AUCTIONS. A LFRED pUCKLAND & OO.NS, J TD. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Buyers are notified that at all Auction Sales delivery will only be given for CASH unless arrangements for Credit have been previously made with the .Management. 37 M T A- LBEKTAJONDAY, "V-OVEMBER OQ AT 12 NOON. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS, LTD.. Have received instructions from Mr. J. AA'. | SADGROA'E, Mt. Albert, to Sell as above THE AVHOLE OF HIS LIA'E AND DEAD STOCK, -J Q DAIRY COWS, in milk and due to Ass calve. 1 2-YEAR-OLD BULL. 1 '..-MONTHS-OLD HEIFER. 1 CALF. 3 MEDIUM DRAUGT HORSES. 3 25CAVT CART, in good order. 1 J-ton . Curt, Set Cart Harness. Plough. Cooler and Receiver, 3 Buckets. Napier Copper and Sland, Farm Tools. Sundries, etc. Luncheon Provided. 38 TT/AIUKU piG T7ARDS. TJONDAY, -VTOVEMBER QQ AT 12 NOON. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. LTD., ' Will hold their Opening Sale in the above Yards, and will yard about I 400 pig s. BACONERS, PORKERS, STORES AND WEANERS. 39 i J^-.-UKAPAKAPA. TTAUESDAY, JJECEMBER J AT 12 NOON. ALFRED pUCKLAND & gONS, pTD. Have received instructions from MR. FRED . TAYLOR. Kaukapakapa. who is retiring from dairying, to Sell as above, THE WHOLE OF HIS CHOICE DAIRY I . . HERD, ETC. n(\ FIRST-CLASS GRADE JERSEY AW COAVS. In full milk and in calf. 1 PEDIGREE JERSEY BULL, FERNLEIGH APOLLO. 2 FARM HORSES, work anywhere. 4 TAMAVORTH SOAA'S, near farrowing. , i 1 YORKSHIRE SOW. near farrowing. 1 BERKSHIRE BOAR. Light Spring Cart and Harness, Road Scoop. Draining Tools, Single Horse Deeriujr Mower. Planet Jr. Seed Broadcaster. Set Disc and Tine Harrows. 30 Sheets 10ft and 30 Sheets Bft Roofing Iron, 1 Cattle Dog. Blacksmith's Forge, Circular Incubator and Brooder, 63Gal Domo Separator, one 16 and two 12Gal Cream Cans, four new Buckets, Cream . Safe, two S.F. Ploughs, Planet Jr., Hand Seeder, Farm Tools, Sundries, etc Luncheon Provided. 40 J/"AUKAPAKAP-v. rpUESDAY, JJECEMB-ER -J AT 12 NOON. A LFRED pUCKLAND & gONS, J/D-. Have received instructions from MR. FRED TAYLOR, Kaukapakapa. who is retiring from dairying, to Sell as above, THE WHOLE OF HIS CHOICE DAIRY HERD, ETC. On FIRST-CLASS GRADE JERSEY £" COAV". in full milk and in calf. 1 pedigree jersey bull, fern Leigh apollo. 2 FARM HORSES, work anywhere. 4 TAMWORTH SOWS, near farrowing. 1 YORKSHIRE SOAA". near farrowing. 1 BERKSHIRE BOAR. Light Spring Cart and Harness, Road Scop, Draining Tools, Blacksmith's Forge. Circular Incubator and Brooder, 65Gal. Domo Separator, one 16 and two 12Gal. Cream Cans, four new Buckets, Cream Safe, two S.F. Ploughs, Planet Jr., Hand Seeder,, Farm Tools, Sui-Cries, etc. A Luncheon Provided. 35 fJIUAKAU CAL-EYARDS. fJ-HURSDAY, JJECEMBER O AT 12 NOON. -J KA HEAD CATTLE. pUNCIMAN (TUHIMATA). mHURSDAY. JTECEMBER O (Please Note Alteration Date of Sale.) AT 12 NOON. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS, LTD.. Have received instructions from MR. NORMAN H. KEITH. Runciman, to sell on Account of the Bill of Sale Holder, as above, THE WHOLE OF THE LIVE AND DEAD STOCK. 97 DAIRY COWS, in milk and due to Ai • calve. 3 GOOD SPRINGERS. 3 YEARLINGS. 1 BULL. 2 SOWS, to farrow. 1 BOAR. 4 STORES. 2 FARM HORSES, work anywhere. 1 HACK. 1 3-cow Simplex Milking Machine. ..A h.p. Lester Engine, 75gal Globe Separator, 25 cwt Wagon, i-ton Spring Cart, 11 Coulter "McCormick Drill, M.H. Mower, Disc Harrows. S.F. Plough, Reversible Plough. Potato Grubber, Cultivator. Set Tine and Chain Harrows. Clodcrusher. Planet Jr.. Circular Saw, Hayjkreep and Roller. Quantity New Timber. Farm Tools, Sundries, etc. Luncheon Provide.] !2 pAMPBELL QHOAVGROL'NDS, CATURDAY, JJECEMBER g AT 10 A.M. J>RIZE AND pEDIGREE gTOCK, As Exhibited at Show. On Account of MR. W. G. PARK. -J 2-YEAR-OLD CLYDESDALE FILLY. A- "Sunrav's Queen." born November 0. 1923. by Middlerigg Sunray, 1170. Vol. 4: "dam, "Miretta," 1791. Vol. 4. 1 3-YEAR-OLD BROAVN FABRIKOFF GELDING. First Prize at AA'aikato Show. A LFRED JJUCKLAND & CONS, p TD j TX7AIUKU QALEYARDS. "iqTRIDAY, JJECEMBER -J -I (Please Note Alteration Date of Sale.) AT 12 NOON. OAA HEAD CATTLE. (Owing to Friday. December 4. being one of the days of the Auckland Show, we have postponed the above Sale until December 11). 43 i,
Page 7 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 7
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