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S RESULTS OF THE PLAY. There were no pennant or championship four competitions on Saturday, but I several inter-club matches took place, as j well as the usual club contests. Though I the weather was dull and threatening I the various games were played without I interruption. . ' CLUB " MATCHES. 1 ' I DOMINION ROAD GREEN. i r Percentage Fours.—Gentles. Ilinckley, 1 Benson, Yeoman 31, v. Guthrie, Meachim, Simmonds, Goldsmith IT; lUtchie, D. Itich- , lardson. Clews, Kelly in, v. Barriball. Robinjson, W. Richardson, Vincent '26; Winthrop. Bailey, Blair, Ramsay 12, v. Stone, r. Fer- , guson, Goodall, Roberts 30 : Spiers, W. Lpes, W. H. Clarko, R. 11. Fisher IG. v. Jessop. Stcphenson. Jones. Bryden 'JO : A. Chappel', Drown, Cartwrigut, Deuison 8. v. F. C. Tay- ■ lor, A. Clark, Robertson, Ashby .SO; John- . stone, Winks, Pemadeni, West 21. v. Bellamy, Day, Battersby, Hollows 24 ; Cannon, ; Orme. H. Taylor. Hawken 17. v. S. E. Chappell, Le Heron, Gifford, Woolley 23 ; Virtue, Barton, Bush, Layland 20, v. W. S. Fisher, Short, Wilson, Sayers 25: 11. Ferguson, Mason, Gladstone, Allsopp 26, v. Bathgute, . Gunning, —, Coupland 12. ONEHUNGA CLUB. President's Fours.—Vella, A. George, Macklow. K. fiatland 25, v. Kennedy, Aitkenhend, Green, T. Wallaeo 19; (, Higpins, Hill. A. Gatland 20. v. Gibbons. Price, Schnackenberg. Marks 13: Ross, Knicht, T. George, Miller 28, r. Bradley, J. Ross, Harrison, Hartley 12 ; S. Brown, Milne, H. Davies, Robertson 24. v. Byrne, Richardson, Allen, Llnberg 12: Gill, Buchanan, Foote, Sehnauor 20, v. Fordham. Grundy I. Sutherland, Bassett 17; Xicholls, Kirk,Mclntosh, Court 22. v. Davenport. H. Bray, G. Jones, A. Brown 14; McLaren, Beere. Mackenzie, K. Sutherland 16, v. Coutts, Farrar, Lomas, E. B. Wright 10. DEVONPORT GREEN. Gold Stars.—Lowe, Norton, Martinson. Sullivan 30, v. Snoad, Wrig-ht, Bach, (Miller 16. Percentage Fours. 1 — Melville, Elmsley, Anderson, Ending 21, v. Chapman Stevenson, King. Trevethick 17; Payne," Obing, Latta, Trayes 21, v. Thornton, Widderstrom, Lissom, Armstrong 23; McCallum, Pitts, Blackburn 22, v. S. Wrigley, Frater, Harvey 21; Atkin, McLeod, Raweon, Warren 19, v. Coleman, Jackman, Palmer, H. Bayley 22, Sussman, Chlvers, Goldwater, 'Mills Iβ, v. Kenning. Foster, Bloekley, Sparrow IS; A. Morgan. Lacy, Allwood, Johnston 21, v. Watson, Mlnehin, Rice, Anderson 14; Roberts, Connell, Newbegin. Eyre 19 v. E. Buchanan. iParsons, Barton and Morgan 23; W. Griffiths, Crow, T. "Wrigley, Mason 12, v. Porter, Newman, Hamlin, Cox 19: Andrew. J. Buchanan, Harty, Kinvig 18, v. Parker, Potter, Stapleton. Wallwork 22. EPSOM GREEK. Were, Yenrbury, J. Wallace. F. Parsons. 23, v. Jackson, A. S. Lamb, Jansen, Fraser 13; Stephen, Ambury. Williams, Mullen 13, v. Evet. Shackleford. Waddlngham, W. Taylor 27; McDougall, Ougley, Reid. Tanner 10, v. Keenan, Standen, Lock, Crabtree 27; Bryce, Dowdinß, W. Wallace, Francis 16, v. Wallet, Grandfield, C. Lamb, Sansbury 21, T. Wallace Grey, McGregor, Gratton 16, v. McCullough, Shove, Petin. E. Richmond.23; Hall, jun., Veale, Inglis Iff, v. French, Cooper, "R. G. Clarke 14; F.reeman, J. Harrison, J. Wright 24, v. Foote, Butland, .Burton 24; Fox, Bruce, Foubister 26, v. Qlynott, (Blakey, (Boyne 15. PONSONBY CLUB. Graham, F. Carbines, Kolston, Buchan 22, v. Goodacre, Dawson, Goldwater, Somervell 20; W. Elleray, W. Brown, Harkons, Paterson 8, v. A. T. Good, Blencow, W. Wright. Garry 31; Mulliner, It. Carbines, Oswald, 3. G. Brown 16. v. Mitchell, Rolfe, Bruce, Mclnnes 13; Griffin, Dougherty. Coppins. Torrance 15. v. R. E. Smith, Gray, Clarke, Conway 22; Matthews, Jamieson, Craig, Parsons 26, v. Dromgool. O. J. Veale, Valentine, Gibson 12; Allen, Miller 23, v. Connolly, Bryant 13'; Turner, Baggett, Pardington, Donovan 26, v. T. W. Jones, Simp-, son, Richardson, Rolands 19; Parkinson, McGrezor, Abbott,. Letham 11, v. T. R. Jones, J. '.Black, Young, Griffiths 20; Moore, Cole- : i>rook, T. Clarkson 13, v. Lovett, Mackle, Pick 23; Stevenson, Oates, Farran,* R. Drummond 14, v. Cowburne, Lye, J. DrumI mond. Chapman 16; E. Good, Lucena, Norden, McLeod 13,' v. T. Elleray, Buckle, Campbell, Johnson 23; J. Schischka, Braidwood, Otto, Snedden 15. v. Thompson, E. H. M. Smith, Stewart. Aiteheson 21. CARLTON GREEN. Club Fours.—Andrews, Farrow. Josey, W. Coltman 22. v. Friend, Fletcher, Bates, Fookes 20; Wilson, Brlttain, Kent, Kilgour, 27, v. Jones, Norgrove, Barter, Graham 12 ; Wain, EGmonds, Cottrell, Duffln «23, v. Ward, Matthews, T. Watson. Martin 18; Sweeney, Doyle, Holland,- Warren 28, v. Richardson, Taylor, Little. Gray 22 ; Meaney, G. Pollard, Tozer, Thomson 23, v. Garrard, Wright, Lamb, Wrighton 19; Adamson, Morton, Kelly. Perry 24, v. Angove, Whittaker, Keesing, McNab 12; Lundon. Forrest, Rowe, Koton 24, v. Hodge, Mitchell, Dilllcar, Brookes 14; Ronayne, Murray, Gould, Guy ,26, v. Brown ; -Fish, Wisbart, G. Hosking 11 ; Ross, Browne, T. Wilson, Watson. IG, v. McGlone, iPitt, Cross, Gilles in; White. Clarkson, Truscott, Laird 20, v. Stevens, Rose, Ball; A. Coltman 10; Seherer, A. Pollard. Bird. Arey 18, v. Abdallah, Gage-Brown, Deare, Laurenson 18. r REMUERA GREEN. Jobson Fours.—Symes, T.ihered, Harbutt' S. Kissling 23, v. Rainger, Agar, Paterson' Daniels 12; Coath, Baker, Wallace, Procter 23, v. Sawyer, M. Reid, Johnson E A East 22; Knight, Fisher, Tuke, J.. Hill 28 v. Edmiston, Priestly, Dransfieia, Blancbard 22. - , .. 1 . • Club Fours.—Mahon, Gannaway, Burcher Wriprht 18, iv. -Sutherlanl, Short, Spooner' Hobday 17; Headdey, Burnett. Home Harrison 21. v. Keary, Thomson, Ellerbeek Stnbbs 10; Ridings, DEL Brown, Vlckermanl Vugler 29, v. Annandale, Hides, Wight Badeley 20; Choyce, Stuart. Mellars Allnutt 25, v. W. Hill, A. Smith, Pollen.. U. Russell 19; Wilson, .T. G. Russell, Clark J P. Campbell 22, v. W. K. Wallace, Kenderdlne, Dempsey, Dingwall 17: Dewey, Loosemore, Lusher, G. Wnlker 17, v Simms Bowles. Cox, G. H. Kiseling 15; Palmer .7* C. Kissling. Hegman, Garrard 27, v w' T Campbell, Cutfield, I-ambourne, Sandereou 15; Alexander, Slddall, Williams, T. A. Ashton Iβ, t. Kirk, Donaldson, Scott, Young 16. MPUNT EDEN CLUB. Percentage Fours.—Taylor. Biddington, Gribble, Bigelow 28, v. Melville, Gordon, Brown, Praser 17; I'oole. Bainbridgo, Miadleton, Gatenby 23. v. Moore, Mueller, Dickinson, Joll 8; Jos. Smitfi, Oatrldge, Shirriffs, Woolley 10, v. Stone, Dlgnnn, Cochrane, Baker 24; Monk. Davis, Sargeant, A. Nairn 24,. v. Ovens, Spene*, Ferguson, Spinks 17; Chambers, McCauley. Vivian. Daieley 11, v. Postles. Hayman. Wncstaff. Turner 21; Brooks, Gray. Bourke. Comes 24, v. Bu'rley. Kinnibureh. Sherriffs. Gill 16: Clark. Youncr, Hull. Walton 21. v. Short, Owen, Boyce, Tutt 18; Hughes,, Miller. Jas. Smith 16, v. Lee,' Bartleet, iLeljrhton, Surman 20; Gregson, Rudman, Rlntoul, Trayes 17, v. MUroy, Wombwell, Herron, Nash 2fl; Ross, Faran, Fogerty, Findlay Iβ, v. B. Smith, Oordes, Marshall, K. Kobertson 26. GREY LYNN GREEN. Club Fours. —Cameron, LaincT Capp, Liversltlge 2ft. v. Dick, Low, Goldemith, Warneford 28; Hall, C. Ifwersen, Newton, Little 17, v. Mcßrlde, Cowan, Lanigan, J. Preston 23: Tonge, Hawke, H. Reed, Jones 18, v. Thomas, Boseman, Young, Little 21 ;• Mcllroy. Bod«n~. Wiles. "T. Dick 23, v. Walker, Collin, Gibbons. Curtis 21; Christie, Pitkethley, Raynes, Mclver 17, v.. Caddy, Smith, Leydon, Buckley 26 ; Hudson, Civil, Connell, Stopper 15, v. Binns. A. Young. Little, Baildon Iβ; Street, Holt, Lye, Fletcher, 22, v: Howard, " Molloy, Davidson, Blamires 23. EDENDAXE GREEN. Percentage Smith. McMahon, R-I). Avery, James 21, v. Bluck, Bleakley, Aahmore,. R. Smith 20. Club Pairs.—Sturgess, Horspool 21, v. Oronin, Bleakley 17. r .^? ain Pionehip Singles.—Brownett 20, v. Ca ?J°n I* Pxeston 10,. v, Addteon 17. Laing i 4. Cha mi>ionship.—Bruck 17, v. Singles.—McLeod 25, v. Baker ' 20 S' : Hm a iO I,larerS, S1 »e»e»-—Gunning VvSJsiv- Horsp00110;
AUCKLAND CLUB. Club Fours. —Treacy, F. W'hitaker, : W.Dimery, Fletcher 30, v. Beaumont, Bourke, Dransneld, G. J. Mackay 10; C. Allan, Pro-. Bert, McCrea 20, v. Donald. Hardy, Wyatt. Scantlebury Iβ ; George, Parsons, Rawlinson. Hewltson 27. v. Barclay, Styak, Nicholson, Keesing 17 ; Darloir, Gilbert, Plggott, Atkin 23. v. L. Whltaker, Alexander, Flummer, Ryrie 21: Woodham, Esam, Pearson, Xeil 24. v. Aldred. Dicketts, Daniel, iluston 15 : Buttimore, Xewell, Oxley. Lyell 20, v. P. Dimery, Linder, Prime, McMahon, 16; Wiseman, Messenger, Newbegin.Moir 18. v. Blades, Simpson, Burousn, Duncan 14; Howard. Moon. Dixpn, Kirk 27, v. H. R. Allan, Jury, Kretschmar. Robertson 18; Tyree. McDougall, Jones, Ansell 22, v. Cooper, Ward. Thompson, Messer 11; A. J. Mackay, ln?rlis. Brown, Harvey 23, v. Scott,, Myers, Williams, Bush 17. ! j CARLTON GREEN. Senior Championship.—Clarkson 21, v. Brookes S; Dillicar 21. v. J. Hnsking IS; Duffin 21. v. G. Hosklns 11 ; Kcesing 21, v. A. Coltman IS; Edmunds 21. v. Thorres S; Kent 21. v. Hall 18: Bird 21, v. Ronayne 17: Martin 21, v. Gordon 16 ; Graham 21, v. MantPll 12 i Bates 21. v. A. Pollard 13 ; Kookc 21, v. Tozrr 14 : Sneddon 21. \V Rlnir 1C; Watson 21. v. Pcarc 20; F. Wilson 21. v. Wiehart 1!) ; Laurenson 21, v. A. Pollard 14: Lairtl 21, v. Stevens 13; Kelly 21, v. Xoton 10 : Truscott 21 v. Lauronsoni 10: T. Wilson 21, v. Guv 15; Gilles 23. v. McXab 14. i Junior Championship.—Whittaker 21. v. Xorgrove 18: Doyle 22. v. Brittain IS: Robertson 21, v. McGlono 8; Garrard 21, vf' Little 17 : Lundon 21. v. White 11 : Wright 21, v. Taylor 14 ; Cross 24. v. Matthews 6. % President's Handicap.—Guy 17, v. Dillicar 16 ; Snedden 23, v. W. Coltman 10 ; Q," Hosking 23. v. J. Hoskinjr 20 ; Deare 10. \v Gilles 16; Ball IS, v. Gmild 11; Rosp 22, v. Fookes 20; Wishnrt 27, v. Wricht 15; Wetherill 24. v. Whittaker 22 ; Phillips 26, v. Abdallah 16 ; Barter 21, v. Bell 14 : McXab 17, v. Wrighton 11 : McGlone 16, v. Cross 14 ; Edmunds 23, v. Gordon 1!); Mantell 24. v. F. Wilson 14 ; Kilgour 24, v. Little 20; Duffin 25, v. Barter 24; Kent 21, t. O'Sullivan 16. Champion. Pairs.—A. Coltman and W. Coltman 25, v. McXab and Fookcs 12: Stevens and F. Wilson 32. v. Mitchell and Ball 11 : Cullpy and Bird 16, v. Williamson and McGlone 15 ; Barter and Gordon 18, v. Wrightson and Brookes 17; Wlshart and Gilles 22, v. Dillicar and Hosking 14 ; Edmunds and Laurenson 22, v. Morton and Gould 18: Bates and Mantell 23, v. Brittaini and Kilgour 16. ELLERSLIE GREEN. Pereentasf Fours. —White, Doorty, BartlPtt, Dickson ID, v. Ganley, Tooman, McKelvle, Osborne 15; Donnell. McLeod, Lynch, Wood 26, v. A. McKenzie, Wilson, Wilkinson, Reed 15; Westbrook. Campbell, Garmson, Gollan 17, v. Richmond, Coombe, Woodward, Gavey 15; Christmas. H. K. McKenzie, Toy,,. Godfrey 21, v. Williams, Hunter, Inglis, - Flyger 20 ; Mackey, Watson, Copplns. 24, v. McDonald, Digging (substitute), Somervell 15; Wbltehouse, Holland, Hill, Somerfield. 25, v. W. Osburne, Wright, Sykes, Macklow 15. Handicap Pairs.—Sykes, Gavey 27, v. Woodward, McKelvie 17. . Champion Singles.—Dickinson 30, v. H. K. McKenzie 14. WEST END GREEN. - Ordinary Draw. Anstee, McMillan, Bell 16, v. Blackwell, Belloe, Kirk, Clarke 19: Rodwell. 8. Hardley, Horsley, BrookPS 12, v. G. Hardley, Venters, Thorn. son, Quln IS; Parkinson, W. Hardloy, Urquhart. Langsford 17, v. Service, Brummel, Newton, Hosking 24; Cornwall, E. White, Haifr, P. Darby, 22. v. • -Hedland; Wernbam, Price, J. W. Hardley 18 j Lovatt, Knox, McConnell, Selby. 15,- v. B: Wilson, Hardy, Sands, Harris. IS; Lambourne, Peat, R. A. Scott ' Dnaffin 20, vj Irwin, Cato, PlummeT, Pierce 17. PAPATOETOE GREEN. Mental Hospital v. Pk'patoetoe' (at Papatoetoe).—Mental Hospital 16, v. -Rawnsley 21; Mental. Hospital IS, V. Cutforth 21: Mental Hospital 25, v. Livingstone 24; Mental Hospital 19", v. Knight 20. Totals: Mental Hospital 78, Papatoetoe 86. ' Club Fours. —Trimble, Thomas, .T. Bryant, Smytheman 19, v. Hollier, Gu'bb, S. McCulloush, Livingstone 26; Gane, Snelllng, Cutforth Franklin 16, v. McCallum. Gillard, Taylor, Hall 18; Hosking, Gladding, Daisley, Xesbitt 18, v. 'McMaster, Hindman, Galloway, Roseveare 25 ; Bryett, W. Fricker, H; Frlcker, Andrew 27, v. Crawford, Foster, Bygrave, Rawnsley 34 : Waters, Thorn, Tidmarsh, Wilson 17, v. Wills, Booth, Watson, Mclvor 21; McCullough, Horreli; de Ath, Knlght-17, v. Buckton, H. Brjant, Coles, BrownlS. . y& Handicap 22, v. Hosking, Livingstone .20 :.JHpllier;. Knight 22. v. Buckton, Cutforth 19;' Hosking Livingstone 24, v. J. Bryant, Watson-la. ; OTAHUHU GREEN. Masons v. . Remainrler. of,-.. Club.-— McGehan, G. Wood, Murdock 8, v. Tomes, J. Gardiner, E. Bailey 32; Pattori, , Grinter, Whyte, Davies •-• 20, -v. ■ -*cct r - Docherty, Jeffries,. Sykes. 17; West, D.ajjes, Ogllvie, Fearnley 18,' : v.C- Jeffries,' Craw--ford, Thomasen, Lippiatt 21 ; R. Wood, J. Todd, R. Campbell, Ferguson 23, v. Farrelly, McLarnon, A. Campbell, S. E. Harper 13; A. Wilson, Thorpe, Connor, Everltt 22, v. Moss, Kimber, Carson, J. Harper 21. Aggregate: Masong 91,..,C1ub--104. Ordinary Draw.—Nixon, Taylor 25, v. Downney, Hlckson 11; C. B. Whitmore, Cook 18, v. Clark, Butterworth, G. E. Whitmore, Goodwin 22. Champion Singles.—J. Harper 18, v. W. Best 15 ; Ogilvie 13. v. Thomasen 22; Cook 18, v. Connor 11; Sykes 20, v. Lomas 18; Bailey 29, v. A. Campbell 13; Thorpe 12, v. J. Gardiner 26. President's Singles.—Carson 18. v. Docherty 22; Turner 17, v. Taylor 27.
ROCKY NOOK GREEN. "-Percentage Fours. — Bailey, Wilson, Adeane, Brown 20 v. L. Kent, H. Kent, J. Jenkin, W. Williams 17; Kayes, Morrow. Smith. ■Roylance 25, v. F. vviillams. Mayhill Cunningham, Handell 12; Baxter, Alexander, Rule. Miluer 21 v. Mullins, Sellars, Stone. Wakerley 10; Harrison. Asbury, Eagleton 23. v. Stuart, Turner, Anderson 12; Campbell, Wheelan, Buseomb, Bain 40. v. Compstou, Morrison, Allen, Pearce 10. STANLEY GREEN. Percentage- Fours.—Sainty. Boyd, Howitt, Bartlett 22, v. Saunclers, Paterson, Spring, White 14 : Gran, I'egler, Hookpr, Hall 23, v. Dawson, J. A. Geinles. Smith. Johnson 20 ; Sheehan, 11. Robinson. MacGreftor, Reid 21). v. Mitchell, Cox, Harvey, Kelly 13; Locke, Hipkins, Wilson, McMaster 20, v. Gray, X. Kobinsou, Koss, V. M. Jones IS' Handicap Singlcs.-r-Kelly 25, v. Cos 10. WAITEMATA GREEN. Handicap Fairs. —E. G.. Bentley, W. M~c•Kinstrie 21, v. J. Fitzpatrick, J. Blackledge 17; T.; J. Flood, G. H. Lyon iJC, v. W.llulse J. Hay 10; C. Rose. It. A. Johnston, 37, v. , W. .T. Futlbrook, D. P. O'Lnary IS: T. IT. D. Boles, A. Parish 23, v. J. A. Adams, S. Smith 22. Ordinary Games.— J S Caulfield, W. Watsor.D. Elston. ff./B. MePhail 20, v. X. K. Harnis, F. Hubble, S. E. McGill, C. Boles 18; W. Llewelyn, S. Cole, W. D. Currie, A. Campbell 20, v. J. Williamson, C. A. Deusberry, J. Potter,- Hi' W. Wilson 18; J. J. Brown, A. W. Tyer, C. G. Hodgson 27, v. A..Taj-lor, Hewson, D.R. Davies 13. TAKAPUNA GREEN. Club Fours.—Keay, Arrowsmith. Galbraith, Audh>y 22, V. Lewis, Baechman, Murdoch, Codd 18; Bates, Edwards, 'Smith, Rowbottom 21, v.' Price, Coulthard, Ward, Spencer 1-5; Davis, Jones, Dunlop, Maahews 23, v. O'Neill, Winter,' Bonnet, Ogilvie 14 ; Elliott, Gyde, Bull 20, vJSomerfipld, Perfect, Eckersley ■in : Hooker, Stallard 20, v. White, Collins 19. Club Pairs Championship.—Coulthard, Ward 20, v. Winter, Cutler 14; Collins, Matthews 23, v. Arrowsmith, Brake 14; Hunt, V«ale 34, v. Baechman, Galbraith S; Perfect, Ogilvie 20, v. Eckersley, Bull 10. Pairs Championship, 1024-25.—Prentice, Buckley 22, v. Oborn, Hanna IS. Junior ChampionfMp, l!) 24-25 (final). — Bennett IS —19, v. Coulthard 17 —18. Senior Cbanvpionship.—Kony 20, v. Hooper 13; Codd 10, v. Rowbottom 11 ; Galbraith 22, v. Lisk 20; Collins IS, V. Veale 15. Handicap Single.—Bennett 18, v. Smith 17; Bioletti 25. v. Edwards 10; Matthews 20, v. Cutler 10. VICTORIA GREEN. Club Pairs.—Jensen, Bilkpy 10, v. B<>nfell, Smith 27; Marrett, Hendrickson 16, v. Allen, Skellern IS : Coleman, Skinner IS), v. Oldfoam, Xaysmith 23. AVONDALE CLUB. Progressive Pairs Tournament, for Trophies.—Winning skips: Cole. 4 wins: runners up, Jones 3J, Dyson, Porritt,- SomTrigg, Pooley, 3 wins each. Winning lead: Crost, .5 .wins; Laing, Guinnes, 4 wins each. ST. HELIER'S GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Tyrell, Forbes, Sims, S. Diamond IS, v. Drower, Hunt, S. Skinner, J. Diamond 16. At the close of the play an armchair was presented :to C. (Buff) Caradus, an old llfp membeDivjof the cliib.. HAMILTON GREEN. Club Binnie; Parr, Going 16, y. Cowiles, E. Stevens, Grocott:, Bell 25; Roberts, Adt|m, Evans, Meredith 25. v. : Griffiths, McGiUr.e. Arthur. Coombes 15; Phirp, Dillicar, ' Graham, Poltman .14, v. Varney, F.fej-gusson,. Bell' Jr. 19; Tile, Totman, *lng, F. Wfi'Spit 2&,' -v. Jordan, Hall, Ne-wjnisi,. Mitchell. .Jr. 18; Leak Stpbbs, IS, v. Osborne, Hammond, 'iWciiinatt, AVilfes IX. (on. 22nd head); House, Burn, 'Wilson, : 20, v. Johnson, Stevens; W. Platt, Lymbum 19 (on 22nd head). '< ; ; : — ' .••'—'.'. PUKEKOBiE GREEN. ■ ; Anzac €iip.—West! End v," PukekQhe, at, Pukekohe XiKpst ; End,.nam«s first).^-J>ayno, HIU, Bremnerv^- Whiten; 23, v. Thompson . Lusher, Kefttfj.Aimstfon/g 27 ; Knaggs, Cox, Wynyard, V.:..lngoen, Lawrie, David Roulston, Grll)ble>ls.;..A"narews, McKeown, Worsfleld, 14,V.:y, Perkins, Bitness, Crosbie, Dunce Totals/Pukekohe 67, Vte&f.fXd "tiT? -A , furth!e|i ; three! ruiks from each dfub-wiafi'jiiHi'n ,by Wes** End by 59 pojnts to .l&%jl± Endv names first): ..-MiiileiS," Colhurst 17, v: Hart,' Straw, Monro,! Jv ,\dams ,17 Bowring. Darby., Hop.wo6tf;:'.Noto ; n 17, j*r Adams, jun., BojM, v ß.a.vnesj.'Bokett 24; ;Edginton, Harford, Kirlfham, 'Cdoke '25.\v. ■Clarkson, Bronvwich, J. Blake, Hewitt" 1-6. INTER-CLUB GAMES. , EPSOM V. MOUNT WELLIXGTON. ' At Epsom (Epsom names first). —A-. Wright, F. Richmond. A. Taylor, Haszard .IS, v. P. Mulone, J. Higot, Dunn, Gatward RAWHITI V. EDENDALE. ■At Edendale Green (Rawhiti names first). —Robertson, Keller, E, T. Walker, Oldham 16, v. S-wales, Lakey, Neilson, Horsh)ool 23; Woods, McGowau, Vaughan. McKinlay 16. v. Martin, Laing, Bradshaw, •Brownett 27; Wyfle. McLeod (sub), , Macpherson 17, v. Cronin, Izod, StillweW, Clements 17.
ST. HELIE.R"S V. MOUNT ALBERT. At St. Helier's (St. Helier's names first). Chambers. Borry, S. White P. White IS, v. Wallett, Lane, Dann, Clark 21; Smith, Price, Jackson. Brooklield 24, v. Hills, Lawrie, Walker. Dawson 22; Bradshaw, Hart, Plunkett, Keys 23. v. Stemson. McCallum, Bennett, Allely 22: Campbell, Samways. Price, JlcKclltir 13, v. Crowe, Pearson, Rouse, Thomas 23. At Mount Albert. —Koefoed, Twiname, Civil, Knight 14, v. Mason. Pltrett, Bromley, Blair 10. McLaren. Holdsworth, Cahill. Wright 10, v. Cossey, Holdsworthj Bailden, Cutfortb 17: Wormsley, Blomfield, Fry, \orris 14, v. Shepperd, Sutherland, Stevens, Garlick 16; S. White, Watson Craw=hiiw, Philips 29, v. Thomas, Muir, Constantino, Murray. *. HELENSVILLE V. DARGAVILLE. (By Telegraph.—O'.vn Correspondent.) DARGAVILLE, this day. The Hplensvillp Bowling Club had a walkover against Ifarcavillr fur the Hayes Cup. The following were the scores (IlPlensville mentioned lirst) : Cooper and Coutts 21, v. Littlpjohn and Melsaac 13: Baxter and SniHh 2. r ). v. Hopg, and Williams 11. Total, Helensvillc 40, v. Dargavllle 24. "How Sweet's a Spring-time Morn."— Anon. But what's more annoying , than to contract a spring , chill? Don't risk a cougrU or cold. Keep Baxter's Lung- Preserver always by you. "Baxter's" ensures prompt and lasting relief from the most chronic bronchial, throat and chest complaints. It also possesses remarkable tonic properties. 2/6 buys a generous-sized bottle at chemists and stores; or, better still, gel the family size at 4/6. — CAci.J In ruture e tne use of the cane will not be allowed in schools within the jurisdiction of the Hawke's Bay Education Board (states the "Xapier Telegraph"). In the past both cane and strap have been used, but as the latter is now almost universally used, the board, at its meeting recently, decided to abolish the use of the cane in schools. The by laws will be altered accordingly. Call early at the Farmers' Trading Company's Half-price Salvage Sale tomorrow to socure the best bargains. See page 13.— (Ad.) Rich, red, luscious tomatoes give Sharland's Tomato Sauce that true flavour which is appreciated. Have you tried it?—(Ad.) The influence of the germs which produce sore throats, hoarseness, running at the nose, watery eyes, and coughs is checked and counteracted by the free use of Nazol-—(Ad.) Extra free buses will run to-morrow from Queen Street to the Farmers' Trading Company's Half-price Salvage Sale. See page 13.'— (Ad.)
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 14
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3,164SATURDAY'S COMPETITIONS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 14
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SATURDAY'S COMPETITIONS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 14
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