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SITUATIONS VACANT. NAVVY, good pick and sliovel Man; used to drainage work.—3o, Haslett St., Eden Terrace. ■ OFFICE Girl.— J. Leighton, 3, Theatre Lane (City Chambers). Phone 42-180. PAINTERS (2), wanted, tradesmen.— Apply W. McCallum, 28, Atherton Rd., Epsom. 96 T)AINTEKS, 2 good tradesmen, wanted.— a Apply new job, Atarangi Rd., off Gt. South Rd. 132 AINTER. good.—Walker, Meola Rd., Pt. Chevalier; or Rolfe's Jot>, Shackleton Rd.. Dominion Rd. end. 266 PLUMBKR, constant job to good man.— W. R. McCallum, 23, St. James' St.., CityCJCOOP Driver wanted. — Apply Brodie, »J Road Job. Henderson. 60 SISTER wanted at once for Northern Walroa Hospital; salary £120 per annum, with uniform. —Apply to Matron, Hospital. Te Kopimi. . STATIONERY Assistant — Smart Lad - 1 wanted; Queen Pt. shop.—Apply, own handwriting, to 'S. 5314. Star. TAILOR wanted, good coat maker.— T. McConnell, 65, Queen St., Ist floor, upstairs. TO TAILORS.—First-class Coat Maker.— J. R. Hebdfiii. Otahuhu. 84 WANTED, Strong Youth for store work. Apply Head Storeman, J. Jones, Auctibneprs. _____ £2 fXfANTED, TWO GIRLS, FOR FACTORY. Apply ALEX. HARVET AND SONS, LTD., 5 and 7, Albert Street. \T7 ANTED. * V EXPERIENCED PACKER. . Apply, Kitchener St. entrance, SHARLAND AND CO., LTD., Wholesale Chemists, 86 WILL Aplicants, F. 4751, Friday's " Star." please note, position filled. YOUTH, about 17 years of age, for Warehouse ; refs. required.—Write B. 5275. Star. 143 WANTED TO RENT. BACH, furn., for Month, from -Tan. 1; near beach; 10ca1.—24, Home St., Arch Hill. City. , BULK Store, about 5000-6000 cubic feet.— Offers to S. 4945, STAR. . FOUR Weeks" Rent in Advance for House, in city.—Write M. Roll. Stab. HENDERSON —Wanted to Rent —.Small House or Bach for school holidays: partly furn. —Inquire Star. 666 HOUSE, unfurn., must be elevated and good locality; garage.—Write F. 4850, Star. HOUSE wanted. 7 rooms, within Ist section; good tenant.—Write M. 5566, Star. ' QEASIDE Cottaee. furn.. to accommodate' 4 pe-rsmis: rent not to *>xcftetl 50/ per week.—Send particulars to Busby, Paeroa. ___ igJEND Particulars of your Pronerry. We ~' specialise «n letting -well.—7, Hellahv'e Plf?«ra.. onn. 0.P.0. 209 SMALL House, careful tenant: reßoecN nnlp: rent in quarterly If rtfilred.—WrU° m. 5/-R2. Star. WANTED TO SEXX. ABOUT Sewing Machines.—lnspect the "Robertson, , . , with all Its. -wonderful improvements: — Robertson., Auctioneer, Queen St. "•'".. ABOUT. Sewing Machines. —Inspect the "Robertson," with all its wonderful improvements. — Robertson, Auctioneer, Queen St. ANY Barrcw, Ladder, Washtub, from Pelham's, 150,' Victoria St. W., lasts a lifetime.—Phone 40-654. . D. ALL Diamond Cord Tyres unquestionable value. —Diamond Tyre Depot, Top Pitt St.. open Friday nights. : A UCKLAND SCALE CO., Little Queen - cx - St.—We Repair and Sell Scales of any. description. Ring 4-654. D A UCKLAND'S Cheapest Place for New ■£*• and Seeonfl-hand Building Timber, etc. Sawyer an* Xofc-ndes, Lower Hobsoa St., next Power House. D A 2/4 TIN of Rolfe's Wax contains as much as three 1/ tins. —Obtainable J everywhere. D TJENZINE Hanging Lamp, —onderfully ■*-* improved, reliable; 500 candle power; costs Jd per hour.—Westonhouse, Rutland Street. A "DIG REDUCTIONS in Prams, Push -° CHAIRS, Doll Prams, etc., at our SHOWROOMS, Thompson's Buildings, 313; Queen Street (5 doors above Town Hall). W. A. THOMPSON AND CO. C BOWLEKS! — Your Club Colours, Hat Band Badge and Tie at Cox, . the Hatter's, Karangahape Rd. D ORICKS—IO,OOO Second-hand, cleaned; cheap.—Sawyer and Lowndes, 21, Lower Hobson St. iQB "DURNSIDE English Fireproof Safes, •*-*' from eleven guineas upwards.—T. and S. Morrin, High St. pAMERA, double extension, focussing,v> , postcard; 3 DD Slides; Bosch-Lomb lens; case; nearly new; £3.—Write 31. 5398, Star. - CONCRETE Foundation Blocks, 1/ each, leas discount.—Cowperthwalte Cement RooOng Tile Co., Mount Eden. Phone 20-328. p TTvOORS, Windows, Weights, Sashes, Sash- - 7 - L lights, Mantels, Grates; large selection. Inspect.—Sam White, Market Place. D T\OORS (glass), Partitions, Totara Posts, -V Match Lining for Sale, cheap Sawyer and Lowndes, Lower Hobson St. D Terms Arranged.—Furniture, Bed- -—' ding. Carpets, Linos, etc.—Oak Furnishing Co., Symonds St. A. "EMSNCING Posts.—Matai, Purirl, Totara; - 1 - best and cheapest.—A. »H. Shepherd, Morningside. Phone 20-002. C "CUT Our Improved Burner 'to your old ■*- Primus and make it like new.— Westonhouse, Rutland St. A MAIN Gas Stove, nearly new, cheap.— Apply 20, Burgoyne St., Newton. OTOR Car Cases for Sale, from 10/ each.—Harrison ami Gash, foot of Khyber Pass. A AINTERS , Ladders, Trestles, Steps Wheelbarrows, Washtubs. — Pelhani and Sons., 150, Victoria St. W. —Phone 40-654. _D PIANO Cases, tin-lined, 12/6 each.—No Deposit Piano Co., 2S, Jligh St. rlionc 42-784. . SAFES. —Thomas Withers' Fireproof 24in to 4Sin : also Strong room Doors and Frames.—Alpe Bros., Fort Sc. A SCORIA for Concrete, delivered; 3 yards £1 T/, 4 yards £1 15/. —E. Bait. Phone 21-497. _ QINUEIt, "-drawer, oak, droophcad, cheap; • 4-dr'awcr Automatic, £4 15/; terms. — (Jlobe, Shiirfs Buildings. 154. Queon St. fjOIL Fre>>, suitable filling or improve fe volcanic i>y mixing—Prosser, 33, Selwyn Kβ.. Greenwood a Comer. Phone 4012* (two rings). ', 28 SIX Months' Credit without Interest; '' small deposit.—Wickins and Sutcllffe. 42, karangahnpe Rd. STAMPS —Xmas Special, 14 different "irlsh 1/ : new price list free.—Wiltsi, ir(^sSti_nT_D£P£t; _rjUirang_. MFS mE \ and Coffee Service, E.P.N.S.. ShefJL field, half-price; beautiful present.—lnouire Stab 1 . . __S7 VOLCANIC Son, any qnantlty; Footpath Ashes, syds 22/6, delivered.—Parkes, f.hone 20-ina . J£_ QANFORD'S FISH FERTILISER Promotes VIGOROUS GROWTH and Js '■-- Speedy in Action. UNRIVALLED for VEGETABLES and FLOWERS. Made Entirely from flsh. Contains No CHEMICALS. Cash Price, £10 10/ Ton; 141b Bags, 3/. AT ALL SEED MERCHANTS. C
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
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872Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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