.-■•"» row, i«it to ri.K*. a. _ ~ ■ ' MUUi M\?» MelL M?*' £' H*M. Mr.. Spragg, Mr.. Watkuwon, -al'-^^Mr^V00' M"' Coupland. ' C^l»«-. Mr. W. Ley., ij: S*eP,?««*. Mr. Cucksey, Mr. Newman. «--S: w- Atkin*M- E**"*» 5, Mr. -l^!-WJS5jJtirS.Mr *"**"*•> TmT* **•"• Mr-- ArouUg* i * -■ -- . "*".-•• F-__»t row. left to right- Mrs. Lerter, Mm. Cutforth, Mrs. Bettany, Mr_. uooancr., . ■; Edwards. Middle row: Mr. Letter, Mr. Cutforjh, Mr_ Jaek.oivMr. Goodacre, Dr F W. King, Miss Bratthvnite, Mi*« Coupland, (— ), ■ .-■':■■ >- – Mr. Baker. Back row: Mr- Stott, Mr. Arostrong, Mr. .Mte Sir Thee. qJZJ.,(, ' ' >. Mr; Ceerg* NiekoUoß, «n«l "Mr. C. Rhode.. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 26
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