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j BY REGrSAXJO TEMPIX. CHAPTER SXHL I Tiss n**s «r&k& Mr. Bn3ai|Kßi JEpfir:ai | j?* gave , sis ssi^r-sprier | I bfiisskißßS hh&v oi his liw. r is eaat i>» tie Iβ said. | I hJS- Cii'-z'-'-Jii-'SZii'- "SWSBK 7"-" T - tiS T «2"u | " bsr s.'-rihhtz -o csske snerrj- Its | j » "1. —' ' J! \ Mr. Baiasres :a T ? <mk of te» "ffbrerr I ' co-ssi.?- wiskfe ei-ir-i La a ~i?picw-:i of a j s jaEsfe- I -Ymray ru.3- = be ssH- ii tise is i j-wsr rraaesess γ-ss* cease, j c I iaare E-kaj ve-arf snrf ksTe passadi s : :i? priEW of life." I 3s« «*= j i! ;niETS- twos I fea*"* | j «<o>!iffle to tffios* wbo csaaos besa-re tienai un«i-rr j - r r'^j't-^ A rs-piv sjeaag to HargreaTes , feer l i= emppressfed is. There -=ras s.?Eie-tM=5 \ die plaeid:?T c-f Brompes wMeii iriglstj inisa. Tbe old fc^zar— be r s fcep • iiuuiaar sitere in Sais bi&ris-r'i ! i LbbJ tHsri all *■£-? liEe" Hv ,^- ---• fee -E&rcTiKSve?' dkW! b?u '"snlidii'sirt -sriHriv. Tfee oM tefsr mar. I after all, cc fbqMee^ —'Mr evea trynis 1 fee KarrresT'rS- \ insjy raate- QEaslhy's rswf r = fee said. ~C»t' eoOTse- «s*s aM a szatrser of h-rsr yoa Icok as i - Yea vonrself, BuEsrpss. cc I esay saT so. ar* i<o perfeei in jc-er nassnep wis& (he seauTj taas joa expert is is others. We ean'l all be like tool" ~1 d'-ysz fcanw it sp>rak sarcastic." obsesred Bwhejhb, "best I presnise that ' too doa"t. WSB go dwwii to xhz \ ofitir amsi briis cp a gtaas of ilaidieirs."' To HsjrsraETe?. -arfco joss beginning - , ri"""' : i?is inriEiaiißg. fcsJ lie c>>ee- ' tested his feelifigs. and presmtly reapj ;t?ar*i the wine. _^ I * "Xo¥. ab*>c- this wiiL" b» said. ""Wiar. f mjwffs sa-re yon ge< feo!d of t ~ " ~l dies's sa~ I'fcaa bold of sej paser?.' aJESwered BampHS. _ I said I they ■β^ere." vc-s sot tiiens oat o» John's d«k: 4 Hs.rsre-j.Tei. f inth reeoik«ioßS of B3it*"s borgilary. 1 Aii*r aIL the girl featt siid J£^ r - sise bad ! failed so set what site -s-aEtei. Could i siwee papers, of llr. Bamp-as kne-sr i , t&e -ss-iereaboets. <-»r t&oee for -wEikiL siss I HargreaTCS fea=« snddemly friecdlv. ~I wiih yosfd tell mc all aboat it. 1 Yoa see, , Jc, joa Cle - ' ore r * -»> stay is 3egsars Ecd. to plsy oar surds risat." _ Yea raay be sure I ess play mine all rise.-," asseverated Bempos. "I holA snefa a £ooi hand." In-rj tfesc ■was as Esocit as HargreaTes I raold get ctit of Mr. Bxcspns oa tiiis occasion. A Htle later the conversation ' rarmed to tie romance between 3uli9 s.e& Sir James. ."I siioold like to cave seen than get nxarrisd/' sai<i HargreaTes. -Yes., she is a nice yomw ■s"omaii, ! * repHed Bcnisas. a bit triTolioas- Wl22* Sir -James is simp-ty qnietg-nTng ( tifj-Tm a bit —he is frivol«kes eEongh himI _ • For s time Harsrrsavgs -sras sSeat. then [ lie said: "There's some mystery abo-at her some«rhere, -srhicb. I should like to ; Z<iZ 10 the iwttcin of. I snppose yoa I dac't hiDpen to kno'sr •s'hst the qaarrel i fts between feer father and o£d Sir -John! ~ llr. Bxnnpcs drew kisiseli op bacghtSy and took a sip of Ms ■ssine before replying. "Young wan," ac ssM. "I woald no; refer to it even if I did. The affairs of otrr ■ 1 late Easier shonld not be our ecnceniWtea you lire nMer Qaality's roof, yoa mast hear Tmwf? aod say iitrle-^ "Quite right." responded Hargreaves affabJy; then he added, speaking of lEss Roraaine, "I hear she has gone off t«itnj oan airvbody ktrew -crhere she is. All part of the mystery I suppose." -Isn't she back "yet?" asked Bum pas. ">»ot to my knowledse," , said Har2reaves. "yocody where she's soae." i ~I don't tltimk y<m are quite rigat then?." put in Mr. Bumpus. ~\y &T, s'hat do yoa mean- ~ snapped Hargreaves. "I mean that I know where she went, - repiied Bnmpu-i. -She -arent to France." Harsreaves jcmiped from, his chair. "Xeofc here, old 'on,*' he said, aderpting hLs most friendly manner, "now have yoa got to know of this? Yon are as big a mystery as she is. As I said before, it's our game to work together on this job. so can't yon put vonr cards on the table?' ~Xot yet. not yec." , wheezed the head batler. "Meanwhile, yotmg: man. yon had better 50 and clean them fcnives." For a moment Hanreaves stood and confronted Bmnpns; then he turned oa his heel and wenr. below to the batlers pantry, and applied himself to the knives. For a second time he communed with his own refiection in the shining dish-covers on the wall before him. "Harsreaves, old cock, 1 ' he murmnred. "there's things going on that you know nothing aboat. This most not occtrr. It's op to you to knoTf everything—it's also np to you find otct what that fat Bumpus knows. He seems to have fomid oat lliss BEllie went to France. How did the old bird know that ? " Hargreaves asked himseif this question over and over again, and found it an impossible one to> answer. The more he thought of it, the more uneasy he I felt, for if Brrmpos knew this there was no knowins what other information he might possess. Further, he knew th>whereaboats of some papers which, if h? spoke the truth, were of the highest rmj portance, since they proved the will to be of no nse. During the next two days. he waA* many attempts to extract the inner thooghts of Bnmpus. bat failed, and not only did. he fail* bnt he had a disturbing of being in a ■Breaker position, thoagh he was earefnl not to shew this. ileanwMle- several conferences had taken place amonf the relatives and Mr. Naylor. The latter teas firm in Ms belief that the will was nos to be found. I for none of the relatives had dared to ; tell him what Hargreaves knew-«-or as I least what they thongfet Hargreaves j knew —as to the whereabouts of the w3L The result of this titbit being withheld from Uγ. Xaylor was that he was insistent upon its iiemf taken for granted 1 that the will was tost, and that lie should apply for letters of administratioii to S djfii with Sir John's affairs as an intesj tste estate. This would probably mean : that the whole place would be sold np. i and the proceeds divided among the neitI of-kin. according to the law. TMs suited j none of tiem. individually, unless one J exeepted. Mr. Montagu Iferwell. woose j creditors by now were sceptical of Ms I wunderfnl -story whispered in tfeeir ear? J as to his vcife being sole heir to Sir : John Falrneid. "I see Your point. Savior." he said disImaJiv- at one ot their "*Sometinnjr's goc to be done. This position

jj escst noa fee aEewed zo eoasaEtae. I -earn; 5 j exb&ft. sal" lariie TrauES mossy—&skj 5 t —J jaj-—jujj- •sr&nz sscoey. i. j Speaking for s:y wife, i shc-sM cc agree-! j shis »*> ve-n sessiss isiters of aeiciini*- 5 i traeioji. aIL a leaf is terser ■ sircar tis rsvooirf-? scae&aiajKlT oa is-i ! «wnd- aad a»rai:*d X*tlot"s rep>sv. I e*:a"e ■ara.s l-tzz 10 oa* cf c≤ aad sarelj I ■are ssa arai; *; srho h is- Pers<--3- , : I albr. i f*?l sere sksiil d-.i iae» - milL We'r? c->: s.ll La sn-'Cis iS^-irrii^ i deo&d 10 gs; Mr. Xaykr at?ae 4i ~:cc I a.i poisiifrle aasi arge *~ : ;o Star* Use l isi 1C dii"r~ii" iutrsnvaTes* storr: sod if j iHjLTxireav*?'* story eras anirae. sJsea "i-r - I si? so sire of a sJLsre -: ,: f nii; srjU'ri sir -J»;-aa !ef; b^!i£i&cL It szi a dij >:r ~? sf:er iM* e«*e:32 wjiii<ch fead I*?ji h-el-i a; Xaylors oSe*sl ifeai -jEDacEi-r , Fafrs-il-i sirrivirii sz Eb«L He iad dsrideJ co Eaterr^a:* SO? Irit *l≥s , O-d Hl-i-2 rriig'Qu sro«r ijse'.itiiz of v»Jir. Hargneav-es had ?•:. LLs z<tt- I almost be*a forEoc'.en. Jcmcs:*. :isere- ' fore, ha-i tKe iaie-ajioc of asking Buspcs ■ i few goes; i»>;i»- Bffom? se StS'i tir-f ■ oppornuffiity of deusg &?. aowever, as fa*' \ dees oeeiarred —-ssaLi La i:seli —wkkis. "Tjss flssitceiii "c- iSTe cv>2s-£sr"ib'ii» b<is.zi~.z '•■ oa tie mjsterks of Iferi&r"* Eat Ec ' m'iHw IL3 tie Kiair- i ■ ease, hr s≤^ - £jLs2 npside <£o«rn 3. '■ ■ fo&l3tZ9 siiinp. arkica is l2s;:-«:ta:t ! Qp« Xo ins ™iVi snrc-nit?. 2-5 ( ;ks; lijii S-.2.LZ2 «ras a ■:■;-: sa-I , ;itas it Slsil jw*a m*rii and Jli«£ f birOLjic- dicuadsiMi fro 21 tae «0T«lo?e. Nojb - . f<s fir as he fee*». ;aere «rss a>l «Be as Beggar's Ea-j who «>C*r:ad f I s^3ni''S SE'i 5.s c , r*ni-G"j'?i£ « sTOffiderevi «iie".l- boer ;aa* cai-; | :o be there. Whea reaehal she f Kb-rarr is eianuawi »!se sasp taoca , ek«ely aa-I sia; i: bore 31 re-xa: da:e! | j Tiis "s as j I Someoae a: Beggar's Ecd aad er:- | deciiy receive.! a "tr"er from Fraawe I the pasz week. Of coarse, i: j Eight aiTe been bj soaie ©1 the | t other relatives who hid paid periodical , rtsi:3 :•> :2i-? mansioit. bat i'cli »"i5 j &andiy ISfcsly, for tie stairc-ise a; I Eal had ewe seised "o re-xiT* J r its morning tie deaca of [ I Sir Jofet. Tae inference was. rfnenefore. 1 cfca; t2se stasip had been dropped tiia: ; cay. Poss.faly Ie Lad cosie decaelwd j when someon-e had drawn i* from a | I p*j<r-ker— h was so* OEosnal for s. ! ■ I particnlartj foreisn oces. to be Laseccrs-iy j ■ \ gnracisd To TThom wall the -zje? beiooeTais eras ike qnesiroa wltidi -Jtmaie I asked liEasseL: several *:in-=5 and then Its j '! ssdi-rsiy savg a low wMstle. BiEHe Roniaine oad kisn made s 2"rin2 | ■ dash to Franci?- Why aaiic"; be cltoughs ; . of "ha: before! Th-?re aiisis" be s-^nii?; ecßEection be:«"eea E&e French scazip ! ■ an<i BiJlie's sp'Mtacralar Sigc:. ■ j He spea- some t:E&e si:sias Iα rjni-r". I • chotEgh: i= tie Ebrary r?3*rrfn;z 03 tbe J I 1 p'DSsi&iliute? of fris ne , -" Sad. His Sγ*: > ■ trnptilse ti; co q 7 i*s*E'7n Harsr=a~i?s_ ba: * be had first decided so in;errie«- i Baapixs. he s&oazfac h≤ woaM coa^inse ; ' with tMs intention. 1 Es n=g for the head botler :o present; himself. ' {To be continued daily.)

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 303, 22 December 1926, Page 26

Word Count

WHAT HARGREAVES KNEW. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 303, 22 December 1926, Page 26

WHAT HARGREAVES KNEW. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 303, 22 December 1926, Page 26


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