. auctions. ~S • ' M OTOE Ci „ S . MOIOE . M °To_ CAB, MOIOB O* • XMAS PRESENTS FOR ALL. ) ~ •J. K. R OB ERTSON, ' JTD J. R. R OB ERTSON, £_~' . WILL SELL AT FISHER'S GARArr- • ,135, DOMINION RD. (Near v.if » ' ..>ear A alley Boad). ON THURSDAY AT O'clock, view at Fisher's Garage:- DOW °<* ,1 S-CYLINDER, 7-passcncer c„i# . | c..., well upho.stTr.f ,gf*g* ' * 'SSSffi. «p°-tdatl- SeatW ' fi »t"Cla s ; 1 NASH 5-seater Touring Carorder, self-starter. AVlll L* »nJt C „ as « and will glye undoubted _&£&*_» 1 HUDSON Phaeton. Worth inspection. 1 I S?i OLDSM °BILE Sports Mode] TM . fast A car suitable for eent'lom^ j with small family. sentlS-ian ~ ~_fTg_^»s__rartt [ c.l. and starter, excellent condition ' j 1 odLKTStß'Cylllldeo d L KTSt 8 ' Cyllllder ' ln «"* 4 1 l S SL TRDCK ' iD good ''** ana These cars can be sold on terms to an proved buyers. Q ap j AUCTIONEER'S NOTE—We will offet any other Motor Cars that anyone wishes at the Auction Sale but they must be AVithout Reserve. _jj Jj E SERVE. \yiTHOUT RESEEVI JJESERV--.' yyiTHOUT JJESERV* fJAHE jgLUE jyjOUNTAINB ' r£HE -gLUE j^TOUNIAINg rpHE "gLUE ]y£OUNTAINB OF ~$ EW 2- EALANDOF ]V BW _ZEALAND. , OF ]YEWV EW _/EALAND. ■yyAITAKERE JjJSTATI mAITAKEEE T.STAIH, T*T A I T A X E R E TASIATI. ATy AITAKEEE' TASIAII "DI A UCTION, "DV A UCTION, Instructed by the WAITAKERB DEVELOPMENT, LTD., T T> ROBERTSON, T TO, T R "ROBERTSON, TTD., WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THEIR ROOMS. QUEEN STREET, (Opp Court's). ON TjIRIDAY, TAECEMBER JTH, XpRIDAY, T-JECEMBER JTH, AT rr P.M. AT rr P.M. VIGHI AUCTION. ■JO- IGHT AUCTION. \XTONDERFUL VyAITAKEBI i SECTIONS. Within Suburban Radius, and Suburbs! Railway Fares. Only few hundred yards from station. Adjoining school Concrete road nearly all the way. Owing to new railway time-table any business man can live here all. the year round, and come to the City each day, and live midst the glorloul health-giving surroundings. NATIVE BUSH AND MOUNTAIN AIR. "pACH SECTION /CONTAINS 1/ ACRE AND QVEB. 500 C LORIOUS gECTIOXS. JSOO G LORIOUS S ECTIOXS I IDEAL TO THE CAMPEB. j SECURE YOUR SECTION FOB XMAS. I Every Section on the Estate commands an excellent panoramic view. The soil is rich semi-volcanic, lies well to the sun, and will grow anything including tomatoes and strawberries. PARENTS— THIS IS NATURE'S NATURAL PLAYGROUND FOR THE KIDDIES. HEALTHY MOUNTAIN AIK. AND DON'T FORGET. WITHOUT RESERVE. EASIEST OF TERMS OEFERED. TJEPOSIT. £ 0 _ DEPOSIT, £5 # NO INTEREST. NO INTEREST. BALANCE 20/ MONTHLY. Call at our Office for Plan and Full Deft"* T p -ROBERTSON, J_ TD " LAND SALESMEN AND AUCTIONEERS' QUEEN STREET (Opp. Court*)
Page 6 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 6
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