First Day—December 26.
The Ouecn's Plate, of SOOsovs; one milo—SlT.'t Silk. Arikitou, Koinak, Gold \t Lv Kiii-lits own, Aggnessine, Camp Si GoCm! Armour Moonjns Taaner n, Cashier, Big Bertha, The Lorn,„, Briar Boot, Monetize. Saucy Lass, Beau civ lie F olpad, Lido, Modest Boy, Red Lion, Amor, Tchcka, Tidal, Sir Moud, kin'', of -lOOsovs; seven furlongs.—Fox Hound, Lookout, the Warden, Josic Melville, High Court, Zano Grrar, Sir Mond, Te Money, Winsome Boy, Frothblower, Storm Fiend, Good Boy, Ui - e-incs, Mosque, Oitewhero, Red Lion, Bizarre, Bonnie Day, Bannock, Fancy Boy Kaiwanga, War Officer, Valslor, Brilliant Lieut! Sea Cob, Welcome Home, Footpad, Upoko, Kingliend, Appellant. Saucy Lass, Arihaia, Brampton, Jolly Money Eager Rose Royal Flower, Shot Silk, Lcilnm, toyni Flower, Becalmed, Arikitoa, Air King, Cvbelle, Kerry Dance, Flying 'reuses, Lnrtt- MtiusiE Main. Fiivcy .1 r limpid, Milllppie, Mon Star, High Fnlutm, ito.x s, Amor, Liaison, Hone Ileke, Armenia, V. Ur, liumbarder, Palmares, Noteworthy Lulolo, Justify, Miss Myrtle. Grafton Hurdles, of BOOsovs; two miles.—Uralla, Royal Form, Master Arch, Stormy, Bourn, Blajo, Abbots Do lght, Mangani, Lady Spalpeen, Siaosi, Whartlcliffo, Comical, I'ouri, Beaumont, Lady Clutra, Wedding March, King's Guard, Ripon Abbey, Karamu, Glenotus, l'otoanui, Importer, Mangaiti. Nursery Handicap, of GOOsovs; five furlongs (for two-year-olds).—Currajong, Pollctte, Anom, Dalston, Flying Prince, Awamutu. Blended t, Lucky Alice, Rose Mint, Bennie, Tea Queen, False Scent, Hunting Day, Imperial Prince, Royal Line, Crimstor, Alloy, Ruling Chief, Cymon, Gemlight, Praetor, I'ixie Gold, Hunting Cry, Trig, Eaglet. Refresher. Clopton, Vali, Polyxena, Love Call, Pure Tea, Gay Ballerina, Paper Money f., Terrazzo, Norvnl Tea, Count Palat'ine, Valorous. Desert Song.
Christmas Handicap, of uOOsovs; one mile ffor threc-vear-olds and upwards).—Mervette, Oliinemuri, Staghunter, Perception, Pegaway, I'rodice, Macroom, Town Bird, Flying Juliet, Prince Lu, Scat, Kins; Emerald, Lady's Boy, Royal Doulton, Joy Kins, Scrans, Toxeunia, Crown Area, Eh Tim'i, Kiir,' Lit. Battle Colours, Siaosi, Red Heckle, The Thorn, Marble Kins, Tinokoa, Sir Archie, Nippy. Three, Lc Choucas, In the Shade, Mitnra, .Sir Russell,' Branson, Yaqni, Concentrate, Merry Mint, HydePark, Master O'P.ourke, Arlhana, Saucy Lass, Taliskcr, Vertigern, High Pitch, Mosque, Tcheka, Ballyflioy 11., Sea town.
The remaining events on the first day's programme are: —
Second race.—Great Northern Foal Stakes, of lOOOsovs: six furlongs. Fourth race.—Auckland Cup, of SOOOsovs; two miles. Sixth race.—Railway Handicap, of UOOsovs; six furlongs, SECOND DAY, DECEMBER 28. Fergusson Handicap of 400sovs, one mile. —Royal Flower, Becalmed, Arikitoa, Glenstar, Lord Abbey, Sunny Morn, Komak, Lunette, Miss Potoa, Presumption, Camp Prince, Golden Armour, Court Jester, Mon Star, High Falutin, Amor, The Lover, Twang, Monetize, Justify, Arihana, Footpad, Bold Archer, Hakanoa, Nurjahan, Storm Fiend, Te Money, Sir Mond, High Court, Miss Myrtle.
Ponsonhv Hurdles o£ SOOsovs, two miles. —Pekatahi, Uralla, Royal Form, Lucilius, Master Arch, Stormy, Bourn, Blajo, Abbott's Delight. Harbour View, MaDgani,
Lady Spalpeen, Siaosi. WliarnclitYe, Pouri, Beaumonr, Beau Cavalier, Braeken Abbey. Lady Cintra, Wedding Mareli. King's Guard, Kipon Abbey. Kuramu. Kahcpoto, knihoremai. Glcnotus. Poioaimi. Bi/.urro. Importer. Manralti. Clockwork. I'armlon. Bviglitland
Criterion lhuiilieap of oUOsovs. six furlongs tier two-year-olds).—Cnrrajong. l'ellette. Auom, Gobi Tinge, Dnlston, Fly-1 ing l'riuce, Awnmutu, l.neky Alice, Hose, Miur. Beanie. Tea (Jueen, False Seem, limiting Day. imperial l'riuce. Koynl Line, Alloy. Desert Song, Killing Chief. Gem Light, Praetor, Hunting. Cry. Eaglet, Treasury, Cloptou. Vali, Polyxena, Love Call. Carl Idem, Speed Light, Count Palatine, Xorval Tea, Gav Ballerina. Waitemata Handicap of -lOOsovs. one mile and a-quartor (for horses that have not won over more than seven furlongs),—Eager Hose. Valda, Koval Flower. Cylielle, Kerry Dance, Lunette, -Maori Hoy, Salamander. Kuightstown. Nnssock, Aggressive, Golden Armour, Philippic, Tnneriri, Xouxis, Big Bertha, Bomharder, Twang, Saucy Lass, Koinan Abbev, Template. Moy Hall, \ ulsier. Master Clements. Bannock, Fair Abbey, Bed Lion .Metelltis, Cliaritane. Foxhound, Critique, Cat-1-mes. Good Boy, .Mangaiti, The Warden. Brampton. Electric Handicap of GoOsovs. six furlongs (for three-year-olds and upwards).— Subdivision, Leitrim. Billikins, I'aganellt, Maeroom, Town Bird. Flying Tresses, Awarere, Prince Lu. Gold Money, Lady's Boy, Consent, Silvermiue, Mojioy Order. White Fang. Arihana. Appellant. .Marble King, lhe i Begum, Kingtield. Te Atiawa. Nancy I-ee. High Finance. Tea Time, Cimabue, Hie Hawk, Merrv Mint. White Wings. L'lunfcct Handicap of ootlsovs. one mile (for three-year-olds and upwards).—Mervotto, Slagliunter. Perception, Becalmed. Glenn Bnv, Kerry Hanee. Komak, *ly ng Juliet, l'riuce Lu, Seat, Sleepy Sol. King Emerald, Joy King, Senilis, Crown Area, IM Timi, King Lu, Battle Colours. Amor, lbe Thorn, Corinax, Saucy Lass, Mppy, It treeLe Clioueas, 111 the Shade, Mithra, Sir 1 USsell, l.omiut, Coneenirate. Hyde Park, Master O'Borke Siaosi, Arihana, Tmokoa, Sn Archie, Tnursby, Branson, Golden Wedding, Ballymoy 11., Sentown, King bmocK. _ The remaining events on the second Hit) s programme are:— -~, Second Kaee.-Tlie King's Plate o .10 sovs, one mile (weight-lor-age, Until payment December ii 7). .„., k ,,..„ Fourth ltaco.—Summer Cup ol l-oOsO\S, one mile ami n-qtinrtcr.
THIRD DAY—JANUARY .1. lOllcrslle Handicap oil -lUOsuvs, one mill!.— Shot Silk, Becalmed, Arikilou, Lord A Oil J, Komak, -Miss l'«li'«. Presumpllon, LI Prince Golden Armour, riillippie, court Jester. -Muii Slur, High b'alntln, Arch Queen, Amur, Armenia, The. Love", awnilß, Moneiize. Footpad, Template, Bold Aichu, .Mov Hull, War Olllwr, Muster Ucmen s, Bannock, Modest Buy, Gnewhoro, Cyho c Big Ucrlllil, Arclilovillc, Kane, Miss Mjitk, linuniitoii, High Goihi. ' I ' i,lal -., 1 „,,„ Midsummer Handicap o oOOsovs, five furlongs (fur two-year-olds).—Cm rajonj,, Pcllette, Anuiil, Hold Time, llalslon. b Jing l'rinee, Awiiinulll, Blended }~ 1«'«} Alice, Hose Mint, Tea Queen, False Seen Jluiitiuß Dn.v, imperial l'rinee, Kojnl Llm, Crimestqr, Alloy, Ceremony, Gay M. Desert Sons, Ruling Chief, Clou L-siit, Praetor I'lxle Gold. Hunting Cry, lilt*. (Iruen Mantle, Glcnnrlney, Kiißlet, Ke-l-reshor, Oopton, Hay Ballerina, Paper .Money i\, Norval Tea, Count Palatine, .speed Light, Cymon, Carl Idem, Valorous, J lire Tea, Polyxenn, Villi. New Year Hurdles of oOOsovs, two miles. Uralla, Koyaltorm, Archangel, Master \rch, Slormv. Bourn, llnngnwern, Bln„o, Uihol's Delight, Miingani, Lady Spalpeen, Klnosl, WUarucllu'e, Comical, l'ourl, Beaumont, Bracken Ahl.ey, Lady Claim, \U< - illue March, King's Guard, Klpon Abbes, Roman Abbey, Kariimu, lttllicpoto, ttlCllOtllß, Fotonnui, Bizarre, Importer, Mangait!, 'county Handieiip of 'lOOsovs, seven furlongs (for thico-ycnr-olds and upwards)--Jolly Money, f.eltriin, ltoyal Flower, Becalmed, Air King. lipoko, Flying tresses, .lust Nell Sunnv Morn, Lunette, Mauriaena, Mussie, ' (iptli'uislie, Itahama, Envoy, Principal, Court Jester, Moil Star, Quinsl la, I'utere Liaison, Palmares, Boniblirdcr, Bnlolo, .lusliry, Snuey Lass, Appellant, Kingliend, Arelilieen, Welcome Home Sea Col, Brilliant Light, Valsier, l'arliill Kelipse, (lav Cockade, Iloimie Day, Hakaiioa Niirjaliiin, Diamond tjueeii, Valipiette. Zouxis, Noteworthy, Swift Flight, Canuint, Ambrosia, Foxhound, .Mosipie, (iood hoy. Storm Fiend, Frothhlowor, Winsome Hoy, To Money, Sir Mond, Zlllic Grey, Quill Abbey f., Lookout. , Newmarket Handicap of 7!iosovs, six furlongs (for tliree-ycar-olds and upwards).— Subdivision. Leltrlm, Blinking, l'nganulll, Mac-room, Town Bird, Awarere, Aussie, Prince Lu, Golden Armour, Mon Star, Conscnt, Silverniine, Money Order, Lysander, Wliite Fang, Arilllina, Al Hani, Marble King, Kiiiglleld, Te Atiawa, Nancy I.oc. High Finance. Loricnt 11., 'lea time, Cimilbuc, 'I'lir Hawk. Glasgow Handicap of BiiOsovs. seven furlongs Ihr year-olds and upwards).—Eh Tinii, King Lu. Amor, Liaison, The Thorn Ucimmonl, Arihana, Saucy Lass, Minute Kg Tinokoa, Sir Archie, High Finance, Tltrce Mithra. Sir Russell, Branson, Lon.ln't. Yiuiui, Cimabue, Merry Mint, ,11yd"! Park, Master O'Korkc, Mcrve e, 0 - „„„.i Macroom, Komak Hying Ju el, IMlnin Lu, Lunette, Mug Linerod, I*djb liov .Tov King, Serang. Town Bird. AIUK.U IS , Wlel. Mos.,ue GoUle, Wedding, Cynlhia N., Joslc Mehilie, Sea P XSh menacing Club Handicap, of ITlOhovn one mile and a-hnlf. Fifth race.-G.N. Derby of HOOOsOVS, one mile and a-lialf. FOURTH DAY-JANUARY .1. Goodwood Handicap, of S'™" o ™ ° nc mile-King Lu, High Falutiu, /euxi.s, (or, Big Bertha, The Thorn. Cnrinnx, Tie Lover, Catkin Mcrveltc, Staghuntcr, p'reeption, Becalmed, Town Bird, Konml, Firing Juliet, l'rincc Lu, Auriculas. Scat, See y S K"g Kmerald, Lady's Boy Joy Kin." Serang, Toxcuma, Crown Area, V"' I T..,.i„ lustifv Ar limn, Beaumont, Arclieno, .lusuii, « . Saucy Lass, Marble King, Tinokoa, Mi V•IP Nl|ii v. Le Choucas, Titree, In .lie '•41ml. M lira Sir Russell. Tea Tune, n^!so,, M Lomint. Bannock.. Yuan. Motlcst Bov, Hyde Park. Bed Lion, Mr Moml, Tn Halter Verligern, Foxhound, Mosque, Track,. ' Sloriil K1...1.1, Golden Wcdd ng, Ballvinoy 11., Cynthia N.. Seatown, be Warden. King Smock, Brampton, Miss
M srlvia Handicap, of SOOsovs; six furlongs (for two-yea .-olds) .-Cu rra Jong. Idiotic. Anom, Gold Tinge, Green Mantle, Dalslon. Flying Prince, Awamutu, Llteky Alice Tea Queen, False Scent, Hunting )ny," Imperial Prince, Koyal Line, Crimes tor Alloy, Glenartncy, Ceremony, Deseit Song, ltu'ling Chief, Gem Light, r > Fraser. Trig. Hose Mint, Bennie, haglc , Treasury, Refresher, Cloplon, Villi, loljxena, Love Call, Gay Duke, Count Palatine, Norval Tea, Terrazzo, Gay Ballerina. Auckland Hurdles, of DOOsovs; two miles.—Uralla, Koyaltorm, Archangel, Luciliiis, Master Arch, Stormy, Lady Cintra, Bourn, Hangnwcra, Blago, Abbots Delight, Harbour View, Mangani, Lady Spalpeen. Siaosi. WliariiclifTe, l'ourl, Beaumoilt, Beau Cavalier, Bracken Abbey, Master llolev, Kaiubliii' Mil, Wedding March (King's Guard. Kipon Abbey, Itoman Abbey, Karamii, Ualicpolo, Fair Abbey, Ivaih'oremai. Glenotus, Poloanni, Bizarm, Importer, Salamander. Chapilane, Scot Free, Mangniti, Clockwork, Farndon, Bright Land, Pekattthi, Fane. __ . Bowen Handicap, of ;,.,osovs; six furlongs (tor tlirec-years-olds and upwards).— Jolly Money, Leltrlm, Billikins, .Mon Star, Consent, Silverniine, Money Order, Lyfiiinder, The Begum, Vallar, Bulolo, White Fang, Arihana, Appellant, Bracken Abbey, Kiiiglield, Te Alinwa, Hcgeilt, Nancy Lee, High Finance, Lorient 11.. Tea Time, Cimabue, The Hawk, Merry Mint, l'aganelll, Macroom, Town Bird, Flying Tresses, Awarere, Prince Lu, Lunette, .Mauriaena, Gold Money, Golden Armour, Frothblower. Grey Handicap, of 'lOOsovs; one mile (for three-year-olds and upwards).—Eager Hose, Subdivision, ltoyal Flower, Shot Silk, Grand Tea, Becalmed, Arlkitoa, Air King, Glena Bav, Kerry Dance, Glen Star, Just Nell, Sunny Morn, Komak, Lunette, Miss, Potoa, Knighfstowii, Micrometer, Camp Prince, Philippic. Court Jester, Mon Star, Archieslowu g., High Falutin, Arch Queen, Quinsilia, Amor, Hone Ileke, The Lover, Palmares, Boinharder, Twang, Briar Boot, Monetize, White Fang. Lineroo, Justify Saucv Lass, Appellant, Kinglicld, Arelilieen. Farndon, Bannockburn, Footpad, Bold Archer, Billiant Light, Moy Hall, Lido Valsier, Kaiwanga. Viburnum, Mast'er Clement:-, Concentrate, Nurjahan,, Modest Bov, Bed Lion, Metellus, Onewhero, Cvbele, Aggressive, Moorgas. Cntiipie, M'osone, Cat-e-mes, Good Boy, i t ; n ™ a ; Swift Light. Snow Prince. Tidal, troth. blower, Te Money, Sir Mond. Kinross, High Court, Brampton, Miss Myrtle, MUutc The remaining events on the fourth days programme are:— Third Race.—Grandstand Handicap, 01 lOOOsovs, one mile and a-quarter. Fourth Ruce.-Koyal Stakes, of lOOOsovs, SiX S ii?h l Tace.-Cliirord Plate of SOOsovs one mile and a-half (w.f.a. final payment January 1).
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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 279, 24 November 1928, Page 13
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1,677THE GENERAL ENTRIES. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 279, 24 November 1928, Page 13
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