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TO LET. pOOMS (3), 119, Symonds St.—-Apply 144 j *_____. __________ St. (near Lyric). TJOOMS (4), elf-contalued, gas stove, c.l.— Ail l±T, Crummer Rd., Grey Lynu. KOOMS (5), kitchenette, all convs.; Heme Bay.—Apply 108, Victoria' St. pOOMS (2), furn., sep. stove, meter; 20/ ; J -* ) adults. —12, v Colliugwood St., Ponsouby. "DOOMS to Let, suitable for ofllces, dentist ** or tea rooms, Karangahape Rd., near Pitt St.—Apply Public Trust Office. 7? CCEASIDE Apartment House, S rooms, 2 ->-* storey, furn., beautiful views harbour. "Possession," P.O. Box, 08. SEASIDE Cottage, Murray's Bay; fully furnished; holiday season; refs. required. Apply Seaside, P.O. Box 634. OEASIDE.—Bays-water, adjoining beach — I*-* Furn. House, six weeks or longer, from Dee. 19 ; moderate.—Write S. 5200, Star. ! CU-ASIDE Bungalow, furnished, 3 rooms, | *-* kitchenette, sleeping porch; bathing, I fishing; refs. required ; i'4.—AVrite S. 5004, Star. SHOP to Let or Lease, best position, Albery St.—lnquire Star. ___• ] CMIOP. 2 Living Rooms and Kitchenette. I *-* furn; Ist section, Parnell; rent 50/. — i -'none 41-530. j ©HOP, 20 x 90, best part Albert St.: I *-> plate glass front.—Gummer, 44, Albert St.. near Swanson St. CJHOP, Karangahape Rd., business end; ~ double front, back entrance. —Jennings, 12. Brunswick Bh'.gs.. Queen St. CJIfOP, brick, nnd living rooms, central position, Onehunga.—Particulars Carlton Land Agency, Onehunga. Phone 12-484. 82 CJTANLEY BAY.—Up-to-date Furn. House, j ►-' close jetty, beach; from Dec. 13 to I end January.—lnquire Star. 600 SJTANLEY PT.—6 Rooms, all convs.; good harbour view; 40/ payable advance.—Robertson Bros. (Auckland). Ltd.. Quay St. 3G .TAAKAPUXA —Furn. Bungalow, near bench, A- 2 weeks from Jan. 2.—AA'rite S. -5031, Star. . rpAKAPUNA—Furn. House, 4 mins. I-x beach, for fortnight, from January 9, j 192G: £2 10/—AVrite S. 4033. Star. rTUKAPUXA—Furn. Cottage, all convs.; ■A handy beach, tram ; any term.—67, ! I-nke Rd.. Takapuna. Phone 41-130. I rpAKAPUNA. —IFuru. House for holidays, | -*- every cony. ; handy beach and tram.-— Anply 67. Lake Rd. j rTUUI.A_.GA—6-Roomed Town House, fur|A- nlshed, all convs.; use cow and fowls : terms. £4 4/ : refs.—C. J. Tuck. Tauranga. 47 !r TSO Let or Lease. —Office Room, divided ,-A into 2 compartments: Bank of N.Z. Buildings. Swanson St.—Apply Bank of New Zealand. 216 i "YTTCINTTY Museum—Lock-up Garage.— ' Annly First Floor. 31. Shortland St. I "VTILLA, 4 rooms, bathroom, kitchenette. I ~ Marama Aye.. Epsom: 50/ week.— Phone 24-238. WAIHEKE. small ' beach, ocean side— furn. Cottage, living room, three bedrooms. 2 sleeping porches: use of boat; seaside.—'AA'rite S. 5122. Star. ; A ROOMS and kitchenette, furn.. own rnngp, meter, sleeping porch ; adults. — j 64. Albany Rd.. Ponsonby. 38 _|_-ROOMED Cottage, corner Bunnythorne I * and AA'airoa Rds.. Papakura : handy 'to T-ailwny station.—Apply Public Trust OMice. Albert St. 100 X ROOMS including kitchen, etc.. of *s 6-roomed House, all convs. : rent 38/. — C-rroicK-. SO, (__en T.ene Rd. _13 TAOMINTOX ROAD Terminus—Furnished | ■*-■' House. 5 rnnms. c.1., drainage ; £3 10/ j weekly to good tenon.. TOZER AND TOZER. ! Dominion Road Terminus. 123 QUEEN STREET SHOP. j Modern. Good Position. j Moderate Rental. j NEVILLE NEWCOMB, LTD.. I His Majesty's Arcade. i QUEEN STREET SHOP. GOOD CENTRAL POSITION. j POSSESSION GIVEN IX A FEAV DAYS TIME. j A. T. LOXG AXD CO., I Jewellers, 234, Queen Street. "AJTT. EDEN FAIR-VIEW ROAD. FURNISHED RESIDENCE OF SIXROOMS, and every- convenience. Garden, tennis lawn, fowl run, elee. light. Lens. li months. £1 week. ! BAKER AND SWAN, | Lister Building, j Victoria Street. East. 296 _j_ i v f o it i) MODERN 6-ROOMED BUNGALOW, furnished, close to beach, trams and motor bus. Splendid sea view. Three bedrooms and sleeping porch. Motor garage amid telephone. Rent. 6 guineas per week. Available from December 19 for 1 month to approved tenant. ■ [ Apply BOX 147. G.P.0.. AUCKLAND. rpi A X A P U X A. FURNISHED. SELF' CONTAINED ■ FLAT. I For Six Weeks from December 20. \ Private Access to Beach. 1 £5 10/ to Approved Tenant Only. I T. McIXDOE AXD .SON. ! Land and Estate Agents, i 03, (.1 -KEN ST. m E N A X T S It E QUIRE D. ELLERSLIE 7-ROOMED .HOUSE. PARNEI.I 7-ROOMED HOUSE. ; On far Line. ! £2 s'. EPSOM, ROYAL OAK 0-ROOMED BUNGALOAV 1 35/. EPSOM - GILLIES AVENUE - 3RD i SECTION. . GROOMED BUNGALOW. j £3 3. j Q.EO gAYERS AXD CONS, : 10, VULCAN LANE. is:', rg O L E T. No matter where you want that HOME CO LET, we can suit you. ! A few from the many on our lists : UNFURNISHED, i _ Weekly. Remuera Rd., Remuera—s Rooms .-,ll' Bnrgfss Rd., Devonport—s Rooms .. 42/ Glen ltd.. Remuera—s Rooms . 55' King George Aye.. Epsom- li Rooms r,n Selliourne Rd.. Grey Lvnn—s Rooms 47 (i Hastings Rd.. Remuera'— <i Rooms .. ...-»/ Anglesea St.. Ponsonby—lo Rooms .. in Landscape Rd., Mt. Eden—s Rooms . 45/ wood Aye., Mt. Albert—l Rooms ..' Cameron St.. Devonport—7 Rooms.. 45/ Warwick Aye., Westmcn—4 Rooms.. 40/ M.. Smart Rd., Royal Dak—.". Rooms 35/ Maybeck Rd., M.t. Albert—7 Rooms. . 05/ East Coast ltd., Milford —4 Rooms . . 35/ Cooper St.. Grey Lynn—4 R00m5.... 45 Manukau Rd., Avondale —4 Rooms .. .'!."> • Claremont St., Xewmarket—9 Rooms (10/ Olanville Ter., Parnell — 7 Rooms ... 45/ I AA'alker Rd., rt. Chevalier—4 Rooms 35/ i FURNISHED. ! Morsden Aye.. Mt. Eden—s Rooms .. "<)/ i Landscape Rd.. Mt. Eoen—B i-ooms. . SO/ Seatield A'iew Rd., Grafton—6 Rooms 05/ Windmill Rd., Mt. Eden—o Rooms . . 75. Warrington Rd., Remuera—s Rooms, (ill/ Kenyou Aye., Mt. Eden—7 Rooms .. 80 Eglington Aye., Mt. Eden—7 Roonis 7n/ The Strand, Ta .apuna—7 Rooms . . . tin,' Rawbitiroa Rd., Kohimararua—s Rins. 50/ Wright Rd., Pt. Chevalier—s Roonis. . (in/ Clover Xook Rd., Epsdm—7 Rooms . . 70' Ilurstmere ltd., Takapuna—B Rooms Do/ Seccombe's Rd., Mt. Eden—s Rooms. . GO/ OFFICES in Symonds Street and City | from 12/6 weekly. FLOOR SPACE, Symonds Street and City. from 70/ weekly. YTHLLIAM A TTORXE, T TD., " THE LAND MAN," Cr. HIGH STREET sad VULC__N rx_xi;^ i-LTCKLANQ.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 3
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937Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 282, 28 November 1925, Page 3
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