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Sunset: To-day, 6.03. iSuurise: To-morrow, 4.25. Moon : Full Moon, 30th, 7.41 p.m. HIGH WATER. Auckland To-day, 6.41 a.m. 7.01 p.m. Auckland Tucs., T.3oa.m. '-*>P.m. Onehungp. Tues. z 11.07 a.m. 11.2b p.m. Kalpara Hds.. .Tucs., 01.CBa.rn. lLapJj. Manukau Hds. .Tues., 10.07 a.m. 10.26 P.m. ARRIVALS—SATURDAY. Otimai, from Whakatane, 3.35 p.m. Glcuelg, from AYnangarei, 7 P.m. ■VESTEHDAY. Sierra Nevada, from San. Francisco, 2.53 c.m. *v Maimoa, from Newcastle, c.-10 a.m. *- Manaia, from "SVhangarel, 0.40 a.m. Silatiingi, from Taurauga, 6.33 a.m. Walnui, from East Coast ports, 6.10 p.m. THIS DAY. Kahnunawa. from Westport, 2 a.m. from Suva, etc., <S.IO a.m.-Passen-gers: Air. and Mrs. narrower, Miss ■Hope, ■Mγ. and iMrs. Bells, Mrs. Sates. iMiss Blackie, Mr. anil Mrs. Churchward ana child, Miss Punvroodle, Mr. and Mrs. Halttday, Mr. James, Mrs. Joues, Mr. Johnston, Sir. MeFarland, Sir Geo. and Lady Richardson. Caster Hugh Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Hutoliinsou Mr. Lyilen, Mrs. Schultz and ichlia, Miss anil Master"" Sebulke, Manusiu iVeatoutai and child. Master Wolfgramm, IMr6. Flower and child, Mr. and Mrs. Pyne and child, Vika Telekaki, Miss .lithgow, Mrs. ltouuds and child, Mr. and Mrs. ShlellS, Miss Westwood, Mr. Ashforth, 'Mr. Armishaw, Mr. Bucklaud, Mr.. Mrs. and Miss Corbett, Mr. Carr. Mr. Doyle, Miss Goldfinch, Mr. Gillies, Miss Godinet, Mrs. Grant, Messrs. Giilpin, Henitis. Hayes, Hnmm, Mflthnwuy, Miss McLeoG, Mr. Matthews, Mrs. •Meechnm. Mrs. Michael, Mr. and Mrs. 2'edersen, Mrs. and Miss Stone, Miss (Stewart, Mr. Smi'{h, Mr. Tuck, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Watson Misses Watson (3), ilr. Sheppard, Mr. Sutherland, eleven Chinese, and tsvo Indians. Rcmuura. from London and Southampton, 7.10 ii.m. Passengers — First saloon: Colonel B, M. Blenneruaasett, C.M.G., Miss M. Burroll, Sir Charli's It. Campbell, Lady ■Campbell, Miss M. S. Campbell, Mr. W. O. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell. Master J. K. ■Campbell, Master W. M. Campbell, Miss C. M. Cowan. Mrs. O. Cowlishaw, Mrs. E. M. Crawhall-Wilson. Mr. S. A. de la Rne, Mrs. A. L. Greenhough, Mr J. C. X. Grigg Mrs. 'Grig?. Mr. E. J. Hei'rk-k, Mrs. Herrick, Miss 15: Johns. Mrs. K. M. Lane. Mrs. Craig Lang, Miss J. K. Lee. Mrs. Loden, Mr. P Logan, IMrs. Logan, Mr. E. M. Macdonald. Mr. H. J. F. Mills, Mr. M. O'Brien, Captain I). A. V. Phllputt, Mrs. I. B. Ileynolds, Mr. IS. Salmoiul. Mrs. Salmond. Master G. Salmond, Mr. H. S. Sharp, Mrs. Sharp, Miss E. K. « T.T' , Master U- II- Sharp. Mr. A. B. femitli, Mr. Marcus Smith, iMrs. Smith, Miss ton M- m IJ \v A - l: - Str ' ltt ""- Mrs. Strati! m w cs j' Mr - w - Sntman. Second saloon Mr. W. Allison. Mrs. Allison, Mrs. n n h A - B »ldwin, Mr. W T Bell Mrs IfiSiiiittt i- 13. Dalb.v. Mrs. Ualbv, Miss 7 flaThv &•«• Dafgjelsll. Mrs. Daffldrt. Mr F mi W ml cl, •,, lli^ s ' B - D °wrfall. Miss C U J-.llis. Miss 31. D. Fish, Miss h. w Fisher Miss G. Fitzgerald, Mr. W. Francis Mrs i A rC f. Or 'p w iS f. C lla - res ' *"« E. «1U Mr! F- M." Keir lir^-F , ¥'*£ f t™ , \r t ™; ■ T - Mr F. Lea! X W a Lt r J s - %\™« f B ' Air. J. E. S Long,- Mrs.' Lon^'Mrs lD | St ° m' M \ r *°. Mi** G. C Marl Morris Miss E. E. Xash, mTss L ¥ yewton Jllss M A. OCtek, ftilss H. Nurse. Mr. T ( Parli f' Mr - W - °- Pnrsons, Miss J. F. Plotrowska, Mr. P. H. Pitts-Tupkpr Mrs. M. Kowe, Mr. F. S. Sα Inger Mi«s X u-h^? pso e n, MiSB G - *' Sampson, Mr! T. Smith, Mrs Smith, Miss L. M. Smythe, Mr. ff w , S- r - /• Stewart, Mrs. Stewart Master W. a. Stewart, Mr. F. 0 Srmes *Vrs Mrs "f bl), ¥ rs - M - E - Whitnker. ™f;».?\« - w , hl t7 or «>. Master H. L. WJiltl E. lewdall; and 468 third-class. DEPAKTIJKES—SATURDAY. Maheno, for Sydney, 4 p.m. Port Plrie. for Xapier, 5.10 p.m. Hinemoa, for Xiue Island, 6.45 p.m. Isabella de Frame, for Hokianga, 1.5 p m. Apanui, for Awanui, 11.43 p.m. TESTERDAY. Oayraore, for.Whangarei, T. 40 p.m. Tamwlia, for Taeroa, 10.10 p.m. THIS DAY. 'Ronakl, for Portland, 2.5 a.m. NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. fli^ o o a^~omana > from Surfdale, Ostend, end Omiha, 6.1.1 p.m. a a O : m P ° rro "---Taniwha, from Paeroa, 3.3» " u ayniore, from Wiiangarei, 3.30 a.m. Tod Pr °J ect: ed Departures. Clansmarflr ior Ker epeehi, 11.30 p.m.; s»a Mangonni K - Uss <=". Opua, Whangaroa ranga, 7 | £*'.■£ P- m -: Matangi, for Tan- &} MaVSiaTTaro a r for Tb ames, m id«S . she expects to nln Porte a by\ii s m ot»r on November 10? Sel dcarcd C" F^nc^
THE "WAIPORI DELAYED. A shortage of crow has delayed the Union Co.'s steamer Waipori at Greymouth, but she is expected to leave the coal port this afternoon. She will then proceed to New Plymouth and Auckland. THE KAITOKE. After completion of her discharge at Chelsea at 5 p.m. to-day, 'the Union Co.'s steamer Kaitoke will uome across the harbour to complete her cargo for LytteKon. She is announced to sail at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. THE HOBOKATA. At present completing her cargo for Genoa and London, the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Hororata is announced to take her final departure to-morrow afternoon. The Hororata is berthed at the Queen's wharf. THE SUTTON HALL,. For further discharge of her cargo from New York, the steamer Sutton Hall is expected to leave Auckland on Wednesday for Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff. She is at the Prince's wharf. MAHENO SAILED. After being delayed for some hours owing to a shortage of crew, the Union Co.'s Intercolonial steamer Maheno left Auckland for Sydney on Saturday afternoon. She is due to arrive at her destination on Wednesday. THE POUT PIRIE. To continue discharge of her cargo from New York, the Commonwealth and Dominion Line steamer Port Plrie left Auckland for Napier on Saturday afternoon. Her other discharging ports are Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. THE OTAKT. A projected departure from Auckland thi# evening is the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Otaki for Wanganul to continue loading for Home ports. From Wanganui she is to proceed to Wellington to fill up. The Otakl is taking in the local portion of her cargo at tlie King's wharf. THE CANADIAN CHALLENGER. Now loading at Napier for New York, Boston, and Halifax, the Canadian Government steamer Canadian Challenger is to come to Auckland for final loading , . She is expected to be dispatched from tMs port towards the end of the present week. THE WEST NIVARIA. Loaded with timber, case oil, and general cargo, the Strayne and Hoyt Line frelghtet West Nlvarla is expected to clear San Francisco to-morrow for Auckland, Wellington, Timaru and Melbourne. This steamer is expected to reach Auckland about December 27. THE WEST ISLTP. Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane advise that the Swayne and Hoyt Line steamer West Isllp, which Is now discharging at the King's wharf, will leave Auckland at mid-day on Friday for Lyttelton, Dunedin. and Melbourne. The West Isllp recently arrived from Pacific Coast ports. THE TREDINNICK. Cabled informatioa received by the New Zealand Shipping Co. states that the Ilain Line steamer Tredinnlck arrived at New York on November 23. From the American capital she proceeds to Sydney, C.8.. a"il St. John to continue loading. She is scheduled to clear the last-named port on December 16 for Auckland. Wellington, I'icton, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. HINEMOA DEPARTED. A departure from Auckland on Saturday evening was the Xew Zealand Government steamer iHlnemoa for Niue Island. This vessel, which is making her last trip to tut; island until after the hurricane season, is expected to return to Auckland about December 16. She will then undergo her annual overhaul and inspection. THE CANADIAN BRITISHER. Carrying general cargo for discharge at New Zealand ports, the Canadian Government steamer Canadian Britisher cleared Montreal on Tuesday of Inst week. She is expected to arrive here about January 7. and will later proceed to Wellington. Lyttelton, Timaru and Dunedin to complete discharge. THE CUTCOMBE. According to a wireless message received by Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, the chartered steamer Cuteombe will artive at New Plymouth at 4 o'clock this afternoon from Nauru Island, where she lodaed a cargo of phosphates. After discharging 3000 tons of her cargo at the Taranaki port, the Cuteombe is to come to Auckland to put out the balance of 4700 tons. TOFUA IN PORT. An arrival at Auckland this morning was the Union Co.'s Island steamer Tofua, Capt. H. Dryden, from Western Paciflc Islands, with passengers, mails, and cargo. The vessel took her departure on her usual monthly trip from Auckland at -H a.m. on OCevember 7, and made the customary calls at Fijian, Samoan, and Tongan ports. On her return trip she cleared Suva for Auckland at 10 p.m. on Wdnesday aud arrived as above. The voyage throughout was uneventful, fine weather with light winds and smooth seas being experienced. NEW STEAMER KIWITEA. Built to the order of the Union Co. of Xew Zealand, the new steamer Klwitea is now on her way from Tampico to Sydney. The Kiwitea is a sister-ship to the Kartlgl and Kapongn. The Kartigi reached Auckland from Montreal on October 5, and the Kaponga is due in Xew Zealand toward the end of the year. AH these vessels are built on the top side cantilever frame system, and have a length overall of 202 ft 6in. breadth «ft 3in. and depth 21ft l}in. with Th o P ',ii' r^ S l' . wlnch - <le , cks ' antl forecastle, nfw w' bottom topslde tank s and large nn °[ . fore peaks nre constructed for a S h w " lt e>-ballast. There are eight ?i R,SI a "■"Pins winch art, t£» ,} errlc-ks and ten coaling gaffs for q,f a S dU ?, g Of CnrKo; steflm leering Control on H, tUe v ™ dder ' wltn telemotor SIERRA NEVADA IN PORT ' Flying the Danish flag, the steamer Sierra Nevada. 3393 tons, under cWtor fr £% Un T Co - arrlVed at Auckland from San Francisco at an early hour tk terday. To-day she commenced dTscharge of her cargo, which consists of case oil motor cars, and general merchandise, at the Prince's wharf. Before commencing her present voyage the Sierra Nevada loadld all her cargo at San Francisco, taking her departure from that port on October ">9 Fine weather prevailed whilst the vessei crossed the Pacific, but on Friday last strong westerly winds and rough sea's were encountered. The boisterous conditions delayed the steamer's arrival at this port by some hours. After unloading the local portion of her cargo, the Sierra Nevada is to proceed to Wellington. The Sierra Nevada is a well-known visitor to Australian ports, having recently taken a cargo of wheat from Australia to Callao She was built by British builders in 1921 to the order of a firm* with headquarters in Copenhagen. Her furnaces are suitable to burn cither coal or oil fuel. MAIMOA DISCHARGING. From Liverpool, via Australian ports, the Shaw, Savill and Albion Line steamer Maimoa arrived at Auckland at an early hour yesterday morning and underwent inspection in the stream before berthing at the western side of the Central wharf. The Maimoa loaded general cargo in England and took her departure from Liverpool as long ago as -August 1. On her way to~ Australia she made" a. call at Capetown, where she loaded a quantity of maize and other cargo. Thence she proceeded to Fremantle, arriving at the latter port on September 9. Her departure from that port to continue discharge was delayed by the seamen's strike, and she did not sail again until November 6, having been held up for about 58 days. The Maimoa then visited Melbourne, Sydney and Newcastle in the order named, completing the Australian portion of her discharge and replenishing her bunkers at the last-named port. From Newcastle she came on to Auckland and arrived as stated. After discharging 8000 bags of maize, 850 tons of salt, and 60 casks of wine, the vessel is to proceed to Wellington to complete discbarge. The Maimoa is commanded by Captain L. H. Gaskell, who has with him the following officers :—Chief. Mr. K. G. Ireland; second, Mr. G. N. Robertson; third, Mr. R. E. Nicholson; fourth, Mr. K. Campbell; chief engineer, Mr. D. McGowan; second. Mr. O. S. Walker; third, Mr. D. G. Hardy; '? u "h, Mr. H.. Selby; fifth, Mr. H. Lund; RoWn K Mr " A ,; McC ° ln »; seventh. Mr. J. T. Koblneon; chief refrigerating engineer, Mr. wlifi™,? mes; sec °nd. Mr. M. Johnson;
THE CANADIAN EXPLORER. En route from Montreal with general cargo, the Canadian Government steamer Canadian Explorer is expected to arrive at Auckland about December 11. On completion of her discharge in the South she will load for New York, Boston and Halifax. LEITRIM AT GISBORNE. Having left Auckland on Saturday morning, the Union Co.'s cargo steamer Leltrim arrived at Gisborne at mid-day yesterday. The Leitrim is to .complete her cargo at Gisborne for New York, Boston, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, and Avonmouth. THE MIDDLESEX. Coming from Liverpool with general cargo aud a quantity of gunpowder, the Federal Line steamer Middlesex is expected to arrive at Auckland about mid-day tomorrow, ijhe will unload her explosives at the powder anchorage, and -will then come into port to put out the Auckland portion of her cargo before proceeding to Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Movements of vessels under the flag of the Union Company are announced as follow:— The Kaimanawa arrived at Auckland from Westport this morning and berthed at the Prince's wharf. This vessel Is announced to sail at 10 p.m. to-morrow for Portland and Wellington. The Wuipahi is announced to sail tomorrow for Wellington and Dunedin. The Wainui returned from East Coast ports last evening, and berthed at the Queen's wharf. She is to sail again at 5 p.m. to-morrow for Tokomaru Bay, Glsborue and Napier. The Kuwatiri, which is now at the Dock wharf, is to dock to-morro-w. She is announced to sail on Wednesday for Sydney. The Tofua, which arrived in port this morning, is scheduled to sail on Saturday for Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. The Wanaka left Dunedin on Saturday morning for Auckland, via ports. The Wingatu'l was expected to leave Lyttelton to-day for Timaru and Dunedin. The Whangape is expected to arrive at Auckland at 7 o"clock to-morrow evening. REMUERA FROM HOME. The New Zealand Shipping Company's Uner Remuera made port this morning shortly after seven o'clock In the beautifully clean condition for which Captain 3. 3. Cameron is noted. She left London 011 October 2:>, and called nt Southampton, where she picked up her passengers, and sailed on the There was a howling gale down the Channel, and the weather was pretty bad until the 28th, when it moderated. Curacao was reached on November 5, and the passengers had a day ashore. The weather was very hot in the Caribbean Sea. Teh ship reoched Colon on the Ttn and passed through the Canal next day, and after leaving Balboa, where the passengers again went ashore, the ship experienced fine weather until about three days away from New Zealand, where she ran into a very heavy west-north-west swell, which she carried practically right up to the New Zealand coast. A call was made at Pitcairn Island on the 19th, the ship standing off from about half-past ten p.m. to about one o'clock. A number of the islanders come on board, and the usual trade in fresh fruit was made. On the l!>th a seeond-cUws passenger named Harry Howard who went aboard at Balboa, and came from Valpiiruiso, died from heart disease, and was buried nt sea. Captain J. J. Cameron is in command, with the following officers: First, C. K. Pilcher; second, V. .vleCaliuni; third, v Griffiths: fourth, C. O. Luxmore; sen. wireless operator, K. C. Salway; surgeon, L. de C. Harstin; chief engineer. H. IS. Suedden; second, A. fc'erclvnl; third, T. v. Bewick; fourth, M.. Walker: purser. P. Bowen. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Waipori, Greymouth, to sail. Whangape, Sydney, December 1. Middlesex, Liverpool, December 1. Canadian Challenger, South (loads), Dec. 2. Devon, South (loads), December 2. iHauraki, San Francisco, December 2. , Tekoa, South (loads), December 3. C4ty of Corinth, New York. December 5. H M s. Dunedin, Wellington, December 5. Wainui, East Coast, December 0. Aorangi, Vancouver, December C. Suffolk, South, December 14 (loatlsj. Taransay, Montreal, December ID. lonic. South December 10 (loads). Cuteombe, Nauru Island, December 10. Port Hobart, South. December 12 (loads). Canadian Explorer, Montreal. December 15. Hlnemoa Nlue Island, December 16. Kla Ora, Liverpool, December 17. Carlnthia, New York, December 2J, VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Rewa (barque), Northern Chief (schooner). H.M.c.s. Iris, Flora, Nucula. De'vonport—ll.M.s. Philomel, H.M.s. Laburnum, 11.M.5. Veronica. King's Wharf—Otaki, West Islip. Central "Wharf—Maimoa. Queen's Wharr — Mahana, Hororata, Tofua, Jlemuera, Wainui. ■Prince's Wharf—Sutton Hall, Walpahl, Sierra Nevada. Western Wharf—l'liysa. North Wall—Karori, Katoa. Chelsea—Kaitoke. t Dock—Kawatiri.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 6
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2,795SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 6
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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 6
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