SHIPPING. ACROSS fvANADA! COMFORT AND SERVICE OF /CANADIAN -RATIONAL "RAILWAYS. So luxurious are tbe conditions on the New C.N.R. Route that the long journey Across Canada is made as comfortable as in a travelling hoteL DINING, SLEEPING, LIBRARY AND OBSERVATION CARS—RADIO RECEIVING. C.N.R. Service is an outstanding feature. PERFECT ROAD BED. EASIEST GRADIENTS. ALL-STEEL TRAINS FOR YOUR SAFETY. Magnificent Mountain Peaks — Vast Prairies—Sweeping Rivers and Broad Shining Lakes—lnteresting Industrial Centres—Fine Thriving Cities. Free Side Trips and Stop-over Privileges, including "M" lAG AX A -p.AL.LS. Be sure tickets are endorsed "Canadian National."-' In Conjunction with "C.N.R.," the Union Steam Ship Co. of N.Z., Ltd.'s, AORANGI and NIAGARA carry N.Z. Passengers to Vancouver. Tickets from Union Steam Ship Co. of N.Z., Ltd., or Thos. Cook and Son. Free Booklet and all particulars from Canadian National Railways, Ferry Buildings, Auckland. RWS QRIENT T INE — ITO T ONDON. VIA COLOMBO, SUEZ, PORT SAID, NAPLES, TOULON, GIBRALTAR, AND PLYMOUTH. Steamer. Tons. Sails About ORMONDE 14,853 12th Decemher ORMUZ 14,588 26th December ORAMA 20,000 Oth January ORVIETO 12.133 6th February ORONSAY 20,500 3rd March OSTEIt;.EY.... 12,129 17th March First and Third Classes Only. UNION S.S. COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD., Agents for New Zealand. MS AUCTIONS. "jyTULLET T>OAT " "pMERALD.* JUST BEEN OVERHAULED. ■pRIDAY, TTjECEMBER A 9 P.M AT OUR SALEROOMS, 3S, QUEEN ST OCFT. "\TULLET TJOAT, _£U FT . i'A-ULLET ADoAT, " CORSAN " S-H.P. ENGINE. This Boat may be Inspected at Barton's Slip, St. Mary's Bay, complete with Oft 6iri Dinghy. Mainsail, Stnysall and Jib; 35cw1 Pig Iron Ballast, etc., etc. FULL PARTICULARS FROM AUCTIONEER. CASH OR TERMS. /-< EORGE TT7ALKER, AUCTIONEER, 38, QUEEN STREET. 4C mo "DUTLDERS AND /CONTRACTORS /CABINETMAKERS AND /"ATHERS QEORGE VTfALKER, Actinsr under Instructions from MR. A. E. WA KNOCK, Liquidator In an Assigned Estate, WILL SELL BT PUBLIC AUCTION ON THE GROUND. Q1 Q. EORGE CJT., "JJEWJIAHKET, CLOSE TO THE BLIND INSTITUTE. MONDAY VTTEEK, X)ECEMBER rT AT IA O'CLOCK SHARP. rpHE AVT7HOLE QF rpHE pLANT AND "yALUABLE TTP -TO - DATE "YXACHINERY, IN AN ASSIGNED ESTATE. £3000 ~ V ALUE — £3000 INCLUDING QAKLAND Q-SEATER "ArOTOR-CAR. JJENNIS £-TON JUTOTOR-LORRY. JfIORD jVTOTOR-TRUCK. ALSO QUANTITY miMBER: KAURI. RIMU, MATAI. JARRAH. AND TOTARA. ALSO. LOT OF SCAFFOLDING. MOULDINGS. SASHES SASH FRAMES AND DOORS. AND QONCRETE QAVITY "OLOCKS. 00 c S rl^?J S c ASBESTOS, BARROAVS, £s?t^ LS ' PICKS, CROAVBARS, DRILLS. CRAMPS, NUTS AND HOLTS, ETC. DETAILS: JVfAIN jy£ACHINERY JTEMS, WHICH ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 1 " N SYU-H-2?" „'DOCBLB MORTICING MACHINE, Ball Bearing. 6 Assorted Cutters, complete with Grinder (AVilson Bros.. Leeds.) 1 THREE-SIDED PLANING MACHINE complete with Bench. Counter Shape' Full Set of Knives, Sandpaper Drum : S8 Knives. 1 UPRIGHT SPINDLE SHAPING MACHINE, complete with Counter Shane, all Accessories, 4 Knife Heads, 2 Saw Cutters, all Necessary Tools, 1 Saw Plane, 70 Knives. 1 BAND SAAV, 2in x 4in CAP, 2 Spare Saws. 1 SAAV BENCH CIRCULAR SAW, complete with Bench, 10 Saws, Sandpaper Wheel. Squaring Accessory 1 PLANING MACHINE, with Counter Shape. 1 SANDPAPER MACHINE, complete with Bench Top. 1 DOUBLE GRINDSTONE, F. and L. Pulley. Iln Spindle, complete with Plummer Blocks, Knife Sharpening Frame 1 COUNTER SHAFT, with Frame and i>tarings; 15ft x 4Jin Pulleys Drlvine Bft x 3Jln F. and L. Pulleys. 1 10-H.P. ELECTRIC MOTOR, with Starter. v Also, SHAFTING. STEEL AND WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS. Blocks. Beorines, Belting Carpenters' Benches, Builders' Ironmongery, Etc And 1 CONCRETE MINER. 6-H.P. Engine, 450 revs. 2 LIFT CAGES FOR CEMENT. 17 Cement arrows. 8 Wooden Barrows. 1 CRAB WINCH, Single Purchase, 2 Handles. I OIL ENGINE. 8-h.p. 1 GOULD'S PUMP. F. and L. Pulley. NOTE.—The above Plant is one of the jest in Auckland, and there are many lots svhich space will not permit to detail. INSPECTION CAN BE MADE ANY DAY PREVIOUS TO SALE. TERMS: Strictly Cash before Delivery inless arrangements made beforehand at our >fflce. C\ EORGE AnTTALKER, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. SALEROOMS: 3S, QUEEN STREET. •PHONES: 43-357 and 40-144. 41
Page 6 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 6
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