TE AROHA GATHERING. SUCCESSFUL EASTeV FIXTUUE. Glorious weather prevailed for the ninth annual sports gathering of the Te ' Aroha Cycling and Athletic Club, held in the Hemes Memorial Park yesterday. Tae ground was in fair condition.and tlie attendance was good. The punctuality and promptitude with which the various eveiits were got oft were a credit to those in charge of arrangements. The following are the results:—
RUNNING EVENTS. 100 yards, youths under 16 years.— J. Hogan, syds, 1; A. Teague, 3yds, 2. 100 Yards Maiden Championship.—X. Cambie, 1; A. "Woods, 2. Time, 11 1-5. JUangntu Handicap SSO Yards.—G. Morrisey, scratch, 1; T. Morris 33yds, 2; R. Swarm, 50yds, 3. Time, 1.35. Easter Handicap, 120 Yards.—First Heat: J. Maloney, 9yds, 1; Eliott Byds, and McQuarten. dead heat, 2. Time 12 2-3. Second Heat: D. Mnlesworth. Syds. 1: A. Watson 4yd and T. Morris. 12yd, dead heat, 2. Time, 12 l-o. Third Heat: K. Camhie. 14yds. 1; J. Verran. 14y«ls. 2. Time, 12 2-5. Final.—X. Camhie, 14yds, 1; Molesworth, Byds, 2: Morris, 12yds, 3; Malony, 4yds, 4. Time 11s.
Waitoa Handicap. 220 Yards.—,T. Malony. 17yds 1; D. Moles worth. 12yds, 2; K. Camol e ' o 3 - Won comfortably. Time, ■ President's Hnndlcap. 440 Yards. —K. famine. 30yds. 1; A. Tiye. 22yds. 2: D. Molesworth, 23yds, 3. Thirteen starters. CYCLING. Juvenile Cycle Handicap, 880 Yards. — •Tnmlpson. ROyds, 1; Kosenfeldt, 40yds, 2; Bones 80yds. 3. Somerstown Handienp, One Mile and nHalf.—Hayes, 13yds, 1; .Tenson, 30yds. 2; Goodwill, 40yds. 3. A creat finish. Tlma 4.22. In the last lap Partington brought down G. Mathieson. Herriesville Cycle Handicap. One Mile. — First Heat: W. Mathieson, 30yds, 1: Kelly. 60yds. 2: Hayes. 20yds. 3. Second Hent: G. Mathieson 20yds, 1; .Tenson, 60yds, 2. Final.—Hayes. 20yds, 1; Jenson, GOyds, 2. . Springdnle Cycle Handicap, two miles.— S. Hayes, scratch. 1; A. Goodwill. 20yds, 2: .T. Harcnnrt. 120 yds. 3. Ten starters, A coofl finish between the olaced mon. Several fell in tlie last Inn. Timp 6.5. Hot Pnrings Cyclincc Handicnn. Three Miles.—FT. Jenson. TSOvds. 1; -T. Harcourt. 200 yds 2; W. Kelly, 2SOyds, 3.
(By Telegraph.—Own Correspondents WHANGAREI, this day. ' The annual .sports meeting of the Maungatapere Sports Club was held at Maungatapere on Easter Monday in fine weather. Kesults :— Maiden Eace, 120yds.—H. Lewis .1, J. D. McDonnell 2, h. 3. Winstanley 3. Won easily. Time, 13s.
100 Yards Handicap.—C. E. Collins, Biyds. 1 : W. S. Andrews, SJyds, 2,; K. Mcßae, CJyds, 3. Won by a yard. Time, 0 4-3s.
Maungatapere Cup, ■ 140 Yards Handicap.—C. K. Collins, 1 Hyds, 1; McKae, Oyds, 2; W. C. Prestcn, Oyds, 3. Won by three yards. Time, 14fs.
440 Yards Handicap.—W. C. Preston, 24yds, 1; K. Meßae,' 1 Oyds, 2: K. Hrainsby. 32yds, 3. Won by five yards. Time, 1.0 2-3.
Hurdles. 120 Yards Handicap.—C. E. Collins, owes syds, 1: W. McCardle, owes 3yds, 2; D. Mason, owes 6yds, 3.' Won by two feet. Time, 16 4-ss.
Half Mile.—W. C. Preston, scr, 1; B. A. Brainsby, 54yds, 2 ; L. Edge, ooyds, 3. Time, 2.30 1-5.
High Jump.—Andrews, scr, sft 2Mn, 1; McCardle, 2.
Putting the Shot, 161b.—C. Fraser (2ft), 31ft, 1; J. D. McDonald (2ft), 29ft 2in, 2; M. Griffin (scr), 31ft llin, 3.
Forced Handicap, 140 Yards.—W. Preston. 13yds, 1; L. D. Abbott, 12yds, 2; Collins. 12yds, fi. Time, 13 4-ss. .
Boys' Race, 100 Yards.—V. Payne 1, C. Payne 2, €. Draper 3. Time, 13 2-ss.
Boys' Half-mile, under 16 years.—B. A. Brainsby 1, K. Carter 2. Won -eafcily. Time, 2.41.
Married Ladies' Race.—Mrs. C. Thorbum 1, Mrs. Solch 2, Mrs. Lyddard 3.
Single Ladies' Bace Miss I. Hill 1, Miss C. Hill 2. Miss M. Woods 3. Nail Driving.—Mrs. Livingstone 1. CHOPPING AXD SAWING. Handicap Chop, underhand, 15-inch block. M. Griffin-, scr, 1; C. Child, 18s, 2: Joe Xash, 18s, 3._ .Won by three seconds. Actual time. 1.5. . : .•" :.. v
Maiden Chop,- 12-inch standing KocJe. — Bunny FinJayE»n. 1, W. Boyal-2j D. Morrlsh 3. Won by three seconds. Time, 54 Iros. Handicap Ohop, i2-in'eh standing block.— M. Griffln, scr, 1; .N. Hastie] 12s, 2 ;■• A. Mcßae, 10s, 3. Seconds divided the three placed men. Time, 245.
Handicap Saw, 15-inch block, two cuts.— S. Punch ana F. Croft, 2s, 1; J. W. Croft and J. Hay, 2s, 2.; W. Boyal and Ashby, 6s, 3. Won easily. Time, 15s.
i HIGHLAND EVENTS. Bagpipo Music, March (open).—B. Primrose 1, R. McG. McKay 2, It. McLachlan 3. Strathspey and Reel. —B. Primrose 1, R. McLachlan 2, R. McM. McKay 3. Junior March.—B. McLachlan- 1, B, Fleming 2. Highland Fling.—D. McLennan 1, K. McG. MoKay 2. Highland Reel. —D. McLennan 1, R. McLachlan 2. Highland Fling, girls under 11 years.— Edna Fitzwilliam 1, Jean Fraser 2, Mona Lilly 3. ■ ■■-' Sword Dance, girls under 10 years.—Mona Lilly 1, Jean Fraser 2, Edna Fitzwilliam 3. Scan Triubhals, giris under 1,0 years.-r-Mona Lilly 1, Edna Fitzwilliam 2, Gwen Edge 3.
Highland. Fling, girls under 14 years.— Edna Fitzvrilliam I, Mona Lilly 2, Gwen Edge 3.- '■■•■ /-•;:. v.
Donnelly's Crossing.
(From Our Own Correspondent.) DARGAVItLE, Monday. ■ The third annual sports and axemen's carnival under the. auspices of the Donnelly's Crossing Athletic Club, was held* at Donnelly's Crossing on Saturday in cloudy but fine "weather. There was a very large attendance of the public, and the special train from Dargaville and up-line stations was packed. All the arrangements were well carried out by the following:— Messrs. R, McCraith, TV. Hall, R. Cant], C, O'Xelll. J. Sherman, C. Salmond, T. Lee, H. Spiers, A. Adams, W. Cuthbert, -W. Pator, A. Howie and W. Williams. Mr. T. Underwood made an ideal secretary and Kept things going in first rate style. He was ably assisted by the treasurer, Mr. JL. Leigh. The officials were as follows:— Runn.ns: events judges. Messrs. F. Hemmins, 11. Bird. A. C. Xicol; starter, Mr. H .Spiers; assistant starter, Mr W Cuthbert: time-keeper. Mr. T. Underwood- «^ P^S^ an „ s^ w j n X Judges. Messrs. D. ™ d tlm °- Besides the events for adults, about 24 Children's races took place. Great interest was taken in the chopping and sawm» events. "
The following are the results: ATHLETIC EVENTS.
100 Yards Maiden.—First heat: A T-. Johnson 1, R. Somers 2. Won easily Second heat: K. Nathan 1, U. Cain *> Won by two yards. Final: Johnson l" Xathan 2, Somers 3. Won by a yard. Inches between second and third. I'lme 11 l-ss.
Single Ladies' Race.—Miss Pockllngton 1, Miss A. Johnson 2. Miss i. Carpenter 3. Six started: A great race, won by half a yard.
120 Y-ards • Cup Handicap.—First heat: P. Wfl'tene, Mjxle, 1; A. T. Johnson, 11 yds , , 2; S.- Stewart, 7yds, -3. Also ran, \V. Price, 11yds. Won by a yard after a jrreat finish. Time, lijs. Second heat: E. Snowden, ] 2yds, 1; R. Somer.B, Syds, 2; R. Cain, 12yds, 3. Won by. a yard in 14 4-ss. Final: P.Watene 3, S. "Stewart 2. A. T. Johnson 3. , Won by two yards in 33 3-ss.
A protest was entered asainst. .th.e winner for failing to send in his .performances for the past 3.x years. The priitpst was upheifi.and'lhe race , given fo'Swwirt wilh Johnson second and R. .Cain third. MarriPd Ladies' Race.—Mrs. i". Sranawa'y 1, -Mrs: C. Carpenter. 2, Mrs. Toiiy OreDfcV- a Won. - .by a ya.'d. Half-mile.—W: Davidson,' 55yds. 1 : V. B. Tattersall, 40yds, 2; M. Stewart, 60yds, 3. Also ran: W. Gorrie-45yds, E. Somers 55yds, H. McKenzie 60yds. Won by two yards. . '■■-.-
Veterans' Race, iover i>o years of age.— H. .Moore . 1,: J. Sherman 2,-. CL .Carpenter <*: Ten started. The best race of the day. Won by inches.
Youths' under 10 years, 440 yards.—A. Jenkins 1,-K. Allen 2, Lindsay -Cann 3. \Von by yards. Nino started. i V°J atas Handicap.—M. Douney. 22yds, 1. S. Stewart. 15yds, 2; R. Cain, 23yds, ; 3 son g 6 r # C ? a : -E-S.ojners 18yds, A. T. JohnS? 2 .? yds ' B - Tattersall 21vds, E M Snowden- 21yds, M. Douney '"ls-ds A I
Thread the Xeedle.—Miss Pocklington and K. Nathan 1, Miss Ashwin and Douney 2, Miss I. Carpenter and Hall 3. Ten competed.'
440 Yards Handicap.—R. Somers, 30yds, 1; R. Cain, 40yds, 2: W. Gorrie, 30yds, 3. Also ran t W. Davidson ■ 35yds, M. Douney 40yds, M.-McKenzie 40yds, V. B. Tattersall 40yds. Won by inches only.
Hurdles (120 yards).—A. T. Johnson, scr, i; S. Stewart, owe syds, 2; P. Osborne, owe syds, 3. R. Cain, scr, also jumped. Won by yards.
High Jump.—P. Osborne. 'sft lin, 1; S. Stewart, 2: A. G. Johnson and R. Cain, dead beat, 3. CHOPPING AND SAWING. Maiden Chop. 12-irich block.—W. Royal 1, J. Rapira 2, J. Woodhouse 3.' Also chopped: R. Plume, E. Shunian, E. Leach; R. Xeilson, N. Hall, M. Moore, N. Ruddell. Won. by. two seconds in .56 ..seconds...
Standing Donnelly's Ilandicnp Chop, 13----lnch "block.—W. Rika, 235, 1 ; AY. Royal, 30s 2: J. Rapire, 30s, :!. .Also competed: R. Meale • 205,. D. W. Halibuuton 2us, C. btanaway 30s. Won by one second In 1.40. -Novice Saw (two cuts. 15-inch block).— Royal and Ashby 1, Meale and Moore 2. Stanaway and Neilson 3. Sherman and Mold did not compete. Won by half a second in ous. Open Underhand Chop, 15-inch block.— W. Rika, los, 1; R. Meale, 15s, 2: r> W, 28s, 3. Also competed: c" Manaway 245. Won easily in 1.10 I.ocal Underhand Chop. J 3-inch block R. Moalo. 10s.-1; T. Woodboupp, 2Ss 2; E r.e'acn.'_2Bs, 3. Also chopped :E. ShcrAian 245. AVun fairly easily in 1.2:1. Youths' Chop, under 21 Tears 10-incb block.—A. Nathan 1, R. Xeilson 2, v. Bremner 8. Also competed: E. Leach, X. Hall, J. M. Tattersall, R. Cann. Won by a stroke, la. 3Zs.. , . .
Double-handed Saw, two cuts (open), 15----inch block-—Royal and Ashby, 10s, 1 ; Meale and Moore, 10s, 2. Also started : Htnniiway and Kelson 10s, Haliburton and Rapire, Sherman and Mold. Won by a fraction of a second. No time taken.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 80, 6 April 1926, Page 10
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1,643ATHLETIC SPORTS. Auckland Star, Volume LVII, Issue 80, 6 April 1926, Page 10
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