For all Photographic, Radio, and | Cinematograph Accessories 1 Come to I ; Also at \vp!lini?-ton and throughout I Australia. I SEMOLINA | Make? Most Appetising- Dessert Dishes, i Parked in lib. Carton?. i Procurable from Your Grocer. | The Northern Roller Milling | COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. | N.Z. Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. | 1, HOWE STREET, AUCKLAND. | SITT>. OVERCOATS, PRESSES, HATS I CLEANED AND MADE LIKE NEW. I Phone 41-399. i We will =end oar van to collect your I clothes and return them within 2 4 hours, i SPORTS SUITS. j In Donrpal Twend. summer weight, no i lining. | IDEAL GIFT — XMAS GIFT PRICE, 60/- | HUNTER & SONS, LTD. I 13 ELLIOTT STREET I Just through Strand Arcade, AUCKLAND, i I Sucklings* i 52 QUEEN STREET a At Entrance to Everybody's Theatre. | LADIES' SATIN DE CHINE PRINCESS I SLIPS, hemstitched !n all colours and 1 black and white. A dainty garment | for all occasions. Women's Size, f 6/11. O.S. Women's, 7/11. Also, I LADIES' KNICKERS to macth, 4/6. | At Ashley's A.B.C. Stores I KARANGAHAPE ROAD. I "ASHLEY'S BUSY CORNER." : FLEETFOOT TENNIS SHOES. I Ladies' 4/11 pair I Gent.'s 5/6 pair | K.K. FOOTWEAR LTD. ! KARANGAHAPE ROAD 1 and NEWMARKET. | THINK OF IT! j LADIES' PATENT CUT-OUT BAR SHOES I 18/6 pair at | K.K. STORE j KARANGAHAPE ROAD, or BROADWAY, I NEWMARKET. I GIVE HIM SOCKS. |j FANCY HALF HOSE. Great variety. II Special Xmas Value, V From 3/6 pair. i! HUNTER & SONS, LTD. II ' 13 ELLIOTT STREET I! Just through Strand Arcade, AUCKLAND. j| :w :i "CHAMPION" !l -ItrUSCLE RAISER FLOUR If The Finest Ohtainable. * II ASK Your Grocer Tor It. ii |1 The Northern Roller Milling II COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. Il SUITCASES MAKE IDEAL GIFTS |! Our splendid range of reasonable §l priced yet splendid quality Suitcases, II Brier Bag-s, Attache Cases, Wardrobe i! Trunks, etc., make choosing- easy. |i Call and Select. _i; FRANK WISEMAN'S, Ltd. II OPPOSITE H.M. ARCADE. || I! N.Z. Dry Cleaning Co., Ltd. | 1, HOWE STREET, AUCKLAND | WILL CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES AND I MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE NEW. 1 Phone 41-399. | , We wiU send our van to collect your | clothes and return them -within 24 hours. | Newton Manufacturing Co. l : FOR FURNITURE Si AT FACTORY PRICES. j! |i THREE DOORS DOWN LANE BY ALF. I! MOORE'S and RISING SUN HOTEL. !i § I Jethro Lock & Co. || 12 Victoria St. West. |{ RIMU CHEVALS, £7/17/6 RIMU 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITES, l\ rrom £12. || SIDEBOARDS, from £4/10/Newton Manufacturing Co. |l „_._,_._ , li SEMOLINA J] Makes Most Appetising- Dessert Dishes. || Packed in lib. Cartons. li Procurable from Your Grocer. |f The Northern Roller Milling 11 COMPANY, LTD., AUCKLAND. |j "CHAMPION" I] Muscle Raiser Flour I] for \\ XMAS PUDDINGS. || HANDKERCHIEFS. !l Dainty Presents ror Xmas. l\ In Boxes or Hair Dozen—2/6, 4/6, |l 8/11, and 9/6. = = All a Lovely Quality. • || Jang Hing Loong Co., Ltd. ij 320 QUEEN STREET 11 (Opposite Civic Square). || '• CHAMPION " || Muscle Raiser Flour |I Ii for XMAS PUDDINGS. || . ■ ■■ ■■ " m ~"" "I i LfELLEWAY'S H ■TV. STILL CHEAPEST DRAPER. If LADIES" FULL SIZE COTTON II SINGLETS— 9id. H LADIES* FULL SIZE CREPE II NIGHTDRESSES— 4/6. ||
Page 11 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 11
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