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Joan IMulcahy is M years old, ami wonders if slio is too old to join tho Putcr Pan Glul). You're not too old, Joan. I'm sorry tliiit I cannot comply Willi your request,.but only girls over IS arc allowed to correspond under a noin tie plume.

Phyllis Crowtey says Hint " Rinsed Junior" is tho best children's magazine that flic, lias ever seen. I'm so (jlad that you liked our Cliristmas issue, Phyllis. Betty Rasmusson is In Standard 111., and will soon lie in Standard IV. You're enrolled, llettv, Faney being: only 0 years old and in Standard IV. Gariield Johnson has noticed that It lias liccn very hot. lately. "Just after midday," lie continues, " the temperature was ~\' degrees." My word. it was hot yestorday. Fancy the thermometer registering 7 1 degrees in the shade. Dawn Collior writes me a lonp-promised letter telling me all the Jnys that she is looking , forward to at Christmastime. I'm ever so pleased to hear from you niralii, Dawn, and hope that you have a good time tit Islington Jiay. It was very nnrorttihate that you g-nt a detention lor cnngratniatiiiK- Katli., lint seeing that tlie teacher was so nice I don't suppose you minded very much. I'm looking forward to tile joint letter. Alva Graham hopes Hint her competition entry was received all right. It was received safely, Alva. IVlary Lowe has a hen iinrl nine, little Chickens, and when she (roes to food theni they run lo meet her. Your chickens must lie very tame, Mary. You did have a good time at the wedding. Dorothy Roach oilers to help in our Cliristmas CllPcr Campaign, and wonders when her contributions should he in. So long as your contributions are In heroro December 2-1 they'll do, Dorothy. As late as possible ror food smirs, and its early as possible for hooks, toys, etc. Gladys Smith writes me a note with her short story. I'm pleased to hear from you the competition.

Rosalie Flanagan took her cat Willi her when pile recently shifted to Newmarket, but It went hack to tlie old house. Cats often do that, Rosalie. ir.ivc you persuaded him to stay with you now?Marion Sampson has passed her proficiency examination. Congratulations, Marlon. Fay Parncll writes .1 nice letter In pPtcr Pan. I'm so triad to hciir from you, Kay, Write again soon. lYlyrtlo and Thelma Hutchins went to n raticy tlrcss 1)2.11, and had a pond time. Fancy dress halls are jiisi great, girls, but Isn't it-a wee bit hot lor dancing now? Fred Moreover Is puzzled a? to the number of competitions that lie ran send In. You may send as many a> you like, Fred, provided that they nrc opun for a boy 13 years old. Ittaisio McCarthy has been jrninir to wrile to me for mouths, 1m:. she has been very busy because her brother is in the hospital and It Is haymaking- lime. Von must lie a very busy person, Maisie. I wish your brother a speedy recovery. Joyco Gamblo says that her school hold a fancy dress hall. She went as a star fairy. You must have looked very nice, Joyce. Given Weir, last time she wrote me. said that she would like to be a Girl Guide, and she is one, even though she is only a Tenderfoot. Wo must all start at the Tenderfoot, Owen. In quite a short time you'll be a Second Class ljuldc, then, after a little more hard work, Die llrs.t class badge will he within your grasp. Narico Jones thanks me for tile book which I sent her. She received her " Knzed Junior, and, In her own words, "just loves it." I'm so glad that the book was to your liking, Nance. I'm sure that it won't take lons for you to earn another 25 points. Kathleen Nooly promises me a longer letter in the near future. I'm looking forward to your letter, Kathleen. Winnie Allon lives on a farm whore. ?n cows have to be milked. She went to a Girl Guide concert and dance recently, and had a very good time. Yes, Winnie, I too like the country. I'm sure that you enjoved yourself at the Girl Guide function. Tilda Whito has 21 points now, and hopes that she wins a four-point certificate In this week's competition. Even if you don't Tilda, it won't lako you long to collect four points. June Woollacott has finished her exams, and hopes that she has passed. I hope that you've passed, June.

Bessie Lynes has nnw nnlslieil her exams., and hopes to be able to make some things for our Christmas Cheer Campaign. I'm glad to hear from you again, lli'fsin. Anything that you send In for the campaign will bo appreciated by some or Auckland's unfortunate children. Kathleen Sheehan wondered if wo are having a Christmas competition this year. No, Kathleen, the competitions for " Knzed Junior" pave us sufficient material for our Christmas supplement. J. Douglas sends in a note saying thai he couldn't Ilnd a Peter Pan signature until Wednesday morning, and hopes that Ills entry was in time. Your entry was received Wednesday afternoon, Jack, so was ill plenty of time. Irene Honsley commenced making a number of μ-olliwotrs for last year's Cheer campaign, but, as she did not linlsli them, she will send them In this year Instead. They'll be acceptable for our campaign, Jean Earclay's school breaks up on Tuesday. Are yon going to work, Jean? Joyce Hill is looking forward to happy days at the seaside. Not much longer now, Joyce, Only another week. Marion Corke says that the company or Girl Guides 10 which she belongs is breakIng m> shortly, and Is to have a brcakingitp party.—lt will be a lovely party, Marlon. Vou may send in an entry for the short story competition any time that you like. Alex Ranxlne has obtained his proficiency certlllcate.—Congratulations, Alex. Myrtle Wallaco Is a Girl Guide and Is going t.i camp al Christmas.—Have you been lo camp before, .Myrtle? Eunice Cavanagh wonders ir a number of muslin bags filled with sweets would be or any use lor tile Christmas cheer campaign. Yes, Eunleo, they'll he very helpful indeed. All tiie .questions you want lo know will lie answered in the "Queries for the Week" column.

Barbara Nowton says Unit the nllior nlpiu n weasel killed their chickens. —How horrible, liarbara. Have you set a trap lor the weasel?

Stella Insull Is looking- forward to pleasant days at the boacli in tlic near ruliirc.—lly tlic time you read this letter, Stella, you will liave comnionccil your Christmas holidays. Your certificate has been SC'.H out. IT 1C ha.s not yet arrived write and let us know.

Jean Kadnold enumerates her , presents.—You arc lucky 10 receive such a l»t o£ presents.

Alva Graham was delighlod to have won the inritlo competition last week. She wuiidors what prize she is to receive.— Half n crown is awarded in Hie winner or the motto companion, Alva.

Betty Wagner encloses 1/ii ror a copy or .minor.—Your magazine lias l.ucn sum in you, Betty.

A. Stanford has intended lo write to me ror sonic lime, but always something has cropped up to prevent him from doing so. I'm very pleased lo hear rroni you. Are you going lo Join tlic cluu?

Douglas and Willie Henley went to IYA with the Mount Eden Dapllst Sunday school children to sins ror the children's session.— It must have bean very excilboys. I remember the thrill Unit my lir.-t night's broadcasting gave mo.

Jossio Milne: We do not know whether or not this Jludget reader will see Ibis answer, for she is on her way lo America. 1C she does we want to wish Her all happiness in her new sphere.

Mary Whitlow sends some very nnc contributions lor the Christmas cheer campaign.—Thank you very much for the presents. .Mary. They are very suitable and some little children will he glad or them. Tholma Woolley also sends some toys for the hospital children.—Your toys. too. will be nillKli appreciated by some one, Thelrna. Thanks for sending them In. Eileen Hodgson notifies me of her change or address and says that her school Is to have a concert soon, to ho followed by a garden party.—Your change of address has been recorded, Eileen. What a good time you're going to have at [lie garden party. rinssio Harrison is Just dying to read Knzed Junior, and Is saving up to buv a copy. She sends in a parcel Tor the Christmas cheer campaign.—It won't take you long to save up I/O, Nessie. TlianKs for your contributions. Yvonne Beaumont is a V/L In St. Aldan's Company or Girl r.uldes, and is going camping at Christmas.—Good camping, Yvonne. Dorothy Brooke Is not sending In a parcel ror Ihe Christmas Cheer Campaign this year, but she is making up a big parcel and taking It to a poor lady whom she knows.—-Your good turn Is complete In Itself, Dorothy. 1 quite understand why we shall not receive a parcel from von and I must congratulate you on your thought ror others, Evelyn Cadman notifies me or her change or address and wonders ir she can contribute both sketches anil stories. —Your new address has been recorded, Evelyn. You may contribute anything you like. Lydia Henshall sends In a bundle or contributions for Ihe Christmas cheer campaign.—Your girt will be much appreciated by some little Aucklanders. N. Atkinson wishes to join the club.— I'm very pleased lo -have you In the club, .No«l!r.e. Congratulations on obtaining your proficiency. Hazel Crawford has now finished her examinations and came second in Iho whole class. .Next year her school Is doing away with the old Standards V. and VI., and in their place are having Forms I. and II. — I'm very glad that you passed your examination, llazul. 1 think It is much nicer to have the classes called "Korms," don't you? Kathleen Joffers Is a C-lrl Guide, and the otlipr Saturday she went out for a hike to Hehnonl and had a great lime cooking dinner and lea in the open.—l'm sure that you enjoyed yinirsclf, Kathleen. Are you going to camp this Christinas'.' Gordon Hainas , school picnic Is to ho held at Cornwall Park next Wednesday.— 1 hope that you have a good time, Cordon.

Maureen Csman, in it delightfully descriptive letler, srlvc* a word picture or llrlrii.svillc, hiiil .-.lys Hint sliu is going to Surfdalc I'or Iht holidays.—l liked your letter very inuctl, .Maureen. I hope Hint you liave ii very happy liollday.

Bernard Cola sends In a very line colluctloii or tiling's ror the Clirlslinas clieer campaign.—Thanks very niucU, Bernard. Your sills are or the must acceptable nature.

Bernard Colo lias been having a busy time latPly; he bus attended a music recital, a bvacli iiicnlc and a school carnival.—You've been having a gooa time, Bernard. Write and tell mo how your cricket team gels on.

Poarl Clark sends in an enrolment form rut- Herself and her sister.—You've Jiotli been enrolled, Pearl.

Allen Burley sends me a number or riddles.—Thanks, Allen.

Helen Watts says that her Girl Guide Company are making preparations for camp—lf the weather keeps summery as it is to-day. Helen, you'll have a good time at camp.

Merle Sheppard Is trolng to for her holidays.—l hope that you nave a good time at Hokianga, Merle.

Nancy Burke sends In a mntto for the competition. K she wins she wants me to send her an "Knzed Junior." and to Keep the change ror the xmas ciieor campaign.—l must thank you for your very kind offer, Nancy, but I'm afraid that the next mono competition will not be judged till after Xmas.

Bessie NlcSweony's school Is having- a picnic. Hooks and toys are lo be given to the children ror presents.—l hope you , had a eood lime at Ihe picnic, Bessie. Did you receive the book that you wanted?

Florence and Isobel Bowick send In a parcel for the Xmas cheer campaign.—Your parcel will be much appreciated by someone. Thanks for sending it.

Mary Sheehan jells me that her rather brought Inline another little bird with a broken wing.—Why, Mary, you must keep a hospital for birds. However, It's very humane to look arter the little feathered folk, ror without their gay little songs tiiis old world would be a very dismal place.

Magdalene Sheehan sends the compliments or Hie season to Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinker Bell and the crocodile. —Thanks very much, Magdalene, and may you, too, have a happy Christmas and a prosperous .New Year.

Effie Chapman lias been very busy lately swatting ror her prollclcncy exam., ana so had not time to write and thank me ror the nieinmership certillcate and certificate or merit which I sent her. In case she cannot write again before Christmas she semis me her wishes lor a merry Christmas and a happy Kew Year. —I'm glad that you've got your proficiency certillcate. I quite understand why you haven't written. Thanks ror the Xmas wishes, unit the same to you.

Ruby Waro's school Is having a Christmas tree on Wednesday. She is going to (lance the Sailor's Hornpipe and the Sir Roger do Coverley.—You're sure to have a food time at the Christmas tree, Ruby. Do you learn fancy dancing:.'

Mavis Gunn thanks me Tor the 2/6 'she received lor answering the Roll Call, and says that when Jumping on" her bicycle .she was unfortunate enough to sprain her ankle. —I'm sorry lo hear that you sprained your ankle, Mavis. 1 hope that It isn't it serious strain.

Gwenda Morris thanks me for sending her a nienriiersnlp certillcate and says that her rather I? gums lo have it framed.— The iiiiMii.i.jrsiiii) certillcate will look very nice trained, owenda.

Cecilia Haoey wonders how Wendy and t'ju lost boya are getting on.—Wendy is her usual self, Cecilia, and the lost boys are just like angels under her critical eyes.

Elsie Brown tells me all about her pets. You have a lot of pels, Klsie. Of course, liarkie couldn't break your dolls if you didn't leave them lying about, so perhaps mother's right.

Sheila Quinn says that on Saturday her form is having a picnic.—You're sure to have a good lime, Sheila.

Stanley Perkins writes to thank me for his birthday greeting certillcate and wishes me the compliments or the season.—Thank you, Stanley, I hope that you, too, have a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Cedric Williams writes lo tell me about his pet rabbit which can wash itself like a cat, sil up Tor its dinner and hops about like a kangaroo.—By your description, Cedric, 1 think your bunny is a nne Tellow.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 308, 29 December 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)

Word Count

(VIAIL Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 308, 29 December 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)

(VIAIL Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 308, 29 December 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)


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