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J FARMERS'TRADING COMPANY. * AJLXJ_4 d I lllC £ /"itlYlT ILjIAL/ • confined to a display concerning the v famous film comedian Chaiiie Chaplin, Bm i t . _^_ M^_| . , _ in the southern corner of the furnishing MBA. i ' and gramophone department, on the fifth hB IHK A ' HBw A iloor. Tlic display was erected to reprc- £m HI. §Bm -• EBItHhI Bfl^BM tent an Alaskan hut amid the snow, Prl >>• «BR BhTiS with a figure of the comedian standing in SHU jdfc, tBHv *H* ■ ' ifci H .^V front of the hut. With great suddenness flames were observed bursting from «■> & back screen, tlic hut and floor, and in ' \ « few seconds tlic curtains, screens, and • other inflammable drapings used in the } *H exhibit were ablaze. The whole building M V& M ua • |H jjS I is equipped with patent sprinklers, which ( AT «k Jγ _.^ ll _ Bl _ BR Vk B| MM BJ run along the roofs of the various floors, ' ■ BW - m#M# ■ B &>P *H± MF*W ■ £sss».a.'t -V-/I VV 2LLGIT yd laPcQ ViOOQS dire was just beginning to gain a hold JBk V W «V 4L MmMmW tW/1» J. JL when the heat melted the taps of tho * G^^m sprinklers, causing three to play upon C . . ■ ■the fire. The water which spouted from ansa mmW WHbw. fTTB* the sprinklers soon extinguished the 1 W gfl blaze—sp soon, in fact, that the services * v ■■ AT vA( IWk #W AW Wi H H An of -the fire brigade were not required. • BJ H B I H H H BMBk H B However, the exhibit was almost de- ' BJ VL WMBIIW II «E JBF ■ BJ Jv VT W Etroyed by fire and water, while musical «■■* A W JL JBk JSL V W instruments which were stacked at the I I I JiijHffilS FREE BUS J T The Urge volume of water which va« c* . " "*>>. xi £U J a. J !_• o oi • i •' -ii • • • SERVICE ■ discharged found its way to several ■ . INone or the goods oftered at this Salvage Sale were in any way by water is being sacrificed at half price. As the wearing quality |causld b - touched by fire or smoke. The damage by fire in our Music of the goods is absolutely unimpaired, the value of these Salvage buses ™& ■ departments. Although the approximattiF Department on the top floor was negligible. Our Automatic Sale Offerings is exceedingly attractive. There will be a rush of from Queen Street \ v l Fire Prevention Sprinkler extinguished the fire in thirty seconds. buyers to-morrow, so it will be necessary to come early if you to-morrow. I manaj!e^^^^^Vl\ -»rv "pIRE' \ The damage was by water only to some Musical Instruments, wish to share in the best bargains. At 9 a.m. sharp the Sale T i v \" K50 6 \ Carpets and Rugs on the Fifth Floor, and to a small portion begins on the ~ lhe Kara «g ana P e Waft- 1, . — f*", -^gpu^ , \ of our wholesale stocks of Hardware and Drapery on the two THIRD FLOOR DRAPERY Road bus will start A: ei)t»M** Jt floors below * Our retail stocks were in no way affected - FOURTH FLOOR-HARDWARE | al 9 am - *\ xafS Q! 010 S v ttty\ In accordance with our usual policy of keeping only goods that FIFTH FLOOR —FURNITURE AND BAtt-AMt- . ----- ecC etteA oole\ c are in perfect condition, everything in the slightest degree soiled MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ll*v.A*ATa*>* ' I : P^ towfi q lAnlro , urOTO rnPQFTQ BLOUSES at Less than f a ,. , Bargains iW^ , TOWELS LADIES' VESTS CORSETS Half Price D L f dies , \ I I 11 % Brown Turkish Towel., White Cotton Vests, with Odd line, in Ladie,' . RamCOatS -Ueual price, 2/. 1 for hard everyday use. short sleeves or no sleeves. Corsets, made in good 65 Only—Black and Navy Jap. ... Half Price, J/6 V ■£Si^rts**M^ai ed bS «SrtI«S Slightly soiled. Size 20 Absolutely undamaged— -- i quality material. Sizes Silk Blouse,, with roll collar, J h « c Rubber - lined Dover Pattern Eec Beater water ,38-Usual Price 2/11 Usual Price, . /3. ' 25 26 27 28,29 30 which can b e wo:n hi g h to neck Ra.ncoat. are only D-er PafternEgg Boater, water f \V - d«l?taM , Half Price, Ladies' Fleecy-lir.ed Cotton AH One Price to Clear, To Clear at Each. i V/I I and 24/o. Dish Pan. or Wash-ups, made of I 1 OCCU rT^ ve \oYcd t"° sC reetl3 \ Vcmts> short sleeves _ good 53 Only—BlacK Crepe de Chine r* /1 V Half Price - steel ' heavily tinned, seamless. : pr ' —---;"■'/... i/ioi 2/11 pr 5/11 9/ll and 12/3 • Si^^SSS USo«^adit>g. !^ C Cotnp» n y- J - - '2/11 T • \\ The Bt^^^J^s-r- ,- ■ ■' f _ ' "Stopleaks" will mend any leaky t\ ol° ■ . " pot or kettle in two minutes—* f \ ~~ . . Usual Price, 7d. per packet. \ . . ~ l —_——__^ ___^_______^______ Salvage Clearance Price, J d pkt, -mvc ] LADIES'HOSE AT HALF PRICE MEN'S GREY DENIMS 3/1 1 2WSSI?WS=; TOYS, BOOKS and Ladderproof Hose, made of pure silk and cotton. *J VJI\I-fl 1 JL/£Ji >l IIVIO, t-#/ X X mirrors, and cut-glass. In jar _ _. - _. — Shades: Nigger, Grey, Navy, Mole Were 12/11 /I / 1 1 20 dozen onlv ' Men ' s Gre y Striped Denim Trousers. These were wet by (paste) or cakes Usually 2/6. GOODS To Clear. *X/JLI the sprinkler water, but have since dried, and are as good as new. Sizes 3 to To Clear, gd. each. Many Lines at Less than Half Price £*"' A T Uficia r Silk ?° ,c - ,pU^ d toe lT, d " ,-/, " """" C,earanCe 3/H Pasr ' G ° rha,D each. * heels. Shades: Tan, Grey. Coating Were 8/11." A \ Gilbert Telephone Se, Real working miniature tele- . *" Prfce ' O 2 TROUSERS UnderWear SJKS SeU^vlr ft^^^^ t^pl^i^' e SU , SI; Table Napkins OVERALLS g.-. a™— u^botu. assembled are two miniature telephone,, standing 6* All-Linen Dama.k Napkins, size Coat Overalls, in plain f, nd , S^ dle Tweed-all undamaged. Salvage Price, Sd. inches high, with receivere. tranemittera. etc. 22 x 22. Hemmed ready for use coloured material, roomy cut. ,( ni / A SiM, M Tnd OS • Were 7/6 Resembling very closely standard phones. Contains Usual Price, 20/- dozen roll collar, belt all round. c, 9/3 to 21/-. Half Price I/O Flour and Sugar Dredgers, for. wire and instructions. A few sets only—Usual Price, Salvage Sale Price, 1 each, Shades: Brown. Saxe, and Navy. / »O/». kitchen use. 22/ -' To dear, 5/ 6 each. - Sizes, W and 0.5.-Usual Men's All-wool Flannel Under.hirU, Salvage Price 2 <L pair, Gilbert Electrical Set. A very complete outfit, to or 1 4 / 6 dozen. UJvlge T/C i SOCKS absolutely undamaged. Men, and Gla.. Salt, and Peppers, for the teach the boy the fundamental laws of electricity. " 6 O.S. sizes Usual Pr.ce 6/M. table—Usually 10d per pair. Would make a splendid Xmas present. A few Sets CUCrTIMr R ** n ' s All-wool Ribbed Cashmere loUearat4^] t Salvage Price, β-td. per pair. only—Were 33/-.- io Clear, Q/ft each. OJTIEjEj 1 IfNLI • Socks, in Brown. Grey and Heather. „,„... . L o , 0 Ladies' Morning Frocks, in good Usual Price, 2/11 pair. Men s Winter-weight Wool and Cotton Set« of 3 Juge, in rose designs, 6 Only—Gilbert Electric Motor.. Will drive with an 54 ine U wuu Til Qk i- quality cotton material; Magyar Salvage Clearance, J/ J J pair. Undershirts, long sleeves Were 10/9. with gold line. Shades: Pink, ordinary dry cell—Were 7/11. Half Price, '4/ 11 111 I P • ?/Tf' shape, tie at sides—Usual Price, ' Salvage Price, 6/11. Biscuit, and Green. Beautiful ' 11 P" re clo ' h —^ s . ual P»«- 2 /.- 8/11. Men. Black Silk Lisle Half Hose. J u ?». <J uite undamaged—Usual Toy Railway Sy.tems, complete with heavy quality salvage sale l-rice, \/\\ yard. Salvage Sale Price, C/II Usual Price. 2/6. P«ce, 14/6 per set Clockwork Engine. Carriage, Tracks, Switches, etc. •*«.»«..,««. "* ' Half Price, I/3 pair. 9 T*A RavC , Half Price, 7/3 £ , ODDMENTS SHRTS S^-a2TrifJ« Half Price, 3/2 1/6 yard. At one-third off to of Hose, Gloves, Traced Under- MEN S HATS Shirts C °U«- »° nmtch; wLer- Usual Price 4 / 1 I 6/3 8/6 ea. Lead Toy Soldier., five infantry or four cavalry, in lizard. wear, etc at Special Salvage Wed only Sizes 14* to 17in A Half Price 2 /6 3/2 4/3 ea. box-Usual Price. lld per se, Half Price, 5 Xd . Clearance Pr.ces. . AH-Fur vljg* shut usually pneed at |2 f^ _, .. ..r j, 1 ■ 1 ' practically undamaged slightly Half Price. £/Q Usual Price 11/6 15/6 each. Set, comprising six infantry and four cavalry, in box j — — . , . water-soiled only. Usual Price, 21/6. D ' y - Half Price 5/Q 7/Q each. -Usual r-nce. 1/10. Half Pr.ce, U d MINITAI of Half Price, IQ/6. Boys' White Tennis Shirt.; sizes 13 to Art D t/v 141 •I. Boy, Rugby Football., size one. at les, than haU AI Hat, in Light Grey shade. jflfc 6/& SBESB^sV^ P " Ce - Ud each. THROW-OUT PRICES. , Allsi 2 es. T Us c UalPrice g 9/n/ Salvage Price, 3/ U eac h. Half Price, i 2 /6 Doll.' Collap.ible Go-cart, slightly damaged—Were 6 Only—Mandolins (Genuine 12 Only—Music Case, water- To Clear at 6/11. Boys' Fuii SUk Canoe Shirt, U,,, a l Blue Enamelled Tea Bottles for 4 /"- . To Clear, !/9 Italian), slightly damaged- soiled-Were 26/-. Men. Tweed Hats. Usual Price, 5/11. Price. 12/6 Ul workmen—Usual Pnce, 2/6 , », , o ,« » . Were 63/-. Salvage Price, 3 IQ each. Half Price, 2/11 Half Price fi/n Half Price, J /3 , t-20 copie. only of la.t year's Boys' Own Annual, in Salvage Price, Q/C each. °' ° *-»cc, 6 / 3 perfect condition—Usual Price, 15/9. D 24 Onlv-Mandolm Ca«« V P rv — Jack Knives, for scouts, hsherQ.K,. D-:__ ami , Unly Mandolin leases. Very ■ men, and everyone requiring a Salvage Price, 9/11 6 Only—Violin., in nut brown slightly damaged by water— , : large strong Knife. Cive one to ~., ~ „ . , . , , varnish, slightly damaged— Usual Price, 21/-. ' your boy at Xmas. Well worth Merry Momenta. A few copies of this entertaining Were 42/-. Salvage Price, 7/fi 2/11 Annual (last years Salvage Price, \ Q/6 each. ~* y '°- I " To Clear at l\d. each. «H-» • T A-' » A Om JcL • 1 Only—Violin, that was priced WfltOll CaTpetS at Half PrfcC FLUXITE. Hutor.c Tren'iham. An interesting record of the at £7; slightly damaged. - Salvage Price, Jβ / W--« k ■ 10 Ik .-£. IWU r ~- L L Fluxite Soldering Paste, in extra training of the New Zealand Army. Salvage Price. *>(\ I lU ' ,We ar « offerm g ' 9 only, beautiful Wilton Carpets, which were wet by ,'„„ ■ w o f t h 3/4 To be Cleared at 3d each. ' * VBge 20/- fi Qnly-Ukulele Case, slightly £? F^L 8 ' fi bUt "Tft "TJ" Sizeß ~ Half Price, X /g - . ... . r . . ~ 1 Only—Mandolin-Banjo or damaged—Usual Price, 20/, 7ft 6.n. X 4ft 6m., 9ft X 6ft. 9in., 9ft. x 9ft 9ft. x 1 Oft. 6in., 9t. x 12ft. A /» Snapshot Album., in five sizes, to suit any size film. ZJtKei- M an J o l; n Aanir-A Salvage Price tt I T- ? • predominant colours are Brown, Blue, and Greys. If you are PARRON RFMOVFR Absolutely undamaged. Get one to hold your holiday W £t"/JQ/A damaged— Salvage, 5/. thinking of getting a new carpet to brighten up one of your rooms, now i, LAKBUIN KLIVIUVLK ■ w - w ~ " n ■ :<£ip ri ~. viJ te 2/2 I** 25/. usrJs-iint'E: t^sTt^sf&tefes;^-^^^- »'' r -'3irZ7 Si !r u-«»—^—*.-*« f --^., v « Axminster Caroet Runners at Half Price S«i' S vif 1/-"" Au.o / b;c..^.t.h....i.,,Hc.0f 5/11 «ci,. p ri «, 10/6 7 2 Mo-«h o,«™_u.,»ii y i/6 ivuiuierb ai nan rrice mm rßmnrpq ' Two at £2/5/-. and 1/9. Splendid Axminster Runners in a wide variety of handsome designs and rUUI UKiINJJtKO. Ladies' Leather Purses—Reduced front 3/11 to 1/K Salvage Price, Q/fi each. Salvage Prices, fid. and Qd U x, lng^- « , 3 Only — Erner y Grinders, foot r ~,... Wl|l . „ „ ,_. '~ O/ " O IF No. 1 Quality - Our Usual operafed. Incomplete, but a G«t . Leather Wallet, or Letter 4/6 15 Only-Accordeons, damaged 6 Only-Wig, water-soiled- Cut Cash Price. HALF PRICE handy man can soon get it oaiwge rnee, by water—Were £2/10/- Were 9/-. 22 i>n- 16/11 8/6—Usual Price. 65/-. Gent.', Leather Collar Boxes, of splendid quality. SSacl ™*c P«ce, 7 /Q each. Salvage Price, l/Q each. No . 2 17^9 «/» T ° CUar ' 12/6 «eh. An excellent present for Xmas—Were 21/- • , Fifth Floor. 22iin. ] 379 6/11 Paint at Half-Price. To Clear, 3/9 each. ; ; S | 27in. M/II English Ready-Mixed Paint. A Leader Cigarette Case, best British make-Were 5/1 '• To Clear, I/5 each. . labels soiled, but the Paint itself / • F °" ihFl °- mj * _ JT , 1 • 1.1 sSfefK- - ;:: > — ■■ .—. :~._. IV* fm mw% ■ I I"H Half Price ' 5/6 These goods cannot be supplied by mail for the two following reasons: Al «Bl JL MLJHBL W ' C> 7 P H a Vf n Price, in/fi I. Owing to the small quantity of goods in each line, we expect % J 11//O everything will be sold during Tuesday. . H Motor Car Tubes HOBSON STREET and WYNDHAM STREET. Sr-raf^^,--' '""""'"""'"""""""■"""'"'"'"'"'"■'""■"""■"'"Illlllllllllim llltMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllillllllllllllliltllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllUillllllllllllllliiMllMlflllltlllMl
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 13
Word Count
2,093Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 13
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