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ST. GEORGE'S CLUB. OJmiCIAL OPEXIXG "AT HOME." On Saturday Judge's Bay was the scene of a now tinie-bonoured Auckland rowing function, when the "At Home" of the St. George Kowing Club, to mark the official opening of their season, was hem. The poathouse was prettily decorated, and from its sheltered position, and the slopes of Parnell I'urk, the large attendance of supporters and lady friends enjoyec in comfort the afternoon trial four racing. The ladies' committee, under "the supervision of Mesdames Kutsford, Page, and G. Herron, dispensed afternoon tea. The visitors fully enjoyed the use of the pleasure boats in the enclosure behind the new railway line. A bright musical programme rendered by Morrow's Orchestra, further enlivened proceedings. Mr. E. Buckler represented the Auckland Kowing Association. During the afternoon a set of trial fours was rowed by the club for the Sir James Coates, X.C.M.0., Cup and Caps. In addition, tue West End, Auckland, and Waitemata Clubs also held a set oi trial fours to qualify for the Barrett Cup. North Shore were unarjie to cross the harbour owing to the rough water. The rowing throughout the afternoon was of a high standard, and many close finishes were witnessed. The Key. R. G. Coates, vice-commodore of the club, welcomed the visitors, and referred to the sound position the club occupied. In "addition to an excellent plant of new boats, the membership had been maintained, and already thirty-six now members had been elected. The vice-commodore spoke of tho many advantages the sport offered to the men of the country, and to the high standard of rowing in the realm of sport. He then declared the season open. Mr. ii. O. Barber, who kindly placed his fine launch Atiki at the club's disposal, acted as starter, and the Rev. B. G. Coates, vice-commodore, was judge. The course was from Paul's Point, Orakei, to a point off the boathouse. The water conditions were very rough at the start, the strong westerly wind causing a nasty side roll, but once under the shelter of the cliffs the water was splendid. The results were :— Sir James Coates Cup and CapsThe crews in the first heat were: J. Blakey, F. Soloman, C. T. Kellaway, H. J. Bherrock; LI. Ilurgreaves, K. Gilmore, Davies, ltetter. Blakey jumped into the lead at the start, and, steacily increasing tho advantage, won by four lengths. Second Heat.—A. porter, M. Steele, J. Rankin, M. Simon; W. K. Woolhou6e, C. G. Gardner, K. Lichenstein, Goodman; K. Norton, L. 11. Shroft, il. McGregor, R. J. Gooding. From the start Porter took the lead, and, maintaining the advantage throughout, won by several lengths. Third Heat.—X. U. Page, E. Wynyard, R. Clayton, J. Young; H. F. Hammond, C. D'Authrau, E. M. Ford, H. T. Morris; V. Hargreaves, J. Duncan, N. G. McKinlay, M. N. Moore. There was little between the ?rews to the quarter distance, where the two outside crews in the rough water fell back. . Hargreaves drew out to win by two lengths.
Final.—The crews of Blakey, Porter, and V. Hargreaves met in tne unai. Slakey was first to show to advantage, and as the crews were off the baths held a length's advantage. Approaching the new wall Porter challenged, and, coming j.ast, won by a length, with Blakey second. BARRETT CUP. WON BY WAITEMATA. The Barrett Cup was presented by Mr. Geo. Barrett, a veteran oarsman, in the season of 1020-21, to -De rowed at the holders' opening function each season. The trophy has created a lot of interest, for it serves to enable the tyro to compete, thus differing from all other inter-club trophies. The competing crews were :—Waitemata: V. Smith, J. Stephenson, C. Read, J McPhail (T. Organ, cos.). West End: W. N. Bright, T. O'Brien, Snowden, Ford (G. Dowllng, cox.). St. George's: A. Porter, XI. Steele, .J. Rankin, 31. Simons (Jervis, -•ox.). At 6.10 p.m. the crews were sent away. Waitemata quickly forged slightly ahead, svith West End laying second. Approaching I'oint Resolution. Waitemata had consideribly increased their lead. Entering the ■nclosure . Waitemata, swinging nicely ogether, had the race in nans. TTest End spurted, but the effort was unavailing, for Vaitemata won comfortably by two lengths. The Barrett Cup record is:— 1020-21—Auckland. 1921-22—Yraicemata. 11)22-23—West End. 1923-24 —\rest mc. 1924-25—St. George. 1025-26—Wur.emata. WEST END CLUB. MR. L. E. STEWART'S TROPHIES. The first heat crews were: W. N Bright L , . O'Brien, R. Snowdfn, R. Ford; J. Johnson, T. White, S. Hadley, G. Dowling rohnston got the best of the start, and led ill halfway. Bright then drew level, and he crews raced together till neariiig the ine, where Bright drew out and won by ialf a length. • Second heat: A. C. Norden, T Fogartv v. Newdick, jr. Taylor; A. E Payne V lewitt, L. R. McDonald, L. Katterns. From* he start Payne took the lead. The advan- : age was increased to win by three lengths ' Final: The crews or Payne and Bright net in the final. Bright showed to advance approaching the reef, and in a splendid I lmsh won by half a length. WAITEMATA CLUB. SUBSCRIPTION FOURS.
The first heat crews were:—A M "Mac kay. H. Cullen, T. Impey, K. Nash- W Lowe, A. Stewart, L. Barker, J. McAnallv' Mackay jumped away at the start, quickly gaining a canvas lead. This was held and, despite a hard challenge by Lowe' Mackay stuck to the advantage, to win by a canvas. * Second Heat.—L. Brooker, G. Shorland, C. Hunt, C. Keegan; C. Ffcaron, C Blundell, H. Kendrick, D. Hyde; V. .Smith J Stevenson, C. Bead. J. McPbail. This was a hard-fought race all the way and in an exciting finish Smith won by a few feet with Fearn second. teet, ■ (Final.—The crews of V. Smith and A Mackay met in the final. Smith cot ™« with a lead at the start and held aboul a length s lead across the 'bay Off thp baths Mackay challenged and in a hard imish Smith snapped a win by a foot AUCKLAND CLUB. SUBSCRIPTION FOURS. Thp first heat rrews were:—G .Tonsnn R. Martin. G. Cochrane, E. ttou-h cv- L Wood, T. Morgan, H. Snell, R. Mahon crews raced through the rough water on even terms and- when under the shelter of I Point Resolution, Jonson started to dnw out to win by two lengths. • Second Ileat.—G. Fleming, ,T. McComish L. Hall, Sarney: R. Stacey, R A. Coutts, M. Ritchie. The crews juS away together and raced on fairly evpn terms until off the reef. Then Stlre? NORTH SHORE CLUB. prevented from doing m to ASS ! water conditions that prevafled A cret f^;vsu^^ f^£i i -These cre^vs_are_^ubjec L to_''°lTe^ation. J SEASON OPENED AT MERCER. were held by Si SA^"ii?"" 0 . 118 ] U™ S n?r ea \y b * eP pre° B Tde n^ r b $ Desolto..the.faet-that «me-Vtilt oSS
were beginners. sonuTinf ' '^J^ mittee of Indie" dis Pensed by „ tn °oi> The officers"" were--/?* - C<>lll - Barren; judge, Mr J Sir i Mr. J. Lee; secreUrv, \?%% tb^ The result of the racing »-. Pat, ' feated W. Oliver (stroke! C $**•'& L ysb and J. , C . Baker. hC, Hom au, j Kiddie's crew. es ' crew deTeated Final.—Barnes' crew , ■ crew. v aef eatefl Bates'
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 10
Word Count
1,189ROWING. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 10
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ROWING. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 10
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