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ECCLESIASTICAL. ST ANDREW'S I'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Lower Symonds Street. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REA'. J. LAMB HARVEY. Evening Subject: "TEMPTATION." MUSIC BY ST. ANDREWS QUARTET Misses Lois Evans nnd Phyllis Gribbin. Messrs. A. H. Ripley and A. (J. Colledge. Morning Solo : "How Many Hired Servants?" ("Prodigal Son"). Mr. Ripley. Evening Quartet : "Jesu. AA"o-d of God' (Gounod). Solo: "The Lord Is My Light" (Allltsen.. M'ss Gribbin. Quartet: "Rock Of Ages'' (Buck). Hon. Organi. I: Dr. Neil McDougall. Social Half Hour After Evening Service. Strangers and A'isitors AA'elcomed. QJOMERVELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH O REMUERA. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. Special -Singing by over 100 children. 11 a.m.—REA 7 . GREY DIXON. M.A. 3 p.m.—REA'. H. CONWAY, of the C.I.M. 7 p.m.—REV. J. PATTISON. Small Sale of AA'ork and Christmas Tree, Tuesday, December 1, Afternoon and Evening. I'rogramme of Items by Young People in the evening. ST. LUKE'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. REMUERA ROAD. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). 11 a.m.—Subject : "The Glorious Company of the Uplifters." ■ 7 p.m.—Subject: "The Passing of a Qifeen." Preacher : REV. C. .T. TOCKER. Scnts Free. All Welcome. CT. JAMES' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ° AA'ELLINGTON ST. (Off Pitt St.). FLOWER' SERVICES. 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Preacher : REV. EVAN R. HARRIES. Morning—"The Gardener." Evening—"The Fairest Flower That Ever Bloomed." Anthems : "Consider the Lilies," "O Come Let Us Sing T'nto the Lord" (Tours). Open-air, 6.30. Social Half-hour after Church. All Seats Free. A Friendly AVelcome. fFxOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, *»• PARNELL (Blrdwood Crescent). 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REV. G. NAYLOR. M.A., Minister-Elect of Kaitola. Anthems: Morning. "O Praise the Lord" Hopkins); Evening, '.Hearken Unto Mc, My People" (Sullivan). Sunday School Anniversary Postponed to Sunday, 6th December. All AVelcome. Seats Free.
ST. DAVID'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, KHYBER PASS ROAD. Services: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. REV. D. C. HERRON, M.A. All Seats Free. ■jlffc EDEN PRESBYBTERIAN CHURCH, AAA (Near Tram Terminus.) 11 a.m. — "IMPRESSIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY." 7 p.m.—"NOT FAR FROM THE KINGDOM." REV. LEpNARD H. HUNT. First Kitchener Troop of Boy Scouts and Cubs will Parade at Morning Service. ST. STEPHEN'S PRESBYTERIAN 'CHURCH. (Corner of Jervois and Shelly Beach Roads, ronstmby.) 11 a.m. — REV. ANGUS MacDONALD 0.8. E. Parade of Girl Guides. 7 p.m.—"THE CALL TO ADVANCE.". REV. .FRAZER B. BARTON, B.A. NOTE.—Next Sunday, the 6th prox., Sunday School Anniversary Services. TJICHMOND- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Am Francis St., Grey Lynn tram terminus. Minister, Rev. Angus McDonald, Stornoway. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. 11 a.m.—Rev. Frazer B. Barton, B.A. 3 p.m.—Rev. Thomas Halliday. 7 p.m.—Rev. Angus McDonald. Bright Singing. All Welcome. "jVTT. ALBERT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ; 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. j REV. W. D. MORRISON-SUTHERLAND, j Evening Subject: "MANASSEH." ! QNEHUNGA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH," I 11 a.m.—"The Nearness of the Lord." I Anthem, "Arise, Shine, .for Thy Light is Come." 7 p.m.—"The Harsher Note of the Gospel." Anthem, "Abide With Me." REV. D. D. SCOTT. EPSOM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SERVICES. j REGENT THEATRE, MANUKAU ROAD. |
11 a.m.—Assembly Reports. 7 p.m.—Assembly Institutions. A AVelcome to All. rev, wm. Mcdonald, b.d. St. paul's presbyterian church, devonport. 11 a.m.—REV. T. H. ROSEVEARE. | 7 p.m.—REV. R. S. WATSON, M.C, M.A. Anthems: Morning, "Arise, Shine" (Elvey) ; Evening, "Gladsome Light" (Sullivan). Reference will be made to the late I Queen Mother. \ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 1 Divine Services: j 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. | REV. J. D. McKENZIE. JgLLERSLIE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ELLERSLIE—II a.m.. Rev. G AY Blair--7 p.m., Assembly Notes. Rev. G. AY. Blair and Mr. R. Falconer. YXTILLIAM STREET HALL T » Dominion Road Terminus. Sunday School and Bible Class, 3 p.m. Gospel Address, 7 p.m. | Speaker: MR. YOLLAND T OAVER REMUERA MISSION HALL. ■AA 7 p. m . —Presbyterian Service MR. A. MILL. ' ! "IVfRS. LEE COWIE'S IVL HALL. I EAST STREET, ..y -_5E Off Karangahape Road. 7.15. "At the Sign of the Shining Cross." If you think you're beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don't. If you'd like to" win but you think you can't, It's a thousand to one you won't. If you think you'll lose, you're lost. For out in the world you'll find Success begins with a glorious will ; ; You'll win if you have the mind. ! Life's battles don't always go To the stronger or faster man, But, soon or late, the man who wins Is the one who knows he can. Strangers Welcome. Mothers nnd Babies have an open door. mHEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, H.P.B. . LODGE, 371, QUEEN STREET. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY). THE KITUAL OF THE KROTONA SERVICE. PROCLAIMING THE NEAR COMING OF THE WORLD-TEACHER. During which an Address will be given by MR. AY. S. SHORTT, Entitled, "THE DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS." rTVHE AUCKLAND THEOSOPHICAL A- SOCIETY, Society of Arts Building, Kitchener St.—To-morrow (Sunday), at 7 P-m. Public Lecture, "Memory Beyond the veil, to be read by G. Omaha Blandford. S P Si TT I AL Service held by Mrs. Harris 'oomsnSESlL 7 P- ra - "Cabin" TeaSplii____P D A* 1 1 . te Tutts, Upper Symonds St. fold ute ~a lessaß e s . Subject, "The Three-,
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 12
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805Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 12
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