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g_tO_____l__ FOR SA-bg. LfL.\UA_.Oi\, Modern, 5 Rooms, Pt. Cheva- ■*-* lier; built under supervision architect. __.eil, 2i, Coilmgwood St., Ponsonby. TvEVONPORT. — Modern Bungalow,. 6 -As rooms, glassed sleeping porch ; extensive view harbour, few minutes ferry ; owner transferred. —Inquire Star. 620 OXE TREE HlLL.—Modern Bungalow; cash offer above; Government- mortgage of £730 wanted.—lnquire STAR. 615 -P !_"__. DEPOSIT—Dainty Bungalow, 4 <->-'_H-IU roonis, kitchenette; £1175.— 1 nlv La I'.euu. Dorset St.. AA es.lucre Estate. .(/OfT.'r — WORKER'S CHANCE—WeekIy cvO I O expenses, p. and 1.. rates and insurance, only 30/ : compact little home, every cony. ; lovely section ; low deposit : vacant, pi ssession. -- Tozer and Tozer. Dominion Rd. Terminus. 122 ■C'QQft —CHEAPEST Home in Auckland— f~*si/\J {.onr cosy rooms and kitchenette, pnnelled hall, c.1.", drainage : just completed : handy Dominion Rd. trams. Low deposit.—Tozer and Tozer. Dominion Rd. Terminus. 122 MT ALBERT DISTRICT. X.EAV BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, And I.itch-nette. porcelain bath and basin. p.w.c., califont. gas cooker, open fire, electric lis'it: built-in warlrobe. linelipi'PSS. binns: bow leadlight window: high section. l-5.1i acre, no stone; aniius. walk 3rd tra'-i section. Price, £1175. Small deposit, balance arrangel as rent. PHOXE 46-46,-). rp A X A P U X A B E A C H. MODERN' SIX-ROOMED BUXGALOAV, Large sun porch, every possible convenience ; garage, lawns, garden : glorious views of gulf nnd ocean. Section 66ft x 200 ft. Owner leaving Auckland, and though property really worth £2500, will accept £1875. A real bargain. AVrite OWXER, G.P.O. Box 1511, City. MAKE AN OFFER. NO PRICE FIXED. T3UT YOUR OWN" PRICE on this Prox periy, and hand same in to us on or before DECEMBER 2. 1925 (Xoon). Obtain tiie key from us ANYTIME DURING THE AVEEK. The House will also be opened for inspection THIS and NEXT SATURDAY Afternoons from 2 P.M. lo 5 P.M. This House MUST BE SOLD before December 6. and may be had at YOUR OWN' PRICE. There Is a mortgage for £800 at 7 per cent, for 5 YEARS, repnyable in part or whole on any quarter any. LEGAL EXPENSES WILL BE SMALL. Terms: CASH
OVER MORTGAGE. The House is situated on Section 170, CUMBERLAND AVENUE. AVESTMERE ESTATE, GREY LYNN. The House is a NEAV 5-ROOMED BUNGALOAV with SLEEPING PORCH. ANGULAR WINDOW in front with LEADLIGHTS, FANLIGHTS, and is built in FIRST-CLASS STYLE, excellent finish. ARTISTIC wallpapers, picture rails, plate rails. etc. McCLARY ELECTRIC COOKER; ELECTRIC HOT AVATER SERVICE. ELECTRIC LIGHT throughout, including points for IROX and RADIATOR. Floors of 2 front rooms have been ?.122,T" ED OFF BY NEW ELECTRIC PROCESS and are ready for first-class polish : pore, bathath and basin ; linenpress, cupboards, buffet, bins, drawers, etc.. etc.: back verandah ; sewer drained, and IMMEDIATE POSSESSION" can be secured. EXPERTS invited to inspect. ' The property is fenced, stands elevated, nnd is within 6 minutes from trams or buses. 15 MINUTES from city. This is a GRAXD OPPORTUNITY of securing a nonie at YOUR OWN PRICE.
JOHN GRAHAM AND CO., (Members Land Agents' Association), 15, 16, 17, EXCHANGE LANE, Opp. Fort Street. 'Phone 41-424. £10 DEPOSIT. i ivf- S.-.fß' The above Deposit paid on AAL BLILD. a SECTION IS ALL YOi u-r m-.H, -T KED t0 P a - V ' You c " n J.-,- „.. H' t hen se eme a FIRST-CLASS iv.; ISJfS- UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW Jvi- SJ.J. S' on S . ueb eas y terms that ap-m-E nV-iVR' P roxlln ately your weekly «-!- SJ.J.'P- rent wlu amount to ONLY AAE BUILD. 20/ to 25/ PER WEEK w-P l£mR a SSS.JP 8 and discover the AAE BLI1%). EASIEST, CHEAPEST and BEST POSSIBLE WAY "o AAE BUILD, secure a HOME OF Y(_TTi_ WF luViVr?- ow *-LL INFORMATION AA L BUILD. FREE OF COST. N.B.—Open FRIDAY, 7 to 0 p.m. See JOHN GRAHAM, BuUding Manager. . JOHN GRAHAM AND CO., BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, 15, 10, 17, EXCHANGE LANE. 'Phone 41-424. CHEAP HOMES ON EASY TERMS. .£l5O r DEPOSIT—NEAR THREE •cWJ-_n/ LAMPS.—Substantial House, 5 good roonis. pantry nnd bathroom, ga« water, city drainage, electric light; all in .«_l"A op , order - Valuable Section, 40 x l-Wt, elevated, good outlook Concrete paths. Price, £1050, £150 cash. (B 000k) 4_?FO\ HELIER'S BAY.— ~i_» v Very desirable House, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, living-room and kitchen: good hot water.service, electric light. Nice See-
tion, 00 x 130 ft. Price, £1200, £50 denoslt - (B 1035 a) £1 DEPOSIT.—EDENDALE CAR cwxt»v LlNE.—Nice Xew Bungalow, 4 i good rooms, porcelain bath, electric light, I hot/ and cold water, wardrobes and cupboards. Splendid Section of land. Price, £1150, £150 cash. (B 208e) £200 CASH.—MT. EDEX. Grange Rd. c-y--*v.\j Desirable 6-Roomed House, draw-ing-room, dining-room, 3 bedrooms, kitchenette,, gas stove, cupboards, bathroom, porcelain bath, basin, and califont, washhouse copper and tubs; sewer drainage; electric light, etc. Reaiiy good Section 55 y 170 ft. Price, £1400. £200 cash. (A 701) -P*?00 C ASH—MT. ALBERT.—Choice ow—w Healthy Positiou, 2min. from bus. Fine Xew Bungalow, 5 capital rooms electric hot water and light. balcony, plaster dome ceiling, all convs.; motor garage. Good Section, 52 x 151 ft, nicely elevated, volcanic and sunny. Lawns back and front, and good vegetable garden •This is "VALUE." All blinds, curtains etc., included at £1475; £200 cash. <B 4»oat T. MANDENO JACKSON, 9, COMMERCE STREET, AUCKLAXD. REMUERA. GOVT. MORTGAGE, £925. HIGHLY ELEVATED MODERN" BUNGALOAA". of 5 Rooms and S coning Porch. Bathroom p.b. and b. built-in buffet aud wardrobes, electric light and till modern conveniences. Everything i:i firstclass order. SECTION IX LAAVNS. back aud front, concrete paths and fowlruu. , Glorious landscape views. TOTAL COST, including Principal and Interest on Government Mortgage, is oulv £5 3/ Per Month. PRICE REDUCED TO £1550 FOR QUICK SALE. ! GOOD TERMS TO APPROVED BUYER. SOLE AGENTS, H. BALL AND CO., ENDEAN'S BUILDINGS (Ground Floor). .Phone 44-544. )
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 4
Word Count
938Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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