(To the Editor.) Sir, —The Roskill group of the P.P.A. published an outrageous anti-Catholic pamphlet packed with blunders, fakes and forgeries. Its plain object was to cause sectarian strife. It was distributed •widely during the recent election campaign, and even among innocent school girls in Auckland. Mr. H. H. Seabrook, as president of the Roskill group, has accepted responsibility for the publication. One of the numerous forgeries contained in it is a vile "priest's oath." I have twice issued challenges to name mc as having taken that oath. The moment that is done I will give Mr. Seabrook and his group an opportunity of proving their case before a jury of their fellow-citizens, and the damages granted to mc will be donated to the Blind Institute. In the code of Christian and even pagan honour, when a man lays a dishonouring charge he, on demand, either promptly proves it or promptly withdraws, it. Mr. Seabrook will do neither; he oven boasts that he is too cunning a "bird" to accept my challenge. His letters are unwilling; admissions that he dare not face a Court with that forgery. I now, for the third time, demand-either prompt withdrawal of that bogus oath or an opportunity of having it tested before an Auckland jury. As soon as he has adopted either of "these two courses T have ready for publication three challenges concerning the bishop's oath. Each challenge will afford Mr. Seabrook a chance of securing £100 for the Blind Institute. —T. am, etc., B. J. GONDRINGER, S.M. Mt. Albert, November 25.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 9
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 283, 30 November 1925, Page 9
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