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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. A BOLT Epsom Bungalows and Sections. x"x eousu.t _•.. T. Fowler, 'the Epsom A.ent." uieeiiv, ou.i's Loruer. ___; A TTRACTTA'E 12-roomed, o_lconied Resixx deuce; freehold; Grafton; modern _unv_; garage; large suction. —AA'rite S. 3-03. Star. pARFouT, Newmarket, for Remuera, A-* Epsom, and Green Lane Properties. Coloured Mup of District Supplied Free. C BAYSAVATER — Xew Rough-cast Solid Concrete Bungalow, 0 rooms, modern convs. ; corner section ; splendid view, above wharf.—Telephone 43-909. pELMOr.'T, Takapuna, overlooking RangiAs toto Chanuvl. —Modern 4-roomed Bungalow, just completed; every convenience. — | 1.r.1c It 5141. star. B I pll.i_i_-._i_-._D —House, 5 rooms, 2 acres ; As __ i,,,,,,. e.ty; £7.50, cash £4.o.—AVrite ■ . 4 _,■>.. Stak, pUCKLAND'S BEACH—To Let. or for [As Saie—Furn. 4-roomed Cottage; garage, I wash ii o use.—l'll cue 2..-. 78. C BUNGALOW, 4 rooms; £20 deposit: Price -I.ii): Te i'apapa and l'eurose. —I'hone | 20-3 SI. i |>i"NGALOW. 4-1050, small deposit; 4 A A vooius. IS :; 12, 17 s 12.—Builder, 19, j Volcanic st.. Dominion Rd. Terminus. ! / -ITY—-£SO Deposit, balance £525—4 j *--' Rooms, electric Lght, washhouse, etc. I Thomas, boll Maiche. I \EVONPORT—Semi-Bungalow, built 2 A-s years : 5 large rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, bath, basin. c.L, gas, 'phone, I water, drainage, concrete garage ; elevated I level section, 55 x 192; woraer's mortgage, £070. I'rice £1250, deposit £250, ! unuiuce arranged. —Owner, 101, Victoria ! Rd.. De___t_po__t_ L'i'-iU.Vi, Cornwall Park Avenue — A-A ..Roomed Douse; usual convs. — Apply Xo. l, Illghwic Avenue, Epsom. PPSOM Dome, concrete foundation, 6 xx roonis. sleeping porch, electric light, range, hot. cold water. Garage. Good Level Section, 55 X 198; lawn, fruit and garden. Offer wanted.—ss. Empire Rd. GRAFTON (adjacent Domain).—7 Rooms, kitchenette ; all modern conveniences ; .2100—McLean. 519. X.Z. Insurance Bldgs. TTERXi: p,A\" AVATERFRONT—2-storey AA 8-roomed Gentleman's Residence, 4 bedrooms. 2 p.w.e.'s: balconies: lo\ely views: .-acre laud: motor garage; perfect home: everything the best.—AY. BALLARD. 14. __________• I-ane. TTOUSE. 5 rooms, second section. Pon-A--A so 11 by ; close bus nnd tram; £250 deposit.—AVrite B. 5279. Star. 41 TTuUTCI- —Sound Cottage, 3 rooms, XJ - plainly furnished: large verandah: 2 minutes beach : £575, terms, —Fiirncll. ■Iprsev St.. Newton. 'Pbone ________ B TMMEDIATE Possession — Rough-east A Bungalow, mud. convs.; 5 rooms, workshop, basement, concrete garage, garden; near tram stop, post office, school, convent. public library..—Apply owner, 1. Beaconslield St., Grey Lynn. "VTEW LYNN—4-roomed House : accept x~ cash or elevated Tifringi Section as ir.—Write S. 44.30. Star. IV'EAV LVXX—3-Rd. Modern Bungalow. —•> garage. smins. station: £1050; deposit £50: no agents.—Write S. 4571, Star.
T)APATOETOE—House. 5 roonis and eon A. yeniences- ? acre; ncr school: price fSOO; terms.—AVrite S. -1010. 'Star. TJOXSOXBY--0 Rooms, convs., concrete A _ patlis, c.L. motor garage: elevated: ill ".li or near offer: terms: owner must si''i - no nircius,—lnquire Star. (502 "OKMUERA.—Bargain. Owner 1 leaving. 7 A* good Rooms, all convs.. fine outlook: for quick Sale : £1800 or near offer.—Par- __________ at Kt_i_y__ 21. Shorl'.-ind St. rpo HOME SEEKERS—Mount Albert— -A House, marly completed, near trams, all convs. : electric hot water service; 0 large rooms, built-in sideboard : easy terms and price.—Apply H. REAGLEY, Alexandra Avenue. Mount Albert. TJXTIL Christmas — Beautiful Farmlet. x good position. Builders, speculators, your chance: deposit £Soo.—Particulars, write S., 4013. Star. •^"'100 —-^ Bungalow, 4 rooms, convs.. ?~A-.\J\J overlooking water, Parnell. Balance £ 975.--2S, BeKvue Rd., Mt. Eden. C _P7"Kn —COTTAGE. 4 roonis. Glasgow ,-J- I ../.. j, a EUerslie : level section : "" 'hpr-d.—AVrite B. 5242. Star. -B A VOXDALE AXD NEW LYNX. 15/ Interest. 10/ Principal. UPSTANDING NEAV BUNGALOWS, bath washhouse. all convs.. electric ligh*. city witter, drainage. Three minutes station, motor bus service. £650 to £725. including section. £50 deposit or as arranged. Three sohl in three weeks. BEN BOLLARD. Irvine's Chambers. 82. Queen Street. B A YACHTSMAN'S PARADISE. xA HERNE BAY. Sandy beach, with overhanging pohutnkawa trees. Salt- bathing. Boatshed, skids nnd winch. Large Section, laid out with .limbs, native trees, choice roses, and variety of other (lowering plaiits. Plenty of fruit. House of (i rooms, built of kauri. w:lh all conveniences. Garage, etc. ±'.'.SCO or Offer. AVrite S. 5010. STAR. P. ODES. £l U P E R I O R. T AVILL BUILD THREE HOMES, each A- having 3 bedrooms lor smaller, it' desired), supplemented with dining room. kitchen, ami re;,lot c with every possible eoincnience. i.e.. c.1.. p. b. and b.. etc, fin£lloo. on £150 deposit. Locality is good; short distance Hams. Balance payable as rent. AVRITE B. 5274, STAR. / > itEENWOOD'S CORNER—FINE NEAV BUNGALOAV OF 6 LARGE ROOMS. Every Modern Convenience. One Minute to Trams. High Position. Lawns and Paths. I'RICE, £1775. Ring Evenings. "Phone 20-343.
JJ A P A T O E T O E. NEAV HOUSE, FOUR ROOMS. Bathroom, porcelain b. and b., wash-house, copper aud tubs: nearly J-acre section, flowers, vegetables and fruit trees : motor garage ; c.L and gas will be put in ; smins. from station. PRICE £950. Terms Arranged. Second House on left. SHIRLEY ROAD. CtEASIDE Home or Excellent ' Boarding •■— Establishment: rising seaside resort. Upper Harbour—s Rooms, verandah back and front: storeroom, dairy, conveniences: fruit trees, hedges, garden : cottage, 3 rooms permanently let, 15/ week: _;j acres; right of way to beach: beautiful views; native bush, boating, fishing, etc.: only 30 mins. city: 10 buses. 5 boats encn way per day: 3 mins' wharf: more'land and six cottages could be bought if required. Price, the lot, £1450.—AVrite S. 5036. STAR. "vrOUXT i LBERT. THE BEST PROPOSITION OX THE MARKET TO-DAY. BEAUTIFULLY-BUILT BUXGALOAV of 5 large. lofty rooms, with large, square sitMmr hall and kitchenette: electric light and hot water service; every possible modern appointment. Section, half-acre. I magnificently laid out in terraced lawns, gardens, fruit trees, fowlrun. etc., etc. F'jur minutes two trams. Verandah and window blinds, and "many other extra fittings included. Owner desirous returning England, will sacrifice £1500 or near offer. Very reasonable terms. C.LL AND SEE US ABOUT THIS. IF YOU WANT A BARGAIN, HERE IT IS. T AND Q,ALES, TTD., 3. AVIXSTONE BLDGS.. AUC-JXAN_y MOUNT EDEN. "jVTEW BUNGALOAV OF 0 ROOMS, every xA modern convenience, splendidly built. Beautifully designed nud finished. VOLCANIC CORNER SECTION, splendid position, near cars. I'RICE .fclSso. GOOD TERMS. MOUNT ALBERT. . TAELIGIITFUL NEAV BUNGALOW OF 4 I ROOMS nnd Kitchenette, with every niodo.,. copy. THIS IS THE BEST D^-U-v N ,E?_I- OME Of ITS CLASS THAT iT^-,t ,AA,E INSPECTED. The kitchenette lis unique. SECTION. Fine PRICE £1300. GOOD TERMS. LTD., "'UI.TLAND STREET. . £
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 4
Word Count
1,030Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 4
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