ELPFUL SUGGES" If BOX "ENSIGN" CAMERAS. I! 11 (Daylig-m Loading-.) Ii il Brilliant and Direct View Finders |1 i| To take 3} i JJ picture—ls/- Ii [| To take 21 x 4j picture—2o/- I; L| Marvellous Value. li II £j2wumo&nT4 * I*o QUEEN STREET.Ii I ZzZrftZSZ? , AUCKLAND. || :| GERMINA I || E.MIRELY A WHEAT PRODUCT. |l )| Makes Splendid Puddings. =■ 11 Procurable rrom Your Grocer. |l II The Northern Roller Milling I| }| COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. 1 [I A "TIMELY" GIFT. J I if NICKEL SILVER SWINGING DRESSING H il TABLE CLOCKS. II [| Excellent timekeepers. Handsome finish, ii j| Xmas Special Price, 10/6. fi II WARMAN & SONS || if 79 HOBSON STREET. AUCKLAND, fj II GO WHERE THE CROWDS GO! |l || GET YOUR SHOES FROM A || i K.K. STORE || if BROADWAY, NEWMARKET, I; II or KARANGAHAPE ROAD. ; !§ FLEETFOOT SHOES —Lowest Prices. f; li • I' I! Sucklings Ii II I: if 62 QUEEN STREET || || At Entrance to Everybody's Theatre. |j II FOR THE BEACH GIRL. Ii II JAPANESE and CHINESE SUNSHADES. l : !| A Splendid Selection Now Showing-. I! II Prices Troni 3/11 to 14/6. 11 See them at the l\ | A.B.C. STORES ii KARANGAHAPE ROAD. j§ "ASHLEY'S BUSY CORNER." 1: if CREAM TROUSERS for PRESENTS Ii il If he plays Tennis. Goir. Howls, or is a I! I Yachtsman, g-ivc liiiii a pair or White |i I Hunter-made Gabardine Trousers. ii I Xmas Price, 18-. ii I HUNTER & SONS, LTD. ! i 13 ELLIOTT STREET Z J Just through Strand Arcade, AUCKLAND. f : !§ . 'li |l POSTED FREE. { ii Halfdoz.fi il Dessert Knives, Sheffield Stainless. 12/8 i : il Table Knives, ShemfMn" Stainless, 14/6 li i= Dessert Forks, Sheffield stainless, 6/3 fi I Table Forks, Sherrteld Stainless, 8/- ii i Write for full particulars. ii | THOMAS & CO. || I__ __, IJ: .i-vi.—ll H ■! II ■■ H—■■ II i I* 1
EXHIBITION I Novel and Unique. | Cornel 1 I Third Floor, STRAND ARCADE, f Jethro Lock & Co. j 12 Victoria St. West. j " CHAMPION " i Muscle Raiser Flour f for j XMAS PUDDINGS. j DOLLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I AT PRICES THAT TALK. I Manufacturers' Samples. \ Almost Given Away. | Phop premises lately occupied by i E. Porter & Co., Ironmong-ers, Qneen St. 1 Supervisor: ■■ GEORGE WALKER 1 AUCTIONEER. | 77 I NECESSITIES. "Champion" Flour. All =: "Standard" Oatmeal. obtainable I "Standard" Rolled Oats. from I "Germina" for Puddings. Your i "Semolina" for Puddings. Grocer. I The Northern Roller Milling I COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. | FUJI, STRIPED. I Coloured Grounds and Stripes, in a I wide ranjre. r Finest Quality and Excellent Wearing:. I 29-incli. At 4/6 yard. 1 Jang Hing Loong Co., Ltd. | 320 QUEEN STREET I (Opposite Civic Square). | I " CHAMPION " j MUSCLE RAISER FLOUR. I The Finest Obtainable. 1 Ask Your Grocer for It. ° I The Northern Roller Milling t COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. | ' " "|: KELLEWAY'S i II BROADWAY, NEWMARKET. II CELLULAR SINGLETS—2/8 li LIEN'S CELLULAR KNEE PANTS 11 —2/8. • II OPPOSITE TRAM SAFETY ZONE. || uiuuimimiwmiuanmiiiimuiuimimniiniiHiHnniiununam^
Page 11 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 11
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