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. The Takapuna Jockey Club's spring meeting opened to-day in fine but dull weather. There was a large attendance, and a good deal of money was put through the totalisator. The,track was in good'condition. Results: — MELROSE HANDICAP, o£ 250sovs. Seven furlongs. o \'ipp,y b g, 3vrs. by Bardolph— " ■ Oarmetta (Mr. C. G. Macindoe), 7,0,—-Bagby ••• • ••■ - 1 7—RAHEPOTO, br g, <>.vrs (Mr. 11. Calil-r),— McGregor .-•••• - 11—KILLUTE, br g, ,syrs (Mr. J. AY. AA'alters), S.4—McCornuck o Also started: (1) Bay Dighton 8.13, (3) Billikins 8.11. (10) Three Cheers 8.«,'(o) Sulla S.S, (5) Bizarre 7.7, (4) Anold 7.10, (0) Clockwork 7.0, (17) Bright Down 7.0. (15) To Koroke 7.0, (10) Scat 7.7, (14) Brushwood Boy 7.7, (S>. Fostina Lentc i.i (C) Winsome Boy "7.7,. (18) Master Noel 7.7, (12) Frowning Beauty 7.7, (13) bir Henry 7.7.
Billikins and Kahepoto were quickest away, but at the end of a furlong Billikins" and Killute were together in the lead, follOAved by Nippy, AA'insome Boy, Kahepoto and Master Noel. Billikins and Killute were still on terras in the lead crossing the top, with Nippy, Sulla, Rahepoto and Bay Dighton following. Just before entering- the straight Billikins drew out from Killute and was the first to turn for home, with Nippy still third and Kahepoto and Bay Dighton next. In the run to the judge Nippy finished on well and won by half a length from Kahepoto, with Killute* half a length away and Bay Diguton fourth. The next to finish were BilliKins, Festlna Lento, Brushwood. Boy and , • Sulla Time, 1.20 1-5. After going a furlong and a-half Three Cheers fell.
PONUI HANDICAP HURDLES, of 230SOVS. One mile and a-half.
I—KENDAL, eh g, Oyrs, by Robert the Bruce —Tauriki (Mr. A. B. O.rmrod), io.2—Rennic ...... •• 1 " 3—IRISH JIG, br g. aged (Mr. L. B. Harris), o.2—Henderson ...... - O—ARCHIBALD,0 —ARCHIBALD, br g, pyrs (Mr. C. Hill), o.2—Gilmer » - ' Also started: (6) Garzon 10.2. (7) Bright Light 0:12, (5) Bustler 9 10, U) • Kawa 9.5, (8) Smoke 9.0 (11) Farndon 0.0, (12) Sea Comet 0.0, (4) Bahadur 0.0, (13) Apollyou 0.0, (10) Persian King 9.0. Smoke was first to show out, and led to the first fence, wliere he was joined by Irisli Jig. Bustler moved up at the second fence, and going past the stand was in the lend, with Irish Jig,- the pair being followed by Smoke, Sea. Comet. Archibald. Bahadur and Kendal. At the six furlongs Bustler and Trish Jig were still together in the lead, • from Bahadur, Smoke and Sea Comet. • There was no alteration until just before they reached the straight, where Irish Jig drew out clear, and Archibald moved up into third place behind Bustler, while Kendal also improved his position. Irish .Jig led into the straight, and was first over the last fence. Then Kendal. challenged, and finishing strongly, got up in time to win by a neck. Archibald was a length and a-half away, third, followed by Bustler-, Bright Light, Sea Comet and Garzon. Bahadur fell at the last fence, Farndon lost his rider, and Apollyon pulled up. Time, 2.48.
BOROUGH HANDICAP of 400sovs. _ Seven furlongs. 4—LADY RIDICULE, eh m, aged, by . ' ' Absurd —Lady Owen (Mr. A. N. Gibbons), 9.o—Ryan ..- 1 3—ALFORT, br g, aged. (Mr. J. . . Fraser Smith), S.O—Tinker 2 C—NAMUTERE, b g, aged (Mr. F. Gilchrist), 7.l—Driscoll 3 Also started : (2) Broadwood. 8.11, (01 Daylight 8.4, (8) Joy. Ride 7.10, (1) Ring the Bell 7.8, (13) Loyal Irish 7.4, (11) Princess Ronnie 7.0, (5) Uralla 7.1), (12) Nocturne 7.0, (15) AA'altzer 7.0, (10) Charlad v 7.0, (14) Drawbridge 7.0, (7) Aberfeliiy 7.0. - -
Joy Ride and Namuterc moved off first, but Alfort soon went to the front and lei* past the half-mile from Namutere, Joy Ride, Lady : Ridicule and Ring the Bell. Alfort was still Striding along- in front as they raced across the top, where Lady Ridicule- and Ring the Bell moved up aud followed Alfort into the straight, with Namutere also prpminent. In the run home, .Lady Ridicule wore; down .Alfort and won by- three-quarters of. a. length, Namutere the same distance away, third" and Ring the Bell close .up, : fourth... Drawbridge- was -next. - followed by Joy Ride, AA'altzer, Daylight, Charlady and Princess Ronnie. Time, 1.28 l-o. CAMBRIA HANDICAP of sCOsovs. Five furlongs. ROYAL TEA : 1 SI'ODE 2 CAPELLA' ABBEY .. 3 Won by two lengths; Time, 1.3.
TAUMARUNUI MEETING. The name of Uncle Jack was erroneously the aqceptance.s for the Matatuna and Owhangtt Handicaps', at the'Taumarunui .Meeting. FEILDING JOCKEY CLUB. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) FEILDING. tbisd-ay. The weather is fine, but windy..and the track good for the race,s to-day. The >atteudonce Is large.' Results:— AA'AITUNA HURDLES HANDICAP. pf 250sovs. - One mile and three-quarters. -Bonny Rill. 9.13 1 Santiago, 10.13 2 Lady Gay. 10.4 . .... .. 3 Scratched : Gold Peak and Slump. AVou by a bead.- Time, 3.19 3-5. AORANGI TRIAL PLATE, oi' 150sovs. Six furlongs. Ohui, 8.0 . .' 1 Novar. S.O 2 Adavnle.. S.'O :. :> 'Scratched: Lady AVaterlow, Chrissarto, Star Chamber. Martlaneette, Pardon, and Awii. AA'on- by three lengths. Time, 1.16 2-5: • .'. ' •» -- -FEILDING- GUP of .."fiOsovs. One mile and a-half. Asknri. 7.0 .' -.. 'j, Kalakaua". 7.0 ■'. •_! Kilfalre, 7.12 ;■; Scratched: Lucius and Euchre. AVon by a length and a-half. Time, 2.8.
SOUTH CANTERBURY RACES. THE' CONCLUDING DAY. (Ey Telegraph.—Press Association.) TIMARU, this day. The South Canterbury Jockey Club's Meeting is being continued ro-day. The weather is dull and threatening, but little rain fell. There is a good attendance. Results:— LEVELS HURDLES HANDICAP, of loOsovs. One mile and a half. Projector. 10.0 i Wharnclifre. 0.3 "'" 2 Blaze.., 10.1 ".'.".'.'.' ".' "_' ;j All star cd. AA'on by half a length. Time. -.4.j 2-o. JUVENILE HANDICAP of lSOsovs. Five -furlongs. CORN' MONEY. 8.10 i YOUNG LOCHINV.V r". " 7'o "" "• •■ VOLANT. 9.13 ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 3 Time?' 1 l'o ed 4:-:-s C ° rUStalk " * W ° U bj ' a nCCk "
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 10
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959TO-DAY'S RACING: Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 10
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TO-DAY'S RACING: Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 10
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