AUCTIONS. piCHARD . .. T TD., ! AT 206, QUEEN ST., JUST BELOW TONSON GARLICK, ] rjAHURSDAY "JyTEXT, AT -J -J A.M. I gTOCK OF QHINA, Q.LASSWARE, ! Jj\ANCY Q.ODS, rjIOYS, JJOLLS, ETC. NO RESERA~E. JTAHOS. p A RTHUR, AUCTIONEER. OPP. TOWN HALL. 67 . ! N EW C. UBDIV ISION OF THE j pRINCE OF ATTTALES TESTATE, MOUNT ALBERT. V"IGHT A UCTION, JYECEMBER f» AT 7.30 r - M - ---piNE JJTJILDING OITES, F INE _R. UILDING CITES, piNE puiLDING OITES, AT A very low figure. The best buying In Auckland to-day. Also, "V"EW pUNGALOWS. \j E,v . JJUNGALOWS. £100 DFPO«TT £100 DEPOSIT. Plans and full particulars from 1 piCHARD A RTHUR J TD. ptRELIMINARY A NNOUNCEMENT. j piCHARD A RTHUR, J TD., . Acting under instructions -from THE DEVONPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL Wr/LL OFIFER J>T A UCTION, AT THEIR SALEROOMS, OPP. TOWN HALL, On fJAUESDAY, JYECEMBER -Jfr AT 7<3O P.M. 71 Q' tIOICE CITES, *J"1 pHOICE CITES, 71 C HOICE gITES, NARROW NECK. NARROAV NECK. NARROAV NECK. FINE HARBOUR VIEWS, CLOSE TO THE BEACH. Concrete Road Passes the Section. Gas, Water, Electric Light and Drainage. The fine block of land, overlooking the Racecourse and across the Rangitoto Channel, with frontage to Old Lake Road, has been -subdivided, and will be offered in Glasgow Lease, a Lease equal to a Freehold, with revaluation every 21 years. Plans in Course of preparation. piCHARD A RTHUR, J TD.. AUCTIONEER, OPF. TOWN HALL. ' 03 UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT OF NEAV ZEALAND, AT AUCKLAND. AT THE REQUEST OF THE THIRD MORTGAGEE. j R. N. jyj ELVILLE Will Sell by Public Auction, at the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SWANSON STREET, AUCKLAND, oij JjM-lfiAY, _(TH DAY OF JAECEMBER, 1925, AT 2 P.M., ANEW UNOCCUPIED BUNGALOAV, with all modern conveniences, containing 4 rooms, kitchenette and bathroom. Situated at No. 41, VIOLET CRESCENT, PARNELL, and being ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND, containing 22.1 Perches, more or less, being Lot 41 on a plan deposited in the Land Registry Office at Auckland, Under No. 9448, and being portion of Allotment 3 of Section 4, of the Suburbs of Auckland, and the whole of the Land comprised and described in Certificate of Title Volume 406. Folio 180, of the Land Transfer Register Books nt Auckland, subject, however, to Fencing Covenants contained in Transfers Nos. 107483 and 168558, also to Memorandum of Mortgage No. 150136, securing- the principal sum of £600, and Memorandum of Mortgage No. 150328, securing the principal sum of £250 and Interest as respectively set forth in the Memoranda of Mortgage. The Mortgagee's application, and estimate of the value of the land may be seen nt the Office of the Registrar at all reasonable times prior to the Bale, and in the Auction Room at the time, of the sale without payment of any fee. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be inspected at. the Office of Messieurs Melville, Ferner and Broun. Royal Exchange Buildings, O'ConneU Street, Auckland, Solicitors for the third Mortgagee. 3 BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE AS ADMINISTRATOR IN A BANKRUPT ESTATE. rxTEDNESDAY, JYECEMBER O AT -1 -| O'CLOCK. m -jIJANDENO JACKSON, Acting upon instructions, will Sell by' Public Auction, at their Rooms, 9, Commerce Street, Auckland, on the above date, I.—fXHURCH ST. (opposite May St.), TE PAP AP A.—Good Level Building Section, near Fertiliser Works and Te Papapa Station, being Lot 10 of Subdivision of Lots 33 and 34. and AVestern part of 35 of Small Lots near Town of Ouehnnga, having an area of 22. 11 perches, more or less. 2.—/-.HURCH ST. (opposite May St.), TE PAPAPA. —A similar Section to above, being Lot 2 of Subdivision of I-ots 33 and 34, and Western Part of 35 of Small Lots, near Town of Onehunga, having an area of 24.8S perches, more or less. AVENUE, MT. ALBERT. AT NEW. WELL-BUILT, and attracBungalow of 5 rooms, sleeping porch, and replete with all conveniences; bay windows and seats, wardrobes, plaster and beam ceilings, califont, shaving cabinet, p.w.c. to septic tank; electric light, etc. Standing on elevated volcanic section, 32 perches, more or less, and being Lot 14, Flan 17653. being Part Allotment 54. Pretty glimpse of upper reaches of harbour. i-rtSAJfDE AVENUE. MT. ALBERT.— VT CHARMING BUNGALOW (not quite finished), 5 good rooms, and commanding lovely landscape and extensive views of upper harbour, standing on very elevated volcanic section, 32 perches, more or less, being Lot 18, Plan 17682, Part of Allotment 54. 21