AUCTIONS. pICIIARD ARTHUR, T TD. TJNREDEEMED PLEDGES. TTNREDEEMED pLEDCES. FROM THE LOMBARD LOAN CO., 31, WELLESLEY ST. E. Opp. Public Library (Laic ,1. S. Garrett.) ■jITONDAY AND mUESDAY, J UNE 21 ANn 22 COMMENCING MONDAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK. TJICHAKn ARTHUR, T TD., WILL SELL AT THEIR SALEROOMS, AM in,-' under instructions from A. McPHAIL. Manager. TTNREDEEMED pLEDGES, As rer List, including: DIAMOND KINGS LADIES' AND GENTS' GOLD WATCHES. GOLD ALBERTS NECKLETS, PENDANTS, BROOCHES ! MERE. KAURI GUM, CUTLERY, E.P WARE. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CAMERVS SLIT CASES. S.B. UUN, BICYCLE. 200 PARCELS GOOD AND USEFUL CLOTHING. 11)21.—May 13ih, 304., 0 F Mr. Watch' ami 2 Brooches; August _stli 4200 G Wr Watch, Bracelet, 2 Brooches and Ring. 1022 —January 12. 5205". Mere. 1923—Fcbrn- ! ary -3rd. llitlS, G Kin;.-: August 3rd. 2730. G Ring; September 13th, 29(iu, 2 Bracelets Brooch and Ring; November 22nd 3:j7ii' Hag; 22nd, ;!77T, Stick; 22nd, 337S Bag: 22nd 3370. Suit Case: 22nd. ;isbo. 2 Plans. iu_4—-February _oili, 4040 g ; Chain; April Sth, 4372, Bracelet; Sth 4371! I (l F (i Watch, Wrist Watch ; Sth, 4374 Si II Wutch; August 13ili 5217. n King: i 27th, 3204, Cheese Dish; 20th. 330S E P Spoons and Forks; September Sth. 33U2 O V i; Watch, Muff Chain ; 13th, 539S S' H Watch: 20-th, 0474, G Bangle and G Ring: October 11th, N4. .'.-doz Forks and 2 Serviette Kings: I.3th, 102, W King; 24th 107 S II Mirror. E P Egg Cup Stand: November 14th. 283, E 1* Cake Dish: December 24th, 487. D King and It King: _!llh. 330 2 Pieces E P Ware: 80th, 302. G Chain' I!)2.j—January 3rd, 399, G Stone Bracelet. I Brooch; loth. 03S, Link, Pin; 18th (, I liracclet; 23rd, 704. G Pendant : 23rd. 7."i7. | D and 1' Earrings ; Feb 14th, 903, Aecordeon ■ Kith. Ilia. S Bag; 17th. Oil), 3 Kings: l»th] '.124, 3 Brooches anil King: March 14th. 1120 Brushes: April 24th. 1403. Maori i'ui Pup 21th. 1400, King, Brooches; 2Sth, 1433. King; May Oth. 1512, Kauri Gu.n: Juno 201 h. 1857, King and Brooch; 23rd, 1577, D Brooch; 2."jth. IS IS. Bracelet and King: 2(itb, BIOS, O Wr Watch; July 3rd. IO.Vi. Records; 10th, 2004, AY King: 11th, 2003, Camera: 13th. 2013. G Wr Watch: 13th, 21120. Mt Watch; Kith. 2023, Bracelet: 14th. i 2038. S Purse: 13th. 2044. Case and Con- I tents; loth. .2031. W Ring; I,lth. 2034, | Brushes; 17th, 2030, Aecordeon; 17th. 2057. Ukulele; .17th. 2061, 3 Kings: 17th. 2IKJO. Brooch, King and Chain: ISth, 2074, II G 11 | Wutch: ISth, 2077, Paint Brushes; 21st, j 2092, in Iron. Carvers and Tray: 22nd. 2104. E P Teapot, Shaving Mug: 23rd, 2100. Leather; 2,stli. 2130, Suit Case; 30th, 2100. Gramophone and Records: 30th, 21C1, It G I II Watch, S II Watch, G Chain: 30th. 2100. I G Wr Watch; 31st, 2170. It G II Watch. (J Chain; :ilst. 2177, W Rings: ;ilsi. 21S0, 1 Bracelet; August 3. 218 S. Cig Case; Ist. I 21SP. W King; Ist. 2100. G Chain; 3rd. 2103. I Lady's Bike: 3rd, 2200. Head, Eiljn. etc.: 4ih. 2200, G Cross: 4th. 2210. Brooch and Earrings; oth, 2221, G Wr Watch: oth. 2220, Camera: sth. 2227. G Wr Watch. Broken Link ; Oth. 2230. Field Glasses; Oth, 2233, El Iron; 7th. 224], Typewriter: 11th. 2207. D King; 13th. 2253, It G Wr Watch; 13th, 2200. S II Watch and Chain; 14th. 2200, Hair Brush, Glass and Camera; 17th. 2310. Coin: 10th, 2332. G Wr Watch: 21st. 2343, Kauri Gum; 21st. 2345, D King; 21st. 2331. G King: 2.~>ih. 3270. It G Watch; 20th. 2354. Kauri Gum: 20th. 23SS. King: 27th. 2307, G Wr Watch; 27th. 2400, G II Watch nnd Chain: 24th. 2300. Camera. 21st, 23."i2. Kauri Gum: 27fh. 2042. W King: 20th. 2410. S Wr Watch ; 20th, 2412. Bools. Bag Tools; "ilst, 2415, Coins: Sept. Ist., 2433, Kins; Ist, 2435, I) King: 2nd. 2430. Records; 2nd, 2441, Ring, Brooch. Necklet; 2nd. 2443. Ring: 2nd. 2447. Bag; 4th. 2401). Tools; Sth. 247.1. 3 S Watches. 0 Brooches; 7th. _4>4i. F (Masses; Sth, 21! l.">, Tools: Sth, _...;. •Calde Bracelet: Sth. 2300. R G Wr Watch: Jirh. 2307. G 11 Watch and Chain; 14th. 2.-.43, O F G Watch. MulT Chain: 14th. 2340, S Wr Watch; 10th, 2538, Mt Watch, Greenstone Chain. F Pen King; ISth. 2371. O F S Watch: l»th. 2501. W Uiog: 21st. 2.V.M. W King: 22m1. 2013. It G Wr Watch; 23rd. 2020, O Coat: 23th, 2043. Camera: 2iith. 2030. G Wr Watch: 2Sth. 2654. G Chain: 20th. 2003. King: 20th, 2073. Ten Ilrochcs. Pair Eariugs; 30th, 2070. Kauri Gum: 30th. 2070. Case of Cutlery and Camera; October Ist, 2GS2. Camera: Ist. Camera: 2nd. 2001. F Glasses: 2nd, 2006, S Wr Watch:. Slid. 2GOS. G Chain: ."I'll. 2710. Bangle. Brooch. Spectacles: 3th. 2714, MulT Chain and Ring; 3th. 271.1. O X X G Watch. part Chain; Oth. 2717. Gum; rtli. 2727, Bag and Contents; Sth. •-7-14. GWr Watch; .Sth. 2730. S Case, Cornet. Wr Watch: Sth. 2730. H II Watch; oth. 2745. !>ag and Contents: loth. 2754. Bag and Contents; 12th, 2733. Bag: I.lth, 27(10, Set Chessmen and Lens; 14th. 2770, Bag and Contents: 14th. 2753. Knives and .larks: IfMli. 2SIS. S B Gun: 20th. 2523. Camera. Piccolo; 20th. 2527, Rib Guard; 21st, 2532, Ilrokon Mf Chain and Locket: 22nd. 2S4S. II Iting; 22ud. 2853. Bag Tools; 22nd, 2554. F Glasses; 22nd. 2PG3. Camera: 24th. 2503. S Tea Set: 27th. 2K73. S Wr Watch; 27th. 2577, Camera; 27th. 2SS3. Necklet: 27th. 2SOI. Rjeords: 27th. 2SSS. P.iUo: 20th. 2010. Camera' 51s.t, 21127. G Chain; 31st. 2030, \V King and Necklet: Nov. 2nd. 2033. Lens and Razor: 2nd. 2030. S Wr Watch: 3rd. 2049. Pendant nnd King: 4th 2032. Mf Chain: Oth. 2072. O F S Watch nnd Ring: 7th. 29N2. Ring; Oth. 2091. D King; 10th, 3000, Knives. 1023—May 21st, 3057. ; Quilt: .Tune ISth, 3203, Kit Bag and Con-I tents; July 10th, 3428, Bag and Contents:! <>ef. 16th. 4201, Suit: 20th, 4315, Purcel I '•lotbes: 24th, 4351. Trousers and Skirt:! 24th. 43.54, Parcel; 27th. 43G5. Bed nnd | Pillow: 2Sth. 4401. Coat and Vest; 80th. 4407, Parcel Clothes: Nov. 2nd. 4430. Boots: 3rd, 4443, Cent and Vest: 7th. 4455. Suit; 11th. 4401. Shoes: 11 th, 4402. Table Cloth ; 14th, 20, Costume, 18th, 44, O Coat : ISth. 48, Fur; 18th. 50. Boots: 10th, 32, <i Cont: 3 oth. 53. Blanket: 20th. 05, Blankets ; 20th. 00, Suit : 21st. 70, O Coat; 22m1. 81. BujJ Boots: 24th. 101. O Coat: 20th. 123. Suit: 27th. 12S, Suit: 27th. 120. () Coat: 2Stli. 132. Pare >1 Clothes: 28th. 137. Coat and Vest: 30th. 14S. Coat and Vest; Dec. 2nd. 107, Fur Coat; 3rd, 170, Curtains; 4th, 181. O Coat: . r >th, ISO. Suit: Oth. 210, Costume: !Mli. 21S. 2 Suits: 14th. 251. Remnants; 14th, 254, Boots; 16th. 200, Rug. Dishes; ISth, 270, Trousers: ISth. 281. Fur: ISth. 2X2. Bag and Contents: 18th, 284. Bug, Dish: 17th. 275, Parcel Clothes; 23rd, 314, f) Coat: 24th, 321, Trousers: 29th, 335, Suit: 29th, 340, 2 Pair Trousers; 30th. 352. Suit nnd Trousers; 31st. 350,' Parcel Clothes; 31st, 301, Kug : 31st, 303. O Coat. 1020—.Tan. 2nd, 372, Dress and Costume: 4th, 375. Coat and Trousers: 5Ui, 30S. Suit; sth, 408, Suit : Oth, 415, Bag and Contents; 7th, 420. Suit; Oth. 435, Suitcase tind Contents: 11th, 452. Suit; 14th, 473, Kug: 10th. 493. Coat and Vest; 18th, 494, Suit; 18th. 490, Suit: 18th, 502, oil Suit: ISth, 503, Bag and Suit; 20th, 522. Suit; 21st, 540. Parcel : 21st, 547, Suit; 21st. 34t', Suit and Dress: 22nd, 1 s+o. Fur Coat: 23rd. 557. Cape: 24 til. 503, O Coat; 24th, 574, O Coat: 20th, 578. Kug: 20th, 554. Remnant: 28th. 004. Coat. Trousers. Boots; 28th, 005, Coat and Vest: Feb. Ist. 023. Blankets, Remnant; | Ist, 024. Blanket, Sheets: Ist. 025, Bt.-in- J ker, Sheets; 2nd, 031, Suit; 4th, 04S, Parcel of Clothes: sth. 057. Suit. Suitcase: Sth, 000, Bag, Contents: Sth, 07S. O Coat;; 15th. 730. Swag: lGth. 744. Shirt, | Trousers; 30th, 753. Parcel Clothes ; loth, | 704, Suit ; 19th, 787, Coat and Vest; 20Ui, i 7SII, Bug, Rug : 17th, 703. 2 Pair Pyjamas ; 20th, 700, Suit: 20th, 700. Coat, Vest; 23rd, 80S. Remnant : 25th, 832. Shoes : | 25th, 535, Coat, Trousers. | ALL GOODS SPRAYED SO AS TO COMPLY WITH THE PCBLIC HEALTH ACT. -RICHARD ARTHUR, J TD., j AUCTIONEERS. 7 INSURANCE COMFAJVIES. A LLIANCE ASSURANCE CO., LTD. Aa Assets, £25,00.000. 'Phone 43-123. 91. Queen St. Manager. Wilfred Skegg. D ■pRITISH TRADERS' INSURANCE CO. aa LTD . Fire. Marine. Accident.—Union Bldgs., Branch Manager, Geoffrey Nevill. D
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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 139, 14 June 1926, Page 5
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1,421Page 5 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 139, 14 June 1926, Page 5
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