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AMUSEMENTS. PRINCESS. T>RINCESS. RIXCBSS. -L .RiNCESS. PRINCESS. T>RINCESS. EIXCESS. J- RINOESS. Reserves 41-SS6. "THE NIGHT CLUB." I— 1 "TiHE NIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." Now "THE NIGHT CLUB.- Now "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." Showing. "THE NIGHT CLUB." Showing. j ! "THE NIGHT CLUB." I 1 "THE NIOHT CLUB." | ■ 1 i "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." |— 1 "THE NIGHT CLUB." j I "THE NIGHT CLUB " I The | "THE NIGHT CLUB." I "THK NIGHT CLUB." | Funniest "THE NIGHT -CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." Comedy "TJI'E XIGHT CLUB." "THE XIGHT CLUB." I Of the Year. | "THE XIGHT CLUB." "THE XIGHT CLUB." '•THE XIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." ■ "THE NJGHT CLUB." "THK NIGHT CLUB." It's a scream! , "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB.-" It's a roar! "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THK NIGHT CLUB." It's a yell! "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." It's a wow! | "THE NIGHT CLUB." | "THE NIGHT CLUB." I—' 1 "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." Also "THE NIGHT CLUB." Latest Gazette, "THK NIGHT CLUB. , ' Educational. "THIS NIGHT CLUB." Two-reel Christie "THK NIGHT CLUB." Comedy. "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THK NIGHT CLUB." 1 "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THK NIGHT CLUB." | At Evening | "THK NIGHT CLUB." I Session, | "THE NIGHT CLUB." 1 Roy Dormer | "THK XIGHT CLUB." | Tenor. ' | "THE NIGIHT CLUB." I I "THK NIGHT CLUB.' I I "THE NIGHT CLUB." "THE NIGHT CLUB." Sessions: "THE NIGHT CLL"B." 11, 1.15, 3.30. 5.45, "THK XIGHT CLUB." 8 o'clock. "THK XIGHT CLUB." George Poore's "THK XIGHT CLUB." Orchestra. 1; f i I PRINCESS, I PRIXCESS, i NOW I NOW I S-lIOWIXG. SHOWIXG. I ' I GRAXD. Opp. G.P.O. mO-XIGHT. RAND. Opp. G.P.O. J- O-NIGHT. One of the Eight Finest Pictures of the Year. Norma Talmadge. Norma Talmadge. In Norma Talmadge. " OECRETS." Norma Talmadge. " OECRETS." Norma Talmadge. Norma Talmadge. The Secrets of a Wife. Norma Talmadge. A Great Picture with a Great Star in the Title Role. Fine Supporting Programme. Sessions: 11.15, 1.30, 3.40, 5.45 and S o'clock. Popular Prices. I AT milE RAXD mO-XIGHT. I ■*• HE *J"KAXD - 1 -O-NIGHT.
REGENT -T\ P S 0 M. X G E X T •" P S 0 M\ MONDAY AND TUESDAY, At Eight o'Clock. JANE NOVAK JANE N O V A X in '• DIVORCE" " DIVORCE." " DIVORCE" '• DIVORCE." The Problem of Countless Thousands. •JUST KIDDING' - Comedy 'Phone 20-142. tjvupire. ■- dominion road. -Empire. dominion road. EMPIRIC. Finnl Screening. EMPIRE. TO-NIGHT, 7.40. EMPIRE. GLORIA SWAXSOX in EMPIRE. "TIER JOVE CJTORY." EMPIRE. '-n-ER EMPIRE. Also, EMPIRE. Sir A. Conan Doyle's EMI'IRE. '-THE .HOUND OP THE ! EMPIRE." I
EMPIRE. And Aesop's Fable, EMPIRE. '-IF XOAFI LIVED TO-DAY." EMPIRE. Pathe Gazette. Orchestra EMPIRE: Popular Trices: 9d., 1/. EMPIRE. Children. 6(1. ECCLESIASTICAL. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLB SOCIETY. (Auckland Auxiliary) Will be Held in the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, BERESFORD STREET, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, at 7.30 p.m. Chairman : REV. LIONEL B. FLETCHER. Address by the REV. EVAN R. HARRIES. AH interested are cordially invited to be present. Collection on behalf of the B. and F. Biblp Society. 73 MEETINGS. ry I T X OF AUCKLAND' I hereby convene a Meeting of Citizens to be held in the Conncil Chamber. Town Hall on WEDNESDAY, 2nd December, 10ij, at 12 noon. Business: To devise means to provide sufficient funds for the expenditure necessary to enable the Auckland Artillery Band to compete in the Band Contests at the N e w Zealand and South Seas Exhibition. Citizens are cordially invited to' attend. GEO. BAILDO.V, - Mayor. ' m\ MALGAMATED SO- ■*■*- CIETY OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. AUCKLAND BRANCH. A Special Meeting of the above will be h«>ld in the Trades HaJl, Auckland, on WEDNESDAY. December 2, at S p.m., and you are hereby invited to attend. Ordinary meeting tq follow. BUSINESS : RESOLUTION, RE TAKING ACTION AGAINST AN EMPLOYER FOR ALLEGED BREACHES OF AWARD. Office open at 7 p.m. to receive payment of dues. T. BLOODWORTH. 39 Secretary. THOROUGH OF NEWMARKET. MEETING OF RATEPAYERS. A Meeting of the Ratepayers of the Borough will be held in the Social Hall. First Floor, Municipal Buildings, Broadway, on WEDNESDAY. December 2. 1925. at 8 p.m.. for the purpose of discussing the Loan Proposals to be submitted at the forthcoming poll. 247 S. DONALDSON. Mayor._ TOILET SPECIALISTS. A PI'OINTMENT Advised — Shingling, ] Staining, Hair, Face Treatments, , Chiropody, Electrolysis.—Madame Aldwyn • Ellison Chambers. 'Phoce 40-413. m , /"CHILDREN'S Semi-Shingling, beautifully cut, gentlemen experts; late Sydney. Lily-Elsie, 417, Queen St., near Tabernacle . D I "T7"AP.O" Hair Restorer, sold by all 1 IS - Chemists, 3/ bottle (3,'S posted), from Eccles, Chomist, Ponsonhy. , a < "Tf APO" Darkens Grey Hair, removes lv Dandruff. Stops Falling: 3/ bottle (3 S posted).—Krcles. Chemist. Pon-'onhv. A TV/TADAME THORA TATE, Bon Marche, -"-»- Newton.—Hair. Skin Treatment Stain\ySs C -V& jig' Electro- ; I CpiNGI.ING and Buster Cutting" by an I >c; expert Ladies - Hairdresser from r Svd I ney. Appointment advised. — Frank Patpr s H°a"fi Ss,'iS,£- rlsht op p° slte T °"-» ; SUPERFLUOUS Hair Removed by a Herb . kJ tue Egyptians have used for thousands " &£ssrSP m 19 ' Mntual L « e bi £|.- ,
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 18
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821Page 18 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 18
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Page 18 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 18
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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