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The Ponsonby Cruising Club held a I ■ries of cruising and harbour races on < iiurilay for the usual classes of keel and | i >n:reboard yachts. The larger boats raced h i Arkle's Bay. while the small boats com- 11 eted over hiirbour .- All races started off St. Mary's Bay off |j ie dredge Hapai. Thrre was a frosh | reeze from the west-sou-west which piped j, p very hard in squalls from the SOUthest, where it eventually settled. The 20-footer Waiapu carried away her ast soon after rounding North She as towed back to her moorings at North)te by :i launch. The 22-footer Kokiri so sprung her boom but finished the race. The first race, the keel yachts, was sent way at 2.30. Belville was first off, foljwed by Ngahau. Wairiki, Maybelle and :int,-i. with Peri and Vaktora last. Off 'riuee's wnarr tne orcer was Delville. | '.Ansi, Ngahau. AVairikt, Maybelle, but off ie King's whari ltangl took tne lead. After mndlng North Head Ngahau passed Rangi ad the finish was timed: —Nsrahnu (13m). h 4-tm 555: (13m), 4h 4."> in 11s; "aitiki (12m). 4h 47m Ss; Delville (17m), a ."iOrn 21s; Mnybcllp (12<m). 4h s:!m as; j aldora (l.>m), 5h 12m Ss; Moutere c«mt,j h ISm 40s. Result: Ngahau 1, Rangi 2, \ elvllle 3. H Class. —The starters in this class J ere Celox and Starlight together, Esma was ; *m, Awatere Sm and Spray very late, elox was leading oft" the King's wharf ith Starlight handy and the rest some lstauce astern. The finish was :—Celox 3m), 4h 52m 9s; vStarlight (scr.), 4h lim 4s; Esmr (6m), 5h 2m 575; Awatere 7m), 5h 4m lis ; Spray (3tn) f oh 17m oos. esult: Celox 1, Starlight 2, Esma 3. L and N Classes.—This was a good start, iouen being first away, followed by Winlred, Kokiri, Wairere, Ngaru, Waiapu, Ukoa. Isabelle. Rahiri, Mowai, with Hira and Forest Gold late. Winifred took lie lead down harbour, and off King's harf all set running sails. On the lead own the Lake shore Wairere took the lead ■ith Rakoa and Ngaru close behind her. he finish was:—Wairere (sm). oh 8m 2s; akoa (4Am), iih 8m 395; Ngaru II (0m), h »m 40s; Winifred (3*m), oh 12m 4ds; ovelight (Sm), 5h 14m 11s: Kokiri (3m), h 14m sOs; Rahiri (10m), oh 13m 20s; 'tira (Sm), 5h 19m :!8s: Rouen (7Jm), h 20m 21s. Result: Wairere 1, Ngaru 11. , Rakoa :!. Launches.—The starters were Esther G, lethinia, Muzzletov and Kowhai. while eitner, whicn was to take the times at .rkle's Piay, was started at 2 p.m. Letter's corrected time, after making allowance ar the difference at the start, >vas 4h iilm Os. The following times of the others ere :—Esther G. (13m), 4h 50m; Methmia 24m), 5h 6m 20s: Kowhai (421, oil 37m s; Muzzietov (47m), 5h 39m 14s. lesult . —Leitner 1, Muzzletov 2, Methinla THli HARBOUR CLASSES. M. Class.—This race started at 2.50 p.m:, Ilscbief getting over first, with Mawhiti nd Mollie close up. Manene also started, iut was late and finally withdrew. Mischief ed on the run to Western tide deflector nark, with Mawhiti and Mollie following. )n the beat up from the mark in Shoal Say to the Watchman Mollie went into he lead, while Mawhiti replaced Mischief. 7his order was maintained to the finish, Fhlch was timed: Mollie 3h 49m oos, ■lawhlti 3h 50m 15s, Mischief 3h 53m 545. lollie wins. S Class. —The starters in this class were Catnu, Aratu, Verona, Jvrangatai, and in this order. Sea Sleigh and Tulip tarted late througn a misunderstanding . I heir starting time. Namu led from start o finish with Aratu following, and the inish was timed : Namu 4n llm 465, Aratu Hi 14m 325, Atangatai 4h 16m 58s, Sea Sleigh 4h 19m 30a, Lancia 4h 21m 12s, ! verona 4h 23m I4s. Result, Ataneatai 1, S'amu 2, Sea Sleigh 3. T Class. —Meteor was first away in this •lass, followed by Marie, Mlzpah, and Klsnet in this order. Marie took the lead ;oon after the start, and the finish was: Mario 4h 10m Os, Mizpah 4h 24m 355, Kismet 4h 2am 265. The result was : Mizpah L, Marie 2, Kismet 3. .Tellicoe Class.—The starters in this class were Rona, Rangi, Joan and Dulcie, the last-named being two minutes and a half late. IRona, sailed by J. (McWhirter, held her lead on the run to the tide deflector, and on the lead across to Shoal Bay mark Rangi passed her, but Rona regained the lead on the beat up to the AVatchman. nfter which she led easily. The ttiilsh was: Rona 4h 10m lls Duk-le 4h 23m oos. Joan 4h 24m 17e, Rangi 4h 25m 555. Result: Rona 1, Duleie 2, Rangi 3. ¥ Class.—There were only two starters in this class. Sea Gnome getting away with a good lead from Sea Love, which gave up on the first rouna ana Sea Gnome finished alone at 4h 31m 20s. V Class.—The starters In this class were: Surprise, Drone, Phantom, ana Wild Wave in this order. Surprise soon increased her lead, with Phantom next, but this boat gave up. Drone also gave up, leaving only Surprise and Wild Wave in the race, which was timed: Surprise 3h 57m 2Ss, Wild Wave 4h 5m 245. Surprise wins. The officers for the day were:—Starter and timekeeper, Mr. H. R. Arthur; Judge, Mr. W. Joynt, while Mr. A. J. Collings jfflclated at Arkle's Bay.
TAKAPUNA BOATING CLUB. The Takapuna Boating Club held a combined handicap race lor the T, X and Z classes on Saturday over two rounds of the usual olun course. The eetrles and handicaps were: Cupid «er, Sea Gnome Jm, Xgaio Jm. Marie 4m, Viper lm, S&ella ljm. Sea. Nymph 2m, Sea King 4m, Sea Crest Cm, Sea Elt 6m, T-amure Bm, Banjo 13Jrm, Winsome l.'tjm, Nimrou 13Jui, Anita 13Jm, Comet 14m, Myrth 14m. Sp»rt lfijm, Frolic 104 m, Ijal Lai 171 m, Edna 2Om. There was a very fresh breeze blowing from about south west, and some of the boats had a reef down. The course was from starting line between end of balcony and launch Maroro moored west, round outer pile of Bayswater Deacon, round mark off NorthcO'te Point, th«nce round mark in Shoal Bay to starting line, twice round. From a very pretty start Cupid was first From a pretty bad start Cupid was first away, followed by Sport, Ngaio, Vipei-, Sea King. Sheila, Winsome, lAnita, Myrth, Tamure and the oiners close together. Cupid held the lead to the first mark, followed by Sheila and Viper. On the beat to the Norlhcote mark Sheila caught Cupid and rounded a few lengths ahead with Viper, Ngaio, Winsome and Myrth following. Cupid now set her splnnuker for the run to the mark at the head of the bay, and, planing well, sho-t past Sheila, taking the lead from here to the finish. The order on completing the first round was: Cupid, Sheila. Xgaio. Viper, Winsome, Sea Elf, Tamure, Myrth, Sen King, Kdna, Sport, Anita, and Sea Crest. Cupid and Sheila had a great tussle on the second round, and the finish was timed : Cupid 4h 2°m 48s Sheila 4h 22m 58s, Nga:o 4ii 2.1 m 425, Winsome 4b. 30m 41s, Sea lilf 4h 32m 50s, Tamure 4h 36m 20s. Myrth 4h .36m 445, Sea King 4h 37m 465, Sport 4h 43m sa, Anita 4h 40m 15s, Edna 4h sOm i!os.
On corrected times Winsome wins by 4m 17s rrom fcjheilu, with Myrth. third au<l Cupid fourth. The officers for the flay were : Starter and judge, Mr. \V. A. Wilkinson; timekeeper, Mr. 11. G. Tarr. Afternoon tea was provided by the ladles' committee, which was enjoyed by the large number of ladies and pentlemen present, while the crews of competing boats and the Vindictive Sea Scouts were also entertained. Mr. O. Moller, commodore, congratulated the winning skipper, Master Douif. M.-i.kuy. on his success, and passed a vote of thanks to Messrs. Cairns and Woodward, who donated' a suit of sails as firtt prize. N.Z. POWER BOAT ASSOCIATION. The New Zealand Power Ro:it Associ.ltloii held a cruising rnro to Rocky Bay, Waiheki- on Saturday. The race .-mned "fr the Kind's wa.-irf, between the wharf and launch Jpfin, moored north. TUe six Btiirrcrs irnrp sent nwny at 2..')0 p.m., I.ailv Marwircl heluK flrai off. .-losely followed by Itomunee IT., Kathryu It., Adelaide, Kctwlua in thin ordrr. Uoniance soon took the lend on th<- fourtPMl-ralle run to rhi> llnlsblns line In Rocky Flay, and the boiirs experienced n fairly hl« aeii ■,n their way down. The tin 1.-hint,' tlnn") were :—Romance inrr.i, 3h :i4m 2u* ; 1.n,1y Margaret iHim). :th -Mm 23e; K«thryn It. C22imi, Ah lm r,s : Adi-lalde < ;t<"iru i, -Ih 7m : fMwlun :!<i*mi, 4h 15m --s. flesult: Lady Mnrjfmer 1. ttomauce 2. Edwlna .'I. Mr. S 11. l.'-yland acted as starter nnd Mr. 11. li. Jcnklaa officiated :it Kocky Hay. SANDESS CUP CONTEST. CANTERBURY TRIAL RACE. t"By TPlesraph.-I'reaa Association.) CHHISTCHUBCH , , Sunday. The Sanders Cup trial race, sailed at Redcllffs, r»-<i)lted : —Betty 1, Linnet 2, Secret v>. Won by 151s. DUXEDIX, Saturday. The second Zanders ('up trial vran postponed, Winifred being tie only contestant ||N»Bfie«, _ ...... ,
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 9
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1,530YACHTING. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 9
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YACHTING. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 9
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