MACHINE CLOaeCD. JVtien you reel seedy—can't concentrate r-cunsle your game—taKe Stevens' Health oait. Clears clogged system, stimulates i.n^i r ? vUeUsesr 2/G bu w> a lar * e bo »'e containing 64 doses. Obtainable chemists J n l, ,tw M everywhere. Wholesale dlstrlSclSan ( l:-fAd" 00Per, 5i - Hl * h Street " Call early at the Farmers' Trading Company's Half-price Salvage Sale tomorrow to secure the best bargains. Sec page 13—(Adi) Given away free, Smeetons price-lis*;. Cheapest prices and quality the best. Ad. Call early at the Farmers' Trading Company's Half-price Salvage Sale tomorrow to secure the best bargains. See page 13.— (AdL) The tastiness of fish is enhanced when flavoured with simple spices in Sharland's Tomato Sauce. It is wholesome, appetising and delicious.—(Ad.) Extra free buses will run to-morrow from Queeu Street to the Farmers' Trading Company's Half-price Salvage Sale. ! See page 13.—(Ad.) j Don't ignpre soreness of the throat, [. fullness of the eyes, sneezing, running { at the nose, as they generally inidcate ! germ infection—but use Nazol imme- j diately and freely—and you will get \ relief—(Ad.), g
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 15
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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 15
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