TRAMWAY NOTICES. A UCKLAND QITY /CORPORATION rpRAMWAYS. "CONNECTING" AND "THROUGH" OMNIBUS SERVICES AND ALTERATIONS TO TIME-TABLES. Commencing from MONDAY, Ist November, 1026, and TUESDAY, 2nd November, 1926, the undermentioned "Connecting" and "Through" Omnibus Services will be brought into operation, and until further notice the following time-tables will be maintained : — AS FROM MONDAY, Ist NOVEMBER. 1926. "THROUGH" SERVICE—PARNELL PARK AND CITY. The present Service wiU be augmented by the foUowlng trips :— Depart Parnell Park.—Mondays to Saturdays : 7.10 a.m., 7.40, 8.10, 8.40, xO.IO, X 9.40, xlO.lO, x 10.40, xll.lo, x 11.40, 112.10 p.m., X 12.40. »2.40, *3.10, *3.40, •4.10, *4.40, 5.10, 5.40, 6.10, 6.40, 7.10, 7.40. Depart City for Parnell Park—Mondays to Saturdays: 6.55 a.m., 7.25, 7.55, 8.25, _8.55, x 0.25, x 0.55, x 10.25, x 10.55, x 11.25, X 11.55, X 12.25 p.m., »2.25, »2.55, »3.25, *3.55, *4.25, 4.55, 5.25, 5.55, 6.25, 6.55, 7.25 p.m. -Saturdays only. * Saturdays excepted. » CONNECTING " SERVICE — THREE KINGS (HAYR ST.). BOUNDARY RD. AND MOUNT EDEN TRAM TERMINUS. Depart Three Kngs (Hayr St.), Connects with Trams for City at Mount Eden Tram Terminus. —Week-days : 6.53 a.m., 7.9, every 16 minutes until 9.1 a.m., 9.13, 9.41, every 32 minutes until 1.25 p.m., 1.49, every 16 minutes until 2.53, 3.25, every 1G minutes until 0.37, 6.51. 7.9, 7.25, 7.47, 8.5, 8.37, 9.9, 9.41, 10.13, 10.45, 10.53, then 11.9, connects with Depot Car only, 11,14, and 11.36 to St. Mark's Road Depot, via Symonds Street and Khyber Pass. Sundays: 7.54 a.m., 8.35, 9.14, 9,54, 10.34, 11.24, 12.4 p.m., 12.44, 1.24, 1.44, 2.4, x 2.23, every 20 minutes until x-,8, 6.23, 7.4, 7.44, 8 24 8.4,, 9.54, then 10.33 connects with Depot car only, 11,2 t» St. Mark's Road Depot, via Symonds Street and Khyber Pass. Depart Mount Eden Tram Terminus (connects, with trams from City).—6.42 a.m., 6.58 (connects with cars from Symonds St. section only), 7.20, every 16 minutes until 8.24 (8.41) to Shackleton Rd. only), 8.56, 0.12, 9.52, every 32 minutes until 1.36, 1.55, 2.0. every 16 minutes until 7.36, 8.16, 8.48, 9.20, 9.52, 10.24, 10.40, 10.56, 11.4, 11.26. Sundays : 7.44 a.m., 8.25, 9.4, 944 10.24, 11.14, 11.54, 12.34 p.m., 1.14, 1.34 1.54, X 2.34, every 20 minutes until x 5.14, 5.34, 6.34, 6.54, 7.34, 5.14, 8.54, 9.34, 10.23 10.;>2 p.m. xTo intersection Three Kings and Mount Albert Roads only, thence to Hillsboro' Cemetery. Depart Boundary Road (connects with trams for City at Mount Eden Tram Terminus). —0.5S a.m., every S minutes until 9.14, 9.30, every 16 minutes until 1.46 p.m., 1.54, every S minutes until 3.6, 3.22, every S minutes until 7.38, 7.54, every 16 minutes until 10.50, 10.55, 11.14 p.m. Sundays : 7.58 a.m., every 20 minutes until 8.28, 9.59, then 10.15,. 10.35, connects with Depot ears only, then 11.7 to St. Mark's Road Depot via Symonds Street and Khyber Pass. NOTE.—A bus will depart Mt. Eden Terminus at 8.40 a.m., via Shackleton, Dominion, Mt. Albert and Three Kings Roads to the Mount Roskill School, departing the school at 3.5 p.m., and returning via the same route to Mt. Eden tram terminus. On Sundays only buses will depart Mt. Eden tram terminus for Hillsboro' Cemetery at 20-minute intervals from 1.34 p.m. to 5.14 p.m., returning from the cemetery at 20-minute intervals from 2.13 p.m. to 5.53 p.m. , "THROUGH" SERVICE — WAIKOWHAI PARK AND HILLSBORO'. Depart City for Waikowhai Park. —Mondays to Saturdays: 6.22 a.m., 7.34 from Mount Eden Terminus only, 1.15 p.m., 2.45 to Hillsboro 1 only, 4.15, 5.45 p.m. Depart Waikowhai Park for City.—7.9 a.m., to Mt. Eden Tram Terminus only, 8 a.m., 2 p.m., 3.30 from Hillsboro' only, 5, 0.35 p.m. SECTIONS AND FARES. 12-Trip Concession Cash. Card. Mt. Eden Terminus and Boundary Road 2d 1/4 Boundary. Road and Hayr Street 2d 1/4 Mt. Eden Terminus and Hayr Street 3d 2/2 Mt. Eden Terminus and Melrose .Road 4d 2/9 Mt. Eden Terminus and Hillsboro' 4d 3/3 Mt. Eden Terminus and Waikowhai Sd 6/3 COMBINED TRAM AND BUS CONCESSION CARD. Boundary Road and City 3/3 Boundary Road and Symonds St. .. 2/9 Boundary Road and 2nd Section Mt. Eden 2/2 Hayr Street and City 4/3 Hayr Street and Symonds St. .... 3/3 Hayr Street and 2nd Section Mt. Eden 2/0 Hillsboro' and City 5/3 Waikowhai and City 9/ As from TUESDAY. November 2, 1026. -CONNECTING" SERVICE—MT. ALBERT ROAD AND DOMINION ROAD TRAM TERMINUS. Depart Mt. Albert Road.—Week-days: (Connects with trams for City at Dominion Road tram terminus) 6.27 a.m., 6.38, 6.43, 6.59, 7.6, every 8 mlnuteß until 8.18 a.m. (8.26 tirough to city)', 8.34, 8.53, 9.13, 8.33, 10.13, every 20 minutes until 11.53, 12.9 p.m., every 15 minutes until 1.14, 1.33, every 20 minutes until 4.33, 4.49, every 15 minutes until 6.4, 6.45, 6.59, 7.18, 7.39. S.l, 8.20, every IS minutes until 10.26, 10.43. 10.58, 11.20, then 11.36 to St. Marks Road Depot, via Symonds St. and Khyber Pass. Sundays : 1.59 p.m., 2.23, every 18 minutes until 5.23, 6.11, cvei-y IS minutes until 10.23, then 10.39 to St. Mark's Road Depot, via Symonds St. and Khyber Pass. Depart Dominion Road Tram Terminus.—Week days (connects with trams from City): 0.19 a.m., 6.30, 6.35, 6.46, 6.51, 7.6, every S minutes until 5.26, 5.42, 9.3, every 20 minutes until 11.43, 12.2 p.m., 12.17. 12.32. 12.47, Li, 1.23, every 20 minutes until 4.23, 4.41, 4.57, 5.12, 5.27 5.42, 5.57, 0.12, 6.32, 7.0. 7.50, 7.52, 8.11, every IS minutes until 9.41, 10.0, 10.17, 10.35, 10.51. 11.5, 11.28 p.m. Sundays: 1.51 p.m., 2.8, 2.32, every IS minutes until 5.32, 6.20, every 18 minutes until 8.56, 10.13, 10.31, then 10.45 to St. Mark's Road Depot, via Symonds Street and Khyber Pass.. "THROUGH" BUSES WILL RUN AS UNDER :— From Mount Albert Road to City.—Mondays to Fridays : 5.26 a.m., 3.40, 4.40, then 5.40 to St. Mark's Road Depot, via Symonds Street and Khyber Pass. Saturdays only : 5.26 a.m., 11.23 a.m., 12.33 p.m. From City, Sturdee Street, via Albert Street and Wellesley Street West. —Mondays •to Fridays: 4.10 p.m., 5.10 p.m. Saturdays only : 10.53 a.m., 12.5 p.m., 1.3 p.m. FARES :— 12-trip ConCash, cession Card. Tram Terminus to Boundary Road (1 section) 2d 1/4 Tram Terminus to Mt. Albert Rd. (2 sections) 2d 2/2 COMBINED TRAM AND BUS CONCESSION CARD (12 TRIPS) :— Mt. Albert Road and Valley Road .. 2/9 .Mt. Albert Road and Symonds Street 3/3 Mount Albert Road and City 4/3 Boundary Road and Valley Road . . 2/2 Boundary Road and Symonds Street 2/9 Boundary Road and City 3/3 AS FROM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1920. "THROUUH" SERVICE. BUCKLAND RD. AND RICHMOND RD. ROUTES. Sundays only. The present Sunday services will be augmented by the following additional trips :— Depart Intersection Hillsboro' and Mt. Albert Roads for City.—S.l7 a.m., 5.50, 9.25, 10.4, 10.40, 11.40. 12.10 p.m., 12.48. then same as heretofore. Depart City, G.P.0.—7.45 a.m.. S.IS, 8.54, 9.30. 10.0, 11.6, 11.42. 12.10 p.m., then same as heretofore. Depart Richmond Road. —7.5S a.m., 5.22, 5.46, 0.10, 9.34, 9.38, 10.22, 10.46, 11.30, 11.54, ,12.18 p.m., 12.42, 1.6, then same as heretofore. Depart City, G.P.O. —8.22 a.m., 8.46, 8.10, 0.34, 0.58, 10.22, 11.6, 11.30, 11.54, 12.18, pan., 12.42, 1.0, 1.30, then same as heretofore. ALTERATIONS TO " CONNECTING " SERVICE, GARNET AND WEST END ROADS. Depart intersection West End and Garnet Roads (Connects with trams to City at Garnet Road). —Week days: 6.53 a.m., 7.18. 7.44, 8.9, 5.34, 8.59, 9.25, 10,15, 11.6, 11.56, 12.46 p.m., 1.37, 2.27, 3.5, 3.56, 4.19," 4.42, 5.6, 5.32, 5.57, 0.26, 6.52, 7.17, 8.14, 9.17. 9.49, 10.21. 10.53. Sundays: 1.5S p.m.. 2.30, 3.2, 3.34. 3.58, 4.30. 5.2, 5.34, 6.30, 7.2, 7.34, 7.55. 8.32. p.m. Depart Intersection Old Mill and Garnet | Roads (connects with' Zoo trams from City).—7.on.m.. 7.24. 7.50, 8.15, 5.40. 9.5. 0.31, 10.21. 11,12, p.m., 12.52, 1.43, 2.33, 3.11, 4.2. 4.25, 4.49, 5.14, 5.40, 6.5, 6.32. 6.58, 7.23, 5.23. 9.26, 9.58, 10.30, *11.2, xil .7 p-m. 'Friday excepted, at Friday only. Sundays: 2.4 p.m., 2.36, 8.8, 3.40, 4.6, 4.39, 5.11, 5.43, 6.36, 7.8, 7.40, 8.7, 8.39 p.m
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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 258, 30 October 1926, Page 13
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1,304Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 258, 30 October 1926, Page 13
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