The Royal New Zealand Yacht , ron held a longdistance race on Saturday for the T. *M. Alexander Memorial Cup. The course was from off the King's wharf to Te Kouma harbour. Coromandel, a distance of 3S mile;. The boats were required to go bv way of Motutapu passage and the out«id>- or Waiheke Island, the finishing line be:rbetween the launch Maibe and Border Point, at the northern entrance to Te Kouma. After a close and interesting race tV- | winner proved to be Mr. L. .Tenkinsoifs Ida, which won on corrected time by lm '25s from Messrs. Nga T-a. with Mr. H. Xorthcroft's Ilex third. Th» rare started at 2.".0 p.m.. th» !•■■' lowicr bein; the entries acd hai dt<-ap- — \riki s-ratch. loranri 2;oj. Thelrn-i "••i). N-a Toa l"io. Waitanzi 17;tn. Kawre lSim. Moana 19;tn. Victory 21im. W...:.n0 °Km Ida "'"Tn. 31rc. Wind ward "»rti, Ranzi 41m. Scout 4*<:n. !•?!• rule 4*m.
of the IT entrant? a:i start M r-'V Rawene. -which was away on her ann-j*' .•ruise. There was a steady topsail from th» -oath, which jrave tse boj:< * broad lead down harbour throuzb M ••-• tapu channel, where several set «7»inna*.--s suved well for'ard. Th» rid- wm < :'■-■ ••! and when the starting gun went n"ne wa> -,-prr close to the liac. 10-an?i was. :--=- across, followed by Victory. Prir». N.-n Tos. Soouf. Moain. Thelnia. Ari's 1 . Ida Ilex. Windward. Waione. Kutiri. Waitanpi and Ranci. with DelviUe «m 'J-'s late. The 16 boats, with leaders, mainsail and topsails all drawin? weil. mad" a r ,r ''"- v *izht as they led down hart»vir on their lons course. Thelma. Ariki and Nra Toa kept well to windward, the ".after eoir>-.-lofe to the »nd of the eastern Tide <!«• Sector. lorangl. Moana. Prix" and Ida wore the next be-r. with the rest cf the fleet strune our .-i-torn. Pas*inc OrsVei Nffa Toa held weather portion, whil<Thelma and Ariki were havin? a luffinz match and sailed sonic _di;:.*n-e off ih«ir ■-nurse while doir.2 so. N;ra Toa now <.•?: a small spinnaker well for'ard. and ran away from the rest of the boat*, r-elns in th» lead. -At North Head Nsri Toa led, with Toranzi and Aritei »•=**. foi'.owed bv Thelma, Prize, Moana. Victory and Ilex.
Going through »h» Motutapu pass*?*. lorangi. Tlielma. Ariki and Nca Toa. all with spinnakers set. wore ruunin? aim"!-' level. lorangi d;ew i-]»ar off rb» ton "nd of Waiheke. and led for th" r»«t of th* 1 journey. Off Hooks Bay. at th° l"«*r end of Waiheke. the ord»r was loransri. A-ifel. Th»!ma. Nsra Tin. Waitanci. M<>ana. Prizo. Ida. Ilex. Windward. Kanzi. Waion*. K'-iri. After passing Hook- Bay 11 = x carried away her leadins jib halyard, th" sail gorrjng overboard. Nga Toa also had a litr> trouble with her >-pinnakor. Nearins Ranripuke. ' Ariki kept too <-ioi*> undor »bi = island, and ! Thelma. by keeping further •"it. p»ss«j her and took second pla'-o. The fiii = nir:r tin;" ' were as follow? : — -Inrar.-ji. oh .".f'~i : Tt-lna. «h Sftm 30s : Ariki. 7h 1m 1"-: N:ra To«. Th 3m: WaitaDzi. Th Inm: \["nni Th 'Tm .".-!: Priz". Th lTm •-•-"•- Ma. Th I'm ."*•■=: Ilex. Th 23m : Vi-fry. Th :Sn °.."« : Wind ward. Th 3."m : Ransri. Th "7m : Kotiri. Tb oP-m : Wai<->n<\ Th ri?m 3''- : P.->lvin<\ 7b "2m : Scout. Th ">"m. R«m'' : Tdi. \ : Nca Toa. 2: Hot. ". Th*lraa and llanri tied for fourth priz». THE M <-T„\SS. The Squadron als.-> h"M a ' J "<* ' or t'i» M class of i«fr r*srri--~1 '-v,-- T" I course was from ••ff th-" 1 K'rr'; »s.t' i round mark below • :-.-■-:" sj r»:ura. nine nnl<"«. From a _•■ i rin a - I ".4-" p.id. Man one was t>o ca.'«" nn-,1 bad 1 to return, letting Mara - .»a aw a- rim. fo",. j lowed by Mawhiti. Maroro. Mi=?h>f. Mu*arere. Maia and Man»n». in t'*;s '■-d*~. I The finish of th° rr.c-» was —Mararero. !4h 42m ITs: Maratea. 4h 4om C'" 1 -: Msro r e. 4h 4Tm 11«: Mawhiti. 4h 4mii .*.ss : Manene. ] 4h Ts ; Maia. 4h o-'ra "4s. I Result: Matarere 1. Maratoa 2. Maroro 3 The officers for t'r<? <iif -a.o r o \I-----I A. M. Gi'.mour. R. P. Mavs. R W. t.-ird and L. J. Souter. Messrs. A. Prober and J. Owen took, tbe time at T? Kourai. RICHMOND CRUISING CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA
Thr TJi'-hm'-'nd Cmisinc Club's annual recarta was held off wli.-ir; ■•n Saturday in p-»rfpct =:iiiins w-a-h»r Mr. Jas. Donald's launch Marian O. was flagship. S«m» vpry !-].-.*«- w«r» witnessed, especially in the H and T. flashes. Thp following ar» th<- finishing times and results in ea.-h ola-s : — U Class.—Th»re was a ve r r pIos" finish between Starlight. Spray and Srarl.vh. only 32 seconds separating th» thr»-' Th«times werp : Srarlichr. 4h r.'-ii' 55s : Sprav. 4h 30m 14s: Starlnrh. 4h 30 m ::7* : C»los. 4h 40m sf>s ; Awar"r». 4h 4<ra I*s : Why Not. 4h 4C'm 4Ss ; Awabon. 4h 53m 5Ss. Result: Spray 1. Starlight 2. Starloch 3. L Class. —Yhe finish in this class was also very close between the two loading boats. Rakoa getting the fin only 2" seconds ahead of Marie. Tir finish was: Rakoa. 4h 44m 245: Marie. 4h 44m 495: Valpria. 4h 47m 57s : Kokiri. 4h 49m 10s : Otira. 4h 51m : Waima. 4h 53m 9s. Result: Waima 1. Otira 2, Marie 3. N Class.—The finish was: Winifrpd 4h 47m 345. Wairere 4h ."2m 555. Matariki 4h 57m 55>. Wyoming Sh 0m 5*.-. Result : Winifred 1. Matariki 2. Wairerp 3. V Class.—The finish was : Surprise 4b 555. Prone 4h U'rn .Vis : Wild Wave 4b 22m 19s. S<w-ret 4h 22m 4*s. I.overer 4b 25 ra Bs. Mysri'- 4b 20m 15*. S--ud 4h 20m. 5.Ss. Ngarip 4b 3?m 12s. Sun 4h 36m 37*. Rita 4h 3Sm 4*. Result : Leveret 1. Sur
' prise 2. Wild Wa-re S. ! S Class.—The finish wa« : Namu 4h 29-r 10s, Aratu 4h 30m 245, Almira 4h 3'm 3s. Atangatai 4b 35m 17s. 1,-in<- : a 4h 35 ni 455. Cyclone 4h 3»".m ss. S fc a Sleigh 4b. ->-ru 25?. Waitui 4h 3»''m 45 5 . Phoebe 4h 57m 32.*. Tulip 4h 42m 4«s. Swiftsnr* 4h 4*dj l'»s. Phyllis 4h 47m SS.5 S . Result: Phoebe 1. Phyllis 2. Almira 3. T Class.— Thp finishing times in this plass wer<> : Shalimar 4h 35m 45-. Kl"anor 4h 37m 3>s, Kamona 4h 41m 495. Mete--r 4h 43m 355. Janet 4h 44m .V,s. Manu 4h 4"m 59*. Taimirp 4h 52m 45*. n.ingi 4h o'2tt 4*s. Result: Eleanor 1. Manu 2,Shalimar 3. I Y Class. —Thp finishing times in this J class were as follow: <»rah 4h -3>m 53-. S«>a I Pawn 4h 41' m -s<>s. Fay -lb I'.'m "J4-. Romp 4h 50m 525. Fron*<■■■» in 1: 4h 51m .>*-. Sen Kinr 4h *i*. <>i-eri ?h 52* _i-;. '\-,pri'-'-*h 57m '.«. Result : Sea Pawn 1. '"pah 2. Caprice 3. The ofß'-prs f n r the day —Starter and judge. Mr. .1. l.oLglioTroni : TiriPk-«-per-. M»ssrs. I. ppnnps. P. Kah»y ar..i .1. W. B.iillie; recorder. Mr. H. K. Lay cock.
TAXAPTTNA BOATING CLUB. j CHAMPIONSHIP WON BY ACE The Takap'in.i Bearing Clul> )i»-M a rafor the f]uh'« 7. .-la<* o n Saturday afternoon, over two round* of the u«tial rour-**. | starting and finishing oft" <-iubb"u?.-. Bij--water. . In addition to t'n- '-iuh hatiuirai' | the race for th>- championship tlas for rh* I class was sail«ni f..r. and won hv A.-.-. Tli> I was postponed fr-m .\nniv«r«nrv D?y regatta, owing to ».,m» of th» t---.it« h*::-; away at Lyttelton at that tin-.-. <s-n-.t--- : .r.j i in the annual f-_-r th<- ■"••rnw-li i'<i\I The following arc the finishing times :— I Ace. 4h 3«m 4'"'s : D-ii-hin- 4h ."?■'■ 1'?: j Tio. 4h 39m Sis: Kippl-. Jh 4--ri 4f>-: Kitty. 4h 46m s*s : 4'n 4»:n r.s : Lai Lai. 4h s'">m 34=. R«-ilt 'han-li--ap race* : Toi. 1 ; Ac. 2 : Kitty 3. < T.impionI ship. Ace. 1. | A race for the Tauransa 7ft 6in class, for j which five started, was won hy Jonquil. 1 with Wishwin second and Dot third. At the conclusion r 'f th* rar» th» Mayor of Takapuna. Mr. J. W. Williamson, pr— I sented the championship flag i- 1 Are. and a ] trophy to Master G. M. Carter. th« 13-yea.r- ---! old skipper of Jonquil, winner of the 7ft «in j class. Masters D. Rogers and G. Carter. ! winning crew of the Comwell Cup. handed I the cup to Mr. O. MoUer. chairman of the I Auckland Yacht and Motor Boat AssoHaj tion. Mr. Moller congratulated the ctrw I on their vin.
IfORTHCOTE REGATTA. j ENTRIES CLOSE TO-NIGHT. Entrl»« for the various jachts. launch. 'nd outboard motor boat races, in connec-M<--n ■with the Northcote and Birkenhead ' to b« held Saturday, close a* . i-, ( -]o<-k this evening, at the Northcot* [ -■•'izq Council Chambers. i MANTJKAU CLUB. | Mar.ukau Yacht and Motor B--a* ; Club's- c-u:siDs race to Corst»*allis en Sat- | jr-jar resulted as follow* :-— ' T.au-ches.—Drone 1. Ma'nTseUe 2. Ka- I V...-:-i-?.—Waitara 11. 1. Gold Lirht 2. J
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 47, 25 February 1929, Page 3
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1,472YACHTING Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 47, 25 February 1929, Page 3
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