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DENTISTRY. I DENTISI T-VAVIES. NEW LIST OF CHARGES. PAINLESS EXTRACTION 2 6 A.\S ADMINISTRATION 5 0 FULL SET OF TEETH (Upper or Lower), from £3 3 0 REMODEL (Your Old Teeth j Refitted and Reset on a \ New Plate), from £2 10 0 FILLINGS, from 7 6 AA'e have a new line of Artificial Teeth which we would like to show you—they are the best we have ever seen—the mould and colouring are simply perfect—so If you want the very best we can recommend these—they will Improve your appearance and give you more comfort than any other teeth you can get. They cost a little more, than the ordinary teeth, but they are worth .it. ' " j OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS, 7 TO 9.
TAENIISI T| A V I E S, NEW ADDRESS : | JELLICOE CHAMBERS, CORNER QUEEN AND AA'YNDHAM STS. I (Next "Herald.") B OETTER rTAHAN p AS ! ! , . _ _ • ANY NUMBER OF TEETH EXTRACTED AT ONE ADMINISTRATION By my NEW ANAESTHETIC MACHINE. JTERBERT AVT7ALKER, DENTIST, I Corner KARANGAHAPE AND PONSONBY I ROADS, NEWTON. ! 'Phone 26-384. S yOUR CHRISTMAS TEETH. I ' MR. MARTIN" has Large Selections of j Best Teeth to suit all ages. Best materials used, all work guaranteed, fees moderate. Plates, £3 3/ to £3 5/. Stoppings from .V. Gold Inlays from £1 1/. Painless extractions a speciality. J. MARTIN, DENTIST, . Over National Bank, Karangahape Road. C M R H. P. BLAK BY - j DENTAL .SURGEON (By Exam.), BROADAYAY CHAMBERS, NEWMARKET. Painless and Gas Extractions, Filling j Work, Artificial Teeth. Hours : Week Days, 9-5.30, Friday Evenings, 7-9. Other Evenings by Appointment. B BETTER Teeth for less money at Howey ' Wnlkers's. 209. Queen Street. D WHAT Is worth doing Is worth doing : well. Get your new Teeth at Howey I AA r alker's. , jj ] PYERS AND CLEANERS. -rruTE EMPIRE" NEEDS YOU, • A YOU NEED "THE EMPIRE." ? ? WHY ? ? Because if you are thrifty and economical you will not throw away your Old Suits, Costumes, Frocks, etc. Just send them to EXPERT MODELLING, " THE EMPIRE." ■ or ring up No. 44-707, and our vans will collect. I EXPERT DYEING, EXPERT CLEAXIXG, ' EXPERT REPAIRING. j Old Garments made as new in a few i days at a trilling cost. ! COUNTRY ORDERS receeive special prompt attention and Return Postage Paid. Special Fur Department for the Renovation and Remodelling of all kinds of Fur Works. EMPIRE CLEANING AND DYEING CO., (Furriers, etc.), 258, Queen Street (Opposite Main Entrance, Town Hall). ■ By Special Appointment to His Excellency. ■ A'lscount .lellicoe. C THE TTOLIDAYS \RE /DOMING ! , HE TJLOLIDAYS -ti-RE vJOMING! ' How about the old tuit and the old costume or frock you wore last summer? AA'hut have you done with them? Suppose you let us have them? AA'e can make them tit for holiday wear and save you the expense of buying new. Never mind if they are out of date. AA'e can re-model to latest mode, and repair them and beautifully cleaned nnd pressed, with the shabblness taken right out of them you'll be astonished and delighted i Suits or Costumes artistically cleaned and pressed. 7/6. Call, write or phone 21-374 or 21-500 for us to collect and deliver. TITHE p ROTH ALL WAY T)RY ' i pLEANING AND TAjYEING pO., js 4S, CUSTOMS STREET EAST. ' 137, SYMONDS STREET. | ' 109. DOMINION ROAD. I. NEWMARKET—Next P.O. | ' PONSONBY—Opp. P.O. {■! ONEHUNGA—QUEEN STREET. '\
CITY AGENT: ARNOTT. la, QUEEN ST WORKS AND HEAD OFFICE : 33-35. EDENVALE RD., MT. EDEN AXD VICTORIA STREET. HAMILTON FOR BETTER CLEANING AND DYEING Try THE AMERICAN DRY-CLEANING. CO Head Office and Works: Tuperlri Rd., Greenwood's Corner (Opp. Tram AVorkshops.) AA'e Collect and Deliver. Phone 20-534 Suits and Costumes, 7/0; Hats, 2/6 Aeeordoon Pleating and Hemstitching o - Speciality. q T\ AND A. BROWN, Dyers and Cleaners as- Shortland St.— Works, Grafton Ter' ' 'Phone 45-764. Established 1866. b NZ" DHY CLtAMMJ CO. Vans Collect | 413*90 Deliver ' Suits - 7/6.—'Phone I rjAHE DIXIE Cleaning Co., 514, Queen St ' A~ Hat Blocking, Repairs. Alterations, Dry ; Cleaning ; same-day service.—'Phone 4fi 74« , We collect. n| TX7E have Cleaning and Remodelling De-1 VV partments f-.r Ladies' and Gents' Hat* Cox's Hat Factory. Karangahape Rd ~~%\ i TT7 H. DREAV for Cleaning, Dyeing ! ; I » • Renovating of all descriptions —70 i Wellesley St. 'Phone ifi-fiQQ. 1)tl0DS - ™; 44"600~ CAR , PETS Cleaned «" Dlsln-'l v„ _, fe^ ted ' Electrical Beat, ig £" rT rrocess.-Domestlc Vacuum Clean* ing 10.. Strand Arcade. f% NOTICES. j "REMOVAL NOTICE. I
We have pleasure in announcing our reoffices'. t0 lar = er and «°re commodious I The building has been erected especially to suit our, requirements. a-d we now have! the most modern Real Estate facilities offered by any firm in New Zealand. acmuea AYe are now in occupation and your in. spection is cordially invited. i Kindly note our new address - CORNER OF HIGH STREET AXD A ULCAN LAKE, yyiLLIAM JJORXE, XTD., TELEPHONE 44-940 Thi. „.,.„.._, nects with any Department throuTh our own exchange. mrougn "pRED fielding. Hairdresser TobacA conist, removed to 342. Queen St ?,-, above old shop. Estd. 19C7. 6>t " ju;l ATRS. L. PYKE, Dressmaker has a*A from 18 Elizabeth st .7 r t ' o na | "£«» borough St., Dominion Rd ' MWI " INSURANCE COMPANIES A LLIANCE ASSURANCE CO., LTD fr J- SSB K "5.000,000. Phone 41Y9, PI. Queen St. Manager. ____f_ffWre p B R ltD ' «?p A A? R f BußdS'B^ch^gerf^oX-lFe^ 0 EOO^WEAR. T ADIES' Nubuck Shoes, latest cut-out WcSs^S^f^?^ 70-74, Victoria St. West. ler S ' Lttl " KOSrERY Hose, CO.. 252. e Que S e h n d I-: : 4/6 - and
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 12
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897Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 12
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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