DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIPS. HACKETT BEATS SIEDEBERG. ;By Telegraph.—;'ro«s « --"-.i.! DUNEDIN, Sunday. ' The New Zealand Amateur Billiard Championship was advanced a stage further last night, when Hackett (Auckland) defeated Siedeberg (Dunedin) by 666 to 619. Scoring generally was slow. The winner's best breaks were 49, 46, 24, 21, 21 and 20. The loser's best were, 44, 44, 35, 31, 25, 24, 22, 21, 20, 20, 20. DOCTOR SAYS PREVENT COLDS. Tney played bowls tog-ether, the doctor and. Mr. Brown. Says the. doctor, "What, sucking - Pulmonas again, old chap?" " Yes." said' Brown, " nothing- else makes my throat and chest easy." " I know," said, the doctor, "if people would only use Pulmonas more there would be less cougrhs and colds." Pulmonas quickly relieve cougrhs, influenza, etc. At chemists. 1/6 and 2/6. — (Ad.) ' Fire at the Farmers' Trading Company. Half-price Salvage Sale to-mor-row. For some of the bargains see pa°-e 13.—(Ad.)" • You get pure, sound, ripe tomatoes, flavoured with Sharland's Tomato Sauce, which ia made from rich, red, luscious tomatoes. Just try it!—(Ad.)
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 10
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