jJ man compares the girl of his v *" * V" Ticart to a flovoer because he can y»i find nothing lovelier in the whole - flf» h wide World to compare her to — ' f \ especially if there clings about her (2m jZ that faint, flotver-lifze fragrance «%i/ of Cashmere fT}ouquet. /v *£& Specially made for the face and |T hands, Cashmere bouquet Soap re- \) freshes and stimulates the skin— keeping it soft and beautiful.
Jie flSt *J TTASTENING feet fear no «c* -*--*- cirjent on Congoleum* covered floors. Gold-Seal Cotngoleum Artl/KJxTrATirflMl 1 Rugs lie flat without fasten(9 N SSr) ing-corners and edge, hug ( yunsacnoiiauuiiim// l " c floor. Even duet cannot creep under. mmmmm ■Wμ Seamless, waterproof, ianiZ ' " tary. Cleaned with a few Remarkably Economical strokes of a damp mop. Read the Latest Prices. Look for * he G ? ,d Seal ° e n cli 9» I 5 feet £4 iq fi genuine Congoleum. SatisI X '.jf , ;®.-f faction guaranteed or yout O X n/T I *o t mone y refunded. 9 x lOJ feet 3 9 6 9x9 feet 219 6 Wholesale Distributor.: 9 x IMT 119 6 ARTHUR H. NATHAN, LTD . 9 x 4jTeet 19 6 AUCKLAND. 9x3 feet 0 19 6 • Such Artistic Patterns for ml 6x3 feet 013 6 purposes. Send for Fr* 4§ X 3 feet 0 10 0 Pattern Booklet illustrated il colour. Gold Seal (ONGOLEUM w4rt-Rugs
Wjp£% Bj TO* mmm Yoars ■ >fll' a Christchurch Man's Striking /k' Testimony as to the Efficacy °f Germolene in eases of WW flB Chronic Skin Trouble. /BPsfflKfaßr Mr - F - A - ROGERS, formerly of 8, Stanr A M'mflmv Zealand, and now reading at Th» Xtraat. , «^^fe/ /// Walbirton, n«ar Arund.l, Sunn, toetifle. m follows:— Germolene haa cured m* mm■~i pletely of loner-etandJnf eczema (IS yearn). C/ee Germolene for l.tf er i vln ,^ be , troub 4.t a fP«wed first la my arm*, and JM-tewr In my ]ck». The irritation was intenw. I oenld Eczema, Rashes, have torn the places sometimes, and the eruption -mm Uloera, Piles, Itohine. rf-*™ « nature that ecratohinr made the surface r»w. Cut. and Burn.'. g^i^^S.SSrU^.&r^ Skin Erirptions, that I used did any good until I got Gemolene aad Ringworm, Chapped that soothed .at once. Indeed the rash disappeared to Hands. Chilblains. SffSj that , la • tortnlght or three weeks Iw≤ wm* and all Itohin 5 or gSSff.'SKt (two *— »«» Ulcerated Surfaces. I SOOTHES AT A TOUCH I pxivea in iVfiff Z-βα-laxd -. i.® awi 4/ .. o/ _~ w_^ to Wβ ,Yew i? epo ,, S «rf mom , s pra ggoZ?hia. />oj ova, v. P. 0., lYcllmyton. MmW The Aseptic Skin Dressing
Page 15 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 15
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