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DECREASE IN TRANSACTIONS. PRICES STILL FIRM. On the average business has been quiet on 'Change during the past Aveek ln spite of the fact that better prices have been offered Tor a number of lines. Prices that have latterly been paid ror somo lines of what may be termed safe stocks, • were so high that the rate of interest returned on the investment is very moderate. It Is not generally considered a good sign when people with money to invest, are ready to accept a loav rate or interest, rather than invest in industrial concerns. Brewery shares had more attention this week, buyers offering 38/6 ror Staples, and 37/ for Mannings. Xew Zealand Breweries recovered the recent decline having sold at 58/, and then up to 60/, with rurther buyers at sixpence under the latter rate. The debenture stock had several sales at 24/9. Several transactions occurred in Colonial Sugar Penning Company shares at £5-!, and a sale was reported in Hauraki Plains 6 per cent debentures at £09 10/. Soldiers 5- per cent loan had several sales at £99 7/0 and £99 10/, and £99 5/, while 4 per cent War Loans, 1938, changed Hands at £96 2/6, and £96 5/. Shares in banking corporations had some attention during the past week. Buyers of Bank or Australasia advanced their offers to £11 yesterday, but this did not lead to business. .National Bank shares also firmed, buyers quoting up to £6 16/, but no sales rollowed, as a selling rale has not been quoted. Bank or New Zealand shares had a number of sales at l'rom 57/3 to 57/6, an advance of sixpence for the week. Union Bank or Australia shares are wanted at £4 18/. Insurance shares are popular at present. Buyers or South British Insurance shares have again raised their price, but 52/3 did not tempt holders. New Zealand Insurance shares are still in steady demand at 37/ and National Insurance could be placed at 78/. Standard Insurance shares arc in steady demand at 47/. Wilsons Cement shares sold at 34/3 and 34/6, and Tonson Garlick, Ltd., at 12/6. Milne and Choyce debenture stock were placed at 23/9, and Auckland Gas shares firmed this week to sales at 22/6, at which rate more could be placed. A transaction was also reported in Guarantee Corporation shares at 9/9. Several lines or Northern S.S. Company's shares were transrerred during the week at 15/8 and 15/9. Buyers or New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency ordinary stock advanced their offers to £94, but the lowest seller asked par. I In coal shares buyers or Pukemiro now | offer 44/, an advance or 2/. Sliare- ' holders in tho Waipa Collieries Company this week received a rerund or 5/ or the capital, and sellers dropped their flguro rrom 22/ to 18/. wool and Timber snares sdoav no change this week. Farmers' Auctioneering- are now wanted at 73/, and New Zealand Rerrlgeratingr contributing: Issue could be placed at 7/i0 while buyers or B prererence shares N.I Auckland Farmers advanced their offers to 0/. A lot or business has been done in \
Kawarau shares from 7/9 down to 6/4 later sales being at 6/6 and 6/7. Wailil shares sold at 23/, at which more lines could be got. Taranaki Oil shares are not so nrm as they were a week ago. Shares ex rights were placed at 20/9 !."*-_-£i ec ?' 21/G - Tlle rl^hts - which a couple or weeks ago sold at 3/, have since been placed at 2/ and 1/6. i BUSINESS DONE. AT TIIE 3.15 P.M. CALL YESTERDAY— Bank of New Zealand £2/17/0 Tarnno.-i Oil iex Rights) (£ll/3) Wilson*. Cement .■ (1/14/6) Kawarau r,/c (forward. 6/7 Soldiers' Loan, Inscribed (£99/5/0) AT THE 10 A.M. CALL TO-DAY— Bank of New Zealand £2/17/0 Oear Meat (£l/19/6) Kawarau 7/y Waihi £i/a /( ; N.Z. Ins. Stock, 1927, 5 p.c. ..(£97/15/0) N.Z. Breweries (deb.) 1/4/10
BANKS— Sellers. Buyers. Commercial 1/13/3 .. — Natloual — .. 0/10/0 New South AA'ales .. — .. 41/15/0 New Zealand — .. 2/l7/:_ Union of Australia .... 15/0'0 .. 14/18 0 INSURANCE— National 4 1/0 .. 3/18/0 New Zealand 1.17/9 .. 1 17/<> South British — ■ .. 2/12/0 Stanuaro — .. 2/7/0 FINANCIAL— N.Z. and River Tlate. 12/0 .. 1/1/C Loan and Mercantile 100 0/0 .. 94/0/0 Loan and Merc, (pref.) — .. 78/0/0 COAI^— Ilikurnngl (pref.) 6/0 .. — I'ukemiro 2/7/6 .. 2'4'0 Taupiri 17/0 .. 16/0 Taupiri (pref.) — .. 1/2/6 AVaipa 1S/0 .. — GAS— Auckland (old) 1/2/0 . .. 1/2/6 Auckland (new. 6 10 .. 0/0 smrpiNG—. Devonport Ferry 1/6/0 .. IH.uddart Parker (ord.) 2 4,0 .. 2/3/0 Northern Steam (p.u.) 16/0 .. 15/0 Northern Steam (cont.) 7/0 .. — P. and O. Deferred .. 255/0/0 .. — U__ic.ii Steam (pref.).. — .. 1/0/0 TIMBER— Kauri Timber '... — .. 1/14/6 National •. 1/3/0 .. Parker, Lamb — .. 1/S/G Rotolti 1/2/0 .. MISCELLANEOUS— British Tobacco — .. 2/3/9 Bycrof t, Ltd 1/10/0 .. C. L. Innes and Co... 1/1/0 .. — C. L Innes (pref.)... 1/1/0 .. Colonial Sugar 53/0/0 .. 52/0/0 Dental Supplies IS '0 .. Dominion Pictures .. 1/0/0 '.'. 17/G Donaghy's Hope — ] i\\ /.; Electrolytic Zinc 1/13/0 \ . 1/12/0 Farmers' Auc 3/17/6 .. 3/12/0 Gear Meat, Ltd — . 1/19/0 Grey and Mcnzles ... — .,' 16/0 Hill nnd Plummer .. — 1/0/3 Theatre Arcade (prof.) — ." m/9 Milne, Choyce, Ltd.. — .. 1/4/0 Milne, Choyce (pref.). — . I/4/0 Milne, Choyce (B pref.) - .. 1/4/0 Milne. Choyce (deb.) — V,V)i, National Pictures.... 15/6 10/0 Xewton King, Ltd... 12/0 Newton King (pref.) IS/6 .*.' — N.Z. Breweries 3/0/0 .. 2/19/3 1-armers' Fertiliser.. 4/10'0 /__«/_" N.Z. Milk Products .. _ " 1/11/n N.Z. Refrlg. (cont.) .. 8/3 " _ N.A. Farmers (B pref.) n/fi '" r. it. Northern Boot 10/0 " ___"'•' Philllpps and Impev. — "' 1 ,0/0 Sanford. Ltd '.. i/ 0 /o " ,.) n I Sanford, Ltd. (pref.) 1/0/6 ".'. 19/9 I Sharland and Co j/4/0 l/o/n S. R. Maxwell and Co. 10/0 ' . li^ Takapuna Trains 14>o Taranaki Oil (cum).:. 1/4/0 " Taranaki Oil fox).... 1/1/3 " -i/om Taranaki Oil (Rights) 2/0 " 1 _2 Thames Theatre 1/0/n "" 1-//0 ■Union Oil _? ° " J*'% AA iseman ani Sons .. 10/0 ' ' _. AVilsoiis Cement __ " i/iio MIXIXG- •• V " /3 Alburnia o/0 1/4 Ka warau 7/0 '' i'.i Komata Reefs ... 0/3 " __ Kuranui j/3 "* Majestic (cont.) .'.' 0/6 " Moanataiari ~ )/n " Mulr's Reef lo'/'o __ l /o Xew VAaiotabi n/-i New AA'aiotahi (cont.l 0/8 "* 0/." Xonpareil .' q/9 ' o/fOhinemuri Mines 4/0 " __ Rising Sun 0/6 AValhi '." 1/3/0 " i/o,-j Waihi Grand Junction 1 _ " n/11 : Zeehan Consolidated.. 3/0 '" S. DEBENTURES— Auck. Gas. 192S. 6} p.c. — 100/0/n Auckland H.B.,5i p.c. 90/0/0 - lJ^___ u /" City Auck., 1940, 5i p.c. 06/10/0 " __■ N.Z. Breweries 1/4/11 .. 1/4/10 WAR LOANS— Loan, 193S, 45 p.c... 80/5/0 .. 96/0/0 Loan, 1927. 5 p.c. ... — .. 0 7/io/» [XSCRIBED STOCK— Ixian, 1938, 5 p.c 07/10/0 .. Loan, 1030, 4$ p.c... 97/0/0 .. 06/5/0 Soldiers, 1933, 5J p.c. 99/10/0 .. —
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 6
Word Count
1,045THE WEEK REVIEWED. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 6
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THE WEEK REVIEWED. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 6
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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