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ATHLETIC SPORTS. TITANGATAAVUIRI A THLETIC <\& C LUCS ANNUAL QJPORTS, IN MR. G. LYONS TADDOCK, Ou SATURDAY, JANUARY Q ATURDAY, " ANUARY ** Oh Banks of Mangatawhiri Stream. Under Northern Union Rules. PROGRAMME—OPEN EVENTS. MAIDEN HANDICAP. 120 YARDS. First Prize, £2 ; Second, 15/. Entry, 2/. LOCAL HANDICAP, 100 YARDS. First, £2: Second, 15/. Entry 2/6. SINGLE LADIES' RACE. First Trophy, £1; Second Trophy, 10/. Entry 1/. MANGATAWHIRI HANDICAP. 135 YARDS. First Prize, £10 ; Second. £3 ; Third, £1. Entry, 10/. LOCAL CHOP, 12IN. STANDING BLOCK (Franklin County). First, £3; Second, £1. Entry, 3/. HANDICAP, 880 YARDS. First, £7 10/; Second, £2 10/. Entry, 7/6. HIGH JUMP. First, £2; Second, 10/. Entry, 2/. MARRIED LADIES' RACE. First Trophy, £1 : Second, 10/. Entry, 1/. OPEN CHOP, STANDING 12IN. BLOCK. First. £5 ; Second. £2. Entry. 6/. I HANDICAP. 220 YARDS. First, £3: Second, £1. Entry. 1/. MARRIED MEN'S RACE. First Trophy, £1 : Second, 10/. Entry, 1/. HANDICAP, 440 .YARDS. First, £4; Second, £1 10/. Entry. 4/6. FORCED HANDICAP. 100 YARDS. First, £2; Second. £t. Entry, 3/. MISCELLANEOUS OPEN EVENTS. Events 6 and 11, Close on DECEMBER 20. Nominations for Events 1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 15, Close on JANUARY 1, 1926, other Events Post Entry. Forms may be had on application to the Secretary. No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by entrance fee for that event. CONVEYANCES MEET MORNING TRAINS POKENO. RETURN AFTER SPORTS. Handicaps published soon as declared. H. APPLEBY, Mangatawhiri Valley. .__, 127 PICNICS. EXCURSIONS. Etc. j, _ 4-,. rjAIME-TABLE TO OSTEND. Ajkmmatsm A- • Connecting with 1 ' Palm Beach Motor Bus. S.S. ONEWA \ ■ • Leaves Prince's AA'harf: Tuesdays, 9.45 a.m. •< Ostend, 4.130 p.m. Wednesdays,.9.4s a.m. .-„ 4.30 p.m. Thursdays, 9.45 a.m. * „ 4.30 p.m. Fridays, 6.30- p.m. ■ Saturdays, 1.43 p.m. ■■- „ 7 a.m. and ~ --..'-. .. 4.30 p.m. Suhdays, 9.45 a.m. ~ 5.30 p.m. D /* . BRADNEY AND BINNS. _J___T+_» 2JRADXEY AND BINNS. EXCURSIONS TO OSTEND, Connecting with Bus to PALM BEACH. Wharf •?-?" OXEWA yrUl leave th e Prince's l^-5 R B A J'.I- 4S P- m ' Ostend. 4.30 p.m. SL.NDAY, 9.4,. a.m. ; Ostend, 5.30 p.m. BRADNEY AND BINNS. JJ IVER HE AD SEBV IC E. S.S. PITOITOI. Calling at all wharves. Leaves Auckland Daily at 3.30 p.m. for HobsonviUe, Waimawe, and Riverhead (Saturdays .xcepted). »? n ._?s- at 4 T> ' m - r Riverhead Daily OSTPvn a T m " • (Suu /i a y excepted). FoV os iend—Leaving the Prince's Wharf every day, Mondays excepted - BRADNEY AND BINNS. D 4 P"VTORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. (Weather and other circumstances permitting.) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29. FOR SURFDALE, OSTEND, AND OMIHA. SiS.- WAIPU v.- .....At 9.50 a.m. S.s. Waipu leaves Surfdale at 6 p.m.: Ostend, 5.20 p.m. S.s. Gael leaves. Cowes at 4 p.m.; Orapiu at 4.30 p.m.; Awaroa at 4.45 p.m., and. Omiha, 5.15 p.m. . . .frmrr atatiatia - onbroa. ■JBabßS*/ ATIAXiA - ONEROA. ____?_fagl-a3a_t.' ■ ■ '• i AUCKLAND'S PREMIER OCEAN BEACH. I FERRY STEAMER FERRY STEAMER | PHPUKE PUPUKE RESUMES SUMMER TRIPS TO RESUMES SUMMER TRIPS TO MATIATIA-ONEROA; | TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) AT 10 A.M. "Returning 4.45 p.m. FARES, 2/6. 21 *mO-MORROW, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 29. NEWTON RANGERS' FOOTBALL CLUB'SPICNIC. TO BROAVN'S ISLAND. PICNIC TO BROWN'S ISLAND. STEAMER LEAA'ES FERRIES 9.30. Sports Galore. Lollies for the Children. Hot Water and Milk Free. Music' by EDGAR BENDALL'S JAZZ BAND. ; EDGAR BENDALL'S JAZZ BAND Adults, 2/. ... Children, 1/. G. STEVEN, Hon. Secretary. a fair dinkum— moonlight x7.xcursions, oonlight -Excursions; starting next wednesday evening and every avednesday ' evening thereafter. THE_, S.S. CONDOR will leave from Ferry Tec at S o'clock—e\'act destination unknown-r-very likely it will be some cosy rendezvous" somewhere in the harbour. AT YOUR PLEASURE: A LOHA . QRCHESTRA AND WALTER SMITH'S L JAZZ -gAND. ——_A_LOHA JAZZ -gAND. WE'RE OUT TO RAISE £100 FOR THE A RTILLERY T3AND, A AVORTIIY PURPOSE FOR A WORTHY CAUSE. A FULL MOON—to 'Smile upon you. A FULL ORCHESTRA—of pretty Girls and Boys. A FULL BOAT—to make the heart rejoice. Adults 1/6, Children 1/. , AY.5..7 j% JJONSONBY TJNITED fjf\ "pOOTBALL pLUB'S piCNIC, SUNDAY, JQECEMBER Q To the Old Favourite MOTUTAPU, MOTUTAPU, MOTUTAPU. (By Kind Permission of Mrs. Reid.) Per that Magnificently-fitted Steamer, RANGITOTO, RANGITOTO, RANGITOTO. On her Maiden Picnic Trip. Licensed-to carry 1800. A Treat for the Public. Follow "The Ponies" and have a real "Picnic Day." Hot Water and Milk Provided FREE. PRICES: Adults, 2/. Children under 14 1/. O. POI.SON. 3 " Hon. Secretary. x> E A C H L A _. D S. Launch. Edna \A"hite leaves Launch Steps "every" Saturday at 1.15 p.m.; Sundays at 9.45 a.m. Weather permitting. Fare 3/. 'Beachlands Office, 105, Queen Street. S4
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 11
Word Count
734Page 11 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 11
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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