho fiolden Boar at 7 a.m. and tl>a Waitemata at 2 p.m., while the Middlesex, expects to arrive from Liverpool oil Thursdaymorning. The Anglo-Columbian, en route from Galveston, Texas, radios that she will arrive on Friday afternoon. Departures to-day included the Tairoa and Westmoreland for the South, while the Treworlas, also for southern ports, is to be dispatched to-morrow morning. ARRIVALS—THIS DAT. Herekine, from Portland. 4.45 a.m. Claymore, from Whaugarei. fi.lo a.m. Kartii'i, from Greymouth, 7.00 a.m. Maunganui, from Syducy, C.UO a.m. Passengers : —First saloon : Misses E. M. Avery, F. Barnes. A. M. Bryant, K. N. Brown. V. Canavon. E. Deans, I. G. Eiss, \V. M. Goldwater, K. It. Humphries. R. Helpiore, V. Harding. I>. Hopkins, HowardSmith. B. M. Jagger, P. A. Keogh, H. Kattertiehl, M. Madill, 51. E. Mace, A. Matheson, Neil. M. Newuian, E. Prior. B. Simpson, 1.. Sandler, S. Shindier, E. W. Semple, W. J. Sp«'if:ht, D. Whineray, E. Willatrop, C. Will.-tri:p ; Mesdanies A. Ashford. E. Banks, G. E. Burge. A. Baxter, E. Brierly, J. E. Cole. J. J. Canavun, D. Cooper. J. CraigBrown. G. C. Carter, G. F. Davis. R. Fanning, D. Goldwater, D. Humphries. W. G. Helmore, T. M. Hazlett, G. Lippincott, W. A. McKay, E. J. Madell, B. A. Mosely, H. W. Magill. J. Neil. L. O'Neill, I. Paget, A. Ramsay, F. Simpson. W. G. Stevens, J. Speight. W. E. Short. S. Smith, E. J. Stephens. J. «iracey, A. A. Tomkins, R. Thomson. D. Wilson. M. Willstrop; Messrs. B. H. Andrew. A. Ashford, A. C. Bennett, I). Ranks, G. E. Burge, H. Darnaby, Burge, Brierly. Major A. A. Bowden. Dr. R. Betriogtou. J. E. Cole. N. G. Clark, S. R. Caplin. I. t'ullinan, C. Coliing. D. Coonan. S. H. Coventry, 11. Cooke, F. Carson. G. CraigBrown. G. Carter. A. D. Davidson, R. 1 'unHs-Smith. L. Ditescheim, C. East, F. E. fast men r, F. Eraser, o. a. Finley, Major R. Fanning, A. G. Graham, M. Gandry, O. Griffen. H. Hartshorn, F. Hosklng, F. X. Haas, T. M. Hazlett, M. I. Keogh, J. M. Dowry, McKenrie-Jeffery, W. A. McKay, B. A. Moseley. J. T. Murdoch, W. MagUl. P. •T. Marks. H. H. Maiden. R. L. B. Maiden, E. H. Maas. E. McFarlnne. W. Newbv, C. Nathan. S. R. O'Neill. B. Packman, j. A. I'earson. S. Pritchard. A. R. Reynolds. S. •T. Reynohls. C. W. Rainger, F. Simpons, Major W. Stevens. P. Stevens. G. Stevens, H. T. Speight. E. E. Short, G. Smith, N. K. Sylow. M. Symonds, E. J. Stphens. A Service. A. J. Solomon, R. Turnbuli, J» A. Traill, R. Taylor, J. Tracey, •T. C. R. Thomson. D. Wilson, R. B Williams. F. Williams, M. VTillstrop, R. U ill ; ron. e. Yarrow. Second saloon: MU-rs .1. •"anipbrll, E. M. Dixon. M. Enti- • ••)tr. S. Houlahan. I*. Irwin. H. E. Me--I'onald, M. Met;regor. J. McGregor. I. F. Millar. A. Ruston. E. Rogerson. J. Stevens, S Thomas. M. Willmott; Mesdames A. J. Burrows. C. Comber, A. M. Chambers, M Chambers, W. Collins. D. P. Enticott. R. B. Fort. W. J. Hammer. A. C. Ruston, R. Renshall. M. Shakespeare, W. Sheppard. E Stevens. W. Shore, M. Tibbets. I. J. Trass, S. Wilmott: Messrs. A. J. Burrows, A. J. Cowan. W. E. Crossman. R. J. Collins. T. Enticott. ,T. Enticott. J Fussell. A. I'arqnhar*)D. V. Go!<len. J. Hareourt. S. Hamilton. E. A. Rcaly. W. J. Hammer. W. D .lohn«ton. 11. Kinkaid. L. Kaianski. H. I Lloyd. A. McDonnell, J. Millar. C. B. Menr i's. S. I'. I»ar«'ins, A. C. J. G. Snxton. R. Stevens. W Shore. S. Wilmott. N. A. Williams: and .Trt stperage Mahurangi, from Portland. 11.25 am. DErARTCRES.—TESTER DAY. Claasnian. for Uusm-11. 4.50 p.m. Pono. for Coast. S/JS p.m. Nernpuhi, for Tauranga. >5.40 p.m. KM m s. \orangi. for Sydney. 10.30 p.m. P.i.-.-rnners troui Auckland. — First saloon: Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Mr. and Mrs. A. L>. .Morrow. Dr. and Mrs. A. Newton. Messrs. K. C. and F. Donnelly. Mr. A. Miss Hunt. Mrs. and Miss Alexander, Miss Ross-i .ore, Mr*'", and Miss Mossop. < 'ooper. Mrs. and Misses C 2) Allen. Miss I'oliie, Mr. H. Williams. Mr. E. Tonneson. Mr. A. s. Proctor. Mr. A. G. Bohanon. Mr | 1.. Steger. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCulloch, I ' 'r. N. MoDougall. Mrs. Somervil!** Mr< I Waiters. Mr. 11. Waters. Mr. 1,. F. Howling! Mr. H. Bickley. Mrs. Bard. Ur. and Miss Peck. Mr. O. C. Smith. Sisters McGinnis and Plummer. Mr. B. Armstrong. Dr. B. Thomas. Mr. .1. J. Cooper. Mr. ami Mrs. Blackmore, Miss Blackmore, Mr. and Mrs. Archer. Mr and Mrs. E. C. Hueter, Mr. and Mrs. D W Co-nello, Mr and Mrs. F. E. Bird. Mr. and I Mrs. <;. p Thornier. Sir .Tames and Lodr Karr.vt. Mr. L. !•'. Vinoein. Mr. and Mrs ! 11. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. M. J Harris | and child. Miss Quinn, Mr. O. Latimer, i Miss Stephens, Miss Knox. Mr. and Mrs. E. I ,'.nd Mi-s Craig. Mr. A. C. Tollow. Mr. R. M. Finch. Mr. S. Harrowell. Mrs. Byre, Mi.-N Stephen.-on. Mr. C. A. Alexander. Mr. R. S. Mitchell. Miss Kenton, Mr. P. Campj bell, Mr. I*. Hayward. Mr. Laurenson, Mr. F. C. Maclagan, Mr. D. Devitt Mr. V\". S. Shopper. Mr. I>. McMillan. Mr. A. K Down. Mr. A. E. Larey. Miss Lacev. Mr. and Mrs. L. Vetter and rhild. Mr. G. Speechley, Mr. O. .1. Th->ieus. Mr. C. Campbell. Mr. B. E. Keiller. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McKenzie, Mrs. Thompson. Misses (2) Karhach. Mrs. Cones. Mrs. Berry. Mrs. Campbell, Mr. C. Johnson. Mr. J. L. Wheeler, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Newberry, Mr. and Mrs A Rumble, Misses (2) Weir, Dr. and Mrs. J. T White, Mr. H. Piddams. Mr. R. Henson Mr. J. Williams. Mr. C E. Jenson, Mr. H. O Howe. Mr. R. .1. Leeper. Miss Gotlick*on, Miss Dngdale. Dr. and Mrs. J. Hunt. Mrs Althouse, Mrs. Hellier, Mr. and Mrs w Turnock. Mr. and Mrs. G. Tavlor. Captain P. W. Parker. Mr. J. L. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knight. Mr. A. B. Arney, Mr. G A •Tones Mr. and Mrs. G. Edwards. Dr. W IT Downey. Mr. B. A. Parkes. Mias Berrv, Miss Collie. Mrs. Colley. Mr. and Mrs. H. and Misses (2) Riddell. Mrs. Gilbert. Miss Payne. Mrs. and Miss Macdiarmid. Miss Harvey. Second saloon : Mrs. Goodman, Mr. and Mr?. G. V. Garrett. Misses i2> Hamilton. Lady and Miss Salmon.]. Mr and Mrs. A. S. Nodder. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wooller Miss Brett. Mrs. I>vine. Mr. A. McCarthv Mr--. Eraser. Mr and Mrs. D. N. Collins. Miss Kennedy, Miss Anderson. Mi«s Slian». MNs Purcell. Miss Forrest Miss Diek-on Miss Boyd. Mr. .T. B. Ansell. Mr?. Kline Mrs. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rernell. Miss Roe, Mr. and Mrs. V. C \icock Misses (2i Alc<vk. Mr. \. W. Thomson Mr W. J Wilson. Mr. G. Wilson. Mr. T. Cooper. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Abernethv. Mr. and T Parker. Rev. and Mrs. N. F. Robertshawp Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Malham. Mrs. Parkes Miss Dalziel. Miss Seanlon. Miss Hancock. Mr. W. E. McKinlay. Dr. H. G. Dawson. Mr W. A. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. i - O'Reillv Miss Druher. Miss Daines. Mr. .T. Bvrnes Mr. C. S. I.awsf.n. Mr. C. P. Hore Mr. T H. Lund. Mr. R. Bossert. Mrs Walsh and child. Miss Ballard, two Chinese nn.l 21 third-class. THIS DAY. Toa. for Whakatane. 0.?; a.m Otimai. for Opottlti, 0.2"i a.m. i Tiroa. for Gisborne. 12.10 p.m. 1 Kaiwarra. for Tnkomaru Bar. 12.2S p m I Tairoa. for Wellington. 12 %o p D i. j WAITEMATA TO-MORROW. i An p\pe 1• * 1 ■ i arrival at A upland i<> mor i row a rreniooa is rbe t niop Civ's steamer 1 Wairemata. w'-h ea«w> oil and general earso ! from the Paeifie C,--.i<r. Her other port« j of diseharre are Wellington. M"!honrre .mil Sydney j riIMARiH AT SYDVEY. ' Clllied advice from s*d>'er 1-f The j ■■'.rrivil rbere. at S a.m. to-day. of the Hud dar*-Parker s-ramer L'iimtiroa. w'rh I ter-. nvi's ird rargo frotr. \ vkltiml She j is -eheduled f I'nre Sydney ngain for ne-:' Friday I AORANGI SAILED In continuation of her rovac from Ynueonver. the T'nion Co 's R M.m s. Aoransi sailed last ni<rht for Svdnev. where she- is dr." nest Fri lav. On i-.-r -e*nn v.v- • -o Yaneenver she is scheduled to e!p.-|r Sydney on March 7 and Ancklni'd Ma!•••'. 1 ric't \nr>so.v stt- \■*rr: 1:■= ' W i'k ! " and WiT'i- j.lri,. -1- i ! t!.e I.' : -i - pp\- ; - d-- ! :it P'-: . lard ~n Ti;.:r ,i,:d for E •-• 11. - . V: 1 11 io r. ard W-Grio The Awaboi) i«. loadinsr f.> r nicks' Ray. Ti'tnmar" j - „ nr Kinz's n'harf. is to sail at fire o'clock this
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 48, 26 February 1929, Page 4
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1,497SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 48, 26 February 1929, Page 4
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