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Sunset: To-day, 6.51. Sunrise : To-morrow, 4.26. Moon : Full Moon, 30th, 7.41 p.m. HIGH WATER. Aucklnnd To-dny, 4.51 a.m. 5.15 p.m. Auckland Sunday, 5.47 a.m. 6.10 p.m. Onehunga Sunday, 9.24 a.m. 9.45 p.m. Kaipara lids. .Sunday, 9.19 a.m. 9.40 p.m. Manukau lids.Sunday, 5.25 a.m. 8.45 p.m. ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. AA'aipahi, from AA T ellington, 3 p.m. Hikurangi, from AA'hangarei, 8.5 p.m. Kawau, from AA'arkworth, 5.50 p.m. AA'aipu. from Kerepeehi, 9.10 p.m. Maheno, from Sydney. 11.10 p.m. Passengers:— Saloon: Mr. H. Barabant, Mrs. and Miss Bennett, Mr. C. Boles, Mr. and Mrs. Chain. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Clarke, Mr. AY. B. Cox, Mr. G. AY. Dynan, Miss L. Ellis, Misses J. and G. Easton, Miss A. Grove, Mr. .T. 11. Guest. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gault, Mr. F. Cardes, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Haycroft. Mr. and Mrs. Hanley, Mr. V. R. Marty, Mr. D. F. Holmes, Mr. J. O. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. E. Loader, Mr. F. H. Lyndon, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKenchey, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Matthewsou. Mr. and Mrs. R. McLeod, Mr. W. L. McGee, Mr. J. S. Millar, Mrs. A. Moore and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. A. AY. Mowlem, Miss T. Mattison, Mr. and Mrs. Preston and son. Miss Perkins, Mr. AY. Preedy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ramsay, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richards, Miss A. F. Shroff, Mr. and Mrs. D. Symes and three children, Mr. B. Scarletti, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stormant and child,' Mr. A. R. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont Smith. Mr. G. Thompson, Mr. G. Thompson, Mr. G. F. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Tanner and child.. Miss C. Taylor. Mr. E. C. Will, Mr. and Mrs. L. AA'illianis, Captain T. A. AVilliams, Mr. R. AY. AVhlte. Miss A. Wooleott. Mr. and Mrs. C. Weatherly and three children, and 73 steerage. THIS DAY. Taniwha, from Paeroa, 1 a.m. claymore, from AA'hangarei, 3.50 a.m. AA'niolahi, from Houhora, 4 n.m. AA'nkntere. fror.i Thames, 7.15 a.m. Paroto. from Opotiki, 8.30 a.m." Miro (ketch), from Gisborne, D.15 a.m. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Glenelg, for AA'hangarei, 6.25 p.m. Torea, for AA'hangarei, 7.15 p.m. Matangi, for Tauranga. 7.20 p.m. Manaia, for AA'hangarei, 10.10 p.m. THIS DAY. Lcitrim. for Gisborne, 7.20 a.m. ,-?.,. ko ' for Na Pter, via Eas,t Coast Bays, 10.40 a.m. Port Bowen, for AVellington, 12.30 p.m.
VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. Sierra Nevada. San Francisco, Nov 2S AVainui, East Coast, November __9. Maimoa. Capetown. November 20 Kainianawa, AVestport. November 30. liemuera. London. November 30. Waipori. Greymouth. November 30. Tofua. Suva. November ?,0. Whangape, Sydney, December 1. Middlesex, Liverpool, December 1 Canadian Challenger, South (loads), Dec. 2. Devon, South (loads), December 2. Tekoa. South (loads). December 3. City of Corinth, Now York. December 5. 11.M.5. Dunedin, AA'ellington. December 5. Taransny, Montreal. December 6. Aorangi, Vancouver, December 6. lonic, South. December 10 (loads). Cutcombe, Nauru Island, December 10. Port Hobnrt. South. December 12 (loads). Canadian Explorer. Montreal. December 15. Kia Ora, Liverpool, December 17. Carlnthia. New York, December 21. Nowby Hall, New York. December 23. Matatua, London, via South, December 24. Mataban. New, York, December 25. Surrey, London, December 26. West Nivaria, 'Frisco, Dec. 2S.
VESSELS IN PORT. In Stream—Rewa (barque), Northern Chief (schooner). H.M.e.s. Iris, Flora, Nucula. Devonport—H.M.s. Philomel, H.M.s. Laburnum, H.M.s. Veronica. King's Wharf—Otaki, West Islip. Central Wharf—Port Bowen, Kawatiri. Queen's Wharf — Mahana, Hororata, Hinemoa. Prince's Wharf—Port Plri,' Suttbn HaU, Waipahi. Western Wharf—Physa. North AVall —Karori, Katoa. Chelsea: Kaltoke. NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Waipu. from Surfdale. 5.45 P.m. To-morrow. —Waipu from Surfdale, 7.30 p.m.; Gael, from Cowes Bay, 7 p.m.; iManaia, from AA'hangarei, 6 a.m.; Matangi, from Tauranga. 7 a.m. Projected Departures. To-day.—Apanni, for Awanui, 11.30 p.m. To-morrow.— Waipu, for Surfdale, 9.50 a.m.; Taniwha, for Paeron, 10 p.m.; Claymore, for.Whangarei, 7.30 p.m. Monday.—Omana, for Surfdale, 10 a.m.; aWan . fer Kawau and Mnngawai, 9.30 a.m. Th RE V ~ ERA DAYLIGHT MONDAY. "ner C Remi" ? C^ auil Company's E«nerai e ca?coM C: '"V J ' J - Cameron), with K*<_tromTsou.h"" 1 London and 570 passen«.flight o„ a l '*,! ."' is d " c ™ the stream "' c eastern sw^A 0 "; "J"- and will berth at win •?'• «er 3S_™? Queen's wharf about * iU leave by t h e P tvv eUScrs for th C South ' mc two evenlas expresses. JSP folt"w°' S rA SSENGERS. iiS-sag nf-ps, Hoynes, N oir. elsjoo . D. | p*7 is . D. p WUlmott w .*. wa - «. p tJV Roland, j V J - a.L?I\J. Uca T Bl |« k »ore. w "A" f & Set «e- S. £■ H. Thompson \ *• *w»kf. Rev.!"'/- £• B « a »' •**. i-cluding three and b£fe I
The Kaituna loads at Greymouth about December 7 for Auckland. The AA'aipahi sails on Tuesday next for Wellington and Dunedin. The Kaitoke is announced to sail for Lyttelton direct on Tuesday next. The Wanaka is expected to leave Dunedin to-day for Auckland, via ports. The Waiporl, cargo laden for New Plymouth and Auckland, is still barbouiid at Greymouth. The Otaki is to leave Auckland on Monday night, for Wanganui to continue Homeward loading. The Kawatiri will dock on Tuesday next, and, after undocking. will proceed to Sydney on AA r ednesday next, taking cargo for that port. The AA'aitemata loads at Westport on Friday next for Auckland, and, after discharge here, proceeds to Lautoka and A'anconver. The Port Bowen left Auckland at midday to-day for AA'ellington to continue discharge of her cargo from AA'est of England ports. The Wainui was to leave Gisborne at 1 p.m. to-day for Auckland and will be due here about the same hour to-morrow, and berths at the Queen's wharf. The Kaimanawa left AA'estport at S a.m. yesterday for Auckland, via ports. She will be due here at 7 a.m. on Monday and will berth at the western side of the Prince's wharf. After discharge here she will proceed to Portland to load cement for Wellington. KIA ORA REPORTED. Messrs. L. D. Nathan and Co., Ltd.. advise that the Kia Ora left Balboa on November 25 for Auckland, en route from Liverpool. She is due here on December 17. NIAGARA LEFT SUVA. Eu route from Auckland to Vancouver, the mail steamer Niagara, which sailed ,from Auckland last Tuesday, arrived at' Suva at 9 a.m. yesterday and was expected to leave there at 4 p.m. for Vancouver. MAIMOA TO-MORROW. The S.S. and A liner (Maimoa is due at Auckland early to-morrow from South Africa, via Newcastle, with a cargo of maize. She is to berth at the Central wharf to discharge. SIERRA NEVADA AT MIDNIGHT. A wireless message states that the Sierra Nevada, which has cargo from the Pacific Coast to discharge to the agency of the Union Company, will arrive at midnight tonight from San Francisco. She will berth at the Prince's wharf to-morrow morning. TOFUA 6 A.M. MONDAY. Laden with 23,000 cases of fruit, and bringing passengers from the Islands, the Union Company's steamer Tofua radios that she will arrive at Auckland at 6 a.m. on Monday from Suva. She will berth at the eastern side of the Prince's -wharf.
HINEMOA SAILS 5 P.M. On her final trip of the year to Niue Island the. Government steamer Hlnemoa sails from Auckland at 5 p.m. to-day, taking general cargo and two pa.iiengers, Messrs. R. Dix and H. Lonefale. Since June this year the Hlnemoa has completed four trips to Nlue, one to Norfolk Island, one to Makogai Island leper station, and two trips to Suva. She is due back at Auckland about Dec. 12. and will be laid up for annual overhaul and survey for about six weeks during the hurricane season
PORT OF ONEHUNOA. ARRIVALS—THIS DAT. Itarawa, from New Plymouth, S a.m,
Arapawa, for Waikato Heads, and Waimea, for Port Nelson, crossed Manukau bar this morning.
TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. n--?™£ Ul£a, J Heal lf' November 28.—Arrived: Rarawa, from New Plymouth, 6.60 a.m. ed^4 rapawa > for Waikato Heads. 7 a.m.; Waimea, if or Port Nelson. S.BO a.m. Tauranga, November £8. - Arrived: Matangl, from Auckland, 6.20 a.m westport, November 27.—Sailed: Kaimanawa, for Auckland, 7.55 a.m Glsborne, November 27.—Arrived: Tlroa, from Auckland, 9 a.m.; Awahou, from Auckland, 12.30 p.m. ' Wellington, November 27.—SailedWingatul, for Lyttelton, 12.30 p.m.; Canadian Challenger, for Nnpler, 2.10 p.m.; Maunganul, for Sydney, 3 p.m.: Hertford, for Lyttelton, 3.50 p.m. , ""-«™. Xoir Plymouth, •November' 28.—Arrived: 'Waitemata, from Nelson, 7 30 p.m. Lyttelton, November 28.—Arrived: H.M.s. Dtinedln. from Port Chalmers, 7.40 a.m. nunedin November 27.—Arrived: Wanaka, from Bluff. 7.20 a.m.; Tutanekai, from •Wellington. 3.45 p.m. Sailed: H.M.s Dunedin, for Lyttelton, 1.30 p.m. OVERSEAS. " Suva, November 27—Arrived: R.M.s Niagara, from Auckland, 0 a.m. SailedMagara, for Honolulu. Balboa, November 23—Sailed: Kla Ora. for Auckland. WITHIN WIRELESS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to be within range of the Auckland wireless station to-night:— For Saturday Only.—Malmoa, Raranga. For Saturday and Suhday.—AOranjri. Tofua Australlnd, Orsri, Mshia, Omana, City of Bristol. Sonoma, Ventura. Suva, \\est DalPi-n. Maheno, Makambo, Klwitea iNiapnra. Gisla. Kurow. Waitomo, Remuera B o r en . slcrra Xevadn Cutcomb PnTq,^ 0 / 1 B n°^ en ' ?,J ncm oa, Kaimanawa J? or Sunday Only.—Waipori. **
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 8
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1,481SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 8
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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 8
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