" THE AUCKLAND STAR." SUBSCRIPTION: WEEKLY (Delivered) Ninepence TWELVE MONTHS (Posted) £2 5/THREB MONTHS (Posted) 12/6 ORDERS FOR REGULAR DELIVERIES MAY BE PLACED WITH RUNNERS AND AGENTS, OR SENT DIRECT TO THE OFFICE. TELEPHONES: NOS 42-123, 42-555. COUNTRY READERS DESIRING THE " STAR" POSTED are requested to Address Remittances to THE MANAGER, " AUCKLAND STAR," P.O. BOX 1409, AUCKLAND. XMAS PICTURES AND PICTURE FRAMING. NOW Is the time to make your choice — a glorious selection awaits you, but they are selling fast. See Picture Gallery and Counter Displays NOW. PHILLIPPS & IMPEY, LTD., QUEEN STREET. A RECONDITIONED PIANOS ARE SELLING NOW! FROM time to time we take in part payment for New Pianos, second-hand instruments. These are promptly reconditioned by our staff of experts—many ot whom have Continental expedience—and in many Instances the instruments are as gooa as new. A very large assortment is now offered, all very moderately priced. If you wish, we will arrange easy terms. E. & F. PIANO AGENCY, LTD., " AUCKLAND'S PREMIER I'IANO HOUSE." W. J. CADDELL, Manager. 191, QUEEN STREET (near Victoria St.), AUCKLAND. l^ DRINK SPEIGHT'S BOTTLED ALE AND STOUT. IN PERFECT CONDITION. OBTAINABLE AT ALL HOTELS. SOLE AGENTS: G. McMillan & co., ltd. Box 346. 'Phone 42-754. C TTEADACHES OFTEN CAUSED BY - 1 - 1 - EYE DEFECTS. T. PEACOCK AND SON, Up-to-date Opticians, 21S, QUEEN ST. Have your Byes Properly Tested and Corrected by MR. J. A. PEACOCK, F.5.M.0., England, with Distinction, SIGHT SPECIALIST. Commodious Rooms. Skilful Treatment. Ample Selection of Spectacles. RD MOORE'S FOR PIANOS. 6, CUSTOMS ST. EAST (Next Waverley). £50 :::: Sj£3 :::: £85 £70 :::: KSS :::: * 95 :::: SSB& , :::: £1 ™ BKINSMEAD, JUSTIN BROWN, ADDISON. Low Prices. Easy Terms. Inspect. C
Page 6 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 6
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