AUCTIONS. "RICHARD A ETHUR, T TD. XV Xjl JLJ TTXREDEEMED pLEDG3S. TTNREDEEMED TJLEDGES. FROM THE LOMBARD LOAN CO., 31, WELLESLEY ST. E. Opp. Public Library (Late J. S. Garrett.) TITONDAr AND mUESDAT, JUNE 21 A.XD 22. COMMENCING MONDAI, AT 11 O'CLOCK. TMCHARD \RTHUK, T TD., WILL SELL AT THEIR SALEROOMS, Acting under instructions from A. McPHAIL, Manager. T T NREDEEMED "DLEDGES, As Per List, including : DIAMOND RINGS LADIES' AND GENTS" GOLD WATCHES. GOLD ALBERTS NECKLETS, PENDANTS, BROOCHES MERE. KAURI GUM, CUTLERY, E.P. WARE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CAMERAS, SUIT CASES, S.B. GUN, BICYCLE. 200 PARCELS GOOD AND USEFUL CLOTHING. 1021.—May 13th, 3049. O F Mt. Watch and - Brooches ; August 2oth, 4I"J(S, G Wr Watch, Bracelet, 2 Brooches and Ring. 1022 ■ —January 12 0205. Mere. l'J23—February 23rd, 10US, G Ring; August 3rd, 273' J. G Ring; September 13th, 2Ut>U, 2 Bracelets, Brooch and King; November 22nd, 3370, Bag; 22nd, 3777. Stick; 22nd, 337S Bag: 22nd ooT'J, Suit Case ; 22nd, 3SOO, 2 Plates. 1924—February 20th, 40415, G Chain; April Sth, 4372, Bracelet; Sth, 4373, O F G Watch, Wrist Watch ; Sth. 4374. S H Watch; August 13th 5217, D Riug; 27th, O2'J4. Cheese Dish'; 2'Jtli, ooOS, E P Spoons and Forks ; September Sth, 5362 O IT G Watch. Muff Chain ; 13th, 03'JS, S' H Watch; 26th, 3474, G Bangle and G King; October 11th, S4, ?.-doz Forks and 2 Serviette Rings ; loth, 102, W King ; 24th, 157 S H Mirror. E P Egg Cup Stand; November 14th, 253, E P Cake Dish; December .'4th, 487 D Ring and X Ring; 2'Jth. 036, 2 Pieces E P Ware; 30th, 302, G Chain. 1020—January 3rd, SOU, G Stone Bracelet, Brooch; 10th, 655. Link, Pin; 13th, GSo, Bracelet; 23rd, 754, G Pendant; 23rd, 757, D and P Earrings ; Feb 14th. 905, Accordeon ; 16th, 913, S Bag; 17th, UIU, 3 Rings; ISth, )24, 3 Brooches and Ring; March 14th, 1120, Brushes; April 24th, 1403. Maori Pui Pui; >4th, 1406, Ring, Brooches; 2Sth, 1430, Ring: May 9th. 1512, Kauri Gum; .Tune 20th, 1557, King and Brooch: 23rd, 1577, D Brooch; 25th. ISIS, Bracelet and Ring; 26th. 100 S. G Wr Watch: July 3rd, 1955. Records; 10th, 2004. W Ring; 11th. 2005, Jamera: 13th. 2013, G Wr Watch; 13th, !020, Mt Watch; 13th, 2023, Bracelet; I4tb. !03S, S l'urse; 15th, 2044. Case and Contents; loth. 2051. W Ring; loth. 2054, brushes : 17th, 2056, Accordeon ; 17th. 2057. Ukulele; 17th. 2061, 3 Rings; 17th. 2CH5ti. 3rooch, Ring and Chain: ISth. 2074, R G H iVatch: ISth, 2077, Paint Brushes; 21st, !092, El Iron. Carvers and Tray: 22nd, !104, E P Teapot, Shaving Mug; 23rd, 2100. 2Sth, 2136, Suit Case; 30th, 2100, gramophone and Records; 30th, 2161, R G rl Watch, S H Watch, G Chain; 30th, 2166, 3 Wr Watch; 31st, 2170. X G H Watch, G Phalli; 31st, 2177, W Rings; 31st, 21S0, bracelet; August 1. 21S8, Cig Case; Ist, •ISO, W Ring; Ist, 2100, G Chain: 3rd. 2193, L.ady's Bike; 3rd. 2200, Head, Film, etc.: Ith, 2209, G Cross: 4th, 2210, Brooch and barrings; sth,- 2221, G Wr Watch: sth. £26. Camera; sth. 2227. G Wr Wnteli, 3roken Link ; Ctu, 2230, Field Glasses; 6th, 888, El Iron; 7th, 2241, Typewriter; 11th, 267, D Ring; 13th. 2285, R G Wr Watch; 3th, 2290, S H Watch and Chain; 14th, 299, Hair Brush, Glass and Camera; 17th. :316, Coin; 19th, 2332, G Wr Watch; 21st, 1345, Kauri Gum: 21st. 2345. D Ring: 21st, 351, G Ring; 25th, 3279. R G Watch: 26th, !354, Kauri Gum: 20th, 2358, Ring; 27th. !397, G Wγ Watch: 27th. 2400, G II Watch md Chain: 24th, 2369, Camera, 21st, 2352, •vauri Gum; 27th. 2042. W Ring; 29th. 2410. 5 Wr Watch ; 29th, 2412. Boots, Bag Tools ; list, 2415, Coins; Sept. Ist, 2433, Ring; Ist, 1435, D Ring: 2nd, 2430, Records; 2nd, !441, Ring, Brooch. Necklet; 2nd, 2445, iting: 2nd, 2447, Bag; 4th. 2469, Tools; ith, 2475, 3 S Watches. 6 Brooches; 7th, 2456, F Glasses; Sth, 2405. Tools: Bth. j~i. ?able Bracelet: Sth. 2500. R G Wr Watch; >th. 2507. G H Watch and Chain; 14th, 2543, O F G Watch. Muff Chain: 14th, 2546, S Wr Watch; 16th. 2555, Mt Watch. Greenstone Chain. F Pen Ring: ISth. 2571, 3 F S Watch: 19th. 2591, W Ring: 21st. 2594, W Ring: 22nd. 2613. R G Wr Watch; 23rd, 2620, O Coat: 25th, 2643, Camera; !6tb. 2650, G Wr Watcb: 28th. 2654, G "Tbain; 29th, 2665. Ring; 29th. 2673. Ten Sroches. Pair Earings: 30th. 2676. Kauri Tium; 30th, 2679. Case of Cutlery and Camera; October Ist, 2052, Camera; Ist, !654. Camera: 2nd. 2691. F Glasses: 2nd. 2696, S W r r Watch: 2nd. 2695, G Chain; jth. 2710. Bangle. Brooch. Spectacles; sth. >714. Muff Chain and Ring; sth. 2715, O ? R G Watch, part Chain; 6th, 2717, Gum; rth. 2727, Bag and Contents; Bth. 2734, 3 Wγ Watch; Sth. 2736. S Case, Cornet. Wr SVatch: Sth. 2739. S H Watch: 9th, 2745. Bag and Contents: 10th. 2754, Rag and intents; 12th, 2755, Bag; 13th. 2766, Set Chessmen and tens: 14th. 2776. Bag and Contents: 14th. 2755, Knives and Forks; 19th, 2513. S B Gun: 20th. 2525. Camera. Piccolo; 20th. 2527, Rib Guard; 21st. 2532, Broken Mf Chain and Lhcket; 22nd, 2S4S, n> Ring; 22nd. 2553. Bag Tools: 22nd, 2554, S , Glasses; 22nd. 2563, Camera: 24th, 2565. S Tea Set: 27th. 2573. S Wr Watch; 27th, 2577, Camera; 27th. 2SSS. Necklet: 27th. 2591, RBcords; 27th. 2SSS. Bike; 29th. 2016, Camera; 31st 2927. G Chain: 31st. 2930. W Ring and Necklet: Nov. 2nd. 2033, Lens md Razor: 2nd, 2939. S Wr Watch; 3rd. 2949. Pendant and Ring: 4th 2952. Mf 6th, 2072, O F S Watch and Ring; rth. 2952, Ring; 9th. 2991, D Ring; 10th, 3000, Knives. 1925—May 21et. 3057. Quilt; June ISth, 3263, Kit Bag and Contents; July 10th, 3425, Bag and Contents: Oct. 16th, 4261, Suit; 20th, 4315. Parcel Clothes; 24th, 4351, Trousers and Skirt; 24th, 4354, Parcel; 27th, 4365. Bed and Pillow; 2Sth. 4401. Coat and Vest; 30th. 4407, Parcel Clothes; Nov. 2nd. 4430, Boots ; 3rd. 4443, Coat an* Vest: 7th. 4455, Suit; 11th. 4491. Shoes: 11th, 4492. Table Oloth ; 14th, 20. Costume, ISth, 44, O Coat; ISth, 48, Fur; 18th, 50, Boots; 19th. 52, O Coat; 19th, 53, Blanket: 20th, 65. Blankets : 20th, 66. Suit ;„ 21st, 70, O Coat; 22nd, SI, Bag Boo£s; 24th, 101, O Coat; 26th, 123, Suit: 27th. 128. Suit: 27th. 129, O Coat: 2Sth, 132, Parcel Clothes; 28th, 137. Coat and Vest; 30th. I4S. Coat and Vest; Dec. 2nd. 107, Fur Coat; 3rd, 170. Curtains; 4th, ISI, O Coat; sth, 186, Suit; 6th, 210. Costume; 9th, 218. C Suits; 14th, 251, Remnants ; 14th, 254, Boots; 16th, 266. Rug. Dishes; ISth, 279, Trousers ; ISth. 2SI, Fur ; ISth, 282, Bag and Contents; 18th, 284, Rug, Dish: 17th. 275, Parcel Clothes: 23rd. 314, 0 Coat: 24th, 321, Trousers; 29th, 335, Suit; 29th, 346. 2 Pair Trousers: 30th, 352, Suit and Trousers; 31st, 356, Parcel Clothes; 31st, 3GI, Bug; 31st, 363, O Coat. 1926 —Jan. 2nd, 372, Dress and Costume ; Ith, 375, Coat and Trousers; sth, 395. Suit; oth, 408, Suit; 6th, 415, Bag and Contents; 7th, 420, Suit; 9th. 435, Suitcase and Contents: 11th, 452, Suit; 14th. 473, Rug; 16th, 493, Coat and Vest: ISth, 494, Suit; ISth. 499, Suit; 18th, 502, Oil Suit; ISth, 503, Bag and Suit; 20th, 522, Suit; 21st, 540, Parcel; 21st, 547, Suit; 21st, 545, Suit and Dress; 22nd, 549, Fur Coat; 23rd. 557. Cape; 24 th. 563, O Coat; 24th, 574, O Coat: 26th. 575. Bug; 26th, 554. Remnant; 2Sth. 604. Coat, Trousers, Boots ; 28th, 605, Coat and Vest; Feb. Ist, 623, Blankets, Kemnaut; Ist, 624, Blanket, Sheets; Ist, 625. Blanket, Sheets; 2nd, 631, Suit; 4th, 645, Parcel of Clothes; sth, 657, Suit. Suitcase Sth, 666, Bag, Contents : Sth, 678, O Coat; 15th. 736. Swag; 16th, 744, Shirt. Trousers; 16th, 753. Parcel Clothes; 16th 764, Suit; 19th, 787, Coat and Vest; 20ih 789, Bag, Rug; 17th. 765, 2 Pair Pyjamas 20th, 790, Suit; 20th, 796, Coat, Vest 23rd, 80S, Remnant; 25th, 532, Shoes 25th. 535, Coat, Trousers. ALL GOODS SPRAYED SO AS TC COMPLY WITH THE PUBLIC HEALTH ACT. TJICHARD A ETHUK, T TD., AUCTIONEERS. 7 SHOPnTTERS AMD JOINERS. SMITH AND DAY, Specialists in Shor Fittings, Showcase Work, Interioi Fittings.—'Phones 26-002, 21-602.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 142, 17 June 1926, Page 5
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1,384Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 142, 17 June 1926, Page 5
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