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ARTICLES FOR SALE. TENTS, "Anchor Brand," reinforced calico, and duck. Send for price list.— Meitzer Bros., 65, Victoria St. D TENTS and Flys, guaranteed ; 6 s 8 x 3, 44/ ; 8 x 10 x 3, 59/ ; 10 s 12 s 3 (footwallsj, 7U/. —McCarthy, Tentmaker, Eden Terrace. C FTIYPEWRITER, Oliver, little perfect -*• order, £15 ; also Letter Press, £2.— Richardson. 31. Karangahape Rd. 188 "TTENETIAN and Linen Blinds made to ' order. Renovating a speciality.— Tucker Bros.. 35, Eden Terrace. C " "TTERITAS" Violet Ray Machine cures ' headache and relieves or cures almost every known human ailment. A XTIOLET Rays cure most human a..ments; » complete machine, £S 8/. —Fisher's, 243. Karangahape Rd. Free trial. D VyASHTUB, Heart of Kauri. 40/; Kauri. » * from 3Q/6. —Smyth, Mackey St., off Wellesley St. W. D XMAS Dolls' Trams. —Join our Weekly Payment Club.—Auckland Pram Supply, St. Kevin's Arcade, -opposite ItendcH's. TUST LANDED PER/ CORINTHIC. " 500 07 K2 ROBERTSON SEWING MACHINES, more improved than any other machine. Once you inspect these machines you will BUY NO OTHER. PRICES FROM £14 14/. It will cost you nothing to inspect. J. R. ROBERTSON, Auctioneers. Queen Street. D SEWING MAC HIN ES. Competition Staggered. A Sewing Machine with its factory name on. the "NEW nOME," from £10 10/. Dozens of Singer Drophoads and other Machines, from £.'! 15/. Long Guarantee. Low Prices. Easy Terms. GLOBE SEWING MACHINE CO., Short's Buildings, Open Friday Night. 154, Queen Street. Phone 40-205. C WANTED TO BUY. ADVICE that is Sound.—Ring Coakley's, 42-235, If you have Furniture to Sell. Straight Methods. D A LL Classes of Furniture Bought; highest - ti - prices given.—The Ark, 267, Ponsonby C A LOT defends on the firm you get to Buy your Furniture. Try Coakley's. Phone 42-235. D A LUMINIUM, Lead, Copper, Brass, -£*- Bottles, Sacks,, etc. —Dominion Waste Products, Powerhouse Lane. Telephone 46-514. ALWAYS A FEW POUNDS MORE when George Walker makes a cash offer for your Furniture. PH6NB 43-357. FOR VALUER TO CALL. D ANSELL AND CO., Auctioneers, give best prices for your Furniture. — Phone 41-918. D APIECE of Sound Advice. —Get Coakley's Price for your Furniture before selling.—Phone 42-238. D A BETTER Price for your Furniture from Coakley, Ltd. Spot Cash. No. cartage.—Phone 42-238. p_ A PPAREL.—Mrs. Outtrlm, Largest Buyer A Ladies', Gents' Left-off Clothing.— 91, Vctoria St. Phone 42-674. A RTIFICIAL Teeth, any condition, pre--£i- war preferred ; up to £5 paid. line Co., 9, Security Bldgs. D AUCKLAND Cooker, over 22 x 14, wanted.—State price. M. 5572. Star. \ UCKLAND'S Biggest Market for Furniture and Pianos,/Coakley, Ltd. Top prices guaranteed.—Phone 42-238. D "DEFORE Selling, Before Buying your -*-* Furniture, consult Squirrell and Co. We defy competition. 'Phone 44-395. C BICYCLES, Tools, Jewellery, any condition. Watches, False Teeth, Catneras, I Binoculars, etc. —Clarkson, 3S, Ponsonby Road. C BOOKS, Magazines, Novels, Chums, wanted. Best prices given.—Ardllaun's. 460. Queen St.. opp. Myers Park. p_ BOTTLES, Sacks, Copper, Brass. Lead. Rags, Horsehair.—Zoalandia Tradinc Co.. 7. Belgium St. 'Phone 42-431. C riALL.OR PHONE 43-357 for GEORGE V WALKER to make you a Cash Offer For Your Furniture. SALEROOMS : 38, QUEEN ST. D Price -for Furniture and VV Pianos is highest. Ring Phone 42-238. = _D GET MY PRICE WHEN SELLING your Furniture, and you will not be disappointed. GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 3S, Queen St. 'Phone 43-357. D p< RAMOPHONE Records, uny quantity; 'J must be in good condition.—l 63, Hobson St. 53 OKION and Orb Kanges wanted; any condition.—Nairn, 1.0., Dominion ltd. PRAM, strong, in good condition; cheap for cash.—Write M. 5430, Stab. RAGS, Rags, Kags.—ljd lb. Bottles, Sacks, Scrap Metals, Collected.—Phone 40-341, McKle. 48. Nelson St. KAGS, ljd lb ; Sacks, Scrap Metals; topmost prices : c-nlled fur ; cash paid.— Write P.O. Box 507, Auckland. SCRAP Lead and Old Compo., any quantity, cash. —G. A. Williams, 101, Mt. Eden Rd. 45 SEWING Machine wanted, any make; a little out of order npt objected to. — Write B. 5280, Stab. C QTAMPS, Early New Zealand. Pigeon £5 Posts, General Collections.—Powell, 65. Shortland St. Open Friday Evenings. C riIRAPPED Rabbits and Dried Skins, in -*- any quantity ; highest prices given.— Sanford. Limited. Auckland. A nt f\(\ WORTH Furniture wanted daily. 3i;XUU Large and Small Lots.—"Busy Bee," 165-66, Ponsonby Rd. Phone 27-190. D QLD TYPE METAL. ANT QUANTITY, WANTED. Apply MANAGER, "STAR" OFFICE JD4
EGGS. EGGS. EGGS. POULTRY FARMERS. For top market prices throughout season consign your Eggs to us. We return a premium In price for prime quality producers' Eggs, as we have been doing for several years past. When shippin» send an advice note advising quantity of hen oduck Eggs forwarded. NORDEN AND CO., LTD 65-67. Fort Street. Auckland. A /COAKLEY, LTD., PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. See Them Before You Sell. PHONE 42-238. D
BOATS FOR SALE. ALL Classes of Boat Building undertaken; Repairs a specialty. Estimates given R. Lang, St. iMary's Bay. l; /-tRTJISING .LAUNCH, 32 x S, built by D. V , Keid; semi-heavy duty motor, in firstclass order. All gear, including moorings and dinghy. £375. — Replies to Launch, P.O. Box 1517. TTMjATTIE, 10ft, sails fully equipped ; trial -C' given ; bargain.—33o. Brighton Rα.. Farnell. 135 LOGAN 16ft Aratu, new silk sails, moorings, all spare sails; ready for season. Wlseninn's, Qiieen St. MFS ■VTETS Tanned. Repaired and Mounted at ■-IN-Johnston's, 6SO, Dominion Rd. Vb*ne 21-140. D mAKAPUNA One Design, 12ft Gin ; Ell X gear; any trial given; £17. —Write S. 4076, Stak. YACHT, 1-itt, 7ft beam, half decked, all gear, engine; cheap.—2l, King St., Grey I+vnn. • . BOATS WANTED. BOAT 10 to 12ft, wanted; must be sound— Write S. f>oo2, Star. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. mtJBNBULL AND JONES Itepnlr All J- Eleotrirnl Mnchlnery. Our Unwinding Department GunnVntocß WorU.—Thouo «>r limmodiatft towict). •, -•-«' A
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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930Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 2
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