AMUSEMENTS. W E SEARCH rpHB /^OTJXTBY »> c Search J- he Country FOR YOUR UK J- OUR -^NJOYMENT. The Management have pleasure in Presenting Another Excellent Programme. rpu-xiGHT rpo-xiGHT. J-O-XIGHT J-U-XIUUT. VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURES. I "DESERVES 4.J..9Q0; ! I -"ESEKVES **■>**• J I I I FIRST APPEARANCE IN NEW ZEALAND. j Trials. Trials. Tnajs: the HAYSEEDS. Trials. Trials. mHE TTAYSEEDS. Trials. • ■*- UE J::L AYSEEDS. Trials. Trials. FAMOUS JAZZ BAND. Trials. Trials. Trials. A N'cw and Belpot item. Trials. Trials. \\J QIXCLAIR, Trials. *V . tOINCLAIK, Trials. Trials. BARITONE. Trials. xrials. [Trials. T7"DNA TENKJNSOX, Trials. -L'DXA "ENKINSON, Trials. Trials DAIXTY STEPDANCER. Trials. Trials. \ TTEAXEY, VIOLINIST. Trials. ■£*-• J-J-KANEY, VIOLINIST. Trials. Trials. "R ABY TDEGGY, Trials. -DaBY -E EGGY, Trials. Trials. CLEVER MINIATURE Trials. SONGSTRESS. Trials. Trials. Trials. BY SPECIAL REQUEST. Trials. Trials. "ROBERTS. TJOBERTS. Trials. -"OBERTS. -"OBERTS. Trials. TJOBERTS. Trials. -"OBERTS. Trials. Trials. THE SILVER-TONED TENOR. Trials. Trials. Trials. TJETERSON CJISTERS, Trials. J- ETERSOX Trials. Trials. REPINED VOCALISTS. Trials. Trials. rpHE TJAGGED "VTEWSBOY. ; Trials. J- HE -"AGGED EWSBOY, I I Trials. I Trials. CHARACTER VOCALIST. Trials. Trials. Trials. ANOTHER SURPRISE PACKET, Trials. I Trials rpHE TX7HITE - T^YED Trials ±HE "» HITE - -L'YED j Trials. T7"AFFIRS, I Trials. ' I Trials. 1 Trials. INSTRUMENTALISTS AND Trials. DUETTISTS. Trials. Trials. J ORRIGAN, Trials. -"DXA J-'ORRIGAX, Trials. Trials. INIMITABLE IRISH DANCER. Trials. . Trials. AND — AND — AND — AND, Trials. Trials. CAN YOU BEAT IT. Trials. CAN YOU BEAT IT, Trials. Trials. "XT ADA ME - piLARKK. Trials. JI ADAME Trials. AND Trials. f\ANIEL TTILL. Trials. -L'ANIEL -d-ILL Trials. Trials. IX A UNIQUE DOUBLE EVENT ! Trials. I Trials. Also. William Fox Mastorpicce. j THE ARIZONA EXPRESS. I I A Thriller, in G Parts. ; ! . i T>EST -y-ALUE TN A UCKLAND. -'-'EST V ALUE J-X -^.UCKLAND RESERVE YOUR SEATS. 800 SSS A? 1/, 1/, 1/. TTIPPODROME. TTIPPODROME. J-MPPODKOME. JJ-IPPODROME. PICNICS. EXCURSIONS. Etc. I. «-**•* TO OSTEND. AfiUM -*- Connecting with *'" ■'■■"" Palm Beach Motor Bus. S.S. ONEWA Leaves Prince's Wharf: Tuesdays, 0.45 a.m. Ostend, 4.30 p.m. 'Wednesdays, 9.45 a.m. „ 4.30 p m. Thursdays, 9.45 a.m. „ 4.30 nm. Fridays. 6.30 p.m. Saturdays, 1.43 p.m. ~ 7 a . m . and Sundays, 9.45 a.m. „ 5.30 p?m?' BRADXEY AXD BIXXS. JJIVEKHBAD SERVICE. S.S. PITOITOI. Calling at all wharves. Leaves Auckland Daily at 3.30 p.m. for Hobsonville, Waimarie. and Riverhead (Saturdays exeepted) bunday at 4 p.m. Leaves Riverhead Daily »' J« a - m - (Sunday exeepted). For OSTEND—Leaving the Prince's Wharf every day, Mondays exeepted BRADXEY AND BIISNS. D 4 R O TOR U I CHEAP WEEK-END EXCURSIONS ? r u Ty , n Alternat e SATURDAY, December oth, 19th, Jan. 2nd, 16th, 30th. Feb 13th and 27th, from Auckland, Thames, Wail I Hamilton, Cambridge, and intermediate Stations. Available until following Friday
(Rotorua Advertising Committee.) MH4 lEGAI NOTICES. MESSRS. QHARLES JJDXT, LL.M., And RICHARD QROSBY, Late of the Staff of MESSRS. HESKETH. RICHMOND AXD CLAYTON. Have Pleasure in Announcing that they have commenced the Practice of their Profession as BARRISTERS AXD SOLICITORS Under the Name of JJUXT AND QROSBY. Temporary Offices: THIRD FLOOR. .TELLICOE CHAMBERS Next " Herald " Office. Phone 42-266. Mw ■—
GOU> MINING NOTICES. rp.HE NEW WA lOTA HI GOLD MIXING X CO. (NO LIABILITY). All Shares in the above Cnmpanv forfeited for Non-payment of Call made Ist October, 1925. will be Sold by Public Auction by Mesrs. R. C. Carr and Son. at tlieir Anction Rooms, Swanson Street, Auckland, on the Sth day of December. 1925. at 11 a.m.. unless the said Call be paid on or before the PREVIOUS day. E. J. F. KENNEDY, Secretary. Office of the Company, 24, Safe Deposit Buildings, Auckland, 30th November, 1925. 50
■^~""" I LAWN TENNIS. | rrtEXXIS- Lcdy and Gent, advanced .1. nlavers wfsli join Private Court, City. Sunday'play.-Write M. 5531, S™___ BSMOVAI NOTICES. -irViRED FIELDING. Hairdresser, TobacX conist, removed to 342. Queen St., just above old shop. Estd. 19O'i
Page 18 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 18
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