A RECORD OFFERING. SATISFACTORY CLEARANCES. LOWER PRICES RULE. The biggest saie yet recorded in this province was opened at the Town Hall Concert Chamber on Saturday night, before a full bench of buyers representing every important wool-using country in the world, when Messrs. Dalgety and Co. (acting in conjunction with the North Auckland Co-operative Association) opened the fixture with an offering that stands as the largest individual catalogue of new wool yet submitted at anv one sale in the Dominion.
From the outset it was evident that there was likely to be a good clearance for bidding was exceedingly animated, and Dalgety's cleared no less than 94 per cent of their offering. Prices, however, were on a lower basis than at the opening sale in November, and substantially lower than at the corresponding sale in this centre last year.
Auckland pastoralists will sell a good deal more wool this season than they did last, but it is not certain that their financial returns will be any greater.. However, the values ruling at current sales must be considered as reasonably satisfactory, and the general healthy tone of the market has not been more definitely demonstrated than at the present sale. Despite the encroachments of artificial substitutes. wool is still supreme as the raw material for clothing, and all the world is looking for it —at a price.
The character of most of the wool offered was what is usually described as Continental. Last year's dry conditions just after shearing facilitated bush burning, and consequently the clip now offering contains an unusual y large proportion of bush-stained clip-. As is expected at this time of year, quite a proportion is ■"seedy," some very much so. However, the classification system, whereby growers are having their clips reelassed in the local stores. goe3 a long wav to ensure the lots being presented to buyers in the most attractive light, and the general results of the sale appear to justify the steady growth of this practice.
Under the circumstances, it was natural that Continental buyers should be more active than they have been at Southern sales, and their purchases appear to have been made at a shade higher rates than ruled at Wellington last Week. As far as Bradford topmaking sorts were concerned, buyers were quite ready with their orders at the lower levels recently reached at Southern sales. Lambs' wool was very keenly comp.-ed for, some of the prices being remarkably good, considering reports from the South of a threepenny drop in this class. Continental buyers also paid very satisfactory price- for bellies and pieces. Fine wools appeared to be comparatively neglected, and in this connection it may be mentioned that the Waiti clip of half-bred Merino was passed in at lCd to 21d. At the corresponding sale last vcar fine half-bred brought from 22d to 28] d. A Sprightly Finish. Tnough The sale showed signs of dragging at one stage this morning, there was renewed vigour towards the close. Competition became, if anything, keener than on Saturday night and buyers were literally and figuratively "on their toes." Under these conditions the NewZealand Loan and Mercantile Company's broker, who was last to sell, rattled through his catalogue of 864 lots in an hour and a-quarter, the passings being almost negligible. The sale dosed on a firm market with prices from par to id per lb higher than at Wellington last week.
REPRESENTATIVE CLIPS. Following are the prices realised for a number of representative clips:— Olubuiv. W. J. 8.. New Zealand.—lß Bales first crossbred hogget. 17* id: 7 bales second crossbred hogget. 13% d: 36 bales first crossbred ewe, 14Vid; 11 bales second crossbred ewe. ; 6 bales first hogget pieces, IP/id; 12 bales first ewe pieces, 12=54d; 6 bales, lOd; 11 bales first lambs, 16d. Rehia—9 Bales A crossbred ewe. 18V4u: 17 bales B crossbred ewe. 16d; 9 bales crossbred wether, 16d; 14 bales C ewe. 14% d; 3 bales A super hogget, 16* id; 5 bales B crossbred hogget. 17d; 5 bales D crossbred, 14}£d; 5 bales necks and pieces. 13% d; 4 bales pieces, lid: 5 bales bellies. 10M:d; 4 bales A lamb, tSVtd; 5 bales B lamb, 5 bales crutchings, Bd. Te Puni. —4 Bales A fine crossbred. 14% d: 5 bales A medium crosbred, 13V6d: 4 bales B tine crossbred. 14d; 4 bales medium crossbred, 13d; 4 bales B coarse crossbred. 12d. Wharfdale, J.J.C. over W—l4 Bales A crossbred wether and ewe, loVid; 16 bales crossbred wether, 14d: 6 bales B crossbred ewe, 14d; 20 bales C crossbred ewe, 13d; 19 bales C crossbred wether, 13% d; 20 bales D crossbred, 12% d: 6 bales necks and pieces, 13d: 10 bales bellies, lid; 7 bales A lamb. 18*/ id: 7 bales B lamb, lo^id: 4 bales crossbred, 14% d; 15 bales first and second crosbred ewe, 14% d; 5 bales third crossbred, 5 bales first pieces, 13% d: 4 bales lamb, 17% d. A. and F. over S.. Waikaka.—l3 Bales crossbred hogget, 14% d: 41 bales crossbred ewe. 1394 d: 4 bales crossbred wether 13d; 4 bales bellies, B%d; 7 bales lamb. 13% d.
Aramiro. —10 Bales crossbred fine A. 16d; 14 bales crossbred medium A, 14% d: 12 bales coarse crossbred A. 13Sid; 4 bales crossbred tine B. 6 bales crossbred medium B. 13% d; 6 bales crossbred coarse B, 12d A.X. over W.—23 Bales crossbred fine, 14% d: 20 bales crossbred. 7 bales crossbred coarse. 12^d: 4 bales pieces, BMsd; 4 bales bellies, BV2d; 5 bales crutching's, lOd. Omahu.—B Bales crossbred hogget. AA. 16Vid; 3 bales crossbred super AA. 16'/2d; 12 bales crossbred A. 14?* d: 18 bales cross bred B, 14d; 13 bales first pieces, HVid; 7 bales lamb B, B%d. J.F.. Awakino.—lß Bales first crossbred. lod; 5 bales second crossbred. 13d; .> bales hogget, 16d; 4 bales pieces, 12d. J.H.P.-H.—4 Bales crossbred fine. MUd; 13 bales crossbred medium, 13% d; 17 bales crossbred coarse, 13d. Pouerua.—lo Bales first crossbred hogget, 6 bales second crossbred hogget, 14d; 9 bales crossbred A, 15M:d; 16 bales crossbred B. 14% d; 6 bales crossbred E, 13% d; 12 bales first pieces, 13Ud; 5 bales bellies, ll^d. Oroni Downs. —38 Bales crossbred. 13l*d; 5 bales bellies and pieces. 9Mhl. A.E.H. over Aoroa.—l7 Bales crossbred A. 14} id: 12 bales crossbred B, 14d: 5 bales bellies and pieces, 9M:d; 4 bales lamb. 16% d. 1.Y.. Riverslea. —4 Bales hogget superfine, 14 bales hogget fine, lod; IS bales Romnev ewe A. lod: 6 bales Romney ewe B, 13% d; 6 bales Romney wether. 14* id; 10 bales first pieces. 10% d: 4 bales second pieces, 7%d; 4 bales bellies, 9Ud; 4 bales crutchings, 10% d. Kereone—3B Bales crossbred ewe. 13* id; 38 bales crossbred ewe, 13d (passed); 4 bales crossbred cotts. 12% d. Ruawai. —3 Bales Southdown, 9 bales first crossbred, 6 bales second crossbred, 14*/4 d; 4 bales lamb, 1294 d.
Fernleigh Downs. —1 Bales crossbred | fine, loWd; 14 bales crossbred medium, | lod; 16 bales crossbred coarse. 14d; 5 bales I crossbred hogget. 14*4 d: 5 bales bellies and pieces, 8V«d: tt bales lamb, 13d. Kumi. —5 Bales crossbred hogget AA, 17Msd: 5 bales crossbred hogget A. 17Vid: 8 bales crossbred hogget B, 5 bales crossbred AA. 14' id; 12 bales crossbred A, 14d: 8 bales crossbred B. 13% d; 8 bales crossbred C. 13Vid: 8 bales crossbred D. 12% d: 8 bales necks. llVid: 6 bales pieces. B%d (passed): 6 bales bellies, 9%d: 8 bales first lamb. 16Vid. M. —4 Bales crossbred fine. 5 bales crossbred medium. 15M:d. Tiiangle.—4 Bales Corriedale, 17d. J.A. over 0.—4 Bales fine crossbred. 17 J /4d; 4 bales medium crossbred, 14* id, 4 bales coarse crossbred. 13d. Tahora. — i Bales crossbred hogget fine. 16d: 4 bales crossbred hogget medium. 14% d; 4 bales crossbred fine. 17d: 5 bales crossbred fine B, Kai: o bales crossbred medium 15% d. E.L.T.-0 Bales crossbred hogget, io-Md; 15 bales crossbred A. 15.1: 4 bales bellies and pieces, lid: 5 bales first lambs. 18V4d. L.W.K.. Glencairu.—9 Bales crossbred hogget. 15d: 20 bales crossbred fine. 15VUI; 8 bales crossbred wether. _15d; 6 bales crossbred ewe medium. V3 r /*6 : < bales bellies and pieces. 12Ud; 4 bales lamb. 10*4 d. Fordell.- -10 Bales ciossbred hoeget. 17Vjd; 14 bales crossbred wether, loVid; o bides bellies and pieces. 12d. Paradise.—7 Bales crossbred hogget and ewe AA. IS'/id: ."> bales ditto A. 15' id; 4 bales first pieces and bellies, llvjd. Thorne.—s Bales crossbred hogget tiue, 16V4d: 4 bales crossbred hogget medium. 14Vid: 6 bales crossbred fine. 10' id; 5 bales crossbred medium. 14Vtd. Ruakura Farm. — i Bales fine ciossbred ewe. 15M:d: 13 bales crossbred ewe, 14d; 5 bales bellies and pieces, lOd. W. over K. in , square.—l 3 Bales fine crossbred hogget, ltr&d: 32 bales fine crossbred, ltkl: 5 bales crossbred. 14d: 4 bales lamb, lod; 4 bales bellies. IVM.
Seaview.— 4 Bales haltbred hcgget. lT'id: j 10 bales line crossbred hogget, lorid: 25 j bales tine crossbred. l.VSid: 30 dales ' medium crossbred. 14V-d; 7 bales crossbred, ' VdVtd; 23 bales D crossbred. Kttid; 0 ' ! ales i-otts.. 12% d: 8 bales lamb. ItiVid; 1 15 bales bellies and piece?. 13? id: '.) bales bellies. 4 bales locks, 7?id; 4 bales ' crutehings, I'd. Ruku. 6 Baits B crossbred hogcet. ! 10% d; 17 bales B crossbred, 14=kd: 4j! bales C crossbred. lit!: 5 bales first pieces. ll%d: 4 bales lirst pieces, llHd; 3 bales lamb. lS',id. L'W over Paral'i-ru. 4 Bales halibred. ]B%d: 9 bales ¥ crossbred. 16d: 11 bales crossbred. 4 bal-.s lamb, 15V6d; 4 bales bellies and pieces. lOd. Ngaheia.—s Bales lamb. 19d. Waimai. —29 Bales crossbred e«c. 15Ud--9 bales first lamb. 17d: 3 bales second lamb. 14d: 7 bales bellies and pieces, lOd. 8.7.—4 Bales Corriedale. HVid: 6 bales A crossbred, 15% d; 5 bales B crossbred, 14<1. Ora. —4 Bales super crossbred ewe. 15Vid; 13 bales first crossbred ewe, 14'zid; 8 bales second crossbred ewe. 13V*d: 6 bales Southdown crossbred ewe. 11' id: 13 bales first D crossbred hogget and wether. 12d; 13 bales second D crossbred hogget and wether. lOVid: 4 bales bellies and pieces, 9%d: 4 bales first lamb, 5 bales Southdown lamb, 10J. Taniwha. —6 Bales A crossbred. 16^id: 10 bales B crossbred. 4 bales C crossbred, 13'4d: 6 bales cotts., 12^~d. W.H.S.-Te Ngae.—6 Baits A crossbred. 15M:d; 12 bales B crossbred, 14d: 6 bales D crossbred, 13M:d: 6 bales A cotts., 13d; 4 bales B cotts., lOVid; 11 bales second pieces, 10^d. RM over W.—4 Bales crossbred bogget. 17d; 7 bales first A crossbred, 15% d: 7 bales A crossbred, 15d; 5 bales A and B crossbred, 13% d; 3 bales lamb. 16% d. M.G.— i Bales A crossbred. 16d: 4 bales B crossbred, 14d: 4 bales C crossbred, 13V 4 d. E.M.-Maiigakara.—4 Bales crossbred fine A, 16% d: 10 bales crossbred A, 15d: 20 bales crossbred b, lolad; 4 bales bellies and pieces. 91-ad. Beresford. —24 Bales crossbred A, 15d; 8 bales crossbred B, 14d; 5 bales cross-' bred hoggets, IT'/id; 8 bales pieces and ■ bellies. lßid. j Whiritoa. —27 Bales crossbred hogget, | lod: 36 bales crossbred ewe, 14Vad: 4 bales crutchings. B%d; 15 bales lamb. 16Vid. F.A.P.—S Bales crossbred A. 35 bales crossbred B, 14d; 5 bales crossbred. 13vid; 7 bales p ieces and bellies, ll%d. M.K.-Maraetai.—s Bales haltbred wether. 17Vid; 9 bales Merino ewe and wether. lS'/fcd; 4 bales Merino hogget, 16% d; 5 bales Romney, lo'/id. Sedgeley.—3 Bales haltbred. 17% d; 5 bales crossbred A. 16M:d; 4 bales crossbred B. lSVid: 4 bales fine crossbred hog--zct. 15M:d; 4 bales lamb, 15% d. Tapuwae.-- Fine hogget, 14v£d: 5 bales tine ewe. 13V*d: 5 bales ewe. HSid. •T.G. over Galatea.—lo Bales hogget A, 17 bales ewe A. 16d; 7 bales wether A. 15V4d: 13 bales ewe and hoeget, 14d; 4 bales first lamb, 17% d: 12 bales first pieces, 13% d; 5 bales bellies, ll^id. Ashdale.—6 Bales hogget. \7Y*d: 24 bales crossbred A. lSVfcd: 3 bales lamb super A. 17% d; 6 bales pieces and bellies, 13\id. G.G.P. over \V.—6 Bales halfbred, 19'/4d; 4 bales medium crossbred. 14% d. U Crossed.—l 3 Bales iamb, 18 bales crossbred ewe, 15d: 5 bales longwool ewe, 13% d; 4 bales bellies and pieces, ! O Crossed.—2s Bales fine crossbred, 14 , /4 d; 7 bales crossbred, 13d; 7 bales pieces and bellies, lid. Wai over F.—4 Bales crossbred hogget. 14d; 6 bales crossbred hogget, 15? id: 4 bales crossbred A, 16d: 4 bales crossbred B, HY*d: 14 bales crossbred, 13d: 9 bales crossbred, 15% d; 5 bales pieces and necks, \ZV*d. J.T.H.-Temimi.—s Bales crossbred. 15* id: 24 bales crossbred. 14 a ,id: 4 bales crossbred. YSVsd: 8 bales Lincoln, 13d; 5 bales j crossbred, lod. Peria.—s Bales Corriedale. 16d: 19 bales crossbred hogeet, 14*>id: 37 bales crossbred, 13d; 7 bales bellies and pieces. [ Bd. PB-Mairoa.—4 Bales crossbred. ],">%d: 11 bales crosbred A. 14V«d: 10 bales cross- : bred B. 14d: tt bales crossbred 1). 13? id: "5 bales Lincoln, 13d; 12 bales crossbred C. 12(1.
Onahu.—l Bales crossbred Impact, lxh 10 bales crossbred ewe. 14d: ."> bales cross- I bred wether. 1 i'tid: 4 bales crossbred Southdown. 12V 2 d: 4 bales lamb. 17% d: 4 bales pieces, lid. ' BH over P.—lo bales crossbred tine ho?- j get A, lGVfed: 8 bales crossbred high . medium. 15*?4d: 6 bales crossbred ewe A I fine. 15% d; 10 bales crossbred ewe B tine, j 14"! id; I*2 bales crossbred ewe medium. ' 13% d: 6 bales pieces. Ud: Ift bales bellies and pieces. JP.fcd I passed i; 5 bales lamb. 9%d. AE over H.-.-i Bales halfbred. 14'-id: •". bales crossbred fine, l.j-1: ."> bales crossbred I fine D. 14d: 4 bales crossbred. 13d. j HT over Galatea.—l 3 Bales crossbred j , hogget A. 1794(1: 34 bales crossbred hogget B. 15d: 31 bales crossbred ewe A. 1*1: 12} bales crossbred ewe B. 14-5-id: 44 bales ditto ('. 14d: '2~> bales crossbred. Ki-id: ."• bales Kim. 13".£d: !) bales crossbred ewe D. 12-sid: 24 bales A pieces. 14% d: <> bales B pieces. lOd: 22 bales bellies. 12d; 7 j bales locks, 7%d. Waiheke.—3 Bales super crossbied fine, !lJ)d: 5 bales ci ossbred hue hogget A. j [16%' d; 6 bales crossbred fine A. 17d: 14 bales crossbred fine and hoirgct. l.iVid; 6 bales j>ieces and bellies. 12d (passed). Hako.— i bales crossbred hoirget A. l.")"4d: 4 bales crossbred hogget B. i4-].id: 4 bales crossbred AA. 1.3"i4d: 3 bales .-ms;:bred A. HVid; 7 bales crossbred D. I.'VI (passed): 6 bales - rosshrcd SE. lOVid (passed): 6 bides necks. ll"54d: ."i bale; A pieces. 12d: 4 bales bellies. K»d ('©"issedi; 4 bales lamb A. 17d: 4 bales crossbred A. 15d; 9 bales crossbred B. 13-Jid (pasavdj; 4 bales crossbred C, 12% d (passed). Waikaura (skirted).—7 bales crossbred hogget A. I.T/id; 8 bales crossbred hogget B. 14"/2 d: 17 bales crossbred hogget D. 5 bales crossbred ewe AA. 14-Ld--10 bales crossbred ewe and wether A, 14$ id; 8 bales crossbred ewe and wetuer B, 13">4d: 16 bales crossbred ewe, A. 14^4«i; I 17 bales crossbred ewe B, 13Vsd: 8 bales crossbred ewe D. 12% d; 6 bales crossbred •ewe C, ll%d; 13 bales first pieces, 10* d
(passed i: 10 bales bellies?. 10' id (passt<i''. 10 bales crossbred S. 4 bales second pieees. 7%d (passed): 5 bales first lanio. 15d; 9 bales first and second lamb, 14 ] „d . 5 bales lamb S. 6 bales crossbred ewe S. 9d (passed'. St. Kilda. —5 bales crossbred. 11 bales crossbred. 14Vid: 6 bales crosabied, 13' id: 5 bales lamb. 18 ! .-d. Kohatutaka.—6 bales crossbred AA. 14' id; 11 bales crossbred A. 14d: 17 b.dcs crossbred B, 13d; 4 bales first lamb, K.';d. BROKERS' OFFICIAL REPORT. The Auckland Wool Brokers" Association have to report on the second Auckland wool sale of the 1928-1929 season as follows: —
The second wool sale of tho Auckland season commenced in the Town Had Concert Chamber on Saturday last. 23id instant, and concluded this morning. 'I 'up total offering was 28.214 bales, a recoi d for an Auckland sale, and of this c>\ ( •;■ 00 per cent was sold under the hammn. The individual catalogues in the order «'i sale were: —Dalgety and Co.. Ltd... and North Auckland Farmers' Co-op.. Ltd.. in conjunction. 9421 bales; Abraham and Williams. Ltd.. 4097: A. Buckland and Sons. Ltd.. 2015; Farmers Co-op. Auctioneering Co.. Ltd.. 5931: New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd.. 675 U. There was a lull bench of buyers and competition was animated on a low ■> range of prices than those realised ai the November sale. Continental bin pi.were a very material factor in the sale their purchases representing over 50 pei cent of the lots sold. It was furtunai • for growers that the Continent operating so freely, as the class of wool submitted was of the qualities they wcic chiefly interested in. the clips this yeai showing the effects of last year's drought and the bush fires that followed. Consequently very little super wool was offered. As usual at this sale there was a lane proportion of lambs" wool offered, the bulk of which was carrying a fair pci - centage of seed. Any fine lines of lam!)*' realised extremely satislactory prices. coarse lambs' being not so keenly competed for. The following table the range of prices realised, with November, lit'S. prices shewn as a coi.m ;:; is.jn : --
I>h. l'.!.:<. Nor. lJVJfv Fine Halfbred— Super 23 to "J." Average . . . "JO to 2-i Inferior ... 20 to 2"j. Medium Halfbred — Super - - Average ... lfiji.. l T 2 - is to 10j Inferior ... 14 to l-"»? — Coarse Halfbred— Super ]S to 19 Average ... 1«; t.ilTi 17J ro UT1 Inferior ... 132d to 15J 15i to 17J Fine Crossbred— Super 17 to 17; 17 («]!» Average ... 15itol«;| ir. to 173; Inferior . . . 12J to 1~> 1 1 to 15| Medium Crossbred — Super 15Jto]« = 16jto IK Average ... 14 rn15 14 to ]H-~ Inferior ... 11 to 1" 131 to 1S~ Coarse Crossbred — Super 14JU.1.-. 14 to 15 Average ... 13 to 14 12J to<»4 Inferior .... 9J to 11' 10i to If Low Crossbred— , % Super rjjtoir.j 131 to-', Average ... 11> to HJ ] l| to Inferior ... 9J to 1J 10 V Hogget s— Super 17 to IS, is Fine 15 to 17 17 Medium ... 14 to If. 16 Coarse .... 13 to 15 1Lambs — Fine 16 loisj 1 Medium .... IS to 1* Seedy & Inf. 5i to 14 Bellies and Pieces — Halfbred— \ Good to Slip. — \ Low to Med. — * 'rossbred—• Good to Sup. 11J to i:;j 1 Low to Med. » to 11 1 Crutchings— Med. to Good 10 to IJJ 1Inf. & Seedy 5 to » i. , Locks — Crossbred . . fi to Si 7
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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 47, 25 February 1929, Page 9
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3,082AUCKLAND WOOL SALE. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 47, 25 February 1929, Page 9
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