(From Our Own Correspondent.)
THAMES, Monday.
In a letter to the Thames Hospital Board, Dr. Valentine, Director-General of Health, eaid he would be glad to hear that the board would meet progress payments on the cost of erecting the hospital at Paeroa.
The chairman of the board, Mr. W. Hale, said that the Mayor of Paeroa, Mr. W. Marshall, had stated his intention of waiting on the board to-day in the hope of arriving at an amicable settlement of the trouble, but unfortunately he had been prevented from keeping the appointment. Mr. Hale therefore moved that "as the air was rather electrical just now" the matter of a reply to the Director-General of Health be deferred for another month in order to enable the Mayor of Paeroa to officially state his suggestions for an amicable settlement.
After considerable discussion the chairman's resolution was carried.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 270, 14 November 1928, Page 14
Word Count
150THE PAEROA HOSPITAL. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 270, 14 November 1928, Page 14
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